Great Artist

Chapter 2163: more than love

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Is "One Day" an excellent work? In fact, we can tell from the film reviews of "Los Angeles Times", "New York Times" and "Entertainment Weekly" that this work is indeed a romantic and touching love movie. This work not only proves once again that Evan- Bell's touching grasp of "The Notebook" was not a flash of inspiration, and "One Day" once again told a heartbreaking love story. Romance, freshness, beauty, touching, happiness, this is all that can be asked of a love movie.

From the perspective of a love story, "One Day" is definitely a successful work, but Evan Bell's works are never that simple. In addition to the earliest "Love Notebook", in fact, Evan Bell's excavation of the depth of the work has always been commendable. If "One Day" is the work of other directors, then this is a success; but this is produced by Evan Bell, and it only stops at the level of a love movie, which is unacceptable to the audience.

Thinking back to "Juno," such a movie can also be regarded as a campus youth love, Evan Bell told a philosophy of life that no one can ignore. This is the audience's perception of Evan Bell.

In other words, for the films produced by Evan Bell now, "excellent" is normal, and this is also the bottom line of people. Once it is lower than this expectation, it is just "good" and it is a failure. Not only that, people also expect Egypt Wen Yibel can once again surpass "excellent" and create new classics.

So this time, is "One Day" really just a love movie? The answer is obviously no.

After the premiere of the movie, apart from tears, the audience at the scene had an action that could not be ignored. When everyone saw the end of the movie, the aftertaste made the scene fall into silence, not only because Moved by the shock of love! Chris Fair Punk of "The Filmmaker" conducted a deep analysis of "One Day", and exposed the reflection brought by the film to everyone.

"Emma and Dexter, they are not Cinderella and the Prince or Beauty and the Beast, they are two people, ordinary people, two individuals who are ubiquitous in this society.

Emma, ​​a girl born in a middle-class family, she may have good grades in school and has a little unrealistic romantic feelings. She will hang art postcards and posters of angry youth dramas in her room. She has countless visions for the future. But because of her own environment and conditions, she has an inferiority complex that cannot be concealed; she longs for this beautiful and romantic love, but lacks the courage to take the initiative. Such a girl, ordinary and ordinary, without the poverty of Cinderella, nor the amazing beauty of a princess, she is the countless girl next door in our lives.

Dexter, a boy born in a wealthy family, the so-called wealth here is actually only a relative term, he does not have a lot of wealth, but he can live without food and clothing, and has free time and money to fulfill his dream of traveling around the world. That's it. But Dexter's freedom is in his bones. He has countless unrealistic ideas about life and will self-righteously realize it; Going back and forth, consuming my life in a daze, enjoying myself. There is no shortage of such boys in life, just like the quarterback of the football team on the college campus. He is handsome, but not necessarily genuine. It is difficult to find a field that he is good at outside of sports, but his His talent in appearance can make his life easier.

Emma loves Dexter, just like a common secret love on campus. Emma secretly likes Dexter even before the two of them met. After the two met, she took this love again. She secretly wrote it into poetry, she never dared to express it, she could only hide this love quietly in her heart. But when Dexter tells Emma that he has a crush on all women, she maintains the friendship sensibly, warning herself not to cross the line.

Dexter was attracted by hormones and saw Emma, ​​it was like a normal one-night stand in daily life, but an accident happened that night, nothing happened to them, but the two of them were chatting unexpectedly. An inexplicable friendship developed between the two. He knew that Emma liked him, but he didn't have the confidence to keep going with Emma, ​​so he managed his lower body rationally, hoping not to destroy this friendship.

Emma's social life started as a waiter in a restaurant, she went through countless hardships, and finally became a teacher. Although she is far from her dream of becoming a writer, at least she has found her own path in social life. A hard journey only she knows how bitter. But in the eyes of Dexter, who is in full swing: able people will do great things, and incompetent people will teach. This immediately angered Emma, ​​she didn't humbly cater to Dexter, and she didn't cry silently, but turned her face with Dexter on the spot, she said to Dexter, 'I love you' very much, just I can't like you so much anymore. , so she disappeared from Dexter's world for three years.

Emma, ​​who disappeared, did not feel sorry for herself, hiding in a dark corner of the world and licking her wounds silently, but continued to work hard, and finally successfully published her own children's novel, which became a work. She is no longer an obscure girl next door. Under the sunshine of Paris, she is mature, confident and elegant, and she has broken out of her own world.

Dexter used to be a young man as dazzling as the sun. He was handsome and suave, and he was the dream of many girls. His social life started from a trip to India. After he had seen enough of the world, he became a host. 1. Relying on his appearance, even though his mother, even Emma, ​​told him that the meal of youth would not last long. , he must master the real skills, but in Dexter's eyes, the life of the intoxicated and the bright spotlight is his destination. Unfortunately not.

The death of his mother and the downturn in his career made Dexter start working with alcohol and drugs all day long. At the most difficult time, he could not find Emma, ​​so he grabbed another life-saving straw, It's a pity that this life-saving rope is not the eternal Emma, ​​so he failed and returned to loneliness again. Dexter's only consolation after going from a handsome guy to an unsustainable uncle is Emma.

But that's the fundamental difference between Emma and Dexter. For fifteen years, Emma didn't need Dexter, because she could live well without him; but for the spoiled Dexter, Emma has She has gradually become the most indispensable daughter in his life, even the most indispensable daughter in his life. The strength of this woman makes his life full of hope.

This is the concept of love in "One Day", and it is also the biggest wave that Evan Bell caused us to reflect on: loving someone does not need to be humble. Because only a person with a strong heart can live a better life and make the impossible possible, even if it is the dream love that he will never get, he can live with it. Watching Emma grow from an ordinary girl to a confident woman step by step, this life philosophy that is far better than love, let us keep it in our hearts.

At the same time, this is still the philosophy of life in 'one day', and it is also another insight that Evan Bell penetrated under this love story: please cherish everyone around you, please cherish every day you live, there is not so much time in life to squander . It's the right choice to enjoy life like Dexter, but while enjoying life, please don't forget everyone around you, like his mother, like Emma, ​​like his best college classmate. Emma and his mother squandered their lives for Dexter, which seemed right to Dexter, but he forgot that it was normal in his life, but Emma and His mother had her own life, too, and Dexter was only a supporting role in theirs.

So, after his mother left, Dexter was drunk because he couldn't bear the weight of the death of his life; after Emma left, Dexter was decadent and depressed, because Zhongfu was so short-lived that he had not had time to enjoy it. , slipped from the gap of the fingers.

In the movie, all these reflections are concentrated on Dexter's In the eyes of Dexter's mother, the short and fat husband is Alain Delon, and his father does not The mother who likes French food does not complain, but secretly goes to eat French food with her son. Mother is to father what Emma is to Dexter, and that's what makes for one of the most touching and meaningful dialogues in the film.

Dexter has just lost Emma, ​​and his life has become a mess again. He is brought to his father's house by his ex-wife. The relationship between father and son has always been tense, but they don't know how to get along. The father said, "How did you live when Emma was here?" Live now, as if she never left. .

'I don't know if I can do it. .

"Of course you can." Otherwise, how do you think I've spent the past ten years? .

In an instant, tears flowed freely, and before I knew it, my mother had passed away for ten years. So Dexter picked himself up again. He cherished every day he lived, every day he and Emma were together, and everyone around him.

In the days that followed, Dexter would miss Emma and live, and this was his and Emma's life. "

Chris Fairbank said at the end of his comments, "This is a love movie, but it's not just a love movie; it's a love story, but it's not just love."

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