Great Artist

Chapter 2109: friendly reminder

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"Jerry, it's really inappropriate for you to ask me this question." Evan Bell was not angry, just smiled and said, "I told you my answer clearly at the beginning, even if you don't Ask me once, and my answer is still the same."


Jerry Bruckheimer was already mentally prepared for such an outcome, and he did not regret it too much, but went on to say, "I know that you and Nolan are working on a new film now, and you can't say no to the next schedule. Yes, but we can wait, everything can be arranged according to your schedule, even if the filming starts next year, there will be no problem. The most important thing is that the script has come out, do you have any interest?”


Although this is a question, Jerry Bruckheimer did not wait for Evan Bell to answer, but went on to say, "Actually, Robert and I have also considered, or simply end the series, the first is There are no good actors, and the second is that there are no good stories..." It's true, Jerry Bruckheimer and Robert Eagle really talked about ending the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, but in the end they couldn't bear it. A cash cow, "But then Robert bought the right to adapt Tim Powers' novel 'Stranger Tides,' and this gave him a chance to be reborn."


Evan Bell pouted when he heard Jerry Bruckheimer's words, but didn't say anything.


Jerry Bruckheimer was not discouraged, and continued, "Tell the story of Blackbeard and the Fountain of Youth."


The fantasy novel "Stranger Tides" tells the legendary life of Edward Teach, the famous black-bearded pirate in history. Historically, in 1718, the Blackbeard pirate who roamed the ocean for decades was killed in a fierce battle with the British Royal Navy, but after his death, the wealth he plundered disappeared, leaving countless imaginations for future generations. So Tim-Bowles created "Stranger Tides" based on the story of the Blackbeard pirates, which led to the Fountain of Youth, a treasure with sci-fi colors.


While talking, Jerry Bruckheimer observed Evan Bell's expression, but unfortunately, he did not find any expectation on Evan Bell's expression, "The new script is inspired by Blackbeard and Fountain of Youth. , but the story will still rely on Captain Jack Sparrow, so there is no direct connection to 'Stranger Tides.'"


Evan Bell has always valued the script the most, so Jerry Bruckheimer emphasized the merits of the new script, which is definitely a huge attraction. But unfortunately, Evan Bell still didn't respond, and Jerry Bruckheimer couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Evan, you didn't give me such a response, I'm really disappointed."


"Jerry, I told you that I didn't play 'Pirates of the Caribbean' because I didn't have the spark for the role of Captain Jack Sparrow and didn't feel the need to continue playing it." Evan Bell said seriously He expressed his views for the second time.


Jerry Bruckheimer opened his mouth and finally gave up a sigh. It seems that Evan Bell really made up his mind. "The fans will be heartbroken."


Evan Bell laughed, "It's not mine." This means that the fans of Captain Jack Sparrow will be heartbroken, but the fans of Evan Bell will not, because they know, This is the real Evan Bell.


Hearing this, Jerry Bruckheimer was immediately stunned, and finally laughed helplessly, "Since you don't want to act, do you have any good actors to recommend?"


"Jerry, are we familiar enough to discuss this topic?" A rhetorical question from Evan Bell made Jerry Bruckheimer really laugh. Indeed, although the relationship between Evan Bell and Disney has been greatly improved, it is still not friendly. Let Evan Bell recommend actors for "Pirates of the Caribbean PT. It is estimated that Disney has a vote of shareholders who will jump. Evan Bell is deliberately hurting Disney's interests.


After Jerry Bruckheimer laughed, he said seriously, "Then it's just a topic of our private chat, it's not a formal conversation." As a top producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, He has his own arrogance and persistence. In this point, he is actually somewhat similar to Jill Jacobs, but Jerry Bruckheimer can become such an excellent producer, and he also knows the importance of division of labor and cooperation. Sex, but also know the importance of a unique vision for a producer. Evan Bell in front of him can create miracles many times in the entertainment industry. It is definitely not that simple. Listen to Evan Bell's opinion, no harm, then Jerry Bruckheimer can think for himself, digest it by himself, and then stay true to his decision.


"Friends chatting?" Evan Bell raised his eyebrows and showed a smile, which made Jerry Bruckheimer a little embarrassed. The two of them really can't say the word "friend".


The cooperation of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series is definitely not pleasant. It's just that the super high box office revenue has made all the contradictions smooth. If any "Pirates of the Caribbean" box office revenue is not as expected, then Evan Bell, Jerry Brook The relationship between Highmore and Robert Iger is certainly not as smooth as it is now.


But Evan Bell did not intend to play word games, he continued, "If I were the producer, I would replace the role of Captain Jack Sparrow, re-establish a new pirate image, and start a new The pirate series." This is actually the practice of breaking and then standing, not breaking and not standing.


Since the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series relied on the role of Captain Jack Sparrow, and after Evan Bell resigned, no actor was willing to take over this hot potato, so why not just break the boat and let the whole series start over , to establish a new classic pirate image. Of course, this new pirate can surpass Captain Jack Sparrow for now, but at least it's a fresh start. It's better than continuing to use the role of Captain Jack Sparrow and burdening the new actor with the pressure of public opinion. Too much too much.


"But..." Jerry Bruckheimer is also an excellent producer. Naturally, he has thought about this possibility, but he does not have the determination, or rather, it is not that he does not have the determination, but Hollywood's The status quo does not allow him to have this decisiveness, which is the essential difference between him and Evan Bell. Jerry Bruckheimer's way of doing things has been stamped with Hollywood, but Evan Bell has not.


The biggest success of sequel films that have repeatedly achieved good results in Hollywood is that the first film has left a good impression on the audience and has a good reputation, and watching familiar characters experience different stories has also become a sequel. The biggest highlight of the movie. If all the casts are replaced and the characters are retained, all the audience needs is an acceptance process, similar to the type of comic hero movies; but if all the casts are replaced, what's the point of a sequel?


Just as "Spider-Man" without Peter Parker wouldn't be Spider-Man, maybe Batman or Superman; similarly, "Pirates of the Caribbean" without Captain Jack Sparrow wouldn't be Pirates of the Caribbean, but Victoria. Beijing pirates or Somali pirates.


Under such a situation in Hollywood, even if Jerry Bruckheimer has the heart to replace the core role of Captain Jack Sparrow, the "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" will not be far from failure. Long distance, he can't take responsibility for this failure, and Disney won't agree to it. So, Jerry Bruckheimer can't do it, he's not Evan Bell.


Evan Bell shook his head with a smile, preventing Jerry Bruckheimer's words below, "Jerry, my opinion has been said. You know, this is Disney's work, not Eleven Studios. Yes." This straightforward statement made Jerry Bruckheimer unable to speak further. It is very rare that Evan Bell can speak his inner thoughts.


Jerry Bruckheimer paused, seeming hesitant, but then said, "Evan, do you have any good actor recommendations for...?" Here Jerry Bruckheimer doesn't say what role to play The actor, but directly paused, obviously that blank is Captain Jack Evan Bell did not show an expression of mind, just smiled and said, "I think the Screen Actors Guild can I'll give you a satisfactory answer." He didn't want to go into this muddy water again. "The success or failure of Pirates of the Caribbean 4 has nothing to do with Evan Bell, even if the fourth film finally breaks a series of historical records, Evan Bell will not be jealous because it is no longer his work.


As for the choice of actors, in Evan Bell's view, no matter what actor plays Captain Jack Sparrow, it is a thankless thing.


Evan Bell has this confidence, even if the original Johnny Depp from the previous life takes over the role again, it is difficult to surpass his own classics.


From the unease of taking over the role of Captain Jack Sparrow, to the now strong self-confidence, Evan Bell's acting skills have indeed been gradually strengthened over the years. He is confident, but not arrogant, he just has this confidence. Therefore, Evan Bell would not easily recommend any actor to challenge the role of Captain Jack Sparrow. He suggested this to Gillen Haas at the beginning, and now to Jerry Bruckheimer, Evan Bell Nor will they express their opinions.


Jerry Bruckheimer knew that Evan Bell had done his best, so he didn't force it any more, and changed the subject with a smile, "Has the crew of the new film been formed? When will the filming start?"


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