Great Artist

Chapter 2161: Beloved becomes mourning

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In the fast-paced modern society, love has gradually been lost. In the past, people used to say "money can't buy love" X "money can't buy happiness", but now people are more accustomed to discussing true love The economic foundation needed behind it, and how much true love that truly crosses all boundaries still remains in society, no one can answer. When you are still worrying about your livelihood, love has obviously become a luxury.

Therefore, in the past two years, love movies have gradually gained momentum of recovery. People hope to find love that gradually disappears in life in movies. The fact that "fake marriage" can achieve such excellent results in the summer vacation is a clear signal.

As a love movie, after the release of "One Day", relying on Evan Bell and Anne... Hathaway's strong appeal, the box office performance will not be too bad, but people are more concerned about, after "Love Notebook" After that, what was the quality of Evan Bell's second love movie directed by him, and also his first strictly speaking love movie? As can be seen from the performance of the audience after the premiere, at least the first wave of feedback gave a positive signal.

Subsequently, the first batch of professional film critics was released, and the second wave of feedback information about "One Day" was officially released.

The "Los Angeles Times" unexpectedly became the first professional media to publish a review. They gave a high score of 95 on a 100-point scale, and it was clear that their opinion of the film was Appreciate.

"Actually, this is a tepid movie. If you expect a vigorous love at first sight in the style of 'Love Notebook', then you will not be able to watch it. It is more like 'Mysterious Skin' that needs to be savored , Slow thinking works Because with the advancement of the movie, you will enter a fairy tale world woven by Evan Bell and linger.

Looking back on the relationship in life, how much I missed because of ignorance, or because I was too clear in my heart and didn't dare to face it, and finally passed by. He had known her for twenty years, twenty long years.

In the first five years of the 20 years, Dechster, as always, squandered his youth, beauty and financial status, lingering among girls and women, and stopped by Emma's side after exhaustion. He knew that she was her. Will not leave him, he may love her a little bit; for the first five years of the twenty years, Emma was born in an ordinary family and worked in a Mexican restaurant, waiting for him anytime, anywhere, she hoped that Dirk would have a moment. Sturt would give up her slutty lifestyle and say she loves her. For the first five years of the twenty years, I waited for them to say they loved each other and then rolled the sheets.

For the second five years of twenty years, Dexter's career skyrocketed and he continued to work **** the belly of different women, but his mother passed away because of cancer and he still wanted to talk to her but she said she didn't. Loved him; in the second five years of twenty years, Emma's career finally took off, a little closer to her dream, but he still didn't change his style, had no purpose in life, and sunk in drugs and alcohol In the middle, it became really annoying, but it was painful that she still loved him. Ten years later, he's married, she's living together, but not with each other, and I'm still expecting him to say he loves her and have a one-night stand.

In the third five years of twenty years, Dexter hit rock bottom, his career failed, his marriage broke down, he began to hold back, he didn't even dare to tell her that he loved her; the third five years of twenty years , Emma is charming, has a successful career and a happy relationship. She tries to forget the past and no longer remember him, but whether she still has him in her heart, only she knows. Fifteen years have passed, I think two people who should be lovers but are fixed in the position of confidants, will they just break up like this and live a life of their own souls, and it will be impossible for them to have **** again.

However, in the last five years of the twenty years, they waited so long and exchanged eyes with each other so many times, and finally took the last step. When they saw the scene of their excited kiss, the audience was so excited that they couldn't help themselves; When I saw the moment they came together, it didn't matter the size or sex, everything was already beautiful and enviable. However, when we meditately look forward to the good times, we will always leave regrets in our lives.

At the end of the movie, it was difficult for me to continue watching, because Evan-Bell used the most unpretentious lens to vividly affect the most delicate emotions, which is so real that people can feel it, this is not out of reach , this is the story that happens around us.

We couldn't help but wonder, if you were Dexter, turned around and told Emma, ​​who was wearing a cheongsam that year, that you loved her, would there be more happiness and less regret in this twenty years? If you're Emma, ​​slap the one you love the most and tell him, bastard, I love you, do you love me?

But we all know that without these 20 years of brewing, without these 20 years of mutual acquaintance, without these 20 years of tangled wandering, maybe Dexter is still Dexter, Emma is still Ai. Ma; maybe they will be together, but it will be difficult to have another twenty years after that. The reason why this relationship is real and beautiful and precious is because he is Dexter, she is Emma, ​​and they have been with each other for twenty years.

It's not difficult to say 'I love you'. What's difficult is the sincere emotion behind this confession. This is where the movie 'One Day' really touched us, and it was also given to this by Evan Bell. The best part of the story. The purest emotion that belongs to love, in the slow and quiet picture of "One Day", is like a trickle slowly flowing into the hearts of every audience. "

The "Los Angeles Times" commentary with the title "Love becomes an ulcer" analyzes the entire story of "One Day" in a very detailed manner from a global standpoint, and also uncovers the second wave of feedback from North America. prelude.

"New York Times" from Neil... Darcy's comment continued the praise of "Los Angeles Times", and sent a 90-point evaluation, positioning it with the title "Soulmate", as "One Day" The whole story sets the tone.

"I personally think that a really good movie needs not extravagant props, dazzling special effects and uncompromising boasting, but a story that makes the audience tempted, so that the audience can feel their emotions during the movie time and appreciate in other people's stories. A different life resonates at the intersection of the familiar but unfamiliar memories. When a movie can take us into this realm, then it is an uncompromisingly good movie. The so-called director, actors, investment, box office, and reviews are all just added value. Evan Bell's film is such a film, which further strengthens my personal opinion.

"One Day" brought me a heart-pounding and lasting impression without warning.

There is no doubt that this is a love story. The love between Dexter and Emma, ​​after 20 years of entanglement, although they are not together, they never leave, witnessing the vicissitudes of life and the ups and downs of each other's life. , warmth and joys and sorrows, in the end, I firmly believe that my true love is the other party. Only Emma can understand Dexter's talent, and only Dexter can give Emma real happiness. These 20 years of life are not wasted, not learning distance, and not missing, but growing up. You can confidently say to each other, 'Only you know my world best'.

In this story, Evan puts forward such a hypothesis for us, that is, if there is a confidant of the opposite sex, what will your life be like every day of your life? When you put a person you can't let go in your heart, how much space is left for others?

Obviously, this kind of balance is difficult to grasp. For ordinary people, when the body is satisfied, the spiritual sustenance is particularly important, but the premise is that the body must be satisfied, and this demand is very important for normal and young people. , vibrant bodies, it's ubiquitous, Dexter and Emma can find this purely physical attraction on countless occasions, and when they have something like a laugh After being embarrassed, they chose to communicate rationally and gave up the entanglement of passion, which also made them a special existence for each other, pure and innocent like an outlier in today's society.

In fact, there is an innocent side in human nature, that is, spiritual desire. Especially for the spiritual life of urban people in today's society, which is becoming more and more lonely, finding a spiritual partner has become an extraordinarily important process. It is not easy to find a spiritual partner. What is even more difficult is not to cross the line in the relationship between men and, but to let the other person keep his own life, no matter how much the other person chooses in his heart. If it is difficult to accept, you must keep the sadness to yourself, put your blessings in your friend's luggage, and watch the other party leave. Because they are friends, not lovers.

Dexter and Emma were fortunate to find each other and stick to each other for twenty years. Although time is like a ruthless carving knife that has changed their appearance and living conditions, it has also carved out the bright light of their love. , In the reunion they haven't seen for three years, in the talk of everything, they hold each other's hands and move forward slowly in the hard life together. But when they chose to come together, before they could finish talking about gentleness, they were already separated from each other.

Emma's departure is not so much the necessity of reality or the need of art as it is the doomed result of the trend of the relationship between the two. Emma waited for three years of happiness with seventeen years of waiting, but Dexter had to use the rest of his life to pay for the squandering of the previous seventeen years, just like in the years when two people knew each other before, Germany. Kirst will live with the memories forever.

People always know how to cherish after losing. Dexter finally learned to cherish after going through ups and downs in his life, and he must stick to the rest of his life for his extravagance. It's not a twenty-year story, it's the life story of Dexter and Emma, ​​and it's as heartwarming as an epic. "

There will be another update later, thank you for your support! (To be continued [This text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Team @銊玉梦mo]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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