Great Artist

Chapter 2110: Gathering 1

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On June 3, an ordinary Wednesday, the new film "Dream" co-produced by Warner Bros. and Eleven Studios officially started filming on the Burbank studio in Los Angeles. The shooting this time was very low-key, no press conference was held, and no news was revealed. Everything seemed to be still building a studio, but the filming had already started quietly inside.

Although the media reporters did not know that the crew had started filming, it did not prevent the reporters from paying attention to Evan Bell. On April 20th, the "Mirror Image" crew had just finished the production. In only forty-five days before and after, Evan Bell completed the post-production of "Mirror Image" and put it into the shooting of a brand new work. The efficiency is truly astonishing. More importantly, from the perspective of Evan-Bell's investment, the two works "Mirror Image" and "Dream" have cost Evan-Bell's countless efforts and are worthy of everyone's anticipation.

The reason why the crew set June 3 as the opening day is mainly because today is the first day when all the actors of the entire crew are present.

Previously, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio have all started special training one after another. In the past half a month, there have been initial results, but it still needs to be Continue to train, but the other actors have waited until today to arrive one after another, so today is the day of the official start.

In the crew of "Inception (n, in fact, almost all of Evan Bell's acquaintances, Leonardo-DiCaprio, Joseph-Gordon-Levitt, of course, have known each other for many years. Wen Lun - Page is the most high-profile star in Hollywood through Evan Bell's "Juno"; Cillian - Murphy, Michael - Cain are in "The Dark Knight" There has been cooperation. Only Watanabe Ken and Marion-Cotillard met for the first time.

"Hehe, this word cannot be pronounced as n." It should be pronounced as ept-n. "Evan Bell was talking to Leonardo DiCaprio, who was opposite him, but he didn't actually explain anything, just cut off the pronunciation of the word.

"ept-n" is not only Leonardo DiCaprio, but even Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ellen Page and others can't help but read the word, "n" is The common method of English noun suffixes, and the word "ept" has the meaning of "accepting, receiving, stealing", then after connecting it again, you will find that in fact, the word can also be understood as "sneaking into the other's brain or dreamland" Stealing information..." This is the main line of the whole work. Unexpectedly, Evan Bell and Christopher Nolan actually played a word game.

"In addition, n, you should also use this word in engineering." Evan Bell continued with a smile, knowing this information is very important for understanding the script.

The literal translation of "n" means "beginning, beginning, beginning", but if it is to be understood in engineering, it should mean "foundation". In addition, there is also the concept of "dream architect" in the film, so if it is understood in engineering, then "n" should be understood as, when ideas are sprouting, the seeds of ideas are planted in the subconscious. , which makes people's subconscious change, which is the so-called "implantation thought", which is also the theme of the film.

This small idea comes from Evan Bell's architectural design background, which makes people have to admire.

But looking at the smug smile on Evan Bell's face, Leonardo DiCaprio deliberately showed a look of contempt, "Just show it off in front of us." All laughed.

When Marion Cotillard walked into the No. 17 studio in Burbank, he saw Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio, who were chatting and laughing. These two close friends were jokingly talking. Seeing something, Gordon-Levitt, the Joseph dog next to him, was already laughing backwards and forwards, and the petite Ellen-Peggy was leaning on the desk next to him with a smile on his face.

Marion-Cotillard realized that she seemed to be late, so the agent standing next to her tried to step forward and explain that they were not late, it was still ten minutes before the agreed nine o'clock, but Marion- Cotillard still stopped the agent, took the initiative to step forward, and said in his slightly jerky English, "Good morning, sorry for being late.

In fact, Marion-Cotillard's English level is very good now. When she became the best actress at the 80th Academy Awards, her English not only had a heavy accent, but she was not fluent at all, but now she can carry on conversations fluently. , and the accent has also been greatly improved, which shows that she has worked hard.

Marion-Cotillard looked at the superstar-studded lineup in front of him, and was still a little uneasy. Last year, when Marion-Cotillard relied on "Life of the Rose" to upset the Oscar winner, her only masterpiece in Hollywood was "Big Fish" and she was not yet the star; since winning the golden statuette, Marion-Cotillard Dia has officially entered the Hollywood front, first with Johnny Depp on "Public Enemy" and then with Daniel Deceys, Penelope Cruz, Judi Dench, Nicole Kidd Man, Sophia-Roland and many other superstars collaborated on "Nine", but neither of these two major dramas has yet been released, so Marion Cotillard is still a face in Hollywood, which also makes her maintain a humble and low-key attitude towards life. .

Marion-Cotillard's greeting made everyone look up, and the gaze that stayed on her was not explicit, but it made her clearly feel that she was being scrutinized. Evan-Bell was the first to greet him, "You're not late, it's still early." Evan-Bell and Marion-Cotillard gave a face-to-face salute, "Before the director arrived at the scene, both Not being late."

"Aren't you the director?" A joke from Joseph Gordon-Levitt came from behind, which immediately made everyone laugh, and Marion Cotillard couldn't help but smile.

Evan Bell spread his hands helplessly, "You know I mean Chris." Christopher Nolan had actually arrived on the set a long time ago, but he was discussing matching with Robert Faris and Valle Pfister. problem of light.

Since this time it was a cooperative filming, the entire production team was formed based on Evan Bell's royal team and a group of staff members that Christopher Nolan was used to. In this case, how to find out the cooperation plan is very important. For example, lighting.

Robert Faris, Evan Bell's official photographer, uses bolder and more aggressive colors; Valet Pfister is Christopher Nolan's official photographer. The lens is crisp but the tone is cold. And in terms of light distribution, the methods used by the two are also different.

The so-called light distribution, in popular terms, is color matching. The reason why the film needs to be lighted is mainly because there are inevitably differences between the shots taken at different times and under different light source conditions. Of course, the creators are in their own artistic pursuits, and it is also one of the reasons why the pictures show the style they need.

Evan Bell's requirements for light are fuller, while Christopher Nolan's requirements for light are even more severe. This is not a problem. The important thing is that Christopher Nolan only trusts traditional film, so he only uses traditional light distribution. As Christopher Nolan's royal photographer, Valle Pfister has a deep understanding of traditional photochemical processes.

Traditional light distribution is very time-consuming, because photographers need to make very trivial adjustments to the color balance and exposure conditions of the scene, and use the light meter to slowly modify it from angle to angle. Just adjusting the lighting of a scene may take thirty minutes. minutes, or even longer, but the advantage of this is that there is almost no need for modifications in post-production, thereby reducing post-production time. Evan Bell, on the other hand, is more close to the new type of director of the 21st century and relies more on digital color correction in post-production.

This is the moment when the spirit of teamwork is manifested. Although Robert Faris is a two-time Oscar winner for Best Cinematography, he still voluntarily compromised and worked with Vale-Face and me according to Christopher Nolan's request. Shoot with traditional dimming.

Similarly, Evan Bell, as a top student in architectural design, also hangs the title of a technical consultant in the film. In the film, all practical and theoretical problems of architectural structures will be handled by Evan Bell himself, and even he also Really joined the work of the props group. Such division of labor and cooperation will definitely have an immeasurable role in promoting the finished film.

While Evan-Bell was talking, Marion-Cotillard was seriously looking at the young man in front of him. They were about to play a couple in "Inception". The spark between each other is also very Marion Cotillard is seven years older than Evan Bell, how to find a balance and perform this most important emotional line convincingly force, will also be the biggest challenge between Evan Bell and Marion Cotillard.

In addition to "Inception", there is also a small fate between Marion Cotillard and Evan Bell. Her song and dance work "Nine", which she just finished filming, was adapted from Evan Bell on Broadway. Classic repertoire. When Robert Marshall and the Weinstein brothers who filmed "Memoirs of a Geisha" in Chicago wanted to put the show on the big screen, the first choice for the male lead was undoubtedly Evan Bell.

It's a pity that Evan-Bell refused the invitation on the grounds of conflict between files One of Yunji's works. Unexpectedly, the cooperation fate that was missed in "Nine" was realized so quickly, which made Marion-Cotillard feel that fate is really a bit delicate.

"Come on, let me introduce you to the members of the crew." Evan Bell took the initiative to shoulder this responsibility. He is the producer, director, screenwriter, and starring of "Inception", so when Christopher Nolan was not on the scene , he does have this obligation.

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(To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @人世秀罗6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Welcome to breaking dawn .)

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