Great Artist

Chapter 1973: 1 shot

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After the collapse, the Avenue Bar was completely cleared, but Evan Bell was not in a hurry to leave. Teddy Bell was still outside to help deal with the situation, and he was waiting for the specific result. Although the real cause of the collapse is that the stage is not strong enough, Evan Bell is also an indirect cause, and he still hopes to stay and learn about the details of the injury.


What's more, there are not only ambulances outside the avenue bar at this time, but they are also surrounded by reporters. If you go out now, it will be more troublesome to be surrounded by reporters. It is better to wait until the matter is dealt with.


Diego Ramos quickly understood what his brother meant by "Conan", and laughed happily, and Andre Lindbergh was helpless. The only one left, ebner Alfred, who didn't respond, asked with question marks all over his head, "Callisto, what did you mean just now? What did you mean?" It was Callisto who answered him. - A roll of eyes from Ramos.


Evan Bell looked at the sparring partners, opened the door of the storage room, and was about to go out to check the situation. Just as he walked out of the storage room, Evan Bell saw Miss Gaga standing beside him pacing back and forth. , she looked a little anxious. Evan Bell paused, Miss Gaga just turned around, and the two saw it, "Are you okay?" Evan Bell asked, he thought that Miss Gaga was injured, so he stayed at the scene did not leave.


"Oh, well, I'm fine, I'm fine." Miss Gaga replied quickly, she was still a little cautious. In her youthful period, Miss Gaga did not have the confidence and composure in the media, but she had some sincerity and fear in facing her idol.


Evan Bell nodded with a smile, his eyes passed through the partition in front of him, and he saw the situation in the bar. Since this was the right side of the stage, he could only vaguely see that the stage on the left was missing. I can't see clearly at all, and the whole bar is no longer as chaotic as hell, just a little deserted, as if it was closed in the early morning. Several staff members are instructing the medical staff to help the wounded to walk towards the door. In fact, the wounded have basically gone out. Now only four people can be seen leaning on the edge of the stage or sitting on the sofa. bloodstains.


It seems that it has basically been dealt with, and neither Teddy Bell nor Adam can see it. It is estimated that they went out to be questioned by the police or interviewed by reporters.


"What an accident." Miss Gaga's voice pulled Evan Bell's line of sight back. Originally, Evan Bell wanted to go over to see the wounded, but now the medical staff have already dealt with them, but they don't know that they have been checked. After that, whether there are more serious injuries, we will know when Teddy Bell comes back. "It's a pity that this accident made your performance unfinished."


Evan Bell pulled the corner of his mouth, "It's almost there, that's still the last song." At that time, Evan Bell was singing "ghter", and the emotions of the guests reached a peak. All the enthusiasm broke out completely, causing the collapse of the stage. "Besides, if you want to see my performance, there are many opportunities, right?"


Miss Gaga could hear that Evan Bell didn't care about the performance. She followed Evan Bell's line of sight and looked over. It was where the wounded were staying. Another medical staff came in and asked about their situation. , "I have been watching outside just now, and there are no serious injuries, most of them are minor injuries."


Evan Bell smiled, "That would be better." In fact, Evan Bell also knew that tonight's accident was the problem of the stage itself, coupled with his performance, the atmosphere of the bar and the alcohol produced a chemical Reaction, which caused the accident, but he still cared about those who were injured.


Miss Gaga seemed a little hesitant to stand on the spot, and her expression was a little uncertain. Evan Bell saw that the wounded were all gone, and withdrew his gaze and fell on Miss Gaga, "Why didn't you leave first? The scene was so chaotic just now, and you could be easily injured if you were not careful."


Miss Gaga had already planned to leave, but she still stopped when she heard this sentence, "I want to watch your live performance." Before that, Miss Gaga watched many performances of Evan Bell through the TV screen After all, Evan Bell is the top singer in the United States today, both in terms of popularity and strength, but today is the first time she has watched a performance live, especially after her performance encountered setbacks, "I That's how I know what a real show is."


Looking at the envy on Miss Gaga's face, the slightly tense muscles on Evan Bell's face relaxed a little, "That's because you haven't seen my performance on the street before", Evan Bell noticed Miss Gaga With an unexpected look, he added, "Ten years ago."


"You mean, your performance was not so good ten years ago?" Miss Gaga asked involuntarily.


"Of course." Evan Bell answered directly without thinking about it, "The performance is constantly improving, and each performance can harvest different things. I can find different things when I watch the performances of the Super Bowl at the beginning of the year. Feelings, let alone ten years ago, no one is so good at birth. Even those singers who are born to belong to the stage, such as Michael Jackson, need countless performances to accumulate experience.


Acting is a very special experience. Talent is very important. Some people can't become stage singers no matter how hard they try! There is no doubt about that. But even an acting genius, without enough stage experience, cannot transform into a real swan.


"My street performance ten years ago was absolutely terrible, and I even had the experience of almost escaping from the stage." This is the truth, not to say that Evan Bell is omnipotent after rebirth, He has never been able to stand on the stage in his last life. After having enough tempering on Broadway in this life, Evan Bell began to try to perform on the street, but the timidity and fear in his heart was a huge threshold, and he overcame it. It took a long time to really get close to the stage.


Evan Bell's words made Miss Gaga burst into laughter and blurted out a sentence of "shit". After she finished speaking, she paused for a while. After seeing the smile on Evan Bell's face, the smile was released immediately. came out.


"Your performance today is very good, at least in my opinion, all you need is to accumulate experience, that's all." Evan Bell gave his own opinion, "First of all, you must believe in yourself, believe in you To be able to do well, even if you're not the best, at least you can show what you have and then just enjoy the stage and that's it."


Miss Gaga let out a long sigh of relief. Of course, the reason why she stayed was not because she was worried about Evan Bell. She was not a nympho, and Evan Bell was not the type she would like. She stayed because she wanted to ask Evan Bell's opinion. If she could get some pointers from Evan Bell, it would definitely be the biggest gain tonight. Fortunately, before she could speak, Evan Bell took the initiative to say it, which made the smile on Miss Gaga's face more relaxed.


"But what about when the audience ignores you?" Miss Gaga followed Evan Bell's words and asked.


Evan Bell smiled, "Imagine what it would be like to stand on the corner of Times Square and start performing." Evan Bell paused for a moment, then continued, " Not everyone will stop for you, but the audience who really want to stop and appreciate your performance is the audience who really likes you. So, what you need to do is not to attract all the audience, but to make your Show it to an audience who appreciates you.”


Even Evan Bell, who is in his prime now, is bound to have fans who don't like him. To give a simple example, it is estimated that fans who like heavy metal rock have no feeling for Evan Bell's music, and those who like jazz should not pay too much attention to Evan Bell. Therefore, no singer can satisfy everyone's preferences. Having said that, singers have never existed to please the audience, they are to interpret the music that truly belongs to them and show them to the audience who can understand their own music.


A singer who pleases the audience will follow the market trend, and business is their pursuit; while a singer who insists on himself is looking for an audience who can resonate with him. There is no doubt that Evan Bell is the latter.


Miss Gaga didn't understand Evan Bell's words too Indeed, this is the experience of Evan Bell as a human being, and it is the experience accumulated by countless street performances. Miss Gaga couldn't understand for a while! It's also normal. She still fantasizes about the scene in her head performing at the intersection of Times Square. Maybe she can understand it when she understands it.


"Anyway, thank you." Miss Gaga smiled and expressed her gratitude.


Evan Yibei Jie spread his hands and gave Miss Gaga a friendly hug, "I just said a few words, there is nothing to thank."


Miss Gaga showed a bright smile and took the initiative to give Evan Bell a face-to-face salute, "At least, you're willing to communicate with me, that's something to be thankful for, isn't it?" Indeed, with her qualifications as a rookie singer, even if Evan Bell refused to communicate, and she couldn't say anything.


Adam Cooper had just been busy with the media outside, and walked back to find David and Rabin to discuss matters, but saw Evan Bell and Miss Gaga hugging, he didn't have any more thoughts in his head, just Suddenly, he picked up the phone that he just hung up, adjusted to the camera function, aimed at Evan Bell and Miss Gaga and took a photo, just to capture the picture of the two people posing for a face-to-face salute.


At this time, Evan Bell and Miss Gaga had separated. Evan Bell was facing the direction Adam was coming from, and asked, "Adam, what happened to the injury just now?"


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