Great Artist

Chapter 1862: unstoppable

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The name Will Smith has an intimate nickname among fans: Shi Huang. This is an absolute guarantee for Will Smith's box office appeal. At present, all the films released by Will Smith at the box office exceed 100 million yuan. Such an indicator can be regarded as the first Hollywood actor. Evan Bell, who is always on the fringes of literature and business, is not even a little bit worse than this record.

Although it is said that the title of the most box-office appeal has been almost taken away by Evan Bell, no one dares to ignore the love of the American people for Will Smith. This black movie star is very different from Evan Bell. His funny and humorous image of an artist and a good man who loves his family and son have given him an unparalleled mass base in North America. Therefore, even though Will Smith has not crossed the threshold of 200 million at the box office for a long time - last year's "I Am Legend" broke this embarrassment, but no one dares to ignore Shi Huang's deterrent power.

This can be clearly seen from the gears of major film companies. Universal Pictures dared to challenge Eleven Studios and used "Wanted Order" to confront "Robot Wall-E" head-on, which is definitely not an impulsive choice. In the week of "Superman Hancock" being released, this is the only new film that has been fully released, and no film company is willing to confront Will Smith head-on! That's the power of Will Smith.

After the release of "Superman Hancock", it won the first box office of 60 million US dollars with ease, and was strongly crowned as the North American weekend box office champion in the first week of July. However, it is quite embarrassing that the comprehensive media score of "National Superman Hancock" is only 49 points. This kind of word of mouth can almost be said to have collapsed, and the future box office trend is also worrying. Although relying on Will Smith's appeal, there is still hope that the box office will reach 200 million, but compared with its 150 million investment, Sony Columbia Pictures obviously has higher expectations for the final result of the box office.

Compared with the box office performance of "Superman Hancock", the box office decline of "Robot Wall-E" and "Wanted" in the following week is more expected. It is no longer news that Eleven Studio is overcoming thorns in the summer season. "Robot Wall-E" won the weekend box office championship in the summer season. It is also tomorrow's yellow flower, but how much boost can the good reputation of Eleven Studio's works bring to the box office? That's what people pay attention to.

"Robot Wall-E" relied on an almost overwhelming reputation, and the box office dropped by about 35% in the following week by 56 million US dollars. In other words, "Robot Wall-E" is only behind the "National Superman Han Exam" by less than 4 million, and is the runner-up. This is the biggest news in the first week of July!

Last year's "Ratatouille" fell by an astonishing 30% in the second week, which is a miracle; this year's "Robot Wall-E"'s 35% decline is actually still a heaven-defying existence. Under the impact of various blockbusters in the summer, a drop of less than 50% can be regarded as a good performance, and a drop of 45% or less is an exceptional performance. Therefore, the performance of "Robot Wall-E" is still commendable. However, from the horizontal comparison between "Robot Wall-E" and "Ratouille", it can be seen that in fact, the mass base of "Ratatouille" is still broader, and the subject limitation of "Robot Wall-E" is revealed at this time. The future box office decline is bound to continue in this trend.

But no matter what, "Robot Wall-E" won $56 million in the next week's performance, which made everyone excited.

Under the circumstance that the "National Superman Han Zhuke" led by Will Smith was completely crushed, "Robot Wall-E" still contributed 15,500 US dollars in the box office of a single hall and 56 million US dollars in three weekends. , people can't help but think of the classic good show of last summer's "Ratatouille" counterattacking "Transformers" to create a box office miracle. The full premiere of "Superman Hancock" failed to really suppress "Robot Wall-E", but was hit in the jaw by the counterattack of "Robot Wall-E". The premiere score of $60 million was compared to the $56 million. The next week at the box office, Will Smith's face was hard to look good.

In fact, Will Smith can't be too angry, this is a two-way effect. The word of mouth of "National Superman Hancock" can even use the adjective "a wave of bad reviews", and compared with the domineering "Robot Wall-E" last week, it is indeed difficult to fully exert pressure on the competition at the box office.

Looking back at this year's summer season - and even the works that have performed well at the box office in the past summer seasons, even if the word of mouth is not against the sky, the comprehensive score of the media can at least pass the 60 mark, and this year's "Iron Man" "Indiana Jones 4" "The reason why "Kung Fu Panda" has performed so well at the box office is that its good reputation is a must-have magic weapon. Among them, "Kung Fu Panda" has become DreamWorks Animation's first work in addition to the "Shrek" series with a box office of over 200 million, which is a major breakthrough.

Although it is said that the highest box office record in film history is in the hands of DreamWorks, and the box office crushing ability of the "Monster Officer Lake" series is definitely superior, Pixar has always been at a disadvantage, but Pixar's average box office performance has exceeded 200 million. The performance is far better than DreamWorks Animation. At present, apart from the "Shrek" trilogy, DreamWorks Animation has only one "Kung Fu Panda" breaking the 200 million threshold. No wonder people say that DreamWorks is a flash of inspiration, but Pixar is a continuous masterpiece.

All in all, "Superman Hancock" is still dragged down by the quality of the film and cannot fully exert pressure. The resistance of "Robot Wall-E" almost shattered the teeth of "Superman Hancock". In addition, the 55% drop in "Wanted Order", "Confused Detective", "Kung Fu Panda", and "The Incredible Hulk" are all lower than the 45% drop. The "Cork" market was heavily apportioned.

This situation peaked with the arrival of "Hellboy 2," "Adventure in the Center of the Earth," and "The Dave Ship" in the second week of July.

It was an absolutely chaotic week, and what was considered to be the most confusing week of the 2008 summer championship format, the results also proved people's speculation. "Hellboy 2" made 32 million at the box office, "Adventure in the Center of the Earth" 20 million, and "Dave Spaceship" only 5 million at the box office. The three new works did not perform well, and the word of mouth was a complete failure.

The new work is not good enough, which provides an opportunity for the hegemony of the previous premiere work, but the "National Superman Hancock" is not good enough, the box office plunges by as much as 50%, and the income is 30 million US dollars, although it is currently benefiting. During the long holiday of Independence Day, the cumulative box office in North America reached 150 million. It should be no problem to cross the threshold of 200 million, but it still made Sony Columbia Pictures disgraced. Will Smith's box-office appeal is still the same, but the inadequacy of the work ultimately restricts further development.

Under this situation, "Robot Wall-E" once again achieved the unstoppable strength in the competition, and brought out a box office of 39 million US dollars with a 30% box office drop. In the third week, it returned to the top of the North American box office charts!

This can definitely be called another great victory. Unlike last year's "Ratatouille" agency's exhaustive distribution strategy, this time "Robot Wall-E" completely relied on its own strong reputation and firm strength. With the high-density release in 1,600 theaters on Wednesday, it exploded with great energy and became the first work to re-rank the North American weekend box office chart after the 2003 summer program "Pirates of the Caribbean" again after a week. !

"Robot Wall-E" completed an almost impossible task, facing "Hellboy 2", "Adventure in the Center of the Earth", "Dave The impact of the three "Wanted Order" and the interference that cannot be ignored, they were able to return to the championship with a 30% drop. Such a result is indeed gratifying.

As a result, the North American box office rankings for the second week of July have become "Wall-E", "Hellboy 2", "Hancock the Superman", "Adventures in the Center of the Earth", "Wanted" , "Confused Detective Little "Dave Spaceship" and "Kung Fu Panda". Such a ranking can be said to be something that no one expected before the summer season kicked Wall-E" again Bring surprises.

Three weeks after its release, "Robot Wall-E" also achieved an ideal performance by relying on the Independence Day holiday. At present, the cumulative box office has reached 250 million US dollars, and it is officially moving in the direction of 300 million US dollars. Compared with "Ratatouille" "In terms of the performance of US$210 million in the same period, it can be said that there has been a lot of progress.

But it is worth noting that "Robot Wall-E" has not had the momentum of hitting "Monster Slime Bar" in the first week, which is a box office record. You must know that "Monster Slay Bar" has already crossed the threshold of 300 million at the cumulative box office in the same period. Judging from the current situation, the hope of "Robot Wall-E" hitting the 400 million box office is very slim. It seems that it has become impossible to surpass the historical record of "Slay the Monster 2". The limitations of the theme are at this moment. It is clear at a glance that no matter how bad the word of mouth is, no matter how crazy the praise is, the inherent deficiencies in the subject matter doom "Robot Wall-E" to create a new historical record, which is difficult.

Still, there's no problem with "Robot Wall-E" surpassing Pixar's own historical record. The cooperation between Pixar and Eleven Studios can definitely be said to be powerful. There is "Ratatouille" and then "Robot Wall-E". It seems that the honeymoon period of the two will continue for a long time.

In the third week of July, the work that can really decide the direction of the box office in the summer of 2008 is coming, "Batman Prequel The Dark Knight"!

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