Great Artist

Chapter 851: Weird single

851 Weird Singles

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The ancient castle, the elegant gate, the rich historical atmosphere... The morning sun penetrates the clumps of trees, tearing apart the shroud of the night, dispelling the fog of the night, pushing open the heavy gate, the sunlight suddenly lights up the whole space, low-key and gorgeous. Carpets, intricate and luxurious chandeliers, splendid murals, fairy tales come into reality, and time is plated with history.

The slim princess in the center, dressed in a palace dinner dress, is illusory and unreal. The teenager in a white shirt and jeans is like Alice in Wonderland and strayed into a fairy tale feast. The whispers of "When there is nothing to burn, then burn yourself" seems to come from hell, and the voice also carries a sense of history.

The boy and the princess saluted each other and danced gracefully. The collision of the sixteenth and twenty-first centuries is so strange, yet so beautiful that one cannot bear to blink. Unfortunately, just as Cinderella needs to face the bell at twelve o'clock, the princess could not help but take off her high heels when she heard the bell, and began to run wildly in the castle.

The boy followed the trace of the princess, but he was unable to catch up with the shadow in front of him. The sound of two people running in the old castle is like rushing along the river of time, and the scenery around them is constantly changing, from the sixteenth century to the seventeenth century, and then to the twenty-first century step by step. Her figure became weaker and fainter, and finally dissipated in time and space, turning into a wisp of blue smoke.

Only then did the young man slow down and look around a little blankly, only to realize that everything just now seemed like a dream, he was just a backpacker visiting the ancient castle.

However, the vivid picture in his mind just now made the young man run wild again, but he could no longer find the figure of the princess, but when he was about to give up, he found her portrait on the wall and happened to look at it with a smile. Own. He stopped to take a closer look, and finally he chose to turn around and leave, striding away from the castle.

This is the mv of "Old Love Is Dead (, the impact of classical and modern in the picture, with the accompaniment of horn, trombone, piano, cello and other instruments in the music, it is suddenly In between, people start to travel in time. The story narrated by the lyrics emerges in the listener's mind, and each lyric seems to be dyed with the light of time, which makes people truly feel the beauty of poetry.

"'Old Love Is Dead' is a song with a peculiar style, the kind of pale and bloodless whispers like a vampire, accompanied by instruments such as cello and horn, there is a strange feeling that penetrates the skin, making people's hair stand upright. After cutting into the main melody, it is as soft and smooth as ballet. The low alcohol of the cello brings bright sadness to the ballet steps. Every step is penetrating the layers of fog in front of us and dancing above our hearts. The story told is to peel off all the colors in the consciousness little by little, the colorful world gradually transformed into black and white, and the mood slowly settles in the sound of the strings.

This is definitely Evan's most personal song since his debut, and even 'In the Mood for Love (we.are.ung)' can't compare. The conflict of tenderness and violence, the collision of despair and hope, the spark of calm and fierceness, show us a quiet, fresh and bitter mix, the deep and gorgeous fluorescent light runs through the whole gentle but shocking melody, Just like the starlight falling into the earth in the night sky, the light of the smile is amazing. "

The above is the music review posted by Adam Roy on "Rolling Stone", and he not only praised the song "Old Love Is Dead", the lyrics, and more importantly, Evan Bell's flamboyant personality once again It brought a surprise, and people had to admire it.

Of course, Adam Roy also believes, "This song is not acceptable to the mainstream music market, because it exudes the charm of hellfire, but not everyone is willing to try to touch it. Evan's pursuit of music is in This song has been vividly reflected, he always cares about the music, not the commercialization."

It can be seen from the comprehensive rating of "Old Love Is Dead" by 16 media that is only 7.7 points, both the number and the evaluation of the media show that this song is indeed not popular with the mainstream, not everyone can appreciate. Just like vampire culture, there are many loyal fans who like it, but it is not one of the mainstream culture.

Evan Bell was filming "Death Illusion" and "Adapted Script", which made people know his attributes. This time, "Old Love Is Dead" fully carried forward his "attributes". Make the media laugh and cry.

Not only the song itself, not just the mv, but Evan Bell's single cover once again shocked everyone into a cold sweat. The album cover and back cover, which are as white as snow, only has a pair of blood-red eyes drawn in the center of the cover, and a thin blood-red double bed below, saying the words "old love is dead" like Satan, which is a single. The name of the song is also the curse of the devil. This weird and even terrifying style has frightened many people.

Ryan Seacrest sat in his seat and listened quietly to the final accompaniment of the song "Old Love Is Dead", then paused for a while before saying into the microphone, "You It was everything I wanted to embrace (u.were..t.rry.i.met.u), I'm not sad that it's over (i''s.over), I'm not sorry There's nothing between us (i'm.t.rry.there'"

At this time, Ryan Seacrest was in his familiar radio host position again, recommending this week's good new songs to countless listeners, "What I said just now is the last line of the song 'Old Love Is Dead' Lyrics. When we look back on our lives, is there such a person who exhausted all our energy and love with all our heart, as if losing our minds. We used to think that this is the destination of our feelings. , We gave everything. But in the end, we still failed to succeed. Times have changed, how do we feel when we think of such a person now?"

The radio waves spread Ryan Seacrest's voice to all corners of the United States, and Ryan Seacrest, who has always been humorous and humorous, is rarely sad, just like the scene in "Sleepless in Seattle" generally. A radio station holds the hearts of countless people together. Everyone's thoughts sway in their own memories with the host's voice and the rhythm of the melody. No one sleeps at night like this.

"Evan told us through this song that he has no regrets, because once loved, that's enough, at least loved, at least once owned." Ryan Seacrest said here, always He paused involuntarily, as if he needed a little time to sort out his chaotic thoughts, "Don't regret, this sentence is the best footnote to the love that passed away." Because of regret, it means that the love is not real enough, the love is not enough Use force. "But at the same time, Evan also said that he is not sentimental, because the end is the end. We will meet countless people in our lives, some people just pass by, some people just stay in a space, only very Few people can become friends and lovers, but there are very few who can accompany us through life. Therefore, it is over, it means that the person who walks with us to the end of life is not him, there is no need to be sentimental.' I am not sentimental Everything has come to an end', this sense of relief, let us sigh."

"No regrets, no sentimentality. When Evan sings the phrase 'I'm not sorry that there is nothing between us', the determination to say goodbye to old love and move forward is moving." Ryan Seacrest said When he finished this sentence, the end sound was a little choked, obviously this song touched his heart. After many years, Ryan Seacrest has never had a stable relationship. He is known as one of the most famous bachelors in Hollywood. His emotional drift has also caused many media to doubt his sexuality. But at this moment, through the song "Old Love Is Dead", it can be seen that maybe Ryan Seacrest also has a pain in his heart that he can't get over.

"How many people are trapped in memories and unable to move forward, and how many people are afraid to start over because of the pain of the past." Ryan Seacrest quickly adjusted himself and continued. , "Remember when Evan sang 'Better.than.a.hallelujah' and told us that instead of living in the past and praying all day, it's better to take big strides. Now, Evan sings again "Old love is dead" tells us that the lost love no longer exists. Maybe we should print and dye that memory into a photo frame and cherish it in the depths of our memory. When we are old, we can smile and recall that past. Sometimes we will say: I have no regrets, no sentimentality, and no regrets. Only by freeing ourselves can we continue to't it?"

"Maybe a lot of people say that the song 'Old Love Is Dead' is very weird, whether it's the arrangement, the melody, or the overall style, but I want to say that those who think this song is weird are because there is no intention To experience the emotions that Evan expresses in the song." Ryan Seacrest is obviously a firm supporter of this song, "As long as it is a person who has really been hurt by love, calm down, you can hear the bottom of your heart. In the sound of sighing and even crying, this is the real source of the style of this song, the overwhelming darkness and pain that will never go away. To get out of that darkness, we need courage."

Recently, professional music critics are saying that the song "Old Love Is Dead" is too maverick, and they are not optimistic about the performance of this song in the market. This made Ryan Seacrest very dissatisfied. In his opinion, the people who thought the song was too personal were the ones who didn't understand the song. Therefore, on the radio today, he rarely expressed his views and expressed his love for this song.

After finishing speaking, Ryan Seacrest took a deep breath and said, "Of course, except for the song 'Old Love Is Dead' this week, there are also good songs in the new songs, which is definitely good news for the listeners. ."

Wow, September has begun, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription!


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