Great Artist

Chapter 2196: collision of ideas

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In the evening, Ryan and Alex took Natalie to the party held at the hotel's technology conference. For Natalie, who has always been dressed in formal clothes and has a rigid personality, the party is undoubtedly a huge challenge. Not only did I sneak into a party without an invitation for the first time in my life, but it was definitely a huge breakthrough to let go and have a good night with a guy I met for the first time.

While Natalie was relaxing and enjoying the first carnival in her life, Ryan and Alex got along more and more harmoniously. The two people have a natural tacit understanding during the conversation, not to mention the harmony on the bed, which makes the relationship between the two people filled with pink sparks. Whether it is Ryan or Alex, they obviously enjoy the time with each other, with relaxation in their comfort and wanton in their happiness.

Ryan and Alex had a wonderful night as if they were a couple, but after dawn, the two became friends again, and Alex put on his clothes and headed to Cincinnati for a meeting, bringing Ryan left in the room.

In order to take the cardboard photo that Julie wanted, Alex and Ryan came to the beach, Alex was standing on the dock with the cardboard, when she heard that Ryan had not thought about his future with Alex, This angered Natalie, who was in a sensitive period. She threw the cardboard in her hand on the ground of the dock and yelled angrily at Ryan, "You are a bastard, why don't you give her a real lover Chances, your lifestyle basically refuses to associate with anyone, and now there's a woman who shows up and puts up with your absurd lifestyle while trying to force a laugh at you, and you say it's just for fun, I need to grow up and mature? You are a twelve-year-old!"

For Natalie's words, Ryan was able to resist refutation at first, but in the end he had nothing to say. This was the first time. Looking at the back of Natalie leaving, Ryan only turned his head and found that the cardboard had been blown into the sea by the wind. In desperation, Ryan could only put the camera in his hand on the pier, kneel on the floor, and try to Reaching out his hand to reach for the piece of cardboard, unfortunately, the cardboard started to sink. Ryan stretched out more and more bodies, and he fell into the sea with a puff.

Back at the hotel, although Ryan quickly tried to dry the cardboard with a hair dryer, unfortunately the cardboard was inevitably wrinkled. This time, Ryan and Natalie came to Detroit. Although Ryan thought the time was not yet ripe, at Greg's strong request, they tried to use video conferences for the first time to lay off staff. It was Natalie who advocated for the program, while Greg oversaw the live viewing from the company's headquarters.

The staff of this company are not easy to deal with, they are all old fritters, and Natalie's current experience is not enough, so Ryan had to give a lot of advice, but time was still not enough. Natalie is about to go.

Natalie unfolded according to the program she had previously learned, but it caused the man named Samuel on the other side of the computer screen to not develop the reaction Natalie expected.

At first, Samuel yelled angrily, but when he realized that the result could not be changed, he was crying while sitting in front of the computer. Only then did Natalie and Ryan realize that Samuel was actually next to them, just a wall. To be precise, it was not a wall, but a glass.

But it is this glass that makes things different. Natalie watched Samuel cry, but couldn't make any effective coping strategies. In-person layoffs are already difficult, and a computer screen makes things completely out of control.

No matter what Natalie said, Samuel didn't respond. He just looked at the information in his hand and cried. Because of the computer screen, Natalie couldn't appease Samuel through some physical contact. The way to convey your sincerity through eye contact, the cold computer screen makes all connections thin.

Natalie was a little overwhelmed. She looked at Samuel who was crying like a child. She wanted to try to comfort him and try to encourage him, but she had already said what she should say and what she could say. It's completely helpless now. Natalie's panicked eyes betrayed her anxiety and sympathy, her eyes rolling back and forth in front of the computer screen, she could only bite her lip and force herself to continue working, "Mr. Samuel, our conversation is over. "

However, what Natalie responded to was silence and a face full of tears. This silence made everyone feel a little overwhelmed. Greg looked at the computer screen suspiciously, and Ryan's worried eyes moved back and forth between the computer and Natalie. Natalie's tight lips clearly revealed her anxiety at this time, and she had nothing to do.

In desperation, Natalie could only raise her voice and said to the microphone with her maximum volume, "Mr. Samuel! Our conversation is over!"

At this time, Samuel suddenly came to a realization, but his confused eyes still revealed that he had no masters at this time. He could only leave the conference room ignorantly, and then walked back to his position in a dejected manner. The sturdy body was hunched into a ball at this time, and dragged out of the conference room with heavy steps, passed the office where Ryan and Natalie were, and then gradually disappeared.

Samuel's figure became more and more heavy in the silence. Although Ryan comforted Natalie and said "you did a good job", they all knew that this was not a successful layoff, because Samuel was not completely dismissed. To appease, he still has the possibility to file a lawsuit against the company at any time.

Ryan asked Natalie if she could continue to persevere and whether she needed to take over by herself. Natalie took a deep breath and said that she was okay, but she was stunned when she looked at the dense list at hand, and she deleted the most important list from the list. The first name above, and then looking at the list just so empty. Instead of making work easier, being separated by a computer screen makes things more difficult.

It was only at this time that Greg really understood what Ryan said at the beginning. The job of laying off employees is not that simple. The reason for insisting on face-to-face conversation is also an indispensable part of interpersonal communication. There is no substitute for the importance of face-to-face contact between people.

Therefore, after the dismissal of this company was completed, Greg immediately recalled Reese and Natalie to the company. Even though Ryan tries to fight for Tully again, Greg insists on his final decision. And Natalie, who was hit by the video layoff, almost lost her mind and could only rely on the vehicle in a daze. The only thing that could comfort her was that Ryan told her that it was all over and she could go home. Natalie didn't even have the time to think about it. Going home meant the failure of the video layoff. She only knew that she finally didn't have to look at the sadness, anger and anger of the fired person through a cold computer screen, because it was too much. tortured.

At this moment, Natalie finally knows what kind of job Ryan's job is, and what kind of pressure the layoff party must bear in this job. Society is not as simple as she imagined; life cannot always go according to plan.

Before returning to Omaha, Ryan decided to go to Chicago to invite Alex out and invite Alex to attend his sister Julie's wedding with him. This is a huge breakthrough for Ryan, because this is his sister's wedding, he chose not to be alone, but to invite a person to come with him - whether it is a date or a word to describe it, But at least not alone, which is contrary to his philosophy of life. It can be seen that Ryan is still influenced by Natalie, and his mentality has changed more or less.

So Ryan arrived in Milwaukee with Alex to attend Julie's wedding.

When Ryan and Alex checked into the hotel, they accidentally discovered their sister Carla. After introducing each other, Ryan knew that Carla and her husband were actually in a state of separation by agreement, and Ryan knew nothing about it. Then Ryan and Alex attended the evening wedding rehearsal together. When Ryan and Julie met, the scene was absolutely as embarrassing as it was embarrassing. Relatively speaking, Alex and Julie got along On the contrary, it is more comfortable, this kind of weird scene really has a feeling of crying and laughing.

After meeting Julie and Jim, the couple, Ryan finally understood why he was carrying cardboard everywhere to take pictures. Seeing that the entire wall was filled with photos taken by Julie's friends, Julie explained. , "Jim invested most of our savings in the real estate business, but after reckoning, we found that the honeymoon was really unbearable in this situation. No money to travel, doesn't mean you can't shoot."

Julie and Jim sang together and explained the whole situation. In the real estate industry, Ryan must know better but how bad real estate is in the current economic environment. But looking at the way Julie and Jim support each other, they can't see the hardships of their lives at all.

After the rehearsal, the three siblings stood at the door of the church awkwardly. Ryan thought of one thing, "Julie, I was thinking, Dad is gone, did you find someone who took you into the auditorium?" It can be seen from this sentence that Ryan's thinking has changed dramatically. He not only brought his partner to the wedding that he didn't know whether to attend, but also tried to repair the relationship with his sister. In the father's case, Ryan, as a brother, took his sister's hand, walked into the church, and then handed Julie's hand to Jim, which was perfectly normal.

Julie's expression suddenly became embarrassed, but she insisted, "Jim's uncle."

Ryan's facial expression was a little unpredictable. He lowered his eyes, his eyes seemed to be a little hot, and he couldn't even look directly at Julie and Cara. He tried to purse the corners of his mouth to make himself seem calm, but the long eyelashes The mixed eyes below still revealed the loss and bitterness in his heart.

"Uh, very good, very good, I just want to make sure that someone takes care of you." Ryan tried to calm his tone, "So, what time should I arrive?"

"The guests will arrive at five o'clock, and the wedding will start at five o'clock..." Julie's words hit Ryan's heart again. At his sister's wedding, he was not a family member but a guest. Fortunately, the appearance of Alex broke the awkward atmosphere between the three that was about to freeze into ice.

The next day, Ryan brought Alex to his alma mater. The two of them were like those young and beautiful couples in high school, and they had a good time. The exchange of eyes, the exchange of words, and the communication of smiles make the tacit understanding between the two sparkle. But a phone call broke the relationship between the two.

The call was from Kara. It turned out that Jim ran away and didn't want to get married. Carla wanted to come forward to comfort Jim, but she is currently in the separation phase, and she can't speak convincingly, so it can only be Ryan, Julie's brother. But Ryan thinks that his philosophy of life does not seem to be suitable for convincing Jim that he is a celibate and even an opponent of marriage, but Carla's words left him no room for rejection, "You are not always around us. , No, basically there is no such person as you, I know you want to help her, well, now is the time."

Ryan went into the room and started talking to Jim, "Well, I couldn't sleep last night, and I started thinking about the wedding, about the wedding ceremony, about us buying a house and living together, and we'd have our first child, and then we'd have a second one. , then Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break, the kids' football games, and then they graduate, and the kids get jobs, get married, and then I'm a grandpa, and then I retire, lose my hair, gain weight, and then, I'm dead. I can't help but think, what's the point of all this?"

Listening to Jim's words, Ryan's expression became more and more stiff, and his inner turmoil was no less than Jim's, yes, this is life, think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing, nothing more than birth, old age, sickness and death, many people just do it for the sake of Live and live without even finding the true meaning of life.

Jim's words are self-questioning, but also hitting Ryan's heart: he is working and living like this, living his own golden bachelor life above the clouds, and everything seems to be perfect, so, this. What is the meaning of everything? What is his pursuit? What about his pursuit of life and philosophy of life?

"What's the point of this?" Jim asked, looking up at Ryan.

"Meaning?" Ryan obviously couldn't react, and could only repeat Jim's words monotonously.

Explosion today, eruption! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @銀抯銀dang]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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