Great Artist

Chapter 2195: Workplace 1 Lesson

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After Ryan fully expressed his anger towards Greg, Greg also realized that things still needed to be re-examined, so he sent Natalie to Ryan and let Ryan take Natalie to familiarize himself with the whole layoff. process. So on Ryan's comfortable cloud journey, there was an uninvited guest like Natalie.

In a brand new flight, Natalie came to the airport under the **** of her boyfriend, but for Natalie, who had no substantive concept of business trip, she dragged a huge suitcase ready to travel, which absolutely needs to be checked. Yes, this is a huge delay for the business trip. As a last resort, Natalie can only buy a brand new suitcase, and then put her luggage into the suitcase little by little.

Compared with Ryan's tidy and orderly suitcase, Natalie's suitcase already contained a lot of women's supplies, and the improper arrangement made it cluttered. Ryan threw a lot of Natalie's things into the trash can successively, and this arduous task was completed.

On the plane, Natalie and Ryan showed their differences in their understanding of work again. Natalie even designed a dismissal technology workflow for the remote video dismissal plan. She believed that following this process would be perfect. The job of layoffs is done, but when she and Ryan actually get into layoffs, she realizes it's not that simple.

The man in front of him showed Ryan and Natalie pictures of his children and said in a heavy voice, "What do you want me to tell them?"

While Ryan was organizing his own language, Natalie completely forgot about Ryan's instructions to herself "you just need to listen and watch", she felt it was time to show her ability, so she said, "Maybe. You underestimate the favorable impact of your career change on your child."

Natalie's words made Ryan turn his head to look at her in astonishment, but at this time he was at work and could not reprimand her directly. Although Ryan's expression was small, it was very wonderful. The man in front of him had an absurd expression, "Beneficial influence?" Natalie showed a kind smile and nodded, hoping to give the man a positive answer, but the man looked down at the photo in his hand and said sarcastically, " I'm making $90,000 a year now. What about $250 a week when I lose my job? Is that one of your so-called positive effects?"

Natalie's expression gradually solidified, feeling a little overwhelmed. The man continued, "We're going to have a hard time because I can't pay the mortgage and maybe move to some **** studio apartment," the man's words rose higher and became more agitated, which made Ryan reveal With an equally sarcastic smile, "Besides, without medical insurance, when my daughter suffers from asthma, I can only hold her because I can't afford the medical bills."

"Uh..." Natalie tried to get her voice back, "Studies show that children with moderate frustration are more successful academically." This made Ryan turn his head to Natalie again in disbelief. Tully, and there was a sarcastic whistle in the movie theater, "They'll deal with it."

"Fuck you." The man said foul language directly, making Natalie at a loss, "Do you know what my child will think?"

Just when the scene was a little embarrassing, Ryan took over, "Do you really want to be admired by children?" Obviously, Ryan's tone was more calm and soothing, and he got a positive answer from the man, "I Doubt they've never worshipped you, Bob."

"Hey, bastard, shouldn't you be comforting me?" Bob frowned and swears again. This made Natalie look at Ryan, and she wondered how Ryan would deal with it.

There was an invisible smile on the corner of Ryan's mouth, and his face was very soft, "I'm not a psychiatrist, Bob, I'm just helping you recognize the reality. Do you know why children like athletes?"

"Who knew," Bob became impatient, "athletes can get pretty girls?"

"That's why adults like athletes," Ryan said sincerely, eyes fixed on Bob's face. "Kids like athletes because they chase their dreams."

This made Bob reluctantly pursed his lips, "Very good, but I can't dunk,"

"Yes, but you can cook." Ryan's words not only made Natalie feel a little inexplicable, but even Bob didn't understand it, and then Ryan reminded Bob, "It is written on your resume that you minored in French cooking, most of the students work at KFC, and you work at a matador restaurant to make money. Then you graduate from college and you come here to work, how much did they pay you at that time to make you give up your dream?”

"The annual salary is $27,000." Bob finally understood Ryan's words, and said a little disappointedly.

"Then when will you go back and start doing what you really love?" Ryan's words left Bob speechless. "I've met people who have spent their entire lives in one company, just like you. They go to work, They get off work, but they never feel fulfilled." Ryan's words brought both Bob and Natalie's attention to him, as did the moviegoers, "You have this opportunity now, Bob, this is A rebirth. If not for yourself, but for your children."

Bob's expression softened, and he landed on the photo of his child. In the end, he didn't say anything.

Natalie, who saw Ryan's ability at work, collided with Ryan's thoughts again during the meal. Ryan said that he was trying his best to accumulate his flight mileage. If it wasn't for the flight mileage, he would Not a single child will be spent. But the problem is, Ryan's goal is not to accumulate mileage to exchange tickets for vacation or something, mileage is his goal, he wants to accumulate 10 million miles and become the seventh person to achieve this goal, More people have been on the moon than this.

But Natalie still couldn't understand Ryan's interest. She didn't understand the meaning of it. To accumulate miles, she thought it was just a means for men to show their sense of existence. Obviously Ryan would not agree. This conversation broke up again.

During the work trip, Ryan was texting and flirting with Alex, while not forgetting the task of taking a photo of his sister Julie with a cardboard. In Wichita, Natalie offered to hope that she would take over the negotiation initiative, and Ryan agreed.

"Miss Barnes, thank you for participating..." Before Natalie could finish her words, Barnes realized that she said gracefully and calmly, "I'm fired, right?" Natalie Li hesitated for a while, then said, "We want to talk to you about future opportunities.

Barnes showed a very polite smile, "You don't have to say anything nice, I understand what you want to say." Barnes said calmly, "What conditions did they give me?"

Barnes' calmness made Natalie a little uncomfortable. She had to try her best not to hesitate. "In the folder, you can see a clear severance clause."

"Tell me the main point directly." Barnes always had a smile on his face, as if he had accepted all of this calmly, completely businesslike.

"Actually, the conditions are very good," Natalie swallowed a mouthful of saliva calmly to calm her emotions. "Three months' salary, six months' medical insurance. And one year's employment consultation paid by our company. Serve."

"Career counseling, really generous." Barnes' calmness left Natalie at a loss. This abnormality made Natalie glance at Ryan subconsciously, as if asking for help, but even so, Natalie had to do her own work.

"Generally speaking, your annual salary requirement is as many as 10,000 yuan and it will take as many months to find a job." Natalie said.

Barnes ticked the corner of his mouth, showing an elegant but dazzling smile, "So, I've been looking for a long time."

"It doesn't have to be."

"Needless to say." Barnes interrupted Natalie's words, but he was still unhurried, maintaining his grace and composure, "I am still very confident in my plan."

"Really?" Natalie beamed with joy.

"Of course," Barnes said calmly and calmly, looking at Natalie, "there's a beautiful bridge next to my house, and I'm going to jump from it."

Natalie was obviously not prepared for this, she was completely shocked. After Barnes left, Natalie rushed out of the company and sat on the outdoor bench, hoping to calm down. Natalie is frightened by Barnes' suicidal rhetoric, and Ryan does his best to calm Natalie so their work can go on, but Natalie is clearly still being hit hard.

Natalie became more and more comfortable with the layoffs as the job went on, but whenever she calmed down, she always started to wander; and Ryan and Alex's flirtation texts also more and more harmonious.

Ryan gave another speech in Miami, this one was actually the same, and it was completely connected to the speech in the Hamptons in the first half of the movie, "That's how I start every day. It might be a little difficult now, So follow my lead."

"You've got a new backpack, only this time you're going to fill it with people. From casual acquaintances, to friends of friends, to colleagues at the company, to people you trust who are willing to share your inner secrets , your cousins, your aunts and aunts, your uncles and uncles, your brothers, your sisters, your parents, and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, you want Put them all in your backpack. Don't worry, I'm not going to let you burn it down, feel the weight of that backpack, yes, your relationships are the most important part of your life, feel the backpack How tight are the straps? Negotiations, disputes, secrets, compromises with them, in fact, you don't need to bear that much weight, why don't you put down that backpack? Some animals are born to support each other and live in Together, ill-fated lovers, swans who have been together for life, we are not those animals, the slower we move, the faster we die, we are not swans, we are sharks."

Ryan's speech obviously touched Natalie, and at the same time Natalie received a breakup text message from her boyfriend, which completely stimulated Natalie. So Natalie began to question Ryan's thoughts. She didn't understand why Ryan didn't have the idea of ​​getting married. She tried all kinds of methods, but she couldn't impress Ryan, and all she got was ridicule.

"Every one of us will die alone." Ryan's words made Natalie collapse directly. She stood in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel and said, "Brian left me", and then burst into tears. This made Ryan quite at a loss, gave Natalie a hug and tried to appease her, but unfortunately it was getting worse.

It wasn't until Alex appeared that Natalie could hold back her tears. The three each ordered a cocktail at the Hilton's bar and sat down to communicate.

Ironically, Brian broke up with Natalie over a text message, the same way Natalie fired her staff via computer video.

When Natalie was chatting, it was revealed that she originally had a job in San Francisco, but because Brian received a job and invited Natalie to start a new life together, she followed Brian to Omaha. .

Natalie originally thought she was engaged at her age, but it often backfired. She has many arrangements for her life, and arranges her life step by step according to the general concept of society, but life sometimes disappoints people. Obviously, Natalie represents the most prevalent ideas in this society.

"Sometimes I feel that no matter how much success I have achieved, it doesn't matter if I fall in love with the destined person." What Natalie is saying is actually the hidden rules that still exist for women in a society where men and women are equal , she doesn't necessarily like Brian, but because Brian meets the requirements of her heart for the other half, "white-collar class, college degree, likes puppies, likes comedy, six feet tall, brown hair, soft-eyed, engaged in Works in finance, but likes outdoor sports on I would have preferred his name to be monosyllabic, Matt, John, David, better to drive a Toyota four-wheeler, the only thing more Yu loves me is his golden laboratory, but also has a kind smile."

Natalie's words made Ryan and Alex, both middle-aged and middle-aged, smile with interest, obviously their thoughts were completely different. Natalie asked Alex about his expectations for his future partner.

Alex's eyes were looking at a space in the distance, and he seemed to be searching for the words in his mind, but at the same time, there was also some meaningful taste, which was unpredictable, "To be honest, when I was thirty-four years old, when I was thirty-four years old, when I was 34 years old, There are no requirements for appearance, such as silently praying that he is taller than you, that he is not an asshole, that he likes my company, that he comes from a good family, and that he will not think about it when he is young. Also, he should think Want kids, like kids, want kids. Physical condition at least be able to play with kids. God bless him better to earn more than me, you may not know it now, but trust me, one day you will. Otherwise, it's a disaster. And, hopefully, he's not bald. A nice smile, of course, a nice smile is always important."

Alex's words seemed meaningful, and at first glance, it was an answer to Natalie, but after thinking about it, the words seemed to mean something.

Uh, I seem to have lost control again, I'm really sorry. Sorry for the big outburst today! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @芊玉梦mo]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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