Great Artist

Chapter 1872: perfect dark

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After Neil Darcy got home, his hands on the keyboard almost flew up. In less than half an hour, a manuscript was written, and soon, "The New York Times" appeared on the front page of the official website. Batman prequel The Dark Knight..." review.

"The most perfect darkness!" This is the title of Neil Darcy's film review. From the lines, you can clearly see the passion echoing in his chest.

"Something's cold, and something's working. Christopher Nolan's Batman movies are as dark as midnight and as long as lightning. Art and technology, poetry and entertainment, a perfect balance.

Deeper and darker than all Hollywood comic book adaptations put together. At first glance, the two emotions of justice and evil are blending and struggling in the chest, and there is a faint hint of pessimism, but no film can reflect such a strong horror and horror in pure tragedy. Emergence of the epic heroism behind the ministry: 'Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight,'. "

Obviously, Neil Darcy used his simplest and most gorgeous rhetoric to push Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" to a whole new level.

"Truth, justice and dreams have always existed, and the soaring wings of the dark knight clearly reflect the ambiguity and shallowness of other superheroes or super spies. Nolan uses an extremely serious and very natural attitude to take the bursts of The cake of wisdom was incorporated into the movie, and after watching 'The Dark Knight' people immediately understood why the last 'Superman Returns' fell. It does not have the rigidity and crudeness of other similar films, and endows the comic book hero with a heavy, serious but painful fate, and creates a Batman who is struggling in the dark under the cloak of night. There is no doubt that this greatly Helped Christian Bale perform.

Compared to the previous works in the Batman series, 'The Dark Knight' is like an alien with truth in his hand, his small step is a giant leap for the entire genre, but this alien is like all other pioneers, Closely integrated and strongly echoing the call of the times, but not accepted by the times, maybe the heterodox point of view is not new, but few movies will be so thoroughly implemented until the end. This insistence also makes aliens out of place in the whole society. Can we accept the greatness of this pioneer? If we can't, time can. Nolan told us a point that no one had thought of: Batman and the Joker are twins, or two sides of the same coin...different but closely related.

The Joker, played by Evan Bell, a chalk full of evil and circus hilarity at heart, has successfully delivered the most successful performance of his career and has once again reached new heights. Evan Bell's version of the Joker, with the appearance of the walking dead and the darkness from the heart, his deep-rooted performance made all moviegoers involuntarily fall into the darkness, shrouded in the shadow of the clown. Then, as soon as the clown enters the carnival of killing and reveals that explosive evil and morbid smile, all the emotions in the viewer's heart will be immediately strangled by the fear that jumps up inside.

The Joker is an uninvited guest in Kocho City, and even the whole society is out of place. He easily controls all the criminal groups, and his strange and unmotivated criminal behavior firmly holds Batman in his hands. Evan... Bell succeeded in completely hiding himself in the character's white mask and evil eyes, and evolved a character like the Joker into a symbol, a symbol called fear. The whole world was burned by the flames in the Joker's hand, amid the unbridled and piercing laughter of the Joker.

Such a clown makes everyone fascinated. Even if they know that the evil of darkness is not desirable, all moviegoers will still dance on the tip of the knife accompanied by the joker's laughter, the heart-piercing pain and crystal blood beads, shining on the clown's cracked lips Hui.

Under Nolan's lens, the clown has become a combination of funny and terrifying. In the tense and tortuous atmosphere of the film, the clown's grasp of human nature is condensed into his outstanding criminal wisdom, mischievous crimes. , the corruption of the city guards, the encounter with justice and legal constraints have become the most powerful weapons in the clown's hands, pulling everyone into the endless darkness.

Whether or not Batman is wearing his black cape, he's less of a surprising presence than a somewhat invisible, almost forgettable figure. This black Batman is not so much a man as some other monster, and when he perches on the edge of the Gotham City skyscraper, he is more of a monster than a savior. Batman and The Joker are so imaginative, the same is not accepted by society, the same can only stay alone in their own darkness, and the same has their own almost stubborn persistence. But Batman's persistence was torn to shreds in the face of the Joker's recklessness, so the Joker won.

The movie is heavy, so heavy that it doesn't even look like a comic book hero movie, but it's brilliant, brilliant enough to eclipse all comic book hero movies, Evan Bell's brilliant performance and the visual beauty of the film are always exciting Heart, it's not just a movie, it's more like an opera. No matter how cynical you are about Hollywood, it's hard not to be impressed by a movie that leaves enough room for the clown to get out of the window of the police car, the laughter left in the wind, a soulless, nameless, only In the twisted city full of mirror fragments, neon lights flickered behind him like brilliant pearls. He's just a clown in purple velvet, but also a classic in a sense. "

It can be seen that Neil Darcy focuses almost all his writing on the Joker. He uses the confrontation between the Joker and Batman as the main clue to narrate. From this perspective, the Joker is the "Batman Prequel Darkness". The first protagonist of "Knight...", because it is the existence of the clown that promotes the development of all plots, and it is the light of the clown that makes this movie an absolute classic far beyond "The Mystery of the Prequel to Batman..." excellent.

Apparently, many newspapers and magazines agreed with Neil Darcy's film review, but this time, Chris Fairbank of "Film Review" expressed his opinion on Neil Darcy, a "confidant" who has almost no friendship. "The shouting from the air echoed. The two film critics are well-known for their love for Evan-Bell. Of course, there are countless film critics who like Evan-Bell. Even so, Chris Fair Punk And Neil... Darcy's comments rely on high-end platforms such as "Film Review" and "The New York Times", and they have become one of the focuses of movie fans.

"The Joker makes Batman complete." This is the title of Chris Fairbank's film review, which clearly conveys his point of view.

"When someone asks what choice should be made between justice and evil, more than 90% of people will answer 'justice'; then how should one choose between the ultimate justice and the ultimate evil? Maybe some people don't I know too well the difference between the two propositions before and after, and I can understand it with an example.

In The Dark Knight, Fox invented a sonar device for Batman, through which he could see holograms across Gotham City and monitor cellphone calls. Fox objected to its use because the device was a serious violation of moral and legal limits. What if Batman once lost control and used it for his own sake? Then the consequences are unimaginable, and this is the danger signal brought by the ultimate justice.

When justice reaches its limit, it begins to fight against the shackles of the law, and uses the banner of 'justice' to enforce the gray areas that the law cannot cover, then the ultimate justice loses its control. At this time, the ultimate justice and the ultimate evil The difference between them is actually very small: they are all means to achieve ends.

The essence of a superhero is actually the ultimate justice that transcends the constraints of the law. They hold the ultimate power in their hands to exert the ultimate justice, but whether this power is abused is only bound by the superhero's own moral power, and no one can control it except him, which makes the superhero become a social justice. the most vulnerable link. Therefore, unconstrained ultimate justice is not only the source of happiness for superheroes, but their original sin.

The original sin that Batman bears is the root of his suffocation, which makes his confrontation with the Joker always unequal: the Joker's ultimate evil can be unscrupulous, while Batman must use morality to restrain his ultimate justice, because He knows that his moral code is the only insurance of extreme justice. Once it is crossed, Batman who has mastered the ultimate justice is actually no different from the Joker, and even more dangerous. So, Joker says, 'to them' you're just a freak, like me. .

What is even more tragic is that the existence of extreme justice is actually endowed by extreme evil. It is precisely because of the emergence of extreme evil that cannot be resisted under the power of law, so extreme justice was born. The Joker said to Batman, 'You make me whole', but the opposite is true. In fact, the Joker's existence completes Batman's existence. The ultimate evil can exist independently of the ultimate justice, but the reverse is not true. of.

'You make me whole' should be true for Batman. Batman is not destined to be a hero in a world of light, only when darkness comes, he can appear, sweeping away the darkness cautiously and restrainedly, Reluctantly become a knight born of Only the audience who have really watched 'The Dark Knight' can feel the so-called extreme evil. The role of the clown pushes the extreme evil to a new peak. And it is Evan Bell who gives life to the clown!

Evan Bell has created an insurmountable peak. Compared with Evan Bell's performance of the clown, the Jack Nicholson version of the clown, once regarded as a classic, now looks nothing more than a "jumping clown". It's not that Evan Bell's acting skills must have surpassed Jack Nicholson's. I believe that Jack has also performed the clown in Tim Burton's mind to the peak. It can only be said that the clown in Nolan's mind is really too brilliant. .

The real ultimate evil has no purpose. He just creates 'evil of higher taste' for the city. Compared with Joker, the evil characters in 'Seven Deadly Sins', 'No Country for Old Men' and 'Silence of the Lambs' seem to have changed. It's blurry, because in the Joker's world, there isn't much of an addition to evil.

In the clown's hands, the evil is so pure, like a work of art, like a musician swaying freely, so from the beginning to the end, no matter what the situation is, he maintains a arrogance and self-satisfaction as a demon, that In fact, it is the dignity of the artist.

Just as Batman deserves his justice, the Joker deserves his evil. If Batman is the dark knight, then the Joker is the evil angel. "

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