Great Artist

Chapter 1686: youth in full bloom

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In the review of "Empire" magazine, Christopher Lingkanders was classified as a genius like Jean-Baptiste-Grenoye. Such a genius is often a kind of person that people cannot understand.

"Jean-Baptiste Grenouille was a genius of smell, he used his nose to distinguish the rancid smell of the world from its scent; Christopher McCandless was also a genius, he never followed the rules, he He will only do things according to his own ideas and enjoy happiness that ordinary people cannot understand, but at the same time, he is also burdened with unknown pain - madness from the soul, suffering from the body. Genius dies early, probably That's the truth. The luck and misfortune of geniuses, only they know, and we are only one of the masses, how can we arbitrarily comment on it?

Not everyone can hear the call of nature from the wilderness, and that also requires the fit of the aura. Some people are trapped in their own world all their lives, like a frog at the bottom of a well. When they grow old and die, they can only see the sky above their heads, but this is a stable life. not good. In the same way, some people prefer the starry sky to the monotonous ridge of the roof, the thorny and uncertain future of the sheep's intestine trail is better than the city's criss-crossing traffic, the deep tranquility in the wilderness is better than the city's lights all night, and the turmoil is better than wandering around. Better than peace and quiet. That's all free choice 0

Who said that a hundred years of life must be richer than twenty years old? Who knew that lingering on the sickbed would be better than being buried on top of ice and snow? Who knew that a boring and comfortable life must be happier than a bumpy and exile? Happiness is defined differently for everyone.

Christopher, he has always known what kind of life he wants to live, family is just a trigger, because he has nothing to fear, even in the face of death, most of the teenagers who really went to the wilderness died on the road, but Their youth are forever locked in the postcard-like scenery on the road, and their free cheers can be heard in the wind blowing everywhere. death keeps them young forever.

Under Evan Bell's lens, Chris looks far more than twenty-four years old. Unlike most of us, he is the type of man who was born for his faith; he has always wanted to In doing this, he said that he didn't want to see anyone, planes, or any trace of civilization; he had a complex and contradictory personality, being withdrawn but friendly and gregarious, overly generous, caring about others, but also very paranoid at the same time , impatient; courageous, reckless innocence, desperate for personal safety, arrogant, stubborn, fanciful; fond of Jack London, Tolstoy, Thoreau, Pasternak, etc. The works of the author, carry and take notes; oppose all man-made regulations, contradict any form of guidance; follow the routine, not limited by the system, and do not want to wait for the opportunity.

In addition, Chris has an overly strong sense of social responsibility and pays attention to all inequalities in the world, such as racial oppression in South Africa, such as vulnerable groups struggling with poverty and hunger, and donates all savings to charities , demanding himself and the people around him with extremely harsh moral standards; he believes that career is a disgusting invention of the twentieth century; he believes that money is a shame, degeneration, and evil; although he can also feel the temptation from women, but This temptation seems trivial in the face of the desire to blend with nature and to be one with the universe; to live with heart, to pay attention to the essence of life; absolute truth and honesty, reality and independence.

How can such a Chris make us not marvel, how can such a Chris make us not admire, how can such a Chris make us not yearn for!

The family problem is just one of the incentives. Chris's choice is based on instinct and inner call. From the beginning to the end, Chris was not bent on begging for death. Even at the end of his life, he was still stubbornly asking for help; he was lonely and frightened just like ordinary people, but Alaska kept him as the most gorgeous in memory. the movement; his death was not a tragedy, but an ending.

At the end of the shot, Chris wrote, 'Thank God' my life is so colorful. This is his last mark in this world.

The last thing he did was take a picture of himself, leaning against the bus, under the boundless Alaskan sky, holding his last notes in one hand, facing the camera with the other Brave, happy goodbye pose.

His face was very haggard, almost skinny, but he was smiling, so young, so lonely, and so peaceful, walking towards God like a monk.

He is not the first nor the last. "

In the review of "Empire" magazine, "Wild Survival" carried out a very profound analysis of Christopher Linkanders. Perhaps not as good as Neil D'Arcy's "Premier" in the New York Times review, but the whole thing is the most favorable response to Elliott Carter. It can be clearly felt that "Empire" respects the work "Wild Survival".

As the most authoritative professional film magazine in France, "Cinebook" commented on "Survival in the Wilderness" under the title of "Don't Be Free or Die". Appreciation of the film.

"Some people say that Christopher is a wishful backpacker who wants to get back to nature, but the blue sky of Alaska does not accept him. What he is obsessed with, and what he once disdained, gave up on him. So, he Dead because there is no food. What an irony this is, what was once recklessly pursued, even the books of Tolstoy, Jack London, Thoreau did not fulfill one of his dreams after all, a threat to survival in nature In front of him, in the face of protein, starch and carbohydrates, he had no power to fight back, and he was defeated.

Seeing such comments, I feel very sad. The reason for the sadness is: yes, we did give up, or rather, we were given up.

From birth, the quilt and the palace were abandoned by the mother body and by the so-called education system. After entering the society, they lived in a daze. The subway, the company, and the crowd surrounded themselves endlessly. When the age of forty and fifty came When we suddenly found out that we had become the target group for the special protection seats in the subway, we regretted it too much: Once upon a time, we were also immersed in wanton and wild youth; Drink alcohol to relieve worries and party animals. But now, we have lost all privileges and become the most common one among the six billion people in the world. Ordinary, this word is the biggest irony of our life.

Looking at the aging face in the mirror, I felt the gradual inflexibility of my limbs, and I felt that breathing began to become difficult little by little, and then the whole world changed. We are no longer young, and all the eyes around us don't matter anymore, we just drift with the flow of life, expressionless.

In the deepest memory, we used to think that we were the most special beings, intelligent in childhood, brilliant in college, profligate in youth, and unrealistically having countless dreams, but soon, reason was overturned All the so-called dreams brought us back to reality, we quickly gave up the struggle, chose an 'ordinary' path, and comforted ourselves, this is the average level of society.

But this kind of compromise is not brave, but willing and willing. We just quietly watched ourselves from being special to being ordinary, and finally all the unrealistic things were restrained and returned to reality.

But when we look at the life of Christopher at the age of twenty-four, we suddenly think that that is life, that is youth in full bloom, that is wanton life, regardless of age, even if Christopher is forty years old, such as Speaking of Jane and Rainey in the movie, such as Ron in the movie, they are the real young people, exuding a radiance that makes us envious. And those of us who "returned to reality" died long ago in our early twenties, along with our dreams.

"I understand what he's doing," Karina said. It took him four years to complete his college degree with absurdly tedious responsibilities. Now he's finally freed from the illusion, fragility, parental discipline, and materialistic world of things that prevent him from experiencing reality. .

Unfamiliar hotels, inferior impressions, unrestrained melody, tear apart the dark night and the vast sky, cross the boundless forest and endless wilderness, in loneliness, restore the most primitive and basic joy in the heart, so simple, but So complicated.

When watching Evan Bell appear on the I always have an illusion that this is not Christopher or Evan, this is a wanderer, they are one, deep eyes , An innocent and **** face, big blue backpack, empty water bottle, brown boots, disappeared little by little on the road, indulging in the charm of nature. He is a super wanderer, destined to belong to this boundless sky from the moment he was born.

In the end, he disappeared into the wilderness of Alaska, quietly, but quietly blooming his youth. He was twenty-four, but he was richer than a hundred and twenty-four, because he had a splendor that we don't have. His story is over, but like his words engraved on the wooden sign, 'Thank God' my life is so colorful.

Whoever stipulates that we must live our lives in accordance with secular concepts. Maybe one day we will die absurdly, but please remember that this is our own willingness. Even at the end of Chris' life, he once thought of going home, and Tolstoy's 'family and happiness' was his last sustenance, but I think he never regretted it, because at the last moment of his life, He saw the boundless sky. It's just that life can't have the best of both worlds, can it?

Wade across a river, break a branch, trot with horses, see deer in the morning, serious owl, all the strange love and hostility in this world exist, and he is fortunate to be a part of it.

Don't be free, or die! "

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