Great Artist

Chapter 2164: Fall Box Office

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After the simultaneous release of "One Day" in the United States and the United Kingdom, the wavelength of comments caused is definitely not that simple. Almost everyone is discussing this love movie. After all, this is a deserted autumn file with no box office hits, not to mention The high quality and topicality of the film itself makes people eager to discuss it after dinner.

After the movie was released, the scandal about Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway can't even be described as "gossip", it has become a kind of speech, or fashion, people show it on the big screen for the two actors He was convinced by the chemical reaction, and believed that there must be some unknown secret relationship between the two people. childhood sweetheart? People can't be satisfied with this anymore. If it is revealed that the two are secretly dating at this time, countless people will applaud.

In addition to the comments on the film itself, the comments on the two winners of the acting golden statuettes also gave positive affirmation.

"Annie expresses the transformation of the ordinary girl next door to a professional woman in a full and profound way. When she was young, she looked very rustic and her skin was rough, but after her career improved, she got rid of the unhappy love affair. Nearly middle-aged, he has become more beautiful and attractive; Evan is the opposite. He was handsome and energetic when he was young. Later, he fell into a low point in his career and his personal life was also a mess, so he became sloppy, and finally settled in the years. There is a more mature flavor below.

Annie carves out the changes of Emma's character little by little, which is authentic and believable, and also allows the audience to clearly feel the growth process from appearance to temperament, and her emotional struggles and hesitations are even more disturbed. The tiny shots are vividly displayed, and it is particularly worthy of recognition that Annie's British accent this time has made great progress compared to "becoming Jane-Austin, making the characters more authentic."

Evan made it impossible for the audience to hate the role of Dexter at all. His dashing, handsome, and uninhibited all hit the hearts of every audience like a shooting star. The huge ups and downs of Dexter's life are even more deeply rooted in Evan's restrained interpretation, especially at the end of the story, Evan describes all the changes in Dexter's heart, pain, struggle, depression, hesitation, Regret, completely in control of your own performance rhythm. Compared with the maddened performance of the clown, Evan obviously contributed another extreme performance again. "

This review from "Empire" focuses on the performances of the two actors and also gave positive affirmations. It seems that the first performance of the two golden statue winners after Oetuska still won the whole performance. Appreciation from the critics.

As we all know, the actors will be very careful in their first work after winning the O'Neuska, carefully selecting from the subject matter to the content. Winning the Golden Man affects his further development on the actor's path. However, this statement does not hold true for Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway, mainly because Evan Bell's maverick also brought Anne Hathaway directly into the world of "One Day".

In the eyes of the media, choosing a love movie like "One Day" after Otiska is a big risk. A masterpiece of literature and art that has improved in the depth of subject matter and the breadth of acting skills, love movies are more like a middle school, and if you are not careful, you can become a bad movie that thousands of people refer to.

Fortunately, judging from the current results, "One Day" has won the hearts and minds of film critics from all angles.

But in fact, although the professional reviews of "One Day" are mainly positive reviews, on the whole, there is still a lot of love in the movie. Sally's professional classics are still relatively difficult to achieve. It can be seen from the comprehensive score of the media that is only 70 points. Most of the media's comments are polarized. "This is the case with media like this; but it's also extremely sarcastic, like "Premier", "New York Post".

"The beauty of the film is not the exaggeration of the film, but the reason of life", "The memory of only one day a year is heartbroken but romantic. Under the calm appearance, it is the unremitting pursuit of insight into life and the ultimate goal...", " The chemical reaction between the two protagonists makes the movie far beyond the scope of a love movie, and it is truly credible and makes people mistakenly think that this is life...", "The film's dialogue is so fresh and emotional, but Full of wit and mockery...", "The 21st century version of 'When Harry Met Sally' was fantastic"... These positive compliments were filled with full marks.

"The whole thing is deliberately sensational nonsense Evan Bell's worst directorial work ever...", "Evan Bell has completely lost control of the script, catastrophic timing and extremely discordant The assignment of roles has become the biggest stain on his directorial career. "Adding a bleak reality topic in a romantic love film is definitely a disaster..." There are also zero-point comments for "premiering" among the critical voices. sent this work to hell.

Such a polarized comment situation has actually emerged one after another in Evan Bell's directorial career, and it was unexpected that the final film's comprehensive media rating could reach 70 points. It can be seen that overall, Positive scores still prevail.

As for the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes, it has reached a rate of 78%. Naturally, it cannot be compared with independent masterpieces with absolute characteristics such as "Juno" and "The Blood Will Come", but it is also a very good one. results. The score of the four UBs fell at 7.1, not too high but not too low. It can be said to be quite satisfactory.

Overall, "One Day" still got a good score. Of course, the so-called "regular" here is only for Evan Bell's personal work. If compared with other people's love movies, this is definitely An excellent review. Not to mention that the movie has sparked heated discussions on the topic of love, as well as infinite deep thinking, which still continues the excellent effect of the Evan-Bell movie.

Amid all the support, "One Day" landed on the selfie market in the second week of October in the North American autumn season, and launched a fierce battle on the box office charts.

Since October has already entered the award season mode, there are quite a few movies in the art theater chain, but there are only two new works that have been fully released in the 1500 home theater chain, and one has caused countless topics. "One Day" and the other is the comedy movie "Companion Resort."

"Companion Resort" is actually a highly anticipated work. Although there is no absolute big name, Jon Favreau, who filmed "Iron Man", Jason Bateman, who relied on "Juno" to win the second spring of his career, Kristen Bell, who has performed well in the American TV series "Crush School Detective" and "Heroes", Vince Vaughn, the famous supporting role in "Mrs. "Not Too Cold" is famous all over the world by Jean-Reno... The joining of these core actors, combined with the investment of 70 million US dollars, to the tourist resorts like Bora Bora to show the heavenly beauty, really makes this comedy comedy The movie received a lot of anticipation.

Relatively speaking, although "One Day" only invested 15 million US dollars, its topicality is not inferior to any competitor, so professionals have different opinions when predicting the box office of the second week of October. Can't get a definite answer. However, most professionals are still more optimistic about "One Day". After all, no one can ignore Evan Bell's appeal at the box office, not to mention the so-called Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway this time. The pull of the "couple file" must be able to gain the upper hand.

On the authoritative website for North American box office predictions, everyone believes that the box office of the premiere of "One Day" should have a scale of 38 million, which is the same level of achievement as "Fake Marriage", which created a miracle in the summer. It is also the level of the top five in the box office of the movie premiere, which can be said to have high hopes for Evan Bell; and the "Companion Resort" should have a level of 33 million, which is very important for the comedy in the fall. It's an excellent number for a movie.

On October 9th, "One Day" was officially It grabbed 15 million US dollars at the box office on the first day of Friday, ushering in a good start, and the subsequent Saturdays and Sundays showed a different box office The level has risen, and in the last three days of the last weekend, it actually won the premiere data of 50 million US dollars, and opened the largest red plate in the autumn file of North American film history, surpassing "Screaming Laughter Bow" and ranked in the box office ranking of the premiere premiere of film history in the fall. List of champions!

Not only that, "One Day" premiered with a box office of 50 million US dollars, and also surpassed "Titanic" in 1997 and became the runner-up work in the premiere box office of the film history drama, only behind "Pearl Harbor" in 2001. ". Of course, "Titanic" was an end-of-the-century box-office frenzy when it was not well-received, and "Pearl Harbor" was released in the summer of May, so after comprehensive consideration, the premiere results of "One Day" became more and more Invaluable.

The connection between the premiere box office and media comments is not so close, and the most important thing is the attention effect of the film itself. This shows how powerful the "couple file" of Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway is for the North American film market. The attraction of Evan Bell, and as the first official love work of Evan Bell's actor career, "One Day" can definitely be said to have detonated the box office frenzy of the autumn film market in North America in 2009!

There is no suspense, "One Day" with a series of historical records, became the No. 1 North American box office chart in the second week of October with the momentum of King's Landing.

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