Great Artist

Chapter 1964: Accidental list

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The single-day sales volume was 580,000, and the sales volume was 1.85 million in the first week. The release of "Five" set off a new round of frenzy in the entire music market in 2008. Coupled with Lear Wayne at the beginning of the year, the 2008 music The recovery of the market is very gratifying; in fact, this is the most gratifying performance of the US music market since the release of "Four" in 2006.

Thinking back carefully, the top three sales in a single week since the 21st century are "Four", "Five", and "Three"; the five albums that have sold more than 10 million albums since the 21st century are Linkin Park. , Usher, Evan Bell, of which Evan Bell contributed three; since the 21st century, Billboard has the most number of singles, the number of album championship weeks, the most consecutive weeks, the single and album at the same time The most champions are all Evan Bell.

Putting this series of data into one sentence is: It is no exaggeration to say that the current American music is Evan Bell alone in the world.

The situation of "Evan goes out, who will compete with each other" is indeed a deeply ingrained concept in the music market. Evan Bell's ability to drive the entire American music market, and even his influence on the music industry, is inestimable. Leaving aside the series of outstanding singers under Eleven Music, focusing on Evan Bell himself, the reputation won by the album "Five" has no comparable objects in the past two years. Extending to a longer period of time, it is difficult to find a comparable masterpiece. Strictly speaking, since "two", Evan Bell is basically a battle with himself, whether it is word of mouth or sales. During the period, singers such as Usher, Justin Timberlake, and Beyonce were not able to form a confrontation, and they retreated under the strength of Evan Bell.

A single 1.85 million is enough for the media to scream in the 1980s and 1990s, when the music market was most prosperous in the last century, not to mention the current sluggish music market. In the first week of November, driven by Evan Bell, the entire music market showed an upward trend, and the sales of other singers' albums recovered to varying degrees.

On the Billboard album charts, "Five" is far ahead and holds the number one position. Although the new album with two consecutive titles before the runner-up position has only sold only 120,000, it is a 120,000-dollar album compared to the previous week's number one. Basically the same, it can be said that the results are outstanding. Also on the charts were Metallica, Adele Adkins, Katy Perry, and the "Mamma Mia" soundtrack, all four of which returned to Billboard singles Top ten on the list. The driving ability of "Five" is really excellent.

In addition, Evan Bell's previous four albums have returned to the list. Although the rankings are not high except for "four", the long-term hot sale of Evan Bell's albums still makes people sigh again. .

This situation is beyond everyone's expectations. The original expectation that the sales of other albums would drop significantly did not occur. On the contrary, the listeners were driven by Evan Bell, and they all walked into the record store and entered. iTunes, which also indirectly drove the sales of other albums. In other words, one person has become a chicken and a dog, and Evan Bell's album has driven all the people's attention to music, thereby stimulating the recovery of the music market.

Evan Bell's ability has moved to a higher level, not only to highlight his own advantages by suppressing opponents, but to rely on his own strength to drive the prosperity of the entire market. In this situation, music critics and record companies are all dumbfounded, and they don't know what words to use to describe their feelings for Evan Bell.

Solo in the world? Such domineering words used to describe Evan Bell also paled.

Nonetheless, in the second week of November, Kanye West was still aggressive, landing on the American music market with the determination to pull Evan Bell off his horse.

Although this matchup is not as good as last year's "Nine-Battle" one - after all, last year's matchup was the outcome of thin ice, and the result was unpredictable; but it still attracted countless attention, and people's main concern is not the outcome because everyone thinks that The winner has been determined, but focus on sales figures, what kind of results each album can achieve, and how the entire music market is trending. If this battle of scolding can make the whole market re-energized, it will be the best thing.

When people focus on the showdown between Kanye West and Evan Bell, they ignore that there are two other strong opponents in the second week of November, namely the heavy metal group from Australia / , the studio album "Black Ice (e re-released after eight years, and the second solo album "Feanless" by rookie female singer Taylor Swift from Studio Eleven. Four powerful singers came together to make this week's music market the busiest week of 2008.

In the duel that attracted the attention of countless people, Kanye West's fourth studio album "808 and Heartbreak" won 430,000 sales, which is impressively Kanye West's personal Among all the albums, the works with the lowest sales in the first week, not to mention the sales of 950,000 of the third album last year and the sales of 860,000 of the second album of the previous year, even his debut has 45 10,000 sales, the results can be said to be very serious diving.

And Evan Bell's fifth album "Five" in the personal recording studio fell by as much as 40% in the second week, but still won 1.11 million sales, which is the same number as Evan Bell himself. Comparing the weekly results, it was lower than the 1.6 million of the "four", but easily surpassed the 800,000 of the "three". Despite this, the single-week sales of breaking platinum still easily gave Evan Bell an absolute advantage.

Evan Bell defeated Kanye West with absolute strength. This result is not surprising, but Kanye Schonst's album sales are only a little more than one-third of "Five". Such a huge gap is still Makes people feel terrified. However, it wasn't the sales numbers that really killed Kanye West, but the criticism from the entire critics.

Music critics generally believe that the quality of Kanye West's album has deteriorated very seriously, far less than the previous three albums. The sales figures, as a reflection of the market, reflect the problems of this album very well. Its first wave of the title song "love cage (wn is actually a very good song, the overall quality has been greatly affirmed, but this song has become the most controversial song of Kanye Twist's music career. a song. Because Kanye West defines this song as a rap genre, but the problem is that this song has no rap part at all, it's just a hip-hop song.

Seeing the opportunity, Fifty Cents couldn't wait to jump out and accuse Kanye West, in his opinion, that Kanye West sang an absolutely sissy song that could be like a lot of genres Music, but definitely not rap. Fifty Cents thinks, "Instead of provoking Evan Bell's deliberate hype, it's better to make your own music well. At least Evan is a brave man, and his music quality can definitely stand the test, unlike you. It's a total softball!" Fifty Cents apparently thought that Kanye West's rap inspiration had dried up, so he created a song like "Love Cage" that was not rap at all to fool the public.

Kanye Twitter is completely dead, he didn't even stand up to explain anything, and he didn't even stand up to scolding, even if you don't compare it with Evan Belby and himself, the new album can be said It was a big somersault. So, almost as soon as the second Billboard chart came out in November, Kanye West disappeared completely.

This vigorous duel finally ended in a rather nihilistic way, making people laugh and cry.

What's even more surprising is that the singer who really threatened Evan Bell's position was not Kanye West, but/and Taylor Swift! It is estimated that this is the fundamental reason why Kanye West has no face to appear again.

/ This metal rock band, founded in 1973, is very popular all over the world. This time it released an album after eight years. Since its release, "Black Ice" has been strongly echoed by heavy metal fans around the world. It even broke out with a momentum not inferior to Evan Bell. This album is only sold in the US market through Walmart, Sam's Club and/official website, but it still has a record of 800,000 sales, which can definitely be said to be extremely popular. UU Reading

And Taylor Swift's second album "Fearless" was released on November 11, only a day later than Kanye West, but still won 600,000 sales, easily It has become the largest weekly selling country album on the U.S. record market in the past year.

/'s 800,000, and Taylor Swift's 700,000, if placed in any other week of the year, they would definitely be able to win the championship, but it's a pity that they all collided.

As a result, the second week of November became the week with the highest weekly sales in the U.S. audiovisual market in the two years following "Four". This week, Evan Bell, /, and Taylor Swift were ranked in the top three album sales charts of Billboard. Among them, Evan Bell resisted the fierce impact of competitors and still won the championship with an absolute advantage. The throne; and Kanye - West can only be ranked fourth.

Before that, the intensified scolding of saliva was as if a small flame had met a heavy rain, and even a wisp of blue smoke did not come out, and the flame went out. Kanye West's aggressive move to release the album a week ahead of schedule also turned into a foolish and reckless move.

Who could have predicted such a situation before the Billboard list for the second week of November came out? The ranking of the top four is indeed a huge surprise for everyone.

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