Great Artist

Chapter 1685: the road of freedom

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"The Price of Freedom," Elliott Carter's review of "Wild Survival" in Premiere magazine. Just like Entertainment Weekly's status among its supporters, Premiere magazine has always been the No. 1 figure of the "Inverted Evans" and is definitely a must-see movie review for audiences.

"Human society itself has developed from nature, and it is a part of nature. The difficulties we encounter in real society will only be transferred in parallel in nature and will not disappear, so there is no such thing as a social isolation. The beautiful nature outside is waiting for us to develop. The name 'wilderness survival (d)' is very ridiculous. Humans do not need to go to Alaska to return to nature. Human society itself is a jungle, itself an upgraded version of nature. People's problems can only be faced and solved by themselves physically and spiritually, other than that, it is useless to escape anywhere. Even this is not recognized, and the works produced can only mislead the public.

After watching the movie, we got the opposite conclusion from Evan Bell: a young man starved to death in the forest, he was not saved by nature, but devoured by nature. This cruelty has not changed because of the majestic scenery, gorgeous river waterfalls and exciting music under Evan Bell's lens. All of this is just the whitewashing of the human self. The so-called beauty, tolerance and tenderness of nature are precisely what we, the social human beings, endow it with. Constant imaginings about this can only play the role of spiritual drugs. And the courage to pursue dreams revealed by Evan Bell in the movie is exactly a double-edged sword. In a normal human society, it is this courage that creates the disgust and fear of each of us social jungle atmosphere. The wealth, interests and social rank of this world are basically determined by different degrees of courage.

If I had to say what I saw in Christopher McCanders, I only saw the innocence, naivety, conceit, self-inflation and wishful thinking that he bred after his spiritual life was satisfied. In the end, Christopher McCanders still hopes to return to human society, but unfortunately he has no chance, because nature has devoured him.

This is a tragedy. "

Elliott Carter's comment once again won countless supporters. Since "Perfume", Evan Bell's work has become increasingly controversial, so Elliott Carter's negative comments have increasingly found a market. Coupled with the unswerving opposition of "Premier" over the years, it has attracted countless attention.

But unfortunately, unlike "Perfume", which involved serial killers and cold-blooded cruelty in terms of morality, this time "Wild Survival" is more of a personal insistence on dreams, as William Wood said, "If you If you don't insist on your dreams, then you are not qualified to criticize Chris' behavior. Because he at least burned his life to complete his dream, even if you are not ashamed, you are still inferior to him." Therefore, this time for "wilderness survival" The voice of criticism is far less than the momentum of the last "perfume".

The only allies that "Premier" found were "Vanity Fair", "News of the World" and other people. Among the first batch of 18 newly released film reviews in Toronto, the media gave positive reviews as many as 12. There are only six critical comments, which is an absolute disadvantage.

Several of the media outlets that have been diametrically opposed to the "Premier" review are Neil D'Arcy of The New York Times.

The "Fake Skins" comment was written entirely by Neil D'Arcy on Elliott Carter's comments.

"I don't want to talk about how much truth and truth of life I tell us about this movie based on a true story. No matter how much truth I say, it's not as deep as my personal experience. Unfortunately, I'm not qualified to comment on these. It's true, because I haven't experienced it myself, and I'll never be able to feel the joy that comes from the bottom of my heart. But it doesn't affect my love or even admiration for Chris. Because Chris has what I've always dreamed of courage.

Even though I am a successful person in the eyes of many people, with a job that everyone admires, a car and a family, my courage has not led me to escape the prison of this civilized society, I am still trapped in human society after all A member of all living beings. And Chris is not.

Chris does not rebel against society, he is just tired of deceit and lies; Chris's boredom with his parents is not the root cause of his running away, he is so deeply and passionately in love with freedom. From Rousseau to Tolstoy Kelis has always been a hippie yearning for freedom. Society and parents are just a trigger. He will choose to return to the wilderness. The real reason is that he belongs there. Even at the end of his life, he realizes At the same time, family and happiness also have an inseparable connection, so he tried to go home, but his heart was always happy. Because he is enjoying the freedom that comes with being away from this civilized society.

Chris took off the definition of dogma in civilized society, bachelor's uniform; Chris discarded the great product that can only walk in industrial civilization, automobile; Chris even burned the most authoritative medium for modern society's value expression, currency... … All this, he did not do it for the sake of form, but only to bid farewell to the past and wave away himself. In short, he wants to remove the imprint left on him by this civilized society again and again. He wants to completely find his own body of freedom and return to the most primitive and basic state, even if it is **** and bloody.

The greatest irony of human society is the hypocrisy built on nature.

Indeed, human society is famous for being built on top of nature. Human society is actually a nature that preys on the weak, but this special 'nature' is covered with a layer of hypocrisy to distinguish the so-called civilization from beasts. Is there anything more hypocritical than the event itself?

Human beings gathered by escaping the threats of nature and stacked civilizations layer by layer. In the end, nature became a 'species' that was on the verge of extinction and difficult to survive. Looking at the human civilization built on the natural system, human beings made every effort to conquer nature. , people who hide nature under the skin of human nature and live in high-density cities and skyscrapers have forgotten their own nature because of their false skins. The nature that has regressed step by step with the expansion of human civilization, the once free nature, is hidden under the social jungle, or is driven to the edge of the social jungle, dying.

This society woven by human hypocritical skins is actually a crueler and colder nature. In reinforced concrete jungles, industrially polluted rivers, and crowded and narrow urban canyons, people drink blood under the skin of civilization: they greedily devour weak groups. In addition to hunger, human beings have too many cravings.

Chris escaped the nature of the social jungle and returned to the real nature. It is not so much that he escaped from the deceit and lies of his parents, but rather that he left the hypocritical skin of social civilization, because he needs to breathe, he Freedom is needed. In 1992, Chris, who ended his short life in an abandoned bus in the wilderness, had a more brilliant life than many others. Undoubtedly, his insight was unparalleled real. "

Neil D'Arcy's comments are aimed at Elliott Carter everywhere, refuting Elliott Carter's theory as worthless, but he remains calm, and can only make Elliott Carter suffer a dumb loss. Not only that, but it can also be seen from Neil D'Arcy's comments that he admires the movie "Wild Survival". After he fully comprehends the essence of Evan Bell rooted in this movie, he The movie took it to a new level.

On the other hand, the reviews from "Empire" magazine also supplemented Neil D'Arcy's reviews, deepening the praise for the work "Wild Survival" once again.

"For two years, he has walked on this land with no phone, no swimming pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Unrestrained, an extremist, a traveler in pursuit of beauty, the road under his feet is his home. Eliminate the existence of hypocrisy and achieve A journey of soul sublimation, no longer poisoned by secular civilization, he escaped from the world, walked alone on land, disappeared in the wilderness, and finally died of starvation.

This is actually not an overly complicated story. Evan Bell has grasped the spirit of the true story, just like the kind of light on his own body, the melancholy eyebrows, the resolute eyes, the innocent smile like a child, there is no need at all The embellishment of the lines does not feel any element of performance, and a Chris appeared in front of all of us: a young, clear, natural existence.

Evan Bell's shots are always very beautiful. The scenery in the shots is magnificent and atmospheric, dense forests, mountains, long rivers, and sunsets, as if catering to his moving music melody, slowly spreading out in front of him, not a petty mood, It is a long and bold scroll that goes east of the river. The breath of the wilderness blowing in the face makes people relaxed and On the road of travel, Chris met countless warm people, kind friendship, lovely love, and warm family. On the way out of the urban jungle, everyone is like pure sea water, or a cloudless blue sky, who is willing to give generously without any possessions, willing to provide shelter without a piece of head, and always singing joyously without food and clothing laughter. Maybe the homeless can really explore the true meaning of life in the world, they are not greedy, they are not arrogant, they are not worried about fame and fortune, they are just enjoying the most basic pleasures of life.

However, Chris is looking for more than that. What he is looking for is a purer, firmer, and nobler realm. He thought that only then could he save his confused soul, find the freedom that belongs to flying in the wind, and gain inner peace. Unfortunately, he found the truth, but before he could return to his previous life, death found him first. Death also brought infamy for him.

'Arrogant, shallow and ignorant, underestimating the cruelty of nature, dying foolishly and meaningless, and sinful - for throwing parents into the eternal abyss of grief...' This is the logic of the common man .

From an ordinary person's point of view, a genius is a lunatic, which is unreasonable, and this "reason" is nothing but the common sense of the world. The 'reason' of genius, because it is rare and unique, can never be understood by most people.

Chris is such a genius. "

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