Great Artist

Chapter 1972: collapse accident

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The Avenue Bar is like a suffocating steamer at this time. All the space is occupied. It seems that there were vacancies in the bar ten minutes ago, but now it is completely occupied by the dense crowd, even walking from the dance floor. The distance of less than three yards to the bar has become a moth, not to mention all the sofas and tables, all of which are full of people standing in a "station", no one is sitting, everyone is standing, crazy The ground swayed with the drum beat of the music, as if the musical symbols were the best drugs, and after spreading through the air, the audience fell into a frenzy.

Miss Gaga was standing in the aisle leading to the bathroom. At this time, the aisle was also filled with the staff of the Avenue Bar. It seemed that no one could divert their attention. Everyone was attracted by the wonderful performance on the stage. , lose their minds and generally swing freely with the music. Miss Gaga wanted to regain her composure, but found it was in vain, because even the air she was breathing became extremely hot, and her entire chest was filled with tyrannical emotions. Crazy, the next self will become a bomb that ignites directly and explodes.

All the madness is because of the man on the stage, Evan Bell. From "fighter (heighte. to "airplane." to "passing by (dnwe. by)," "firefly (ea)." ).” Each song so easily ignited the emotions of everyone present, making the scene fall into a psychedelic dream of release.

Miss Gaga's brain has only the last trace of reason left. She is enjoying the joy and excitement of Evan Bell's live performance. This is the real stage, not only because of Evan Bell's fame, not only because of Evan Bell's fame. Because of the familiarity of the songs, Miss Gaga believes that any song in the hands of Evan Bell can interpret his own style and the entire stage can be firmly in his hands. The audience at the scene was like a marionette, and the ends of the puppets were all controlled by Evan Bell's fingertips, making it easy to make the scene a situation under his control. This is the stage, this is the performance, this is the realm that Miss Gaga has always longed for.

But soon, the last trace of reason in Miss Gaga's mind was also cut off, and she fell into an endless madness with everyone.

The turbulent crowd is like a busy sea. Everyone is like a canoe that is constantly bumping on the sea. No one knows when the canoe will capsize. When the atmosphere at the scene reached a climax again, a subtle "click" came quietly on the ground, as if something had broken. The formation of a crack was quickly impacted by the successive waves of the scene. Suddenly, the left front side of the stage where Evan Bell was located collapsed and a large part of the mouth collapsed.

A large group of people squeezed **** the front side of the stage. When the stage collapsed in part, the thrust from the back pushed the crowd in front of them all. The crowd in front was like dumplings, and it would collapse with a plop. The stage was completely filled, and the crowd behind didn't understand what was going on at all. They only felt that the resistance in front had disappeared, the center of gravity was unstable, and the same part of the body was squatting forward, and more and more people stumbled forward. past.

Evan Bell was standing at the forefront of the zigzag on the stage at this time, and the collapsed corner was behind him. He didn't notice it at all, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the crowd on his left swarming forward. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the situation of a mess of porridge, screaming everywhere, and the scene looked chaotic.

"Stop! Stop!" Evan-Bell stopped singing immediately, loudly ending the music, "The people behind don't rush forward, stop! Stop!" Evan-Bell's roaring voice came from the speaker When he came out, Evan Bell immediately shouted to the audience to stop the situation from getting worse. But the scene was completely plunged into chaos, screaming, crying, and wailing, making it look like hell, against the still unstoppable melody, making people feel a chill in their bones.

"Accident, accident, accident!" Evan Bell shouted into the microphone, trying to suppress the melody that was still spreading, and the guests in the distance finally woke up, "The stage collapsed, please stand where you are, don't move, slow down. Evacuate the crowd slowly. "Evan-Bell hurriedly explained to appease the emotions of the other guests at the scene, otherwise everyone would lose control of their emotions due to unknown reasons. Before the previous accident was dealt with, people rushed towards the door together, and a second accident was about to occur." There was an accident on the stage, please stay where you are! Stand still! "Evan Bell kept repeating.

At this time, a staff member came up and tried to pull Evan-Bell off the stage. In such chaos, Evan-Bell's safety was the most important thing. But Evan-Bell waved his hand and refused, "Please calm down, calm down, as long as you stand where you are, everything will be fine." After a brief chaotic scene, Evan-Bell's series of roars Finally got the situation under control.

The lights in the Avenue Bar finally turned on, and the music stopped. Because of Evan-Bell's instructions, the crowd in the distance did not riot after all, stood quietly in place, and then timidly and slowly dispersed towards the surrounding walls, leaving enough space for the middle.

The disaster on the left side of the stage finally entered the sight of Evan Bell. Fortunately, the situation was quickly brought under control, and after all, this is not a concert, not everyone is madly squeezing forward, so no one fell to the ground. The crowd was in even more terrifying danger, but even so, those who fell into the fragments of the stage, those who fell because they lost their center of gravity, suffered no small stampede injuries. Amidst the commotion at the scene, the mourning sound seemed a bit infiltrating.

Adam Cooper immediately called and then dispatched staff to start to clear the space. Although the chance of such an accident in the bar is very small, people in the bar industry are good at dealing with accidents. After all, alcohol always associated with various surprises

Teddy Bell also ran onto the stage, and after confirming that Evan Bell was all right, he calmed down. "'Evan, the stage is not safe now, and the people above had better retreat." Evan Bell looked at The messy stage on the left, nodded, called Andre Lindberg, and walked off the stage together.

Since one side of the stage will collapse, who knows if there will be any problems with the whole stage in the future, Evan Bell stayed on it for at least five minutes just now, which made people tremble. After getting off the stage, in order to avoid creating more chaos, Evan-Bell went back to the storage room, and Teddy-Bell went out in person to see the situation on the scene.

Epner-Alfred and others all gathered around, concerned about the situation of Evan-Bell and Andre-Lindberg. Fortunately, the collapsed part of the stage was in the corner, and no one on the stage appeared there. Otherwise, if they stood on the stage and fell directly, it is estimated that the injury would be very serious. Apart from being frightened, Evan-Bell and Andre-Lindberg were fine.

After about a quarter of an hour, Teddy Bell came back and explained the situation first, "The crowd has been evacuated. There were no serious injuries, most of them were minor injuries. Part of it was from falling among the fragments of the stage, and part of it was trampled. Collateral injuries." Mainly because there were not many people in the venue tonight, and the bar was very crowded if it could accommodate 300 people, which did not make the stampede accident more serious. "Fortunately, you stabilized everyone's emotions in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

In many cases, the injury caused by the accident itself is not very serious, but people's panic and fear in the face of the accident will cause collateral damage, making the situation even more terrifying. This is also an important reason why Evan Bell did not run away directly when faced with an accident.

Under the circumstances at the time, even if Evan-Bell wanted to run, it was difficult to find the right direction from the crowd. Moreover, if Evan and Bell standing on the stage are in a mess, and people who don’t know the reason behind may think there is some kind of terrorist incident, and then swarm towards the exit after losing their minds, then the situation will become unpredictable. .

Then Teddy Bell went out to check the situation again. The ambulance had arrived at the scene, and all the treatment work was going on in an orderly manner. Although an accident happened, luckily among the misfortunes, no more disasters came out. David-Rabin, who arrived at the scene to watch the performance, also came to the storage Ruocheng thanked Evan-Bell for his calmness.

"Sorry, I originally wanted to come to the show, but ended up creating so much confusion." Evan Bell said with a polite smile.

David Rabin waved his hand domineeringly, "This is also a manifestation of your popularity. It seems that you can't easily invite you to perform in a bar in the future. Such a chaotic situation can still be controlled in public places such as Washington Square. It's okay." David Rabin didn't care too much, although the economic benefits outweighed the loss tonight, and the medical expenses of those injured guests must also be borne by the Avenue Bar: but in the long run, the Avenue Bar is in the New York's name was only completely out. In addition to the poor quality of the stage, the influence of Evan Bell's presence and causing chaos is more positive, so it depends on how David Rabin's follow-up is arranged. , may be able to turn a misfortune into a blessing.

After David Rabin left, Evan Bell's expression was also a little helpless. As a result, Callisto Ramos calmly said "Conan." Everyone else was puzzled when they heard it. , It was Evan Bell who reacted first, and he couldn't help but wait for Callisto Ramos, and then rolled his eyes.

Conan, not referring to Arthur Conan Doyle, but the famous Japanese comic Detective Conan: Wherever Conan goes, there will be murders, known as the "disaster".

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(To be continued [This text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Group @人世秀罗6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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