Great Artist

Chapter 2176: black belly teddy

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Teddy Bell knew that his younger brother must be angry. After he sent Ken Burns away, he came to the third floor and saw Evan Bell sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face. He couldn't help laughing. Get up, "Why are you so angry?"


Evan Bell frowned, "You didn't wink me just now, so that I wouldn't be too embarrassed, you'd better give me an explanation." The reason why Evan Bell didn't show Ken Burns in public just now was ugly, In fact, it was because Teddy Bell winked at the back, otherwise with Evan Bell's piercing personality, although he was not impulsive, he would never just give Ken Burns a few winks.


Teddy Bell knows that his younger brother is actually worried that his work will not start well. When externally, Teddy Bell is Evan Bell's agent. Most of Evan Bell's work has to go through Teddy Bell. The gatekeeper, but now Ken Burns has clearly shown his distrust of Teddy Bell. It is indeed difficult for Teddy Bell to carry out his own work in future negotiations.


Teddy Bell patted his brother on the shoulder, motioning to calm him down, "It's not my first year as your agent, so you don't have to worry about these jobs." Eleven Studio has come to today, Evan Bell has grown up At the same time, the growth of Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson is also amazing, which is why Eleven Studios ranks among the top seven. The situation is just torn apart, so everyone is not good-looking, I just want them to be unable to express their suffering, and they can only bury their depression in their hearts."


Speaking of black belly, Teddy Bell has two best examples by his side, and he is naturally not far behind. More importantly, Teddy Bell's strategy is also very good in the intriguing shopping mall. Although he looks simple and honest, he is not an easy target to be bullied. If Fox TV has not realized this now, think that Tai Di Bell is a soft persimmon, then they're doomed.


The dullness on Evan Bell's face disappeared immediately, and he looked at Teddy Bell curiously, and there was even two points of excitement between his eyebrows - please mourn for Fox TV.


Teddy Bell didn't lose Evan Bell's appetite either, he said with a smile, "I have an appointment with Sam for dinner tonight, Sam Reid." After Teddy Bell finished speaking, he added, Evan - Bell's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly asked, "What is Sam looking for from you?"


"It should be about 'The GaadWfe,'" Teddy Bell replied. This is another new drama developed by Eleven Studios and CBS Television. After it aired in September, it won the title. got a good review. "But Sam, he wants you to be on the 'Voice of America,' call, he's said it no less than five times."


After the "Voice of America" ​​landed on CBS TV in the first half of this year, it quickly won the love of audiences of all ages with its professional and novel drafting method, although it is no better than when "American Idol" turned out to attract 5,000 people. Thousands of viewers watched, but in terms of viewership and viewership, "Voice of America" ​​was able to compete with "American Idol", which was still at its peak last year, which is very rare.


Faced with such an opportunity, CBS TV naturally will not stop there, and will definitely pursue it. If Evan Bell can participate in the "Voice of America" ​​program, it is not necessarily a judge, just like "America". "Idol" cameo or acted as a guest performer like that, it was enough. The publicity effect of the whole program is very worth looking forward to.


So Sam Reid started to call Teddy Bell in June, expressing his desire to play Evan Bell in "The Voice of America", but Teddy Bell never let go. But now it seems that this is a good time, rejecting "American Idol" and "Glee" and appearing in "The Voice of America", which is the most substantial blow to Fox TV.


"How is it, what do you think?" Teddy Bell looked at his brother and asked. Although Evan Bell's relationship with Fox TV is not very good now, "Doctor House" still maintains a cooperative relationship, and "American Idol" can be said to be the first cornerstone of Evan Bell's business. Now Asking him to star in "The Voice of America" ​​to suppress "American Idol" is like using his left hand to suppress his right hand. Teddy Bell doesn't know what his younger brother is thinking.


Evan Bell smiled, "It's a very good idea, why not? Anyway, it's no surprise that I've already starred in 'American Idol, and now I'm appearing in 'The Voice of America'." After speaking, Evan said -Bell took a serious look at the Teddy Bell in front of him, this is not the teddy bear he has known since childhood.


Aware of Evan Bell's eyes, Teddy Bell smiled shyly and shyly, making Evan Bell even more dumbfounded, "Where's Emma? You have dinner with Sam today, what about Emma? ?" In fact, Evan Bell is more curious about yesterday, yesterday, Teddy Bell's birthday, how the couple spent it, and Teddy Bell is a lump of wood who doesn't know how to be romantic. Remembrance Day is really worth exploring.


Teddy Bell is not so shy now, otherwise, every time she mentions Emma Watson herself, if she feels uncomfortable, then she really doesn't know how to live in the future. "She has already gone back. I took her to the airport in the morning."


"So soon." Evan Bell's eyes widened. Emma Watson only came to New York the night before, just to rush over to celebrate Teddy Bell's birthday. After a sweet date last night, Are you going back today? Evan Bell felt really unexpected.


Teddy Bell showed a smile, with some shyness and sweetness, "Isn't she filming 'Deathly Hallows, well, this time I came to New York to take a leave of absence from the crew.'"


Evan Bell just reacted, and unknowingly, the "Harry Potter" series is now coming to an end, and Emma Watson is currently filming the last episode of the series "Harry Potter and the "Deathly Hallows", the little wizards who have accompanied movie fans and book fans for ten years, have finally grown up and have to really say goodbye to the series.


"How did you spend yesterday?" Evan Bell still asked his curiosity. Teddy Bell burst into laughter, making Evan Bell a little puzzled-, "What's the matter?"


Teddy Bell said with a smile, "Emma is still talking this morning, you must be curious." Evan Bell only felt a little twitching at the corners of his mouth, why did he feel that he was being teased. But Teddy Bell went on to say, "In fact, all the events yesterday were arranged by Emma. She arranged a day trip to New York, and we went to see the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Grand Central Station, the Museum of Modern Art in New York... …”


Listening to Teddy Bell's words, the astonishment on Evan Bell's face widened like this, but the sweetness on Teddy Bell's face flickered slightly, condensed on his mouth, and he also realized that Evan Bell's face flickered slightly. Wen-Bell was surprised and chuckled, "It's a day trip to New York, she said that although I grew up in Brooklyn, people have such a kind of inertia, the more I live in this city, the more I feel. It’s hard to see the view of the city because for people, it’s a living area, not an attraction.”


Evan Bell is not at all surprised that a young girl like Emma Watson can speak such wise words, although he has not had much contact with Emma Watson, but this Xiao Nizi's intelligence is indeed eye-catching.


"For example, she never went to see Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower." Teddy Bell didn't know what his brother was thinking, but the smile on his face all the time betrayed his inner happiness, " So she specially arranged a trip to New York, hoping that I would take a closer look at the city where I grew up."


Evan Bell couldn't agree more with Emma Watson's statement. He and Teddy Bell have lived in New York for more than 20 years since they came to New York at the age of six, but they have not. Looking closely at the face of the city, even if Evan Bell is a traveler, he didn't really take a good look at the city of New York.


For example, Evan Bell has never been to the Empire State, and Evan Bell has experienced many special events there at Rockefeller Center, but he has not really browsed it well. This is life and The psychology of travel is completely different.


Teddy Bell is obviously very satisfied with the date arranged by Emma Watson. "Next time I go to London, I will arrange a city tour, hoping to have a different experience."


It seems that Teddy Bell and Emma Watson are more interesting and romantic than they thought. "Then you have to prepare well. We haven't gone back to London for so many years." Evan Bell said with a smile, "I was worried about your dating situation, but now it seems that you are doing well."


Seeing the playfulness in Evan Bell's eyes, Teddy Bell was uncharacteristically not shy, but replied, "I'm a man, she's a woman, isn't the problem very simple."


Hearing Teddy Bell's tone, Evan Bell was completely stunned, and thinking that Teddy Bell had a black belly and directly pitted Fox TV just now, he couldn't help sighing, "It seems that Eden really brought you bad. already."


I don't want to, but Teddy Bell raised his eyebrows and said a word with a smile, "Isn't it you?" Immediately, Evan Bell stiffened and didn't respond at all.


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