Great Artist

Chapter 274: soul

This time, the MV of "Better than Hallelujah" was once again directed by Evan-Bell. This is also the third MV directed by Evan-Bell after "Just a Dream" and "Crazy World". Likewise, Evan Bell did not disappoint.

It is different from the series of imaged stories of "Just a Dream", and it is also different from the one-shot image narrative of "Crazy World" "Better than Hallelujah", but it adopts the simplest and most regular story sequence statement style.

A simple story told.

An old man is sorting out the warehouse, but finds a letter from a former lover among the old letters. Memories unfold on the yellowed letters in his hands.

In 1953, the old man was still young, he had a lover who truly loved each other, and the two had already talked about getting married. But a piece of military service summons the young man to leave his hometown and join the army.

At first, the two of them would still have correspondence, but due to the backwardness of communication, the correspondence between the two gradually became less.

In May 1955, he received the last letter from his lover, but at that time he had met a new lover on the battlefield, and the two were ready to get engaged. After hesitating again and again, he put the letter in the iron box and never opened it again.

This past is forty-eight years, and until today, when the old man returned to being alone, he turned out this letter again.

The old man didn't open the letter, but just followed the address on the letter to find the outline, wanting to see his old friend again. The address on the letter has long been vicissitudes, and there are strangers living there. Under the guidance of the stranger, the old man went to the city hall again to ask the current consultation of the person who lived at this address.

According to the guidance of the city hall staff, the old man found a cemetery.

The beloved of the year is now a pile of dust. Looking at the words "August 1955" on the tombstone it was three months after he received the letter. He was just getting married for a month, but the old man was already separated from each other. But seeing the new man laugh, never hear the old man cry. The old man, who had already half his body in the loess, felt a sense of sympathy. Did you do right or wrong back then?

Before the tombstone, the old man sat on the ground and opened the letter. There is only one sentence in it, "Honey, you're going to be a father."

At this moment, the trembling hands could no longer be controlled, and the letter floated down. Even if the tears fall, so what, the past mistakes have no chance to be redeemed.

Looking back at the curtain, back to the distant May of the 1st year. The former lover, tǐng sitting on the doorstep with his stomach, the sun sets, waiting for the return of his lover. But until the night shrouded the earth, there was still no one in front of the door.

The story of this MV is very simple, even a bit cliché. Evan Bell didn't show up from beginning to end, just using a few seasoned actors. Only Evan Bell's clear and sad voice whispered in his ears.

In the MV, Evan-Bell basically used a sequence of narratives, with occasional interludes of memories, but the whole film was shot in black and white, and the only color was the yellowed letters. This seems to represent the juncture between 1955 and 2002, when at the end the old man's tears fell on the yellowish color of the letter, creating a cloud of dizziness, which made people feel sore in their nose.

This may be just a simple story, but Ebel presented the story with the most clean and neat way of shooting, and the end of the MV returned to the figure of the woman waiting for her fiancé to return in 1955, which made people cry. Combined with the lyrics of the song "Better than Hallelujah", the meaning of this story can be found.

In the face of remorse, entanglement, and sadness, one Hallelujah is never enough, because saying "Hallelujah" can't help. Don't want to miss, don't want to regret, don't want to be sad, just let go of the clasped fingers, straighten the knees, put the Hallelujah in your heart, and step forward.

As life continues, it is possible to save some xìng.

This MV fits perfectly with the style of "Better than Hallelujah", fresh and indifferent, but with lingering sadness. There is no great joy or great sorrow, but unknowingly wet eyes. As the music critic said, "This is the voice of Linghún".

Compared with the previous album "One", the style of "Better than Hallelujah" is more of a hún and pop singing style, which also led the media to discuss whether Evan Bell's second album is actually going to leave the one he is most familiar with. Rock and roll, exploring new musical styles? In the music industry, the crossover of styles is very normal, not to mention that it is still a new era of fusion of various styles, but it is very rare to completely abandon the previous music styles and start a new challenge.

However, Evan Bell has only released a song "Better than Hallelujah", and it may be the same as "Just a Dream" before, just a special song in the whole album, other songs still continue the rock style . The current speculation is that the media amuse themselves.

It can be seen from this that the media has paid great attention to Evan-Bell, and the media has begun to chase after the slightest disturbance. This was absolutely impossible last year. Judging from this small detail, it can also make gods have a little understanding of the power of Evan Bell in music today.

Although Evan Bell is in the closed phase and did not participate in the publicity, but relying on the strong publicity of the Grammy Awards ceremony, the media will not miss this good news, and now supplemented by the launch of the MV "Better than Hallelujah" sales It made Claire-Days breathe a sigh of relief.

On the day of the MV announcement, "Better than Hallelujah" won another 80,000 sales. Three weeks after its release, the single-day sales are still so amazing. It is indeed booming. Relying on the promotion of the music video, "Better than Hallelujah" took the No. 1 spot on this week's Billboard singles chart without breaking a sweat.

In the end, "Better than Hallelujah," easily won the No. 1 spot for five consecutive weeks on the Billboard singles chart, and became Evan Bell's longest-standing single among the seven current singles. The second album hit the headlines.

In the first month, "Better than Hallelujah" created 1.6 million sales. This result is infinitely close to last year's year-end champion "Stop at this moment" with 2 million sales, and this is still not counting the last iTunes. The score of 1.3 million downloads, if the two aspects are superimposed, is 2.9 million. This score can still make God the runner-up the year before. Therefore, it is only natural that the music industry association has begun to attach importance to the commercialization of digital music.

"Better than Hallelujah" stayed in the runner-up position for a week after coming down from the championship leaderboard, and then lingered in the top ten until the end of October, and stayed in the top ten for 32 weeks. amazing. Although 2002 has just entered April, some media boldly predicted that "Better than Hallelujah" would be a strong contender for the number one single sales chart this year.

During the Evan Bell retreat, in addition to the opening of "American Idol" and the release of "Deadly Identity" of "Better than Hallelujah", substantial progress has finally been made.

Since Evan-Bell went to practice, Teddy-Bell assumed the responsibility of the liaison center.

Just received a call from David Greenblatt to learn about the latest situation on the Screen Actors Guild. Teddy Bell called James Mangold's cell phone. "Hello, this is Teddy."

"Hey, Teddy, I was just about to call you. , James Mangold is a middle-aged man with a big beard and a slightly fat body, although when he first started contact, he was more or less able to make gods feel. Martial arts sage kings make holy kings night slaying gods and gods for the throne of the gods and gods, beg for the throne of the gods and gods, beg for the throne of the gods and gods Killing the God of God's Seal Throne, begging for the strongest in the Nine Heavens, Abandoning the Young, the Great Zhou Royal Family, God-making General, Killing the God's Seal Throne at Night After a while, I felt a lot better, at least the tone was very relaxed and pleasant on the phone. "I've persuaded Reliotta and Amanda Pitt to participate in the film, and the pay is lower than the figure you gave. . "

Hearing this news, Teddy Bell was pleasantly surprised, "That's really good, I also have good news here, Pruitt-Taylor-Vince and John-Hucks also agreed to play.

Since then, the cast has almost been prepared. "

Recently, David Greenblatt and James Mangold acted separately. They took the list of six actors that Evan Bell came up with before. While contacting these actors, they also looked for other suitable candidates through their own channels.

Ray-Liotta has performed in films such as "Goodfellas" and "Silence of the Lambs 2". Because of his appearance, he has a wide range of dramas. Although there are not many works, he has always maintained a certain level of performance. level. He will play the role of Police Officer Rhodes in the film.

As for Amanda-Pitt, who has played countless supporting roles, whether it's David-Greenblatt or James-Mangold, they don't know much about her. Evan-Bell remembered her, but it was because she played the role of the heroine's wife in the disaster movie "2012" in later generations, which left a deep impression. Coincidentally, she is the actor who played the prostitute Paris in the main four characters of "Deadly Identity" who played the role of Pruitt-Taylor-Vince, who played the role of 1900's best friend Max in "The Pianist at Sea". It is the protagonist who is not the protagonist. McCann-Rive: This prisoner with eleven personalities: John-Hucks is the last of the four leading actors, the actor who plays the role of the motel manager.

In addition to these four actors, the other two names that Evan Bell wrote down were spelled incorrectly, and no suitable candidates were found for a while. Even so, relying on Evan Bell's "wisdom eye", the four main roles of the film have all found suitable candidates, plus three friends Joseph, Gordon, Levitt, Ryan, Gosling, and Natalie. With the addition of Bōterman, seven of the eleven main characters have been found.

"That couldn't be better.

"James Mangold couldn't help laughing. "My crew is almost ready, and if the remaining actors are found, we can start shooting at any time." ,…

"By the way, James, aren't you planning to do a closed-off shoot in the studio? Do you have a recommended film company?" Teddy Bell thought of the most important thing. "I mean, how big is the studio? Which movie company is more convenient to rent?"! .

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