Great Artist

Chapter 1861: unexpectedly strong

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People expected the success of "Ratatouille" in 2007, and the combination of Pixar and Eleven Studios was really commendable; people also predicted the big victory of "Iron Man" this year, and comic hero movies always have something to be reckoned with. The explosive power; similarly, people also expected the "robot Wall-E" to have an excellent performance, which is a kind of trust in the two golden signs of Evan Bell and Pixar. But no one expected that "Robot Wall-E" would land in the North American film market with such a strong attitude.

Before the release of "Robot Wall-E", professional film critics generally predicted that the film's opening box office should fluctuate between 60 million and 65 million, not as good as last year's "Ratatouille"'s 70 million proud People start, but it can still rank among the top five or even the top three in the relevant film history records. It can be said that professional film critics have high expectations for "Robot Wall-E", but because this work involves intelligent robots, sci-fi cartoons and other elements that are not easy to innovate and achieve good results, the film critics' predictions are still very fair. .

But when the North American box office chart statistics for the fourth week of June came out, everyone was dumbfounded. The $87 million box office in the opening weekend was dominated by the king, easily defeating a number of competitors and proudly crowned. No. 1 on the North American box office charts this week.

The premiere result of "Robot Wall-E" has undoubtedly broken a series of records, the highest in the history of science fiction cartoons, the highest in the history of movies featuring intelligent robots, the highest in the history of G-rated films in film history, and the highest in history of Pixar's premieres. Animation premiere history is the highest! Among the works that opened in June, "Robot Wall-E" only ranked second in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"; among the box office records of 3D animations in the film history, "Robot Wall-E" followed closely. Behind the second and third "Shrek", the third place!

The opening box office figure of 87 million US dollars, which is the same level of players as "Shrek 2", which set the box office record of the movie history animation, although compared with the "Shrek 2" premiere of 108 million There is still a certain gap between "Robot Wall" and Wan's performance, but in a detailed comparison, the gap between the two is definitely not as huge as imagined. "Shrek 2" was screened in 4,160 theaters at the same time, and the single-house box office was about 25,000 US dollars; while "Robot Wall-E" was screened in 3,600 theaters, the single The pavilion grossed $24,000 at the box office.

It can be seen from this that "Robot Wall-E" and "Shrek 2" are definitely the same level of players!

The box-office performance of "Robot Wall-E" can be comprehensively surpassing that of "Ratatouille" released last year, breaking Pixar's own series of records again, and bravely launching the "Shrek 2", the current box-office record holder of movie history animations. challenge. The cooperation between Pixar and Eleven Studios has made progress every time.

In such a situation, it is true that everyone did not expect that a cartoon with such a limited subject matter actually created such an almost insurmountable good result, which really surprised everyone. Especially after "Iron Man" and "Indiana Jones 4" two 300 million-level box office tycoons swept the North American box office market, "Kung Fu Panda"'s current cumulative box office has approached 180 million US dollars, "Robot" The living space of 3D computer animation such as "Wall-E" is even narrower, but it is still not easy to force a good result of up to 87 million US dollars in the entire film market.

In addition to the crocodile-level box office of eight to seven million dollars, "Robot Wall-E" has once again ushered in a "ratatouille"-style victory in terms of word of mouth.

Thirty-seven North American authoritative media gave nineteen perfect scores, which is definitely a sweeping brilliance. In the end, the comprehensive score of the media reached 96 points, even exceeding the 95 points created by "Ratatouille" last year. It is called a miracle of breaking the limit.

The comprehensive media score of "Robot Wall-E" has risen to the top of Z98's most acclaimed work so far, leaving behind the highly praised "Iron Man" and "Kung Fu Panda" in the summer archives. And the high score of ninety-six, even at the end of the year, it is estimated that it is difficult to have more works, even "The Blood Is Coming" and "No Country for Old Men" are slightly inferior. The word-of-mouth of "Robot Wall-E" can definitely be described by the word "swept", which is powerful.

"Smart and incredible, bold and daring, the ancient love story and the same ancient science fiction of the universe are unobtrusively reconciled into a new epoch-making masterpiece!", "A truly witty and profound great script, beautiful and heartbreaking as The intoxicated world of images", "Under the meticulous worldview, weaving a vast universe that makes people lose", "The love and humor that has invested countless efforts in the producer, combined with the methodical narrative, slowly substitute the audience, and in the silent The wonderful narrative that makes the audience disarm and surrender without interest has a seamless gorgeousness and indescribable resonance", "brings a profound moving beyond the realm of animation" I believe that the charm of the protagonist Wall-E will not be lost in another hundred years. will decline", "even within Eleven Studios and Pixar, this kind of work is the first in history", "all the movies so far this year will have the urge to die! "…

Among the nineteen perfect scores of authoritative media, "Robot Wall-E" seems to have locked the Oscar's best animated feature in advance. Not only that, people are even speculating that Andrew Stanton and "Robot Wall-E" are competing for the most Best Director and Best Picture Possibilities! There is no doubt that the influence of "Robot Wall-E" has quietly approached the "Lion King" in 1994!

In addition, among the audience, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes website is 97%, which is almost perfect, but IMDA's timely score has reached 9 points, and one sentence rushed into the top five of the list! Only behind "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Godfather", and "The Godfather 2", although this is only an instant result, and it is bound to decline in the future, but it still makes everyone stunned.

Although it is said that "Robot Wall-E" has achieved a good result of 87 million US dollars, compared with the production cost of 180 million US dollars and the excellent media reputation of 96 points, it makes people not so Satisfied, everyone is looking forward to the explosive box office power of "Robot Wall-E", which will hit the box office record of "Shrek 2" so far that no one can shake.

Compared with Eleven Studio's "success has become a habit, and high-quality products are only normal", Universal Pictures, which has been defeated repeatedly in recent years, has finally relied on Angelina Jolie and James Ling. Kavoy's cooperation saved face. Under the huge pressure of "Robot Wall-E", "Wanted Order" broke the ultra-high level of 13,000 US dollars at the box office of a single hall, and won 40 million US dollars at the box office during its opening weekend!

Although the premiere performance of "Wanted" is only half of "Robot Wall-E", considering that the investment of "Wanted" is only 75 million US dollars - it is a fraction of "Robot Wall-E", and R The unfavorable attributes of the level, being able to get 40 million US dollars is definitely a well-deserved "first in the world".

Such a situation is definitely worth celebrating for Universal Pictures, especially compared to last year's summer vacation, "Fake Tenjin 2" completely collapsed under the crush of "Ratatouille", and ultimately lost everything; then This year's "Wanted Order" and "Robot Wall-E" jointly created a surprise situation, which obviously made Universal Pictures smile. Losing to "Robot Wall-E" is not a big deal. The point is that the box office performance of "Wanted Order" is enough to make people shine. Coupled with a comprehensive media score of 64 points, Universal Pictures is truly relieved.

This is also reminiscent of the momentary situation of "The Mechanical Enemy" and "The Bourne Bourne 2". Of course, "Wanted Order" did not really threaten "Robot Wall-E", which is the first difference; while Universal The film industry is no longer hostile, and Studio Eleven is not a rookie at the time. This is the second difference. This is also doomed. After the North American box office list came out in the fourth week of June, the mood of Universal Pictures can be called a magpie's good news.

Of course, Universal Pictures' happy brows and Disney's bitter goodbye are more and more Even Robert Iger's good manners will inevitably sigh and shake his head to express regret. Missing out on Pixar is destined to be the biggest stain on Robert Iger's career as Disney CEO.

The win-win of "Robot Wall-E" and "Wanted Order" made the box office of many competitors decline. "Confused Detective" and "Kung Fu Panda Little "The Incredible Hulk" followed, but the box office decline was very severe. Especially It was "Kung Fu Panda". After being sniped by "Robot Wall-E", the growth of the box office suddenly slowed down. The 200 million levels were difficult to move from the original reach to the present, and the injuries were very serious.

In addition, the battle between "Raiders of the Lost Ark 4" and "Iron Man" for the top spot in the 2008 summer season has also heated up. At present, the cumulative box office gap between the two sides is only $900,000, which is almost a tiny difference. The former has been infinitely approaching the same period results of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", while the latter has surpassed a series of records of "Transformers". Of course, the real battle between the two still depends on "Batman: The Dark Knight", which will be released in three weeks, and this is the real tough battle.

"Robot Wall-E" came to the summer of 2008 with a gorgeous start. It made an impeccable performance both at the box office and word of mouth. However, the next week, "Superman Hancock" led by Will Smith was released. , this is the real test.

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