Great Artist

Chapter 1678: clues

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Here's the thing, "Mad Men" became a hit on the uTube channel. Although it didn't match the hits of popular shows like "Grey's Anatomy", it was better than many ordinary TV shows. The results are better, which really makes the TV station hot. Coupled with the listing of uTube in ne in July, a new development opportunity has been ushered in, and the value of uTube has become more and more outstanding.

Later, the close relationship between Eleven Studio and Fox TV was changed because of the "Prison Break" crew. Although the relationship between the two sides is still very friendly from the outside world, as an insider, I know this. At one time, the attitudes of both sides were relatively tough. This may not mean too deep to others, but it means opportunities for TV stations: "American Idol" is the most stable cornerstone of the cooperation between Eleven Studio and Fox TV. Now that the relationship between the two sides has deteriorated, then yes Shouldn't it be considered an opportunity?

Universal TV's ambitions for singing talent shows have been showing signs since last year. Although the first attempt hit a wall, it does not mean that they have no such ideas. In the past, when Youshan was getting more and more prosperous compared to the slow growth curve of, and then there was a problem between Eleven Studios and Fox TV, Jeff Zucker naturally had his mind.

Not long ago, the opposition alliance held a meeting again, because by the end of August, will be online for half a year, and more than two-thirds of the advertising contracts have only been signed for half a year. The next renewal will become the top priority. . However, although still maintains a rising momentum, the curve is still too flat to meet the huge investment of the opposing alliance.

The development of the Internet industry has always given people the impression that the growth curve remains high-profile, but within the six months since the launch of, the weekly and monthly growth rate is really disappointing. In fact, in the final analysis, it is not that the resources of are not rich enough, but that uTube is too powerful. On the one hand, uTube's users are very sticky, and on the other hand, cannot continue to innovate on video sites and come up with things that surpass uTube.

Simply make a horizontal comparison between and Facebook. took the lead in rising, and Facebook came later. The reason why Facebook can develop faster than has shown its domineering power to become a king. It is because of its innovation that it has won the love of countless users and its services have always kept pace with the times, fully satisfying young people. 's preferences.

Well, now started late, and can no longer bring out its own weapons. It is only natural that the growth rate is not as good as expected. At the beginning, the opposition alliance took into account this aspect and spent a lot of energy to poach from uTube, but the effect was still not great.

The meeting this time was full of gunpowder. The relationship between Ron Mayer and Robert Iger was definitely tense, and Jeff Zucker had other thoughts. Doug Morris was also alone. In the end, Jeff Zucker pulled his face down as soon as he disagreed. After the quarrel, he threw his hands and left first, citing that he had something to do. The remaining three people didn't stay for too long. Ron Mayer was far more fiery than Jeff Zucker. He then left but was not caught by the media, or the media caught it but did not want to announce it. Deliberately created the assumption that Jeff Zucker was the first to leave the isolation.

Although Jeff Zucker has always coveted singing talent shows, now there is an opportunity to cooperate with Eleven Studios. But Jeff Zucker won't be as reckless as he was last time. On the one hand, Evan Bell is really an elusive person, and Jeff Zucker may not be able to achieve what he wants when he comes directly to the door; on the other hand, it is because even if the internal relationship between the opposing alliances is deadlocked, the calabash net still cannot be placed. Regardless, any move by Jeff Zucker at this time may become a spark that ignites the gasoline depot of the opposing alliance, and he must be careful and careful.

So, this time, Jeff Zucker chose to let the media explore Evan Bell's tone. Jeff Zucker detoured several times and found "Vanity Fair", which has no direct or collateral relationship with Universal, and just came to the door with personal friendship, and asked "Vanity Fair" to ask Evan Bell for the development of "American Idol". "The idea of ​​a spinoff show.

As for the "New York Observer", it is entirely a personal relationship of "Vanity Fair" editor-in-chief Graydon Carter.

In fact, all of Jeff Zucker's actions were very careful and did not leak any rumors. It is a fact that everyone in the circle knows the fact that the meeting of the opposing alliances broke up unhappily: Universal TV has been spreading the news on and off for a year about the singing talent show, but it has recently become hot again - on the contrary, CBS TV has never had any. The news came out; as for the questions from "Vanity Fair" and "The New York Observer", there was a hammer in the east and a hammer in the west, and the questions were very secretive, and no more conjectures could be raised.

Except for the Bell Brothers, no one has linked these aspects. Even Disney, Universal Pictures, and Universal Music all know about these clues, but they don't see Jeff Zucker and Evan Bell have anything. Signs of contact, doubts naturally cannot be generated.

Even the Bell brothers, it was because Evan Bell was approached by Simon Cowell and Nigel Lessig successively when he starred in "American Idol" before, which made him pay attention. Otherwise, it is really not an easy task to connect this series of clues.

From the current situation, it can be seen that there are very serious cracks in the opposing alliance, although it will not lead to the rupture of the opposing alliance. After all, the gourd net is still booming, but the growth rate and arc are not as good as expected, even if the gourd net cannot Competing with uTube, but surviving and occupying a place in the video network market with a huge content release is no problem. However, it will be difficult to hold together in the future within the opposing alliance.

The relationship between Universal Pictures and Disney is very difficult to melt in a short time because of the relationship between Lighting and Entertainment; Universal has the intention of cooperating with Eleven Studio. , it is likely to affect the future relationship between Disney and Eleven Studios - even Universal is willing to cooperate with Eleven Studios, so Disney is naturally more desirable, so it is very likely that Universal and Universal Pictures will cooperate. There are also problems in the relationship; as for Universal Music, although there is no direct interest connection at present, but they are in the alliance of interests, they will definitely be implicated. What's more, the opposition alliance is still actively contacting Google recently, hoping to reach a cooperation. How this will develop in the future is really unknown.

Although all this is just a guess, or even a temptation by Universal, it is enough to explain the current situation of the opposing alliance. Although this is not a great news for Eleven Studio, it can also be said to be good news.

After Jeff Zucker detoured a few times to spy on Evan Bell's intentions for the second time, he got the result that disappointed him: Obviously Evan Bell still has no plans to develop a new singing talent show with other TV stations. . Jeff Zucker couldn’t understand the reason, but he also knew that since Evan Bell had no intention in the short term, it would be difficult to convince Evan Bell to change his mind even if he went out in person.

It seems that if Universal wants to create a singing talent show that is competitive enough, it will still be difficult.

As for Evan Bell, after learning that Teddy Bell had heard a series of news, he pouted and did not make too many comments. First, he doesn't care about the situation of the opposing league, and the most important thing is that uTube continues to develop at his own pace; second, he really has no plans to cooperate with Universal on a talent show. So, even if he knew about Jeff Zucker's plans, he wouldn't act.

But from the development of this time, it can be seen that Eleven Studio has come into contact with the company's competition little by little from the purely film and music competition level. It affects the interest structure among major Hollywood film companies and record companies.

After Teddy Bell heard the news, he didn't pay too much attention to this issue. As for the singing talent show, he knew that his younger brother had no plans to cultivate "American Idol" competitors in the short term, so no matter what Universal Television was planning, they The soldiers will stop the water and cover the soil and There is no need to worry too much.

Evan Bell is still busy with the "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight" crew all day long. The large investment and the shooting of big scenes have led to the lengthening of the entire production cycle. In addition, Christopher Nolan is another one. A very traditional director, he is reluctant to use computer technology, but insists on using the camera to create the most realistic effects. Therefore, after entering the crew in early July, he still cannot see when the day will come.

In such a large crew, Evan Bell is quite leisurely, at least more leisurely than during the "Pirates of the Caribbean" period. After all, the Joker's role is no matter how busy it is, it will not be as good as Batman's part after all. So Evan Bell has time on set, but he is more willing to discuss with Christopher Nolan about the filming situation and the writing of the script.

Recently, Evan Bell's control over the role of the Joker has reached the point of perfection, and he has become more and more comfortable on the set. There is still time to think about the script of "Juno". This is Evan Bell's first attempt at an original script, so the thoughts in his head are always jumping, and it is not easy to sort out an idea.

September came to an end with such a busy schedule, and at the same time, Evan Bell's "Wild Survival", which took 80 days to shoot after "Perfume", officially landed in Toronto.

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