Great Artist

Chapter 1963: escalation of scolding

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After entering November, the lively music market in the United States is no worse than the summer vacation. Otherwise, the major record companies would not be in chaos because Evan Bell set the release date of the new album at the beginning of November. Before November 3rd, there are definitely a lot of big names releasing albums.

At present, the most popular on the list is Xia I, who is known as the "King of Southern Rap". After the release of his new album, he won the championship for two consecutive weeks. In addition, Oasis, Bob Dylan, and the Rock Boys all chose to release their albums in October, which also made the weekly Billboard albums lively.

However, compared to the album chart, the liveliness of the singles chart is even louder. Singles from singers such as Xiaban, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Pink Lady, and Lil Wayne are fiercely competitive on the charts, with the number one spot changing almost every week. In addition, the second single from Katy Perry's first album "Cold and Hot (ld is also currently hitting the charts, and the results are very good, ranking fifth.

In fact, since the beginning of this year, the downturn in the music market has improved a little, especially the controversy after the Grammy Awards at the beginning of the year, which has made the independent music in the market enthusiastically pursued. Compared with the previous two years, the sales volume was only ten percent. In terms of the fact that Mando can top the Billboard album chart, it has recovered a lot. But the economic crisis in September hit the music market hard again. Overall, there is still a cloud over the entire music market.

For example, the new album sold 560,000 in the first week of its release, and it was called a big hit by the media, and it easily landed at the top of the Billboard album chart; for example, Britney Spears released a new single "Woman" last week. Killer (zen)” won the championship with a sales figure of 350,000, which was already among the top in the whole year.

These two sets of numbers become more apparent in the overall picture. Since Evan Bell released his album "Three" in July 2004, only three albums have sold more than one million albums in a single week in the past five years. That's it, Fifty Cents (ent)'s "Holocaust (re in June 2005, Evan Bell's "Four" in September 2006, and Lear Wayne's "Carter" in February of this year. III ( . What a pitiful statistic that there are only three albums that have sold more than one million a week in five years!

This is also the reason why the media is excited when Evan Bell and Kanye West, two big-name singers, are about to collide head-on. Because the lifeless music market needs big-name singers to launch new works to promote it, there are many big-name names in the current music market, but there are no strong players who can dominate the rivers and lakes.

In September last year, the war of words between Kanye West and Fifty Cents was dubbed the "September 11th Battle" by the media, causing countless waves. For a long time, rappers have contempt for other singers due to their own attributes. I don't think they are the best rappers in the world because of their unique personality. He is known as the "King of Southern Rap". He shouted it out himself; Lil Wayne is the singer who knows how to publicize and hype himself best in the American hip-hop world. When he released his last album "Carter II", he declared himself the greatest singer in the world. He only spent two years. From a second-tier rapper to a king; not to mention the fifty cents who have always been "respected" but not bad.

So last September, Kanye West and Fifty Cents, two singers who were about to release their albums, who disliked each other, started a frantic war of words in the media. Fifty Cents put down his harsh words, saying that if his album could not sell Kanye West, he would quit the pop music scene.

This "September 11th Battle" ended with Kanye West's victory, and it is unclear whether Fifty Cents will withdraw from the pop music scene. At the time, Kanye West's album sold 950,000 copies, which was the closest to a million-selling album in a single week in five years; the fifty-cent album sold 69 Ten thousand Zhang, such a result can easily dominate at other times, but after all, he still loses.

With Kanye West and Fifty Cents finally colliding, and country star Kenny Chesney also choosing to release an album at the same time, it made the music market very active last September, which is surprising .

This year, Kanye West will release a new album, this time against Evan Bell. That's why reporters have been teasing Kanye West, because of the lessons learned from last year. And Kanye West, who won last year's matchup, is naturally confident enough to beat Evan Bell. But when Evan Bell satirized Kanye West for deliberately hyping Kanye West, the whole news media looked at Kanye West like a clown. , Kanye West's "hype" title is difficult to take off in a short time.

Whether it is Britney Spears, including Oasis and Bob Dylan, they are big names, but their ability to drive sales is still slightly inferior. Britney Spears has a strong appeal, But in recent years, they have all been consumed, and this time, looking forward to the phoenix nirvana, it is not so easy and simple.

So, when Evan Bell came along, it collided with Kanye West, which was enough to make the entire music market active.

On November 3, "Five" was officially released, and it achieved sales of 580,000 on the first day of listing! Although this result did not break the "Four" single-day sales record of 630,000, it still easily surpassed the one-week result of Xia I winning the championship. This kind of power makes people speechless.

At this time, people remembered what kind of opponent Kanye West was facing! When others are stuck within the threshold of one million in one-week sales, Evan Bell can get the gold record certification in one-day sales, which is not a level of confrontation at all. And the album "Four" swept 2.2 million sales in a single week at that time. How to fight this?

Thinking of this, people suddenly lost interest. Even if Kanyeast broke out again, it is estimated that it would be difficult to shake Evan Bell's performance. In fact, don't talk about shaking, even the qualifications for comparison are probably not there. Come to think of it, in the music market right now, there is no one who could threaten Evan Bell's album sales, which is why the major labels are shunning it. You know, how important is the self-esteem and face of the big record companies, they will even cover up some scandals for their own face, but now, they are willing to admit that they take the initiative to avoid Evan Bell's edge, and they don't care about their self-esteem and face. The face is damaged, which shows how powerful Evan Bell is.

Sure enough, on the second day of the "Five" release, the sales volume of 300,000 was still achieved, and the cumulative sales volume in two days was 880,000. Since November 3rd is Monday, it is not a problem for the sales to exceed 1 million in a single week. , Although it seems a little difficult to hit the record of 2.2 million in a single week of "Four", it is still very hopeful to break the record of 1.63 million in a single week of "Three".

In this situation, is it necessary to discuss the duel between Kanye West and Melvin Bell? People are a little gloating, wanting to see how Kanye West reacts.

For rappers, insulting them is better than killing them. After Fifty Cents was humiliated by Kanye West last year, there has been no news for nearly a year. This is a matter of face. Kanye West was originally a very tough person. Even though he knew that he had no chance of winning a head-to-head confrontation with Evan Bell, he still stood up as soon as he lost. "Bah, this is called a great album? This is called a classic? Then you guys don't pay homage to my latest album!" Kanye West looked a little furious, and he even announced that his album would be released ahead of schedule , which was originally scheduled for November 19, mentioned the tenth, and will start a head-to-head confrontation in the second week of the "Five" release.

Under the circumstance that others can't avoid it, Kanye West's stubborn approach has won a lot of approval, and the attention that has already subsided has been rekindled again. Although it's not a fair contest to say that the second week of "Five" was released against Kanye West, 808 and Heartbreak (808sHeartbreak first week of release, after all the album sold at number two Zhou also has a certain decline like the movie box office, but people will inevitably look forward to whether Kanye West can defeat the weakened version of "Five" in the second week, and what kind of sales will the two explode. Comparing the data, this is really exciting.

The sales in the first week of "Five" were obviously stimulated by a series of speeches by Kanye West, and the sales curve in the following days showed a very gratifying trend. In the end, "Five" won 185 in the first week. Although the sales volume of 10,000 is still a long way from the record of "Four" - especially that "Four" created this miracle in just four days, it is undeniable that "Five" still airborne to the It was No. 1 on the Billboard Albums Chart in the first week of November, and its sales of 1.85 million became the second-best weekly sales figure in the 21st century after "Four". This series of records all demonstrate Evan Bell's unparalleled popularity.

in winning. After the monument, "Five" easily took the sales in the bag. As of now, the top album sales champion in 2008 is Lear Wayne's "Carter III", which has sold 2.8 million so far. El Wayne's championship title is on the line.

However, there is still a long way to go about how the final sales will go. Let’s focus on the second week first. What will the showdown between Evan Bell and Kanye West be like in the second week?

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