Great Artist

Chapter 895: Annie's mind

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Anne-Hathaway sat on the chair and twisted her body uncomfortably. She had taken deep breaths several times, but the speed of her heartbeat was still uncontrollable. 《》www../《》www../

It has been more than half a month since Evan Bell left the "Brokeback Mountain" crew, but the work of the crew is not completely stopped, and Anne Hathaway's scene is still the first to start shooting. In fact, Anne Hathaway's role is really not that much. In the original "Closed Farm", Anne Hathaway played Lulin with only a few words, but after adapting the script, Evan Bell played the role for this The role has added a lot of scenes, making the image of "Jack's wife" plump. There are not many scenes, but almost every game is a tough battle. Fortunately, because Evan Bell went to Venice, Ang Lee has enough time to carve the scenes of Anne Hathaway, which is also good for Anne Hathaway. More time to adapt.

Today is finally going to shoot this most daring scene. It is the bed scene of Lulin and Jack in the back seat of the car. It is also the most breakthrough scene of Anne Hathaway since she became a film. In fact, in the past few days, they have been studying how this scene should be presented. In the script, Evan Bell showed Lulin's boldness directly and vividly, and Ang Lee also hopes to make this feeling authentic. Expressed authentically. This is a problem for Anne Hathaway. She can be bold - as bold as a man, she can be direct - as direct as a fool, but it is not easy to show the unrestrained enthusiasm of women.

Although she had rehearsed several times before and after, when she was about to start shooting, Anne Hathaway still felt like she was shaking all over. That tremor is not a violent tremor caused by fear, but an uncontrollable twitch of the muscles due to the rapid blood circulation, hidden under the skin, and outsiders can't see it at all. But if Anne-Hathaway went to bring a glass of water at this time, then the water surface would definitely not be calm.

If Evan Bell was here, what would he say? He'd probably say no, it's just a bed scene, just tore off the shirt and it's over, there's nothing difficult. Anne-Hathaway thought of this situation, and the tightness at the corners of her mouth suddenly relaxed a lot.

Thinking of Evan Bell, Anne Hathaway suddenly found that she really missed Evan Bell. Since that starry night, Anne Hathaway has been thinking about Evan Bell from time to time after she has made up her mind. This kind of thinking seems to be a little different from the love reaction said in TV movies.

When Anne Hathaway thinks of Evan Bell, sees Evan Bell, and gets along with Evan Bell, she will not be overwhelmed by the deer, nor will she be so happy that she doesn't know what to do, and she will not be so sweet . This kind of thinking is more peaceful, a little sweet, a little happy, a little shy, a little comfortable, and most importantly, a sense of peace of mind, as if Evan Bell was by his side, and all problems could be solved easily. This kind of miss of love, friendship and family affection mixed together, but it is more and more different.

During the filming days before Evan Bell went to Venice, Anne Hathaway looked at Evan Bell who was close at hand and thought about it a lot. The familiarity between the two people was also destined that they would not be friends. There is a sense of freshness to start exploring from the unfamiliar, and there will be no pulling process of pushing and blocking each other, nor will there be magnificent sparks.

The tacit understanding between them has been integrated into the blood, so even if Anne Hathaway knows that she likes Evan Bell, they will not be overwhelmed when they get along, nor will they have tea because Evan Bell went to Venice I don't want to think about food, and I won't just think about it alone because of those gossip.

But in the same way, Anne Hathaway didn't know how to express her inner thoughts. The window paper of "more than friends, but less than lovers" between two people didn't know how to pierce it, and she didn't know how to pierce it. what will happen after that. This situation is also quite annoying.

However, Anne Hathaway has decided to go with the flow, and naturally it will not be unfounded. It was as if at this moment, Anne Hathaway thought of Evan Bell. She had no other complicated thoughts but simply thought of him. If Evan Bell was by her side, maybe everything would be much easier.

"Hey, little boy, what are you thinking? Your eyes are going to go inside your head." A voice sounded in Anne Hathaway's ear, like thunder, interrupting Anne Hathaway's voice. The thought made her gasp involuntarily and almost choked. But immediately, she reacted, and the person who spoke out was the familiar Evan Bell.

Although she was still thinking about Evan Bell just now, when she saw Evan Bell, Anne Hathaway subconsciously gave her an elbow and vented her frightened resentment. Evan Bell was still so "nasty", and quickly avoided it, with a smug smile, which made Anne Hathaway dumbfounded.

"I came back halfway around the world, so you greeted me like this?" Evan Bell sat down beside Anne Hathaway, picked up Anne Hathaway's water glass on the table and started drinking

Anne-Hathaway rolled her eyes, "Looking at how alive you are, I can't feel your tiredness at all."

"It's the heart that's tired, the heart! How about you touch it?" Evan Bell said casually, Anne Hathaway didn't think too much, she just stretched out her right hand and grabbed Evan Bell's chest Go, but when her right hand touched Evan v Bell's strong muscles, Anne Hathaway immediately panicked and blushed - after all, it was different. If she did it before, she would definitely not blush.

When Anne Hathaway panicked, she grabbed her right hand fiercely, and immediately heard Evan Bell's whining voice, but Anne Hathaway lost her previous pride, and instead blushed and avoided He glanced at him, but the good touch from his right hand made his heart beat a little faster.

Evan Bell has known Anne Hathaway for so many years, and he is used to rolling around in the crowd of women, so how could he not notice Anne Hathaway's abnormality. It's just that Evan Bell also knows that the relationship between himself and Anne Hathaway is a bit delicate-, and he can also feel that his feelings for Anne v Hathaway are a little more throbbing than before, but now The situation is so embarrassing and complicated that Evan Bell doesn't know how to deal with it.

When facing Blake Lively, Evan Bell could directly say "I'm not a good man, don't fall in love with me", but for Anne Hathaway, he had no way. Because Anne-Hathaway knew him well enough to not need his reminder at all, and the relationship between the two was already beyond the scope of ordinary friends. This situation is really tricky. In the end, Evan Bell had no choice but to go with the flow.

Seeing Anne Hathaway's shy face now, Evan V Bell couldn't help but look away to avoid kissing on that apple-like cheek. Evan Bell also seemed to find that the wolf in his heart, called a man, was awakening and howling. After turning his eyes away, he changed the subject, "What were you thinking about just now? Are you thinking about the next scene?"

Anne Hathaway nodded. Although her cheeks were still a little red, she still turned her head to look at Evan Bell, her eyes were much calmer, after all, neither of them were in a twisted style, "Well, I'm a little nervous. ."

Evan Bell took another sip of water from Anne Hathaway's cup to lubricate her slightly tight throat, "What kind of woman do you think Lu Lin is?" With the two experiences of "The Notebook of Love" and "Mysterious Skin", Evan Bell is now more proficient in doing it.

"Bold, direct, unrestrained, forthright, passionate, and...a little impatient." Anne-Hathaway also understood the script of "Brokeback Mountain" very thoroughly, and she was naturally a fan of the role of Lulin. Thinking over and over again many times.

"That's right. In this scene," Evan V Bell looked at the old-fashioned sedan behind him, and knew at once what was going to be filmed in this scene, after all, he wrote the script, "Lulin's The state is not very simple, there should not be too many challenges."

"You mean, Lulin met a man worth pursuing, so she boldly stepped forward, and then rushed on eagerly." Anne Hathaway followed Evan Bell's train of thought and walked down~www.readwn .com~ blurted out. In fact, Ang Lee told her about this scene, and she herself knew what to do. But at this time, after Evan Bell's guidance and second thinking, Anne Hathaway found that her heart gradually calmed down, and her nervous emotions disappeared quietly.

"Yes, so, you don't have to think too much about this scene, 'Push, it's right to go up." Evan Bell said with a smile.

In the **** scene between Jack and Lulin, Lulin didn't think too much, nor did she have any deep psychological activities. She just saw a good man and pursued it boldly, that's all. As for some of the details, they are actually just showing the charm of Lu Lin's character. For example, Lu Lin tugged her shirt directly, and then ripped off her underwear boldly. In fact, it was not for the sake of Guo Lu, but to show Lu Lin's character and her anxiety. This kind of Vivid body language speaks volumes. Therefore, Anne Hathaway doesn't need to think too much at all, she just needs to get through her own mentality: after all, her upper body is exposed, which is a very serious challenge for her, not to mention having a relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal Er's passion play.

Thinking of this, Anne Hathaway glanced at Evan Bell involuntarily. Could it be that Evan wanted to shoot a bed scene with another man? God!

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