Great Artist

Chapter 2111: Division of labor and cooperation

Psychology, one of Evan Bell's major majors at Harvard. Evan Bell's graduation thesis in psychology "Whether Split Personality Can Be a Criterion of Crime" is actually influenced by the movie "Deadly Identity".

In the film "Deadly Identity", it is proposed that split personality can be treated and differentiated, and by eliminating different personalities, split personality can be controlled. Of course, split personality cannot be like in the movie, killing one will destroy another personality. In reality, it is more to integrate the characteristics of personality into the main personality through psychological counseling. [M]

Therefore, Evan Bell's thesis discusses the same topic as "lethal identity". If the evil personality of the crime is confirmed to have been corrected, whether the law can acquit the criminal suspect.

Seeing "Deadly Identity" Evan-Bell in the past life is a favorite as an audience: in this lifetime, seeing "Deadly Identity" Evan-Bell can be said to be a love affair, and he very much hopes to have a good talk with screenwriter Michael Coney, This was a huge help for his thesis.

When it comes to psychology, I have to mention the name of the movie "Deadly Identity", "Identity (ty. In the last life, Evan Bell has never figured out the meaning of this name, even after watching the movie. But after studying psychology, especially the related books of Sigméng de Freud, it became clear at once.

According to Sigméng de Freud's psychological theory, each person's personality consists of three parts. Id(ty).ego() and superego() are the names of the movie. It means "I".

To put it simply, the id symbolizes all human desires, and it is purely based on the pursuit of happiness. The old saying goes, "food sè, xìng also" means this. Newborn babies are almost all id, who simply ask for food, drink and pull out, and if their wishes are not fulfilled, they will give a warning by crying.

As a person grows, the id level will increase, and in addition to basic eating, drinking, pulling and withdrawing, there will be more requirements. Such is the appreciation of men for women. However, if the id is not restrained at this time, the world will fall into real chaos. For example, if you want to eat but have no money, you go to robbery, which is a crime. This is when the other two parts of the personality come into play.

The first is the ego, which is bound by laws and regulations.

The example is the same as above, when I am hungry but have no money, I would simply go to eat the overlord meal, or even rob to satisfy my appetite, but the ego will warn: This is illegal, so as to stop the illegal behavior.

Next is the superego, which is bound by morality. The example is still the same, the id will choose to satisfy the needs of "hungry": the ego will warn that it is illegal to eat a king's meal and rob: but the superego's footing is different. , but the superego reminds "it should not be done" because it is against social morality. There is a difference between the standpoint of the superego and the ego.

Among the eleven personalities of McCann-Reeve in "Deadly Identity", the evil personalities split into various forms such as ego, id and superego are obviously the ego, and in a series of struggles, it is the id and the superego in the process of stopping the ego. If the id and superego win in the end, McCann-Reeve will not kill; on the contrary, if the ego wins, then after the id and superego are wiped out, the evil personality of McCann-Reeve will become the master personality.

Therefore, just the name of a movie "identity (ty contains rich connotations.

For such a brilliant script, Evan Bell loves it even more than any previous work, perhaps because of the thesis he is currently writing.

Evan Bell watched the script for more than an hour before and after, and he went back and scrutinized some details, so when he reacted, Teddy and David Greenblatt and others had almost talked about it. . The four of them have already started chatting, and the atmosphere seems to be very good.

Evan Bell temporarily put the script on the table. This is not in a hurry. Anyway, he won't run away. "How is it? Are you ready?"

Teddy Bell took a look at Evan Bell's actions. The script was placed on the table, and the index finger of his right hand tapped on it rhythmically. He was in a good mood. Although the result could not be determined, at least it seemed that Evan Bell was at present. Bell was also very satisfied with the script, which made Teddy-Bell relieved.

This is the second time Teddy Bell has screened the script since he became an agent. The last time he "adapted the script" was considered negligence. Although that role has benefited Ave Bell a lot, it still feels absurd when I think about it now. . In choosing the script, Teddy Bell also gradually found a trick.

Fortunately, this time it looked good.

It was not Teddy Bell who answered "It's done", but David Greenblatt. No matter his age, qualifications or ability, he was more qualified than Teddy Bell, a half-way up agent.

"At present, the resources of the agent are still concentrated in Los Angeles, so we plan to rent a studio here and set up the eleven agent here first.

David Greenblatt does not know how Eleven Studios should develop, but David Greenblatt has a clear understanding of how Eleven's agency should develop, 1" Eleven's agent in Los Angeles, We should continue to expand contacts in the three fields of music, film and design, to pave the way for future development." Network, this is what Eleven Studio lacks the most, so Evan-Bell has always been passive in both music and movies. , Eleven design is clueless. Although David Greenblatt has a good network of contacts, after all, he has been running an independent record company for many years, and his main contacts are concentrated in independent music, and he can't say how extensive it is. Otherwise, it was "just a dream" when there was no Oprah on the talk show. It won't be so difficult before.

Therefore, the reason why Eleven Brokers are now located in Los Angeles is because David Greenblatt wants to re-establish a network of contacts that he has not contacted for a long time. "Of course, attracting promising newcomers and potential brokers is also part of Eleven Brokers' work. 1. But just now, Bell - I mean Teddy Bell" David Greenblatt found out after he finished speaking that there were two Bells here, so he couldn't help but add an explanation to make everyone smile. "Thai Di said that the studio is in its infancy, both in terms of funding and personnel, so the pace of recruiting artists and managers can be slowed down and the plan can be changed according to the development of the studio. "Evan Yibel nodded." This is really not in a hurry, considering the current state of the studio, if other people join, it will delay others."

Evan-Bell thought of Jason-Mayez. After the wizard joined Eleven Studios, his days were very leisurely, creating, performing, taking vacations, and enjoying music to the fullest. Cozy. Of course, it is mainly because Jason-Mayez has not released a single,

The idea of ​​releasing an album, otherwise, in the current state of Eleven Studios, there is no problem in helping him release an album.

Besides, Studio Eleven is not something that any artist wants. The style of Studio Eleven is destined to be relatively loose and free, so it is not suitable for most artists. In this regard, Evan Bell insists that it is better to be short than to waste. Trying to find some like-minded partners like Jason-Mayez to discuss music in the studio together, so that dreams can also become a part of life, and a beautiful part.

"Greenblatt and Sean will stay here in Los Angeles first, and James will go back to New York with us." Teddy Bell said, this is obviously a bit unexpected. It is reasonable to say that it is normal for three people to stay in Los Angeles. After all, there is nothing to do in New York right now, even if it is to be sent to New York, it is only the acquaintance of Sean Mayer who is right with the past, but Teddy Bell then explained that "James knows some people in the design industry, including many factories. , which is much wider than the scope of my previous investigation, and can help Catherine a lot." No wonder.

"Where can I find the Los Angeles office? Or is it just this warehouse?" Evan-Bell asked casually. Since it was decided that Eleven's brokerage would be settled in Los Angeles, it must be the same as Eleven Design, which requires a facade. But Eleven Broker is different from Eleven Design, renting an office is enough.

"Let's go to another The lease of this warehouse has expired, and the owner has other uses." David Greenblatt replied, this is also the "Freedom of Choice" meeting in these days. The reason for the end is that the owner of the warehouse is closing the house.

"North, go back to New York first and help Catherine." During the negotiation just now, Teddy Bell had already made a decision. "The matter of the eleventh agent still needs to be finalized. In addition, we have more money now. Now, let me look at the recording studio for you too.… It is the dream of every musician to have a recording studio of their own. A few months ago, the dream of a recording studio was just a dream, but After entering 2002, several incomes arrived, and Evan Bell instantly became a "multi-millionaire" and it was no longer a dream to build a recording studio.

The recording studio is a professional field. But even Evan-Bell is a layman, and it is enough for Teddy-Bell to consult an expert directly, so Evan-Bell can't help much if he stays.

Evan Bell has been busy recently, and he hadn't thought about the recording studio. At this time, he suddenly realized that he had enough capital to build a recording studio. I quickly thought of something, the excitement in my eyes hadn't faded, I watched Teddy Bell pointed to the script on the table "By the way, give me the contact information of this screenwriter, I want to talk to him face to face, See how we can work together. If possible, we can invest in ourselves." "Deadly Identities" is a playbook worth investing in.

"So, you should ask about the recording studio first, and then watch it after I have talked with the screenwriter." If you want to invest in the movie "Deadly Identity", then Evan Bell currently has more than 10 million on hand, even if Not much. Sad reminder! ! .

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