Great Artist

Chapter 273: 2 albums 1 single

From April 1st in 2001 to April 1st in 2002, for a whole year, from "just a dream" appeared in the deserted, to "better than Hallelujah, ... launched in a lot of attention. In one year, the world Has been vicissitudes of life.

Within a year, it was the seventh single, and there was still a high-quality album released in the middle, not to mention the first six singles, and the results were outstanding, and four singles were announced. The champion of the card leaderboard. Evan Bell's high production and high quality have also become famous in the American music industry. Not to mention, the blockbuster "Better than Hallelujah" at the Grammys.

After the Grammy Awards ceremony, many magazines commented on the scene of "Better than Hallelujah", and the praise was overwhelming. Especially in the context of September 11, it was almost impossible to find any support for this song. negative reviews. Occasional comments of "grandfather" and "gaining attention by gimmicks on September 11th" do not have much market. After all, the audience who were moved by watching the live broadcast of the Grammy Awards is not a small part of the audience. Everyone knows clearly whether the song "Better than Hallelujah" deserves the praise of the media.

"Better than Hallelujah" was still released on the Eleven Music Blog at the same time as a 30-second audition on April 1st, which has almost become a repertoire between Evan Bell's release of a single, and later in Sin and All major record stores are on the shelves at the same time.

At about the same moment, the media's comments were published online.

"Billboard" magazine commented on the single that debuted today "The melody that touched everyone's hearts after 9/11, this is the resonance of the spirit. ,, on the official website of the billboard, the front page is about "Better than Harley Road" Asia" was recommended, which was the first time Evan Bell's music appeared on the front page of Billboard since its debut a year ago.

And Adam Roy's music review on "Rolling Stone" can undoubtedly represent the general view of professionals "simplifies the complex, and contains all the emotions under this soothing melody, and the guitar sounds that come slowly. There are ripples in my heart. Just one sentence "Better than Hallelujah is enough to express my deep mourning for September 11 and an unyielding hope for the future." See the progress again, it can be called a good song! "

In terms of scoring, Adam Roy gave "Better than Hallelujah" an unprecedented 9 points. Although there is a note below, the song itself scored 8.9 points, but it entered the ranks of 9 points because of its sublimation of the theme of September 11. This is Adam Roy's highest score for Evan Bell's current seven singles, and it is also the first time this harsh music critic has given an excellent score of nine points after two years, causing an uproar in the music critics .

Not only that, forty-six media including "Rotation" and "Magazine" also scored "Better than Hallelujah" at 8.7 points, which is also the song "Falling" by Alicia Keys last year. "After that, a new high for the average score of the media.

This time the media is full of praise for "Better than Hallelujah", which is actually predictable. After all, after the Grammy Awards, almost all media will inevitably mention this in their interviews with Evan Bell. The song, and the words of praise are beyond words. Similarly, the audience's support for the single "Better than Hallelujah" can also be expected, whether it is from the number of viewers at the Grammy Awards ceremony or from the expectations of netizens for this song, the single is in The support rate among the audience is evident.

On April 1st, "Better than Hallelujah" will dominate the March music chart "Hello, Cold World" on the itunes download singles chart, billboard, radio on-demand chart and other charts

Pull down the horse in an all-round way, forming a sweeping trend.

310,000, this is "Better than Hallelujah" created on itunes on April 1st. A few months ago, "Hello, Cold World" created a daily download of over 200,000 on itunes. The calendar record is now "Better than Hallelujah" and this record is severely raised.

Originally, top record companies such as Universal and Sony started research on the commercialization of digital music because of the amazing situation of digital music in "Hello, Cold World". Now "Better than Hallelujah" has added another such An important weight, the entire music market suddenly boiled.

"Better than Hallelujah" topped the itunes' history chart, with 310,000 downloads in a single day and over 600,000 in the first week. If this achievement translates into physical sales, it would be the No. 1 on the Billboard Singles Chart It is also an easy task, which makes the music industry have to treat digital music as the same as physical albums. If such achievements are ignored, it is destined to become a big loss for the music market.

You must know that last year, the sales of physical albums in the music market dropped by nearly 80 million copies compared with 2000. Of course, there is a movement of the September 11 Incident, but according to incomplete statistics, the download volume of digital music There are more than 200 million of them, and the legal downloads on itunes also exceed the number of 60 million, excluding the losses caused by illegal downloads.

In other words, if the legal downloads of itunes are equal to the physical albums, then it is 60 million physical albums. Compared with the previous year, the sales decline is only 20 million. After deducting the impact of the September 11 Incident, this loss is completely within the acceptable range of the gods.

Therefore, this year, various associations in the music industry have begun to pay close attention to the feasibility of commercialization of itunes digital music, as well as its practical effects. "Hello, Cold World" in March and "Better than Hallelujah" in April The thoughts of all association members are constantly under attack.

"Better than Hallelujah" has been on the rise all the way on iTunes, breaking through one million downloads in two weeks and creating 1.3 million downloads in the first month, which is jaw-dropping.

Evan-Bell remembered that after the commercialization of digital music was completely on the right track, it was normal for the sales of singles to be five or six million, and most of them were contributed by digital music downloads. The situation of the album selling entity singing well. Therefore, the sales of singles have skyrocketed because of the convenience of downloading. The 1.3 million downloads in a single month is not a lot, but after the commercialization of digital music is fully accepted in the future, it is also a very good result.

Even Evan Bell, who understands the power of digital music commercialization, was surprised by the 1.3 million downloads in the first month, not to mention media, record companies, and music industry insiders.

For a while, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the commercialization of digital music, the prosperity and excitement when it was just launched last year reappeared, and professional articles on the analysis of the music industry can be seen everywhere.

As stated in the German research report at the beginning of the year, digital music downloads have little impact on the sales of physical records. Therefore, the astonishing downloads on iTunes have swept the army and the physical sales of "better than Hallelujah" are also a factor. soaring.

The cover of the single "Better than Hallelujah" still continues the high level of Evan Bell. On the cover of the white bottom, a pair of scales is drawn in the center. On the left side of the scale is a pair of angel wings, on the right side of the scale is an incandescent lamp, and the right side is slightly lower, which looks heavier. On the top of the middle is the single's title "Better than Hallelujah": while the bottom of the middle is signed "Evan-Bell, produced by Eleven Studios".

After the sketch came out, there was a heated discussion on the Internet.

Different from Evan-Bell's previous six singles, although the cover has some meaning, it can basically be read. But this time, everyone was at a loss when looking at this cover.

In fact, in the heated discussion, there is a saying that is supported by the most people. Everyone thinks that the angel wings on the left represent God, and the reason why Evan-Bell did not draw a little angel and only has wings is because of this It represents that the phrase "Hallelujah" has only symbolic meaning and no practical effect: the incandescent lamp on the right represents life, perhaps a light for a family to stay behind, a light for a job overnight, or a guiding light for moving forward. . And the phrase "Better than Hallelujah" hanging in the middle is not only the name of the song, but also the meaning of God - the more emphasis on the right side is God's instruction.

Obviously, this cover conveys the rich and profound meaning of the song through such a simple picture.

However, Evan Bell, who was in retreat, was missed by the reporters, so the discussion on the cover naturally had no answer for the time being.

In the first week of "Better than Hallelujah", this highly anticipated single created sales of 530,000, and without any suspense, won the No. 1 spot on this week's Billboard singles chart. It is Evan Bell's fifth championship single, and the battle for the championship is quite sweeping.

At the same time This is also the third single in Billboard's 108-year history that has been airborne champion without announcing an MV. "Broad Sky" had never won the Billboard singles No. 1 without an MV before, but that was three weeks after the single was released. And "Better than Hallelujah... is the third singer in history to have achieved such a record in the first week of its release without an MV. The momentum is amazing.

At the same time, "Hello, Cold World" is still in the top five of the singles chart, and the other five singles are still in the top 100, but "Final" has dropped to No. 92, and it is estimated that it will be released soon. Listed. Even so, since their debut, the first seven singles have simultaneously reached the top 100 on the Billboard singles chart, although they are not as brilliant as the West City Boys (fe) who have won all seven singles in their debut, they are also outstanding among the newcomers. Relying on the huge publicity of singing live at the Grammy Awards, "Better than Hallelujah" actually won another 350,000 sales in the second week. Such a weak decline is also a miracle. any problem.

In the third week of the release of "Better than Hallelujah", Warner Records finally released the music video for the single due to Evan Bell's absence from the promotion of the new single, which once again attracted the public as a means of publicity. 's attention.

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