Great Artist

Chapter 1730: 1 conflict

The fourth update today, please recommend, please subscribe!

"Dear Mrs. Hunter, you have arthritis, don't you?" Eli-Sandy knelt down in front of a silver-haired old man who claimed to have come to speak to Mrs. Hunter under God's guidance , Eli Sandy clasped Mrs. Hunter's hands tightly, and his question was answered affirmatively by Mrs. Hunter, "Yes, there is a demon hidden in your body, I want to catch this demon. This is Back, I'm not going to force it out with the flames, the breath in me taught me a whole new way of communicating. Calling in a gentle whisper."

Eli-Sandy cupped Mrs. Hunter's cheeks with his warm hands and whispered, "Come out, devil. Come out, devil." As he spoke, the others around seemed to follow involuntarily. Whispered, like the most devout congregation in the world, involuntarily agreeing with Eli Sandy, "Come out, devil." Eli Sandy slid his hands down, took Mrs Hunt's hands, and his voice began to rise. , "Get out of this woman's body now! After you come out, don't stay again, leave forever!"

Eli-Sandy pressed Mrs. Hunter's hands to her forehead, as if sucking out the devil, "If you dare to come back, I will bring the power of anger to my toes and kick your profits to pieces. Teeth." Then he stood up abruptly, and his voice gradually rose with his emotions, "I will throw you high, then fall into the mud, and fall into **** without supernatural!" The surrounding people couldn't help but feel emotional. He started to get excited, "As long as I have teeth, I will use it to tear you apart; if I don't have teeth, I will crush you with my gums. As long as I have two fists, I will come and beat you. Hurry up and leave me. !devil!"

Eli-Sandy was like possessed by a devil, unable to control himself emotionally. Under the excitement that he almost broke through his skin, the surrounding people all stood up involuntarily and shouted, "Leave quickly. !devil!"

When the sound reached a peak and began to feel tearing, Eli Sandy's emotions also reached a peak, he rushed out of the cabin, stood in the sun, and threw the devil far away, all the negative Emotions seemed to disappear under the sunlight, "It's gone!"

"Hallelujah!" All the people shouted involuntarily. In addition to Dan Nie Roll-Plevy, Dan Nie Roll-Pleiwei watched all of this quietly.

I have to say that this young man, Eli Sandy, is very good. He easily aroused the emotions of all the people and made everyone addicted to it. And when today's sermon was over, Danny and Prevey approached Eli Sandy and explained his intentions. He hoped that Eli Sandy could say a few words at the funeral at noon tomorrow.

However, Eli Sandy said, "Dan Niel, this accident could have been avoided, working in a mine without the Lord's grace..." His words were interrupted by Dan Niel-Plevy.

"My people only change shifts every 12 hours, and they need adequate rest." Dany and Eli Sandy stood face to face, talking on an equal footing, "If they don't get enough rest, they will low-level mistakes will be made.”

"I saw someone drinking heavily at work, shouldn't that stop it?" Eli-Sandy's words jumped out of Dane Niall-Plevy's words, but they didn't last.

"My people need adequate rest so that the production of the oil well can be guaranteed. If they always come to listen to your sermons, they will not be able to guarantee normal rest. In that case, we will not be able to produce oil, and everyone's money will be in vain. Danielle Prevey directly exposed his true purpose, and the collision of capital and belief reappeared, "Can you hand over his personal belongings to his family? Thank you. I heard, you There are plans to rebuild the church."

"Yes, there are more and more people gathering, and we need bigger places," Eli Sandy admitted.

"You did a great dance just now." Danny Plewie directly showed his disgust for Eli-Sandy in his heart.

It can be seen from this that, on the one hand, Danielle-Plevy hates Eli Sandy's control of the people through faith, but on the other hand, Danielle-Plevey has to rely on the power of faith To reassure people, such as after an oil well accident, the faith of the church can calm a family that is suffering. The relationship between capital and faith that opposes and utilizes each other is beginning to take shape.

Soon, the oil well came out. However, H.W. Previ was lying on the roof of the oil outlet to watch the operation process. As a result, the huge impact force generated by the oil blowout directly swept H.W. Previ away. At the same time, the natural gas that came out with the oil encountered fire. , a huge fire broke out.

Daniel Prevey stepped forward and rescued H.W. Prevey. At this moment, the brilliance of his father seemed to be shining, but soon, the disaster of the oil well fire put him in a difficult situation. choice. Was it H.W. Prevey, who was hurt and couldn't hear himself, or the burning oil well? Ultimately, Danny Roller-Plevy chose the oil well.

The oil well that burned for a whole night was finally extinguished by isolating the fluorine gas. Even when everyone else went to pay attention to H.W. Previ, Danny and Previ still stood at the scene and waited until the fire was destroyed. off.

H.W. Previ is deaf, and he can't hear at all. Danny Null-Previ has tried every means to comfort and heal the adopted son, but he is still helpless. As this situation continued, Danny Rolle Previi gradually lost his patience. And Eli Sandy appeared again.

The oil was mined, and Eli Sandy came to get the $5,000 that Dany Roller-Plevy had promised him. front, open. When he said, "When will we get the money? Dan Lenny Roller." But he didn't expect that the answer to him was a slap in the face from Dan Lenny Roller-Praviyan.

This sudden and extreme conflict, Eli Plevy did not expect at all, and fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity: and the audience was caught off guard, the conflict that had been brewing for so long before broke out without warning, more than The oil well caught on fire just now and it was even more violent, which made all the audience's heart skip a shock that couldn't be described in words.

Eli Sandy tried to sit up, but Dany Niel Previ raised her left hand and gave it again, then her right hand, and two slaps in succession rang out, and Eli and Sandy were in the sand. The rustling of the struggle on the ground echoed in the quiet cinema.

Dan Lone Plewie rushed up like a tiger descending the mountain, grabbed Eli-Sandy's collar with both hands, "Aren't you a genius doctor? Aren't you possessed by the Holy Spirit? "The eyes were round and round, as if they were about to fall off at any time, and the aura that was about to eat people was like the top of Mount Tai, making it impossible to breathe at all. Eli Sandy avoided the hands on her chest in embarrassment, "When will you come over and cure my son! Can you do it?"

Eli-Sandy finally knelt up and stood up, "If you asked me to pray for the oil well, this kind of thing would never happen..." Before the words were finished, Danny Plewie slapped the slap. He waved again, "You shouldn't have said such things." Another slap in the face, and Eli Sandy was lying on the ground like a puppy.

"Ow! You still owe the Third Apocalypse Church five thousand dollars!" Eli-Sandy's angry voice came from the depths of his throat. He couldn't beat Dany Niall-Plevy, but he would never be caught off guard. .

With a "bang", there was a heavy blow from Eli Sandy's butt. It was Dan Niel Prevey! He actually kicked his **** with his foot, like a hound chasing a flock of sheep, this is a shame, this is a huge shame! But what can Eli-Sandy do? The anger in his chest was burning, but he lost the first chance at the beginning, and now he has no chance to resist. He can only crawl forward with his hands and feet, and Dany Niul-Plevy is still Don't let him go, kicked him twice more, the shame almost drowns him, his voice is completely out of control 3

"Is that so? Is it?" Danny and Levy took two big steps forward, bent over and grabbed the short-medium hair of Eli-Sandy, and then lay on the ground like a corpse. Squeakily dragging, "We made an agreement!" Eli Sandy was still shouting, but soon his genius language skills were useless, and he could only wailing like a bereaved dog.

Dan Nie Lu Er Pu Levi has fallen into madness. He grabbed Eli Sandy's hair and dragged it into the muddy depression next to him. Eli and Sandy were struggling frantically, but his head came The pain and enormous strength made him unable to resist.

When Danielle-Plevy dragged Eli-Sandy into the mud, the whole person was pressed down, trying to grab Eli-Sandy's neck, Eli-Sandy launched a violent counterattack, use both hands and feet. These two people are like beggars fighting on the street. They don't have any routines or kung fu. They just use their primitive instincts to fight. In the end, Dan, Ni, and Erpu, who has the upper hand, won the victory again~ Niel-Plevy pressed Eli Rondy in the mud, and finally made Eli Sandy lose all language ability, and then put Elia Sandy, who was submerged in the mud, into the mud. Dee stayed where he was and left wearily.

The muddy Eli-Sandy came home without taking a bath, and took all her grievances out on her father, "You're so stupid, Abel. You brought in the stranger and let him be with us. It's you who let him in and let him go wild. You're so stupid that you ruined everything that could have been beautiful." Tears welled up in Eli Sandy's eyes at that moment. The muddy face was particularly evident.

Eli-Sandy angrily climbed the mountain table and rushed towards his father, his mother and two sisters were scared to dodge, Eli-Sandy strangled Abel's neck tightly, "How did he Here, do you know? I know!" Facing his father's struggle, Eli-Sandy burst into a terrifying and terrifying aura and suppressed it, "It was your stupid son who did it! Paul Jean The guy came here, I know. He said to the guy, 'My stupid, weak father will let the land go,' and you got it easily."

"It's true that the son born of a mouse can make a hole..." Eli-Sandy left the last sentence full of resentment.

I'm sorry, but the movie is too long again, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Then don't ask for a monthly pass, ha. (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to (an) vote for a recommendation vote and a monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.) "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @"


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