Great Artist

Chapter 2162: destiny

Today's sixth update, please recommend, please subscribe!

It can be seen from the comments of the "Los Angeles Times" and "New York Times" that they interpreted a special story like "One Day" more from the perspective of the overall situation of love. For Dexter and Emma This earth-shattering love story was greeted with prolonged applause. The phrase "love becomes an ulcer" has made countless people sigh for this love.

In contrast, "Entertainment Weekly", under the guidance of William Wood, carried out a detailed interpretation of this beautiful love, and he wrote a film review with the title "Fate".

"Compared with the novel and flexible narratives of 'Five Hundred Days of Summer', which have won the love of countless audiences this summer, the story line of 'One Day' that has been told in a straightforward manner for 20 years seems to be too uncreative. , it is even conceivable that many people will criticize that this is a running account movie, but will Evan Bell make such a running account movie? Imagine 'death hallucination' and know that it is impossible.

In fact, Evan-Bell chose to tell every year, not only an idea of ​​the novel, but also to fill in the incompleteness that we cannot see with the complete plot that our eyes see. Apart from walking all the way down the time, I can't think of any way to describe such a love. It contains more of the impregnation of emotions through the years, and the shaping of a person by time. Everyone is in their twenties, three The world you see at the age of ten and forty is different, and the methods and ways of dealing with things are also completely different. For a love that has settled down with time, it is a slow-moving process that cannot be replaced. Can not ignore.

We can just be friends.

This sentence is actually just Dexter's excuse to cover up his embarrassment, just like the good person card sent by the party being pursued "Let's be friends". But it was also because of the shell of friends that Emma and Dexter had the courage to face each other and began a fifteen-year friendship. Some people may ask, 'Why didn't they get together from the beginning...' It seems that only by getting together early can a little bit of regret that happiness is too short-lived can be salvaged. However, if this is the case, then there will be no later.

Luckily, Emma's nervousness on graduation night had left Dexter with no interest, otherwise Emma would have been an obscure member of Dexter's vast collection of women; fortunately, Dexter Te's parents arrived early, otherwise the one-night stand between the two would not have allowed Dexter to see Emma's inner strength. So, luckily nothing happened between them. However, Dexter also hides a kind and sensitive side. Seeing Emma's eyes turning from excitement to sadness, he chose to stay and hugged her and talked about St. Swithin's Day on July 15th. origin.

'I think we want something different' I don't think I'm ready. .

Perhaps this proves that the girl doesn't need to be the party to take the initiative to confess, because the throbbing in the girl's heart has been quietly seen by the boy. As for the reason why the boy didn't respond, it couldn't be simpler, but not expressing himself could make him continue to play stupid. Of course, it wasn't that Dexter didn't have feelings for Emma, ​​who said he didn't feel moved when his fingers stroked his back? Haven't you been in love while frolicking in the pool? The ambiguity between the exchange of eyebrows and eyes is well known to the two of them, but they both avoid it rationally, just like Emma's three chapters of the contract, trying to draw a clear line. Maybe both of them are afraid of losing the protective color of their friendship and everything will fall apart.

Although it is said that Dexter and Emma found the most comfortable feeling in the position of friends, and this has never taken a step towards love, but in the final analysis, it is still the huge difference in the personality and background of the two people, which makes the two people unable to walk come together. Dexter was born into a wealthy family and grew up in an open and caring environment, so he is adventurous and thrill-seeking, and his self-confidence charm allows him to easily get everything he wants. The world is like him. playground.

Emma, ​​on the other hand, is a girl born in an ordinary working-class family, and life is much more difficult for her. Only Dexter, pampered literary youth, would encourage her to write, and she had to live with the vomit of customers in restaurants for a living. This insecure timidity made her have to be cautious, and it also caused her to be troubled by low self-esteem. Just look at Emma and Dexter's first night together, Emma's inferiority complex and Dexter's confidence are so distinct. Even when Dexter compliments her sincerely, she questions it with question marks. Facing the person she loved, her first reaction was to use adjectives like "ridiculous" to deny this emotion, as if even this kind of admiration was an invasion of his life.

She obviously wanted to be with him, but she didn't dare to expect them to be together, just like when she agreed to be friends with him, she was afraid that he would give her alms because of the guilt that night, and deliberately went against her will and said that she didn't. I thought about asking him to send postcards, let alone having children with him.

She didn't have the confidence to come together with him, and he didn't have the confidence to love her for a long time. To be precise, Dexter at the time couldn't have a long love for any woman. So, in the pool Dexter just said, 'If you want' to have some fun or something, vacation mate, no responsibility..." Although he understood that Emma wasn't one of those casual girls, she was one If you fall in love, you will think that the other person is the only person. It is impossible for a **** to be with such a girl, and he has to enjoy 'sex' sex, sex, and a debauched life. Love is the only one, and friendship However, he is extremely tolerant and will not be bound by any obligations or commitments. Therefore, Dexter hopes to stick to the position of friends with Emma.

'I love you' Dexter, very much, but I can't like you like that anymore. .

Men only get old, not grow up. This sentence truly depicts a man's willful attitude in dealing with people, like children who don't need to be responsible and don't need to be restrained. Dexter is such a child. When a spoiled person is faced with setbacks, it is difficult for him to come up with a corresponding solution. He can only numb his fragile nerves through indulgence and avoid endless problems. And the seemingly weak and weak woman has become stronger and more resilient in the face of adversity. Just like Emma learned how to live on the ground, she became a teacher and accepted a new boyfriend. Although there are still many twists and turns in life, but gradually Go formal. And Dexter not only completely lost himself in Vanity Fair, alcohol and drugs have also become his biggest reliance.

However, this bastard, Dexter, didn't know that, Emma silently watched the most familiar stranger in front of the TV, even if he was just a lousy host who relied on his skin for food. He didn't know, she was full of joy and dressed up and waited for their reunion, but in exchange, she was ridiculed, which completely made her explode. He didn't know what kind of deep love it was, that made her send a parting hug to the man who stabbed her before she decided to leave.

"I thought I put you down" I thought. .

If it wasn't for that breakup, maybe Dexter and Emma would have had one less circle. Dexter, who entered the trough of his life, finally realized what is the most important thing in life. He can only use the docking port as the last straw. At this time, Sylvia appeared, so Dexter has the first marriage. When he and Emma met at their friend's wedding, they could only lament each other for missing each other.

A few years later, when Emma ran all the way along the Seine and crashed into Dexter's arms, there was no way to make the audience calm and send blessings because Dexter not only hurt Emma deeply, but I met him. She also judged her boyfriend jealously. Originally, Emma should have appeared as a winner and told the other party, "I have a good time without you..." but still lost in the loneliness on the face of this divorced man. However, we are just outsiders; But, this is love, and there is no fairness. She calmly told herself that he was just a lonely man who 'wanted to find a shoulder to sleep on', and even deliberately took him to meet his new boyfriend to make him unhappy, but the relationship of fifteen years Is it so simple to forget? Perhaps, Emma insisted on her boyfriend's side, revenge was successful, let him leave Paris with full of chagrin, but the result was a betrayal of her true feelings. In order to forget a A man you love, and a man you don't love wasted years, such an experience is enough.

Therefore, when we saw Emma and Dexter kissing affectionately, the touching and sincere tears bursting out of their eyes convinced all the audience. So we applaud, we cry, and we smile.

"I hate this day, July 15; I hated you before, really, actually. Because you can make her shine, and she'll never shine with me, and that used to make me so angry, because ...I didn't think you deserved her at the time. She made you a good person, and in turn, you made her happy. For that, I will always thank you.

This is the words from Emma's ex-boyfriend but it tells the truth of Emma and Dexter's love, it is Emma who transformed him into a real man, and any man replaces Not Dexter's place in her heart. Only Dexter's free and easy wildness can inspire the rebellion and passion in Emma's heart, he understands what she lacks, not the vague 'not bad' girl in the eyes of others; conversely, only Emma Knows how to comfort the big boy at a critical moment, when she presents his mother with a handpicked gift while his ex-girlfriend only turns around and leaves at an awkward moment. The tacit understanding between the two people in humor is beyond the understanding or intervention of outsiders. Has the person who lighted up your life already appeared in your world? Sometimes, this question locks up a person's life.

In the 20 years of Emma and Dexter, they have accompanied each other, understood and comforted each other, and held each other's hands throughout their lives. Emma's life was spent waiting for Dexter, until the last moment of her life, she longed to have the continuation of her life with Dexter, which was the greatest happiness in her life, twenty years. , is enough; Dexter spent the first half of his life in the company of Emma, ​​he learned to cherish happiness and learned to protect his lover, but it is a pity that Emma was not able to go to the end of his life with him, so, Dexter will spend the rest of his life in memory of Emma. In this lifetime, they are each other's only, which is destined. "

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(To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @小苏歌哥]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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