Great Artist

Chapter 1873: good and evil

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Neil D'Arcy and Chris Fairpunk deserve to be the most optimistic film critics of Evan Bell. Their reviews of "Batman: The Dark Knight" are basically based on the role of the Joker, but their It's a point of view, too, because Evan Bell really put on a great show, even earning more accolades than Leonardo DiCaprio last year in "There Will Be Blood." Not only the "New York Times" and "Film Review", but countless newspapers and magazines have come forward and sent the highest praise.


"Variety" magazine, which has always been known for its rigorous and sincere commentary style, stood on an objective standpoint and carried out a comprehensive interpretation of "Batman: The Dark Knight". - Supported by Fairbanks' critics.


"Nietzsche once said that those who fight with the devil should be careful that they also become the devil in the fight. When you look into the abyss, the abyss is also watching you. This is the best comment on the 'dark knight'.


Among the many moral bottom lines in life, it is an invariable law that justice defeats evil, but we never knew that the words motive and cost follow closely the verb 'overcome'. We have witnessed countless heroes of justice on the big screen, but very few movies have carefully explored the three-dimensional side of the hero. A really good character is not simply to organize the story to write strengths or weaknesses, but to let the character integrate into the ins and outs of the story in a really good story, so that when the motivation and cost arise, the character becomes complete. .


The reason why 'Superman Return' has been criticized many times is because Superman is not restrained, has no commitment, and has not paid a price in the story. He just does what he should do, so it is bland; why is the 'Spider-Man' series the second The film is most widely acclaimed because the second film takes the idea of ​​'with great power comes great responsibility' as the emotional thread of the story; 'Iron Man' can bring such a big surprise on the occasion of the 2-year summer program, Just because Iron Man is the representative of the character that determines the fate, his character charm affects the development of the story; Similarly, the first 'Pirates of the Caribbean' is the peak of praise so far, just because the first story follows Jack-Spey. It was established in the footsteps of Captain Luo, but in the second and third parts, the captain went with the flow.


The perfect combination of characters and stories is the core of a classic movie. So does it hold true for hero comics movies? Nolan uses 'Mystery' and 'The Dark Knight' to construct what he thinks is two-thirds of Batman's story.


'The Mystery of the Shadow' tells the story of Bruce Wayne and fully establishes the role of Batman. He is different from any other superhero. His ability is not the strongest, and his character is not the most prominent. He uses his flesh to resist bullets, his will to resist pain, and his righteousness to fight evil. Such a Batman seems to be flesh and blood, and he is the most special. This is the work that Nolan used an entire film to complete.


In the 'Batman' series before Tim Burton and Joe Schumacher, Batman was just a superhero who, like everyone else, seemed to be saving the world; Christopher Nolan was different, He gave life to Batman, and it's not Batman, it's Bruce Wayne, Nolan tells us how he became Batman, and how he punishes crime, and Batman is How to Become a Gotham City Totem


What 'Mystery of the Shadow' gives Batman is motivation. And the "Dark Knight" gave Batman a price.


Nolan put the story of Batman into reality. Although Gotham City is a fictional city, he deliberately added the part of Hong Kong, in fact, to make people think that this is real life. Gotham City is real. existing. So, the problem arises. Batman is challenging the bottom line of the law. His actions against evil are helping society, but society is not so simple. When the Joker claimed that if Batman didn't turn himself in, he would kill an innocent citizen every day, the citizens went mad, they would not curse the Joker, but turned to Batman, so a righteous existence like Batman became a society intolerable existence. Thus, the price was born.


Batman was condemned by the citizens he protected, questioned and betrayed by his subordinates, forced to confront the police who represented the law, forced to leave his lover, abandoned by the Knights of Light, and most importantly, he was represented by the evil. The clown is firmly in his hands, unable to move. At the end of the story, Batman became the "Dark Knight", he became the object of Wanfu, and he had nothing. This is the price.


This is the greatest meaning that Nolan gave to 'Batman Prequel'. At this time, Bruce Wayne is not only Batman, but also the most ordinary member of our society. The motivation and price of his righteous actions are all So vivid, Batman's character is plump and three-dimensional in an instant.


The reason why 'The Dark Knight' is outstanding is not only because it establishes the image of a superhero, but also because it brings out the entanglements between various forces. Batman, Dante, Joker, Gangsters and Sims.


Strictly speaking, Batman and Gordon belong to one faction. They represent the purest justice. They believe in balance, the resonance of darkness, and in special times, special methods must be used, not dogma or idealism. But at the same time, they stick to the bottom line of their hearts and will not be confused by the power in their hands, thus losing their moral standards.


Dante is a representative of legal justice and an existence within the system. He believes in law, order, and the existence of an ideal social model. Among the countless social interests in Gotham City, he is the real hope: not only the hope of the citizens, but also the hope of Batman, he can do the responsibility that Batman can't admit, so he is given the 'light' Knight's title.


But his hatred of evil is not the result of Wayne's personal experience, but a product of higher education. According to the Joker's train of thought, if the so-called civilized person does not threaten their own interests, who does not want justice and awe-inspiring! But once he comes into contact with true darkness, all defenses collapse. When Dante's belief in justice was not declared, and the justice he believed in was not implemented, Rachel's death directly made him degenerate into a two-faced person. It may seem absurd that the two sides of a coin determine one's fate, but in fact it is Dante's most direct and idealistic determination of the so-called "fairness".


The birth of the two-faced man, the clown is just a catalyst, what really broke out was the unpure justice in Dante's heart.


The clown, the unique clown, is a clown who shines brightly under the interpretation of Evan Bell. He exists to believe only in chaos, only in the justice of chaos, and in the vitality of chaos. The reason why the clown can predict things and take the initiative, the reason why he can take the initiative everywhere, is because he sees clearly the essence of the whole world, the chaos and nothingness brought by anarchism is actually before the birth of all social forms. the most basic state.


'Why so serious? ' The Joker has seen through the essence of the world, 'It's like gravity, all I need to do is a nudge', the Joker's thorough intelligence is superior to others, how can Batman, Dante and Gordon be the Joker's opponents? Throughout the whole story, the clown is like a catalyst. It does not participate in chemical reactions, but accelerates the collapse of the entire sick social structure. This trend of converting 'potential energy' into 'kinetic energy' is irreversible. In the long river of history, it is probably the trend of the wheel of history.


Even if the people on the last two ships successfully saved each other, and Batman and Gordon achieved Dante's hope in the name of the 'Dark Knight', this is only the last glimmer of light before falling into the invincible abyss , everything is under Joker's control.


It is worth mentioning that the clown played by Evan Bell is perfect, the performance and the plot are perfectly combined, far beyond the Jack Nicholson version of the old work, this is one of the most classic villains in film history, and at the same time. It is also the most classic performance of Evan Bell's actor career!


Compared with Batman's pure justice, Dante's bright justice, Joker's pure darkness. Gangs and citizens are two other special Gangs may seem evil, but in fact their only bright spots and loopholes are interests. They are representatives of villains in normal concepts and challengers to the system , but in the environment of intertwined interests set off by the clown, gangsters have also become victims, not because they are kind, but because they are normal, and they are an irreplaceable part of this society.


Citizens, who have been ignored by comic hero movies, are valued in Nolan's lens. Citizens are the foundation of everyone. They are the sufferers of violence, but at the same time, it is very easy to join the cycle of violence and become a new round of perpetrators. , and once the cycle of violence is formed, the citizens are more destructive than gangsters, and more subversive than clowns. Because it was the citizens that gave birth to the gangsters, Batman, Dante and the Joker.


So, the true climax of 'The Dark Knight' is not the chaos created by the Joker, not the two-faced man's descent into darkness, nor the self-sacrifice of Batman, but the victory of the game between prisoners and ordinary citizens on those two ships . This is the last light of meaning in the endless darkness, and it is the only motivation for Batman to still be willing to be the 'Dark Knight' under the Joker's control.


Balance, order, chaos, interest, and foundation, these represent the five forces in the 'Dark Knight', colliding with each other, forming this story that attracts everyone's attention, and makes this story an excellent classic . "


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