Great Artist

Chapter 2177: Voice of America

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The new season of "The Voice of America" ​​was taped today at CBS' Burbank studio.

The first season of "The Voice of America" ​​was broadcast at the end of April, and it achieved very good results, so CBS TV decided to advance the second season to February, so that it will start with "American Idol". The head-to-head confrontation shows the confidence of CBS TV, which is also the most direct reason for Fox TV to get angry.

Due to the special competition system of the "Voice of America", the audition stage will not be recorded at all. When the program starts recording, the first batch of powerful players have been screened out, and the players will enter the studio to record the blind selection stage. Performance. The four judges will turn their backs to the stage and judge only from the contestant's singing. If the judges are interested, they will turn around for the contestant, which will allow the contestant to enter the next round of the ring competition.

What is going on today is the video of the blind selection, which also heralds the beginning of the second season of "The Voice of America". Of course, compared to the "X Factor" and "American Idol", the "Voice of America" ​​is already slow. Since the first two must have an audition recording process, they will continue in the summer. Starting the new season of recording, "Voice of America" ​​has been quiet until now.

"Voice of America" ​​plans to expand its scale in the second season because of the excellent results in the first season. After the blind selection, each mentor's team will reach 12 members, which will increase the number of players participating in the blind selection. up to eighty. If CBS TV wants to record the blind selection stage singing in one day, it must start in the morning and continue to record in the evening. It is divided into three stages, and it is expected to record at least more than eight hours. This is also a marathon battle.

At this time, the crew was recording a pre-match declaration for a contestant, but the camera did not focus on the young man's face, but focused on the pair of canvas shoes on his feet. This shooting method is not unusual, that is, the blind selection is carried out to the end. During the broadcast, the appearance of the young man in front of him was also concealed from the audience, and the audience and the judges were asked to join the blind selection. After the contestants came to sing and the judges turned around for them, the camera lens was aimed at the contestants to reveal the answer. Rely on this way of creating suspense. Let the audience also experience the charm of blind selection.

"I am twenty-seven years old and I come from Brooklyn. I come from a poor single-parent family. I have never seen my father since I was a child. Through hard work, my mother took my brother and me together with her hands. Raised up. A mother means a lot to her, and I am willing to do anything for her." The young man said in a vigorous voice, but at the end. The voice still couldn't help but choked, "Actually, I'm not a very sensible child. When I was young, I didn't live by the rules. I always had nothing to do, and then pursued the illusory music dream."

"You know, I used to go all over the world with bands, I used to perform on the street, trying to make a living with this meager income. But unfortunately it was always difficult, and it also made my mother and brother need Spend more energy to maintain life." When the young man said this, his tone could not help slowing down, and he could deeply feel the struggle and pain in his heart, "But I am lucky. My mother and brother have never Said no to me, they've always gone out of their way to support my dreams, they've given me all their love, so to speak. They've got me this far, but I've never been able to get enough results . It makes me feel guilty all the time."

Then the young man walked firmly towards the backstage. There is still a performance going on on the stage. The young man's footsteps are slowly pacing back and forth in the background. The camera still focuses on the pair of white canvas shoes, and the suspense is still retained.

"'Voice of America' may be my last chance, my last chance to express my gratitude to my mother and brother, this chance could change my life, it could change my family, so I don't want to give it up. I'll do it for my destiny I will fight for my mother and my brother at the same time."

After the young man made his declaration of war, he opened the door of the backstage passage and walked towards the stage that was so close in front of him.

The camera shot was switched and handed over to the stage shot. There are shots from all directions on the stage, but the shots that the director is currently focusing on are standing behind the young people. Under the dazzling lights, the young people's figures look tall and straight, and people can't help but stare in the light and shadow.

The four judges Adam Levy, Shiloh Green, Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton sat in their seats with their backs to the stage from left to right. Listening to the cheers of the audience, I knew that another contestant appeared. Although the contestants were ordinary people with no name, but for the effect of the show, the audience would still be very supportive, especially when the contestants' performances were very exciting. At times, the audience will even stand up to applaud and cheer, fully creating the special charm of blind selection.

Therefore, the cheers of the audience are not surprising at all. But this time the audience's shouts were a little too exaggerated. Adam Livy looked at the three colleagues on his right. The atmosphere was a bit abnormal. Could it be because the appearance of the people who came was too exaggerated? It's not necessarily handsome or beautiful. Sometimes old grandparents come to participate in the competition, and they will also create such an effect.

Blake Shelton and the other three were also looking at each other left and right, with more or less interest in their eyes. But this is the characteristic of blind selection. Even if the judges are curious, they can't see the contestant and can only identify it by the contestant's singing, because once they turn around, the contestant is a member of their own team. "Voice of America" ​​is a draft for the players, but it is also a process in which the four mentors compete with each other, so you must be very cautious when turning around in the blind selection.

The clear piano sound at the scene sounded, as smooth as mercury pouring down the ground. There were many players who brought their own instruments to the stage in the blind selection stage of "Voice of America", so it is not uncommon. Listening to this prelude, the familiar melody immediately projected the name of the song "Apologize (ze in my mind. This song actually challenged a lot of contestants in the blind selection, because of this pop-rock style It is relatively easy to adapt, and at the same time, the difficulty of the song is very high, and it also has a good contrast to the strength of the players. But the problem is that there are not many players who can sing perfectly. After all, the difficulty of classic interpretation is obviously doubled.

It's like in the blind selection process, many people tried to perform Evan Bell's super difficult songs, but they all ended in failure. It is really difficult to show the profound charm of Wen Bell's songs. Unless it is just for entertainment at karaoke, even many professional singers dare not challenge Evan Bell easily.

Therefore, when the prelude played, the four judges were both expected and disappointed, and they were more curious about the performance of the players.

Surprisingly, this player's prelude was longer than expected. Since each player's performance time in the blind selection stage was only about 90 to 100 seconds, everyone tried their best to make themselves the most solid in this short period of time. The strength of the show, the prelude will be relatively short. Although the prelude to the song "Apologize" is very classic and the cello melody amazed countless people, this is a draft competition, and the melody has nothing to do with the performance of the contestants - even if the piano performance was played by the contestants.

But soon, Blake Shelton heard the bright spot from this performance, and his eyes couldn't help but shine. When the prelude of "Apologize" is played on the cello, the desolate and desolate atmosphere will become extremely grand, but this contestant used the piano to perform the prelude, melting the sadness in the prelude into the notes and deliberately magnifying it. The feeling of sadness and despair in the melody, this adaptation is obviously from the player's own creation. It is foreseeable that the player did not perform the song "Apologize" in a lawful manner, but innovated in his own way, then Playing is part of a contestant's performance, so it's no wonder the prelude took a little longer than expected.

Blake Shelton smiled at his colleagues on his left, but everyone was expecting the voice of the players, and no one turned their heads to respond to Blake Shelton.

The ten-second prelude, although a bit long, is only a blink of an eye, "I struggled in your emotional shackles, hanging in the air unable to breathe, I understood your cruel words, but I couldn't make any sound. ."

The voice of the young man came out of the microphone, and the clear moonlight-like voice would struggle with the lyrics full of despair. Every word was interpreted to the extreme by the voice, but it didn't seem to be decorated with any skills, just using the most A simple way to interpret it with Every word seems to have vitality, like a sharp dagger, stabbed towards the heart of the chest. The so-called perfect combination of emotion and voice is probably the case.

In fact, the opening chapter of "Apologize" is not easy to stand out, because the song has just begun, and the emotion is released slowly, which requires a process. But the sound coming from the ear, through the processing of the words and the change of the ending, the delicate emotion is quietly blended into each musical note, so amazing that people want to scream.

And the audience at the scene did the same. When the young man sang the first word, the screaming at the scene was a little out of control. It was not the kind of scattered and scattered, and then gradually merged into a group. The applause, but the audience, without exception, began to scream hard, this kind of madness is surprising.

But the young man on the stage, he still used the power of his voice to open up a waterfall of moonlight in the midst of the incomparable noise, and the cold despair ruthlessly split the turbulent magma torrent on the scene.

Who is this? It performed so well!

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