Great Artist

Chapter 850: fight Arthur again

850 Fighting Arthur Again

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Evan Bell and Jake Gyllenhaal are getting along little by little in the crew and getting more and more tacit understanding, which is undoubtedly good news for the shooting of "Brokeback Mountain". Soon, Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway will also finish their warm-ups and start shooting.

The Forgotten "Brokeback Mountain" crew in Wyming, O., nobody paid attention, the media even forgot that Evan Bell was making a **** movie, and they chose to forget about it. Media coverage of Evan Bale has been subdued since his appearance in Dubai in mid-August. However, when it comes to the Magic Red Band and Jason Majaz, Evan Bell's name is always mentioned again.

However, it is worth mentioning that the album "Three" released on July 1 ignited all the enthusiasm in the midsummer of 2004, and the momentum of destroying Gu Laxiu is eye-catching, and on the singles list, Evan Bell and Usher The competition has also entered the realm of white-hot.

Before July, Usher's single "Yeah!" showed tremendous energy, remaining at No. 1 for eight weeks in a row, becoming the R&B singer's most famous and most popular song, but then Evan Bell turned out to be with A group of singers including Usher and Shania Twain faced off. As a result, Evan Bell's first single "In the Mood for Love (we.are.ung in the third album was completely explosive and swept all opponents. Strong ascent.

The appearance of the song "In the Mood for Love" made all music critics fall through their glasses. This song is full of personality in terms of arrangement, rhythm, style and interpretation. Successfully reached the top on the bulletin board. Although "only" winning the championship for five consecutive weeks, it still shows that the songs with publicity are not fully compatible with the mainstream, but the results of these five weeks are enough to eclipse countless singers.

Due to the super strong pulling ability of "Three" in album sales, it can't find any rivals at all, so "In the Mood for Love" and "Yeah!" The competition between you and me on the singles chart attracted the attention of all media. As a result, "In the Mood for Love" domineeringly suppressed the "Yeah!" counterattack and achieved five consecutive weeks of reelection. The duel between Evan Bell and Usher, the two rhythm and blues singers, has also become the most exciting war this summer.

Subsequently, Usher released the second single "Burning" from the album "Confessions of Love", which continued Usher's so hot popularity, taking "In the Mood for Love" from the announcement Pulled down the singles champion throne, ascended the throne.

Sure enough, the rivalry between Evan Bell and Usher continues.

The momentum of "In the Mood for Love" has not diminished, and it still stayed in the runner-up position. Warner Records cooperated with the new wave of publicity after the release of "The Notebook" and released the theme song of the movie "Never Give Up (i.n't. ve.up single. This single, which appeared in the picturesque "Notebook of Love", was regarded as a classic in the hearts of countless idiots and women. Once released, it was enthusiastically sought after.

"Never Give Up" single cover Evan Bell made a new attempt. He sketched a poster for "The Notebook", which Noah pulled on the night of Noah and Ellie's first date. Ellie danced without accompaniment in the middle of the road, and then one of Ellie's waists, under the bath of the moonlight, was very moving. This poster is presented through Evan Bell's sketch pen, which is less cold and more simple, but it does not lose the sincerity and beauty in the picture at all.

The MV of this song was filmed by 21 different ordinary people. Everyone held their own musical instruments and sang the song "Never Give Up" in front of the background boards of different colors. The color and simple style make the mv exude a simple but charming atmosphere.

The release of "Never Give Up," succeeding "In the Mood for Love," continued this summer's rivalry between Evan Bell and Usher, joining the current singles chart competition.

"Never Give Up" achieved sales of 630,000 in the first week. Although it did not reproduce the miracle of "In the Mood for Love" exceeding one million, this result also easily took down last week's champion, "Burning" from Usher. , reached number one on the Billboard Singles Chart.

The winning of "Never Give Up" shows the popularity of Evan Bell, the popularity of "The Notebook", and the strength of the album "Three", which makes many professional musicians Can't help but start to speculate whether "Three" can break the record of eight singles in an album created by "Two" before.

However, the news of the third week of August was not just about "Never Give Up" being the second number one single from the album "Three", nor was it just that Evan Bell went to Dubai to bid for the design of the Burj Khalifa. Not only the hustle and bustle of "Brokeback Mountain" and "Pirates of the Caribbean", but in the music field alone, the top four spots on the Billboard singles chart have become the focus of everyone's attention.

The champion is "Never Give Up", the runner-up is "Burning", the third is "In the Mood for Love", and the third is "Yeah!", that is to say, the top four belong to Evan Bell and Usher respectively. , the contest between the two rivals became the hottest topic in the music industry in 2004.

In fact, Evan Bell and Usher are both singers who have experienced a long hard work and finally succeeded by their own hard work. Usher made his debut as early as 1994. At that time, he had already become a small star, but it is difficult to say that he is a big hit. It was not until this year's album "Confessions of Love" that Usher became popular all over the world. The range has become popular, and Usher has reached a new height in terms of sales reputation and album influence.

But then, Usher faced a strong impact from Evan Bell, and was completely defeated on the album chart. The quality of the entire album of "Three" is far more than relying on a "Yeah!" The "confession of love" that hits the world. However, the two sides have launched a fierce competition in the singles chart.

"Burn", which was released a week earlier, and "Never Give Up", which was released the following week, competed fiercely in terms of sales. The first head-to-head was won by "never give up".

Subsequently, "Never Give Up" won another 370,000 sales, won the championship for one week in a row, and defeated "Burning" for two consecutive weeks. In this week, "Burning"'s sales of 310,000 are obviously very good. It's close, and it's a little unwilling to lose.

Usher has launched intensive publicity nationwide, and Evan Bell has entered the "Brokeback Mountain" crew and almost disappeared. It can be seen from this that Usher cherishes his hard-won opportunity. He hopes that his album can achieve further good results, so he must do his best to promote it; Vin Bell, obviously it's hard to concentrate on one area. It's not easy for him to be able to promote intensively throughout July.

In this case, the 29th is the last Monday of August, which should count as the first week of September. This week, "Never Give Up" continued to grab 330,000 sales. The cumulative sales in three weeks has exceeded 1.3 million. Although the momentum is not as fast as "In the Mood for Love", it is also a must-have in the year-end rankings. Underestimated power. "Burning" broke out with sales of 320,000 under the strong promotion of Usher. This is the fourth week of the release of this single. The sales have increased compared with last week, which is enough to show the power of fans. Strong, but even so, "Burning" lost to "Never Give Up" again, and achieved the former's three consecutive championships.

The results of "Never Give Up" this week are obviously also a little unusual, with a very small drop. Everyone sees Usher's comprehensive promotion. As a fan of Evan Bell, he naturally doesn't want his idol to be surpassed by others, so Usher's efforts also aroused fans' purchase**, which also Indirectly, the sales of "Never Give Up" broke out a little without any publicity.

In many cases, it is easy to inspire a greater energy and play a higher level when there is an evenly matched competitor. That's why two formidable rivals are considered classics in sports, but also in music and movies. This time, the collision between Usher and Evan Bell obviously made the entire music market active.

Meanwhile, the top four on Billboard's singles chart remained unchanged, and Evan Bell's rivalry with Usher was deadlocked, indicating that the year-end 2004 album and singles sales charts , it should be the competition between these two singers.

In addition to sighing the strength of Evan Bell's fans, Usher, who is extremely hardworking, can only sigh.

Originally, Sony Bertelsmann Records also considered whether UU would continue to release the third single of the album "Confessions of Love", and then head-to-head with Evan Bell, but then considered Universal The plan for the second half of the music, Sony Bertelsmann Records gave up the plan to let Usher continue to confront Evan Bell, they decided to postpone the release of three single "Confessions of Love Part2" for two weeks, and then postponed the release of Usher for three weeks. The single "my.", which the boy collaborated with Alicia Keys, is a single that Sony Bertelsmann has high hopes for, hoping to create a good score. Sonny Bertelsmann doesn't want to drain their energy in a stubborn competition with Evan Bell - like Universal Music at the beginning of July, which is very bad for them in the battle for year-end music market share.

However, Sony Bertelsmann Records ignored Evan Bell's unconventional personality. Evan Bell did not promote "Never Give Up", which won the championship for three weeks, as a single. "This It's just a movie soundtrack," said Evan Bell. So, in the second week of September, Warner Records, as originally planned, released Evan Bell's next single, "Old Love Is Dead ( .

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