Great Artist

Chapter 1684: dream price

Today's sixth update, please recommend, please subscribe!

At the end of the film, a photo appears on the screen, and this is the real Christopher McCanders, leaning on the magic bus and smiling brightly at the camera. A caption appeared next to it, "In Memory of Christopher Johnson-McKanders, February 12, 1968 to August 18, 1992."

"Two weeks after Chris's death, hunters found his body on the bus and found this selfie on his camera. On September 19, 1992, Karina-McKanders took Chris The ashes were packed into a backpack, left Alaska, and returned to the East Coast."

When the movie ended, the audience stood up collectively, and there was warm applause, and everyone burst into tears. This is an indescribable feeling. Every audience only feels that their throats are stuffed with cotton balls. They are choked up and unable to speak. , but still can't tell what's in it.

In the story of "Wild Survival", nothing is deliberately told. The horror of nature, the desire for freedom, the importance of family... These information are all included in the experience of Christopher McCanders, but Evan Bell However, he did not draw a conclusion for his experience, but only presented his experience and tried to speculate on his mental journey along the way based on his diary. Everyone sees something different in Christopher McCanders.

The white-collar workers who are busy in urban life day and night will feel as if they are a beast trapped in a steel-reinforced forest. The day-to-day, unchanging life makes their spirit extremely tired and painful.

Perhaps, in Christopher McCanders, they saw the yearning for freedom, the courage to escape the social shackles unscrupulously, which is enviable. A backpack, a heart to leave when you say go, and then wandering around the world like this, you don't need to think about what to do when you come back? How will you live in the future? How should money and social relations be handled? Break all the shackles, throw yourself into nature like this, and finally disappear in the wind.

People with religious beliefs will once again receive the power from God or the **** of faith. There is endless power in nature, which can release people's hearts and return to reality; at the same time, they can also make people feel the fragility of life. Isn't Christopher McCanders' rejection and distaste for social lies a manifestation of the most important element of faith - sincerity?

Middle-aged people who love their families, and children who are underage who are still attached to their families, will deeply feel their dependence on their families. It is said that there is no unconditional love in this world, except blood relationship. Even though the society is full of various family tragedies, in fact, the family is still the warmest harbor for most people. At the end of his life, Christopher-McKanders has been trying to get back into the family, and he misses the family so full of lies and quarrels that he remembers. No matter what the family has become, the involvement in the blood is still the softest part of my heart.

Everyone, in the story of "Wild Survival" and in Christopher McCanders, will see what they want to see, because it reflects their own perception of real life and dream life. Desires reflect their outlook on life and values. Perhaps, many people do not agree with the choice of Christopher-McKanders, but after watching the film, they can understand what the circumstances of his choice were. understand, but do not understand. This is enough, because this is a baptism of the soul.

Most of the movies, people will debate whether it is good or not, for the plot, for the performance, for the special effects and so on. There are also movies, from the plot to the performance, from the photography to the music, from the atmosphere to the emotion. Both performed so well that people debated around the film's themes and values. "Wild Survival" is the latter. In fact, Bell's films have always been the latter.

From the beginning of a "Love Notebook", this sign has already appeared, and it is the same with "Mysterious Skin" and "Little Sunshine Beauty" after that, especially last year's "Perfume" and this time "Wild Survival". is to push this situation to its peak. And Evan Bell has always liked to hide behind the camera lens, quietly integrating his thoughts and ideas into the corners of every shot, hiding in the actor's face with emoji, and then letting people To understand and imagine by oneself, so the discussion became more and more intense. Every film of Evan Bell is always like this, and it has caused endless discussions and disputes in the media again and again. This must be one of the fundamental reasons.

This time is no exception. Whether Christopher-McKanders's choice is extreme, responsible, or worthy of beautification, or whether it is worthy of praise, after "Wild Survival" was released, it became a hot topic in the media in an instant. focus.

Regarding the issue of whether it is worth discussing, William Wood of "Entertainment Weekly" did not hesitate to stand on the side of Evan Bell, without any surprises.

"Imagine if Christopher gave up his orangutan life, went to Africa for a charitable fundraiser, and died unexpectedly from a grenade or a strange illness, would anyone question his choice? One might say Chris' ideal It is great and has made a huge contribution to people. Suppose again that Christopher walked to the Holy Land for his religious beliefs and kowtowed every three steps. His piety is moving and inevitably confusing, but on the whole, it is puzzled. The people of the pilgrimage will understand that this is a difference caused by cultural differences, so even if he died unexpectedly on the way of the pilgrimage, people will say that he died well.

But Christopher is different. He grew up in a secular mainstream environment, but he chose an incompatible way to experience his life, instead of being a 'normal' person under the mainstream values. On the contrary, he appeared very egoistic, or rather selfish, and chose to self-exile and travel alone. So why should we talk about Chris's when we can't talk about other people's dreams and beliefs? Chris is also unrelenting for his dreams. Although he did not 'benefit' the society, he also did not 'infringe' on the society, did he?

Chris's obsession with dreams and yearning for freedom are actually just his personal choices, which are not fundamentally different from African volunteers and religious pilgrimages.

Maybe, Chris's behavior did hurt his parents, but his departure is inseparable from the relationship with his parents. Who should we blame? It is as if the child is determined to play rock and roll, but the parents want the child to be a lawful lawyer. Such a disagreement is bound to make one party sad and disappointed, which is inevitable. It is unreasonable and unnecessary to accuse Chris of his choice from a moral height.

We can understand that the child resolutely embarked on a different path for his dream, but why can't we understand why Chris chose to go to Alaska for his dream? Is it just because he ended up dying? No, but because the heart that chased our dreams within us is dead.

Therefore, whether Chris's behavior is extreme, responsible, worthy of beautification, or worthy of praise, everyone has an answer in his heart, different answers, but please don't use secular moral concepts to bind him, and please don't use so-called so-called The concept of parents and family should condemn him, let alone laugh at him because of his thoughts about the family in the past.

Because he is not us, he has done what we cannot do, he makes every one of us envious but helpless, and his courage is enough to make most of us ashamed.

I want to live as young and clean as Christopher, so lonely and free, until the day when I can suddenly disappear on the road without warning. As early as the goatskin band sang 'Wild Self (nes)', Hermann-Hesse's Carmen Qing roamed the countryside, Jerome-Salinger's 'The Catcher in the Rye', Arthur-Rimbo Killed The yearning for freedom to escape society and escape into nature has become one of all the time-honored complexes from the time of death as the poet’s own self and running to Africa in pursuit of freedom.

Deep down everyone has a dream of wandering around the longing to wander like Christopher, abandoning all responsibilities, burdens and shackles, unscrupulously chasing their dreams, regardless of everything. But we are all too timid, imprisoned in the steel forest of this society, imprisoned in the cage of social morality, and Christopher's death is like a broken dream, and the tears can no longer be controlled. However, broken does not mean the death of the dream, at least Christopher tried and fought hard, and I, or, what about you?

There is hope in my heart, but the place where I look up is bleak. "

This article by William Wood can be said to be a comment, or it can be said to be an afterthought of his, the kind of admiration and praise that put himself in his shoes, not only because of "Entertainment Weekly"'s full support for Evan Bell, but also because of the full support of Evan Bell. Because he came from the depths of his heart. You can feel William-Wood's approval and support for Christopher-McKanders.

Of course, just as William Wood expected, various comments emerged one after another. Even if Bell did not come to the Toronto Film Festival, the media reporters still paid attention to "wilderness survival" without hesitation. And this time, compared to "perfume", the degree of mixed praise may not be so exaggerated, but the voices of support and opposition are still very lively.

The sixth update is here, the movie part is too long, sorry, haha. Ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @"


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