Great Artist

Chapter 1624: original story


For a script, there are many sources, but basically there are two types, original and adaptation. The so-called original is like a towering building rising from the ground; and the so-called adaptation is to use one's imagination on a frame structure.

Evan Bell has tried original scripts "The King's Speech" and "Avatar" but unfortunately both ended in failure, these two scripts are still lying in his drawer. A script contains dialogues, scenes, characters' emotions, etc. It is not easy to express a huge story in words.

When Evan Bell tried the script, he was only six years old. He thought that he could kill the Quartet by relying on the memory of his previous life, but the ideal was full and the reality was skinny, and he did not succeed. Since starting to adapt the script, Evan-Bell has become more and more aware of the difficulty of creating a story, and realized that he wanted to create a script when he was ignorant and ignorant. Now it becomes more and more ridiculous to think about it.

Starting from "Mysterious Skin", to "Brokenback Mountain Little "Perfume" and "Wild Survival", Bell tried to adapt these novels and stories into movie scripts with his own brushstrokes. Undoubtedly, the most difficult of them is Because "Brokeback Mountain" is a short story, you must continue to add your own understanding of the story to enrich the whole story: of course, "perfume" is not an easy adaptation process. To materialize a huge world of smells, consume Evan Bell has a lot of energy.

Evan Bell, one step at a time, is constantly learning on the road of adapting the script. When "Brokeback Mountain" and "Perfume" won the Oscar for the best adaptation of the screenplay, it was the biggest recognition for Evan Bell. . But now, Evan Bell wants to challenge a new field--obviously, things worth challenging have been emerging in an endless stream recently, making Evan Bell's life full of surprises—original script.

Creating an original script means that the entry point of the story, the shaping of the characters, the clues and the framework, all need to start from scratch for Evan Bell. Of course, Evan Bell's inspiration came from Jupiter, at least he had enough inspiration for the heroine, but this is still not an easy job.

In fact, stories about pregnancy have sprung up in the past six months or a year. For example, Anne Hathaway's "Big Belly Overnight", which was rejected before, is about a workplace that just passed her twenty-fourth birthday. Stories of women who get pregnant unintentionally because of one-night stands: For example, "April Three Weeks Two Days", which landed at the Shana Film Festival last week, tells of a schoolgirl who insisted on having an abortion when Romanian law still made abortion illegal. The operation resulted in a series of terrible consequences, and finally the film won the Palme d'Or at this year's Shana Film Festival: Another example is the story of "Waiter" that landed at the Sundance Film Festival at the beginning of the year. The story of the waitress who was about to divorce was unexpectedly She found out that she was pregnant, and while she couldn't get rid of her husband's entanglement, she fell in love with the gynecologist who just came to the town...

Each film has different entry points, but they have a common theme, that is, the heroine is pregnant unintentionally. What should I do with this unexpected child, and what will happen to their lives? influences. "Big Belly Overnight" is a comedy. Pregnancy is actually not a problem. The focus is on the accompanying jokes. The dark color of "Three Weeks and Two Days in April" is very dark, and it restores the historical situation of Romania on the eve of the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, which is very profound : "The Waitress" is a light comedy that focuses on the ups and downs of the heroine's feelings and the hope brought by the child.

It can be said that the story that Evan-Bell wants to create is different from other pregnancy stories. Evan-Bell hopes to give this story more vitality and sunshine to make teenage pregnancy easier, but And it is not only easy: it does not deliberately promote any slogans of love and gifts, but it is able to hide all intentions and depths in details.

In fact, Jupiter's story reminds Evan Bell of a movie "Juno" from a previous life.

The movie "Juno" will never be forgotten by Aegis Bell, although he has never been able to see the movie from beginning to end. Evan Bell clearly remembers that "Juno" was released at the end of the year, and then the heroine Ellen Page won the Oscar nomination for her wonderful performance in this film, and that time the film was nominated. The post-competition was also unprecedentedly chaotic, and finally the actress Marion-Cotillard from France won the title of Best Actress by relying on her wonderful performance in "Life of a Rose".

The reason why Evan Bell remembers it so clearly is first because Marion Cotillard and Ellen Page had cooperated in Christopher Nolan's classic masterpiece "Inception", and the media continued to The relationship between the two of them competing for actresses before being hyped and then cooperating in the same work is impressive; the second is because the movie "Juno" was not released in the Mainland of China. When Bell went to New York on a business trip in January of the following year, he planned to watch this highly sought-after work, but in the end, because of the accidental death of Heath Ledger, he immediately rushed to the scene to grab the news, but he didn't. Being able to see the movie "Juno", and the death of Heath Ledger on January 22, 2010, also caused a sensation around the world.

Under the influence of many aspects, although Evan Bell has not seen "Juno", he is very impressed with this movie.

In fact, if you want to summarize the story of "Juno", it is very simple, it is a matter of one sentence: a young girl in the season, an unexpected pregnancy, with the help of her friends and parents, she experienced a journey to adulthood in her own unique way. the only way to go. But this film won countless praises in the past, and the most memorable one for Evan Bell is the title of "this year's 'Little Sunshine'", which is enough to see the popularity of the film industry.

The dog Bell couldn't help but wonder whether the story of "Juno" is similar to that of Jupiter's, and what is the difference; whether the story he is about to create is similar to the "Juno" in his previous life. If "Juno" is going to be released in December this year according to the trajectory of the past life, then at this point in time, even if the film has not finished post-production, it is at least being shot. Then Evan Bell's "creativity" is no longer creative, and the work has become a follower, or even plagiarism.

Thinking of this, Evan Bell couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. He finally came up with a good idea and wanted to create a script, but found that the time was too late, which was really shocking.

But things are uncertain. After the rebirth of the little butterfly Evan Bell, many things have changed, and everything has variables. Evan-Bell decided to call the screenwriters, actors, and directors' unions to confirm whether the filming of "Juno" has started. If the answer is yes, then Evan-Bell can only be with his first Say goodbye to the original script, and look forward to the next burst of inspiration; if the answer is no, then maybe fate is calling, and this story is destined to belong to Evan Bell.

After the wedding reception, Evan Bell greeted Jupiter and Eden Hudson respectively, and then went to the lounge to make a phone call.

This kind of mood is very uneasy, as if waiting for the result of my college entrance examination score. Evan Bell couldn't help but wonder if he should finish the two scripts of "The King's Speech" and "Avatar", and take the lead. But looking back, at least don't think about "Avatar", because James Cameron has already been filming this masterpiece, and it is estimated that it will not be long before it is finished. Of course, post-production requires a lot of time. It takes a long time; and even if "The King's Speech" is to be created, Evan Bell can't write down every line silently. He still has to re-create it according to the frame in his mind and then according to his own style... So, things are actually back to where they started.

Bell has to admit that even if he is reborn, many times things still need a little luck. Many virtues, what is yours is yours, and what is not yours is still not yours. This reminded Evan Bell of the frustration of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button..." and couldn't help but pouted.

But the good news came soon. The answer from the Directors Guild, Writers Guild, and Actors Guild was that there is currently no work called "Juno" being filmed.' And Ellen Page is currently There is also no work being filmed, which makes Evan Bell confused. Could it be that the work of "Juno" has not started shooting at all because of its butterfly effect? Then Evan-Bell called the producers' union and reconfirmed that the result was still the same.

Evan-Bell even used his relationship to make a phone call to Fox Searchlight—this was the investment firm of "Juno" in his last life.' But Fox Searchlight still gave a negative [answer], and they thought that Evans Wen - Bell is going to shoot a new work called "Juno", Fox Searchlight actively expressed that they are willing to buy the distribution rights of this in the United States and Eleven Studios to release together.

This makes Evan - Bell dumbfounded.

After Evan Bell hung up the phone, he was stunned. Was the movie "Juno" destined to wait for him to start shooting? This is too mysterious. It seems that rebirth still has a little benefit, at least for Evan Bell.

Well, since that's the case, Evan Bell felt that the name of the heroine's name Jupiter is too domineering, or it's better to call it "Juno". The name Juno is actually the name of Zeus' wife, so it echoes with Jupiter, which is very suitable. What kind of vitality will "Juno" show in his hands this time? Evan Bell has begun to jump for joy.

What is surprising is that Evan Bell has not even started to write the script, and Fox Searchlight has already reported inside information, Evan Bell's latest work "Juno". This was unexpected.

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