Great Artist

Chapter 1729: blood is coming

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The movie "There Will Be Blood" kicked off in silence. In the dark mine shaft, the bearded Leonardo DiCaprio held a pickaxe and kept beating, Not a word. This is 1898, the tail of the gold rush era. Like countless people at that time, this miner was working hard in the mine alone with the dream of finding gold one day.

He ignited the explosives and tried to blow the mine deeper to excavate useful ore, but when he went down the mine again, because the stairs were loose, he fell to the bottom of the mine and injured his left foot. After a full five minutes, he finally made his first sound, the painful mourning echoed in the mine, and the voice of "No!" echoed leisurely in the mine.

But in the end, the ore he dug with his lame leg still found nothing.

In 1902, the year when the oil boom was on the rise, this miner named Daniel-Plevy drilled an oil well and tried to make his own equipment to continue mining the oil field. This time, his wish came true and a huge amount of oil was extracted from the well.

But the accident happened soon. The loosening of the machine smashed under the oil well, killing a worker working under the oil well. Daniel-Plevy was unmoved and adopted the baby left by the worker to continue the oil extraction.

As oil was extracted from the oil wells, Daniel Plevy quickly turned from a down-and-out miner to a small oil miner. Not content with his small oil field in Wild Wolf Mountain, he began to try Expand your business. Nine years later, he was successful as a junior oil miner with sixteen wells.

When Daniel Prevey arrives in a new town, Jiang Haoshan, trying to acquire land for oil extraction, a handsome child appears beside him, H.W. Prevey, who is obviously the baby he adopted.

Daniel Plevy is a very smart person. Even in the face of the urgency, anger and irritability of the residents of Signal Hill, he is not impatient or impatient. He just expresses his advantages clearly and emphasizes his own advantages. Different, "I'm a family man and I do drilling oil fields as a family business. This is my son and partner, H.W. Plevy." This easily distinguishes him from other capitalists, no doubt. Come on.

When Daniel-Plevy faced the inconsistent quarrel among the residents, he chose to leave calmly because he wanted to completely control the situation in his own hands. He chose a land that was a little farther to the north, found the landowner, and then persuaded the family to take the lead in drilling Signal Hill's first oil well before the other capitalists. His own ingenuity has opened up his own business in the fierce competition.

The audience in the movie theater was silent. The story presented by Evan-Bell using pictures, audio playback, and lines directly laid out the story in just 20 minutes. It was not attractive, but the whole clue was clear and unusual. This kind of desolation revealed in the pictures and voices quietly began to shroud everyone's hearts. Just like the title of the film "Blood is Coming", that kind of storm that is about to cover the sky with dark clouds makes people panic. The most important thing is that Leonardo DiCaprio played Daniel Plevy, which overturned everyone's previous impression of him, and made this role from a small miner to a capitalist step by step. Man, the two consecutive persuasive speeches just now made the audience unable to close their mouths. Looking at this completely different Leonardo DiCaprio, the shock was overwhelming.

At the door of the dim wooden house, an angular young man took off his top hat and entered the house humbly. Seeing the outline of his face under the cold white light, someone in the audience blurted out "Evan" One Bell." This made the scene involuntarily burst into low laughter. Although they knew that Evan-Bell was only a supporting role in this work, people were still very eager to see Evan-Bell appearing. Nineteen and a half minutes after the movie started, this wish finally came true.

"Mr. Prevy?" The young man came to find Daniel Prevey. "Are you looking for oil? If there is oil in a place, how much are you willing to pay for it?" This young man named Paul Sandy, In exchange for information on potential oil fields near his home in the Little Boston area, he was paid $500 and left.

This is Evan Bell's first appearance. It doesn't seem to have too many edges and corners, just a humble but smart young man. Compared with the role of Daniel Player, this character called Paul Sandy is currently There is no room for play yet.

Afterwards, Daniel Prevey took H.W. Prevey to Little Boston, California, and found the location of Sandy's farm, but surprisingly, Paul Sandy was not at home. Paul looks exactly the same as a young man named Eli. It seems that Paul and Eli should be a pair of twins.

Daniel-Plevy came here to camp in the name of hunting, and then began to explore the nearby land when the Sandys weren't paying attention. Soon, they determined that there is indeed a possibility of reserves here, and even more fortunately, it is not far from the coastline, Daniel Plevy has begun to conceive, if they can build an oil pipeline directly to the coastline, and then sell the oil To Union Oil so they can stab a lot of money in shipping.

Daniel-Plevy has decided to buy Sandy Farm. Knowing that Paul Sandy, who has oil deposits here, is not at home, Daniel-Plevy began to figure it out.

If you buy it at the price of the oil field, not only the unit price is relatively high, but also after the oil is extracted, the original householder can also ask for dividends; therefore, this time, Daniel-Plevy hopes to exploit this loophole and not buy at the price of the oil field, Instead, they bought the surrounding land in the name of wanting to hunt here for a long time.

When Daniel-Plaivey's plan was explained to Abel-Sandy, the head of the Sandy family, everything went well, but Eli-Sandy's plan was strongly resisted, and he was acutely aware of Daniel-Plyvey. Wei had ulterior motives, and Eli Sandy apparently knew about the possible oil deposits on Sandy's farm.

Eli Sandy hoped to be able to sell Sandy Farms to Daniel Prevey for $10,000 and then use the money to invest in his church, but it was far more than the three thousand seven hundred that Daniel Prevey offered. The dollar offer, and that quickly drew the ire of Daniel-Plevy, as Eli-Sandy was trying to control things, was unacceptable to Daniel-Plevy. Soon, Eli Sandy was lost in the raging storm of Daniel Plevy.

This is the first confrontation between Eli Sandy and Daniel Prevey. The still young Eli-Sandy only provoked Daniel Prevey's anger and sold Sandy's farm for five thousand dollars. , and the other five thousand dollars will be given to Eli Sandy after the oil is discovered. In addition, Eli Sandy has almost no ability to resist. In the verbal confrontation between the two, Daniel Plevy can be said to be a complete victory.

The audience suddenly realized that the real confrontation with Daniel Prevey was not Paul Sandy, but Eli Sandy. And Eli Sandy has not concealed his religious beliefs from the very beginning. Obviously, this will be a confrontation between religion and capital.

Amid the roaring music, Daniel Prevey bought all the surrounding land—except William Bandy, a stubborn old man—but that didn't detract from Daniel Prevey's plans, who would soon The excavation team called in Little Boston. The late-arriving capitalists can only seek the development of other surrounding areas. Obviously, in the process of oil extraction, Daniel-Plevy has occupied another opportunity.

Daniel-Plevy started building his own drilling rigs on the ground, while Eli-Sandy started promoting his Third Apocalypse Church among the workers. One through capital, the other through faith, and quietly, began to **** on this barren land.

Before the drilling began, Eli-Sandy came to offer his services. He hoped to be formally introduced before the groundbreaking ceremony, and then started a small blessing ceremony. Daniel Prevey ostensibly, but at the beginning of the groundbreaking ceremony, he did not invite Eli Sandy to come forward, but asked Mary, the youngest daughter of Sandy's family, to come forward and pray for blessings. The words that should have been used on Eli were applied to Marie, and directly led H.W. Previ to begin drilling operations.

Obviously, this intensified the conflict between Issi Sandy and Daniel-Plevy.

In an accident, a worker died, which was almost unavoidable in the oil exploration work of the 1920s. While sorting through the worker's belongings, Daniel Plevy discovered the logo of the Third Apocalypse. Daniel Prevey knew he had to bow to Eli-Sandy. Because he knows that if this matter is not handled properly, it will have a fatal impact on the subsequent mining work.

When the audience saw Daniel-Plevy walking with heavy steps to the log cabin where the Third Revelation Church was gathered, their hearts began to rise, because they all knew that Eli Sandy and Daniel-Plevy's relationship The conflict will further intensify. Everything is just like the name of the movie, the whole dark and destructive atmosphere is coming step by step, not in a hurry, the tyrannical feeling of "blood is coming" is slowly accumulating strength in the cinema, waiting for the moment of explosion. .

Elathan's gentle voice came from the church, "Yes, last night, I had a dream, and I felt the breath of God running through my whole body."

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