Great Artist

Chapter 1677: 2 Probing the wind

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"The 'Prison Break' series was produced by our company and Fox, so we discussed the relevant content of the series together. At present, we have some disagreements about the future development curve of the series." Vin-Bell said very generously, "Of course, we all still hope that the series can develop healthily, which is the most important thing for the audience, isn't it?"

"Isn't the distribution of benefits uneven?" An abrupt voice jumped out. It was a reporter from The Seattle Times, and he was also one of the rookies just now.

Hearing this, Evan Bell still had a smile on his face, "Oh, is that so?" The rhythm of the speech was not fast, but it raised a small arc, causing the reporters on the scene to shudder involuntarily. , The rookie reporter of the "Seattle Times", as the direct bearer of his eyes, couldn't help being a little grand. He never imagined that Evan Bell was smiling one second, and the next second would become so scary. "If this is the case, then I really don't know. I hope that the "Seattle Times" can tell me after the insider report. I can't be more grateful."

The reporters present couldn't help laughing when Evan Bell said this. It seems that the "Seattle Times" has provoked Evan Bell this time. The disaster of the peers is the luck of others, but everyone is holding the mentality of watching a good show.

The rookie reporter of "Seattle Times" couldn't react. He opened his mouth to refute, but he couldn't organize the appropriate language for a while, and blurted out, "If not, why is Eleven Studio willing to give up 'jailbreak' What about such an excellent drama?" In fact, if you change the way of asking, this question is very appropriate, to further press Evan Bell, and hope he can respond positively. But the point is that the rookie reporter's tone is more aggressive, and the focus of his words still seems to be entangled in the distribution of interests, which makes the atmosphere of the scene a little subtle.

Evan Bell raised his eyebrows, "I personally think being an actor is also a good choice. Why don't you come to be an actor, but choose to be a reporter?" To the face of the roar of laughter.

This time, another reporter was about to ask questions, but he only met Evan Bell's eyes, and he was forced to go back when he said what he said, "Evan, then you can elaborate on the development direction of the series in detail. Is there any difference?" Although this question is still discussing "jailbreak", it is already very mild.

"I think you can judge for yourself when the third season of 'Prison Break' starts in September." Evan Bell said with a smile, but his words clearly showed his attitude: stop here on this matter .

The reporters at the scene also knew that it was impossible to unearth any more content. They turned around and planned to go to Fox TV to find out the situation.

At this time, a reporter from the "New York Observer" raised his hand and asked a question, "Evan, there are more and more excellent dramas produced by Eleven Studio, and this advantage will surely continue in the future. Then, as a draft pick Father, do you have any new ideas for the 'American Idol' series that has reached its peak now?"

This question of "The New York Observer" is not abrupt, especially after the "Seattle Times" incident. Made a general clearance for Evan Bell.

You must know that although Studio Eleven currently has only four episodes in the production of "Prison Break", it has been excluded. At the same time, the two programs "American Idol" and "Dancing Forest Hegemony" on Fox TV can be regarded as cooperation with Eleven Studio. Yes, so Eleven Studios has indeed reached a position in the field of TV series, and their every move will attract the attention of reporters.

In addition, it is normal for a good series to have a spin-off. For example, after the success of "CSI", "CSI: New York" and "CSI" were born in 2002 and 2004, respectively. Investigation: Miami" is a form of spin-off. And that's a feature of the American TV drama market: draining every single item of any residual value.

Well, since Studio Eleven has created so many brilliant episodes, it seems logical that the drama will be born. So, this question from The New York Observer is really tricky.

But Evan Bell kept an eye on it. First, the abnormality of the "Vanity Fair" reporter; second, although "Vanity Fair" and "New York Observer" are not magazines under the same group, but the former "New York Observer" "The editor-in-chief Graydon Carter is the current editor-in-chief of "Vanity Fair", and it was Graydon Carter who took "Vanity Fair" from 1991 to glory; third, why is "American Idol" when giving an example Instead of any of Eleven's current master series? I have to say that Evan Bell's reporter's sensitivity is still left in his bones. Even after the chaos about "prison escape" just now, he still remained calm. Thinking of this, Evan Bell couldn't help squinting to look at the reporter of "Vanity Fair".

Evan Bell heard the question from the "New York Observer" reporter, but looked at the "Vanity Fair" reporter. The reporters present were all elite, and they all looked at the Vanity Fair reporters together. Although everyone's movements were relatively secretive, and there was no scene of turning back, the Vanity Fair reporters immediately felt On the contrary, the reporter of the "New York Observer" immediately felt that he was surrounded by cold wind and stood awkwardly in place.

Evan Bell also just glanced at it, without any special meaning, and looked back, "'American Idol' is all good now, isn't it? I don't think there is anything that needs to be changed and updated. Brand new The season of 'American Idol' is about to start again, and there must be countless young people with dreams who want to stand on this stage, which is really a good thing."

When the reporters at the scene heard another official statement from Evan Bell, they knew that it would be difficult to dig out more information from Evan Bell's mouth. In fact, the most frustrating thing for media reporters about Evan Bell is not how well Evan Bell is eloquent, but that he always seems to know what reporters are thinking, and is basically not deceived. For reporters, Really a tough opponent.

The reporters from Vanity Fair and the New York Observer didn't ask any more questions, not a single question. Either they were frightened by Evan Bell's look just now, or they really have no problem.

But the reporters at the scene couldn't wait to inquire about the news, not to mention the "prison break" remarriage, just why Evan Bell looked at the "New York Observer" when he asked the "American Idol" question. What about "Vanity Fair"? Is there anything tricky in here? Although Evan Bell is a difficult one, it is not so difficult for reporters to inquire about each other's news.

Emma Thomas didn't need to suspend the press conference at all. Evan Bell took the initiative to announce the end of today's press conference. Although the reporters were still there saying "Evan, one more, one more", no one dared to come. Continue to ask questions. In fact, all the reporters wanted to ask about are almost the same, including the recent major events of Eleven Studio, which are more or less involved, but it is a kind of human psychology. The words "one more" naturally blurted out.

Evan Bell ignored these reporters, handed the scene to Emma Thomas, and then turned and left.

After re-entering the studio, Evan Bell stood there and thought about it. The "Prison Break" thing was expected, but just now "The New York Observer" raised about "American Idol", and "Vanity Fair" mentioned "Mad Men" and TV stations. Evan Bell vaguely felt that There was some connection, so he looked at Vanity Fair when the New York Observer asked questions, but he couldn't be sure because there were so few clues.

Evan Bell simply told Teddy Bell, "I wonder if the TV station has any action." Before the TV station revealed that it wanted to develop a talent But the first time it hit a wall Then it died down, and for some reason, Evan Bell always wanted to link today's situation to that event again. So, Evan Bell asked Teddy Bell to pay attention to whether there was any movement recently.

Teddy Bell's reaction was not slower than his brother's at all. He replied, "Is there any movement in the gourd net?" The interests involved are basically pulling out one, and a bunch of them. In addition, there was a little turmoil between Eleven Studios and Fox TV, so at this point in time, if the TV station really did something, it would be even more intriguing.

Evan Bell didn't intend to draw a conclusion immediately, and shook his head, "I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too much. Go and have a look." Teddy Bell nodded in understanding.

Sure enough, before September passed, Teddy Bell got the latest news. The opposition coalition recently held another meeting, which resulted in the departure of the station's chief executive, Jeff Zucker. Of course, this was just a piece of news, but those reporters were not idle either, and news quickly spread in the circle that the TV station was planning a new talent show.

It seems that the TV station has indeed made some moves recently, and the moves are not small. However, these changes are all related to Eleven Studio. It seems that Eleven Studio has become one of the hubs of many interest connection points without knowing it.

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