Great Artist

Chapter 1683: the warmth of home

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The time Alex and Ron spent together was the closest to family in his life. The two of them are like two fathers and sons, fishing together, camping together, and researching leather products together. This simple and simple happiness makes Alex feel the joy of family, which is different from his own family, but different so beautiful.

When Alex told Ron he was going to Alaska, Ron obviously couldn't understand, "Son, what are you running from?"

At that time, Alex was training for mountain climbing. Ron sat in the back seat of the jeep, stopped on the gravel road, and watched Alex climb the mountain. Hearing the question, Alex turned back and said, "You know, I could ask you the same question. But I already know the answer."

"You got it, didn't you?" Ron said in a loud voice

"Yes, Mr. Franz, you have to reintegrate into society, get out of that lonely little house, out of your studio. Get back on the road, really!" Alex stood on the top of the mountain, facing Luo below. En-Franz shouted. "You've got a long time to live, Ron, and you've got to make a big change in your lifestyle. I mean, people stay alive by experiencing new things, but look at you, a A stubborn old man who doesn't move his ass."

Alex's words obviously irritated Ron, while Ron muttered, he got out of the jeep, and then began to step on the road that Alex had just walked, and climbed to the top of the u. Standing on the top of the mountain, Alex couldn't help shouting excitedly, constantly cheering for Ron.

Ron finally reached the top of the mountain, sat down next to Alex, and said sadly, "I'll miss you when you're gone."

"I'll miss you too." Alex couldn't help but say. "But if you think happiness in life comes from relationships, you're dead wrong. Happiness is everywhere in the world, and we can experience happiness from anything. What we need to do is change the way we look at things."

"Yeah, you're right. I should have changed too." Ron said with a long sigh of relief "but what I'm telling you is that I connect the dots you told me, you You know, about your family, your parents. Maybe your definition of happiness is everything in the world but at the same time, if you don't learn to forgive, then you will never be able to experience the joy of love. Only you love, everything in the world Happiness will shine on you."

When Alex got into trouble on the Magic Bus, he couldn't help but think about this experience with Ron. He wants to go home, and he really wants to go home now. From Jane and Rainey, to Wayne, to Tracy, and Ron Alex, the journey, meeting countless people, his thoughts His views and his values ​​are constantly changing.

Alex couldn't help thinking, what he said to Ron at the time could not be used for himself?

"Where are all the **** animals? I'm really hungry, I'm so **** hungry!" Alex was already in a dilemma on the Magic Bus, and in an instant, the pressure of survival pushed him to the limit . The belt he made under the guidance of Ron had completely bound his waist, but the hunger was still not relieved.

So Alex was still looking for plants to use in the flora and fauna book, but because he was dizzy with hunger, he had no patience to stop and make judgments one by one. Therefore, he accidentally ingested a poisonous plant, which made him convulsed all over his body, paralyzed and weak, and even couldn't stand up normally.

After flipping through the books again, Alex realized that he had mistakenly eaten wild sweet peas as wild potatoes, and wild sweet peas are not edible. This plant is poisonous and can cause paralysis, indigestion and Nausea symptoms that, if left untreated, can lead to starvation and even death.

This was definitely a bolt from the blue for Alex.

He went to find plants to eat because he was too hungry and lacked food, and now, the poisonous plants he ate by mistake would further cause hunger. He could already see Death beckoning to him. The fear of death hangs over Alex's head, which makes him immediately collapse.

Alex survived a hundred days without any antidote, but his body was extremely weak. He was like a walking corpse, skinny and pale, and even the black bear passed by him without much reaction, and then left. This shows what? You know, the way to avoid a black bear is to hold your breath and pretend to be dead!

Alex knew that he was trapped in the wilderness. The Alaska he longed for, trapped him firmly in this piece of nature. Alex remembered the tears in Ron's cloudy eyes when he drove him away in the jeep. Ron was the closest person to his father figure, but he left without looking back, Alex. Cox's mind began to recall the people and events of his life. Uneasy Karina, friends living in Slate City, Wayne just got out of prison...

In the far-off Hamptons, Walter walked out of the house at dinner time as if he had a feeling in his heart, stared at the sky in a daze, then stood in the same place at a loss, and finally fell to the ground when his legs were weak. , he gripped his trousers firmly. Walter suddenly realized that maybe he was about to lose his son, forever, ever.

Seeing this scene, for no reason, the tears of the audience at the scene of the movie slid down like this. They didn't even know why, but the tears just couldn't stop. Are they saddened by Alex's regret, saddened by Alex's impending death, or saddened by Alex's family and friends.

Alex is struggling on the line of life and death, but no one knows that everyone is still living an ordinary daily life. So, who is to blame? Blame his parents for the lies that pushed his son to the brink of death, or blame Alex for his resolute and reckless recklessness... There is no answer, or everyone has an answer. It's just that no matter what the answer is, Alex's death seems inevitable, and the pain he brings to his family and friends is also inevitable.

At this time, the audience at the scene knew that this was an adaptation of a true story, and the real Christopher McCanders left the world forever, but even so, people still hope that Alex under the lens of Evan Bell Alex can not die, Evan Bell can bring Alex back to the society, and then see their family want.

Hollywood-style happy endings are always hated by people, and every time they see such endings, people always say, "It's like this again, it's so cliché." However, in such moments, people wipe the tears from their faces and eagerly hope that the traditional happy ending will reappear.

Alex is already too weak to be human. He struggles to even get dressed, and he even has to pull the railings of the magic bus to walk. He finally walked to the desk, squinting and searching on the desk. Finally saw Leo-Tolstoy's "Family and Happiness" and he reached over with trembling hands.

Alex, already skinny like chicken feet, rubbed the book cover with his fingers tremblingly, trying to open the book, but found that his strength was so weak that he couldn't even open the pages. He tried twice in a row, but he couldn't succeed. He couldn't help being angry with himself. He gritted his teeth fiercely, and waved his hand angrily to hit the writing, but the soft force only made a muffled sound on the cover of the book. Ring, he didn't even have the strength to get angry, this is really a ridiculous situation.

Alex twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to pull out a smile, but the smile in the smile spread out from the corners of the pale mouth. Tears fell, and the scarlet eyes were full of blankness. He raised his eyes and looked at the distant sky through hazy tears, gasping for breath, the anger just now consumed all his strength.

With a wave of his hand, he pushed the book "Family and Happiness" off the desk, and the book fell to the ground in an embarrassment, accompanied by a puff of dust. He looked up to the sky and tried to laugh, but there was only a smile and no sound. He slumped back on the bed, grabbed the car window hard, and let himself get closer to the window, then closer.

Almost every action consumes all his strength. In the hot summer, he put on his winter clothes, then pulled up the sleeping bag, and wrapped himself tightly. Even so, he still Constantly trembling. The weakness of his body has taken away all the warmth from his body. UU reading

Lying on the mattress, looking out the window of the magic bus, the sun was shining brightly. Next to the magic bus, leaning on a sign that said, "S, I need help. I'm wounded, dying, all alone, very weak, and unable to get out of the wilderness. In God's name, this Not a prank.

Please stay and help, I will collect blueberry nearby, and I will be back at night. thanks. In August 1992, Christopher-Johnson-McKanders was here. Thank God my life is so colorful. '. At the end of his life, he was no longer Alexander a Super Ranger, but Christopher McCanders.

The sun outside the window was exceptionally bright, but it made his thin face paler and paler; the lush green outside the window was exceptionally bright, but it made his dejected face more bleak. In a trance, Christopher seemed to see a fantasy, he left the land, left the magic bus, and after a long journey, returned home in the Hamptons, his father Tate and his mother Billie excitedly walked from home. He ran out and hugged him excitedly, no one spoke, but the tears from the corners of his eyes just fell down like this. That embrace is really warm, really.

"Can you see the scenery I'm seeing now?" A deep breath, and then everything fell into silence. The clear blue sky quietly transformed into infinite beauty above the head.

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