Great Artist

Chapter 896: Whole-heartedly

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Anne - Hathaway and Jake - Gyllenhaal two people squeezed in the back seat of the old car, the two people almost filled the car, Anne - Hathaway sat in Jake - Gyllenhaal's arms. Inside, her head was already on the roof of the car, so she had to bend down and tilt her head, otherwise her head would hurt.

Although the scene did not reach the full fruit, Ang Lee still emptied most of the set, leaving only the necessary staff (). Evan Bell, as a producer and screenwriter, naturally stayed on the scene.

Anne Hathaway's eyes floated at least a little, and she could see Evan Bell. This kind of feeling is very strange, there is an inexplicable embarrassment of being caught in bed when having an affair. Anne-Hathaway was embarrassed by the idea, but she quickly put it aside, telling herself to be professional and to devote herself to the scene. But Evan Bell's face was dangling in the corner of his sight, making people uneasy.

Anne Hathaway simply raised her head and looked at Evan Bell's expression carefully. In fact, Evan Bell is not focusing on Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal at the moment, he is discussing something in a low voice with Ang Lee. Anne Hathaway can guess that Evan Bell should be discussing her role tomorrow. He missed the shooting for nearly 20 days before and after, and now September is almost over, in order to finish before the end of October, Next, Evan Bell's task is very heavy, so he needs to communicate with Ang Lee.

The concentration on Evan Bell's face made Anne Hathaway restrain her mind, and she realized that if she kept wandering at this time, it would be a disaster. Not only to shoot the scene repeatedly, but also in front of Evan Bell.

"Hey, don't worry, haven't we rehearsed a few times, no problem, everything will go well." Jake Gyllenhaal's voice pulled Anne Hathaway back into the car.

Jake Gyllenhaal is indeed a handsome guy and has a good popularity, but in the eyes of Anne Hathaway there is not much attraction, not only because her mind has been completely absorbed by Evan Bell. Occupy, even from an objective standpoint, Evan Bell and Teddy Bell are both super handsome guys, and they are much more handsome than Jake Gyllenhaal. Of course, Anne Hathaway will not have a chance to meet a guy. A handsome guy is complacent when he plays. It would be nice if the opponent play was Evan Bell.

The opponent's play was replaced by Evan Bell? Anne Hathaway was taken aback by her own thoughts, and it seems that she is indeed getting deeper and deeper.

It seems like a good idea, though, and the thought of that kiss in the powder room of a Broadway theater makes one blush (). Jake Gyllenhaal in front of him began to lose focus. Anne Hathaway found that within her line of sight, the handsome face of Evan Bell appeared, not only the figure in the corner of her eye, but also the person in front of her. It also became Evan Bell, and most importantly, her whole mind was Evan Bell.

"Anne, are you alright?" Jake Gyllenhaal saw a little flame in Anne Hathaway's eyes, which made Jake Gyllenhaal a little happy, which couldn't be better for filming , Moreover, Anne Hathaway is a beautiful woman, and the beauty looks at the flames in her eyes, whether it is into the role or the real thing, it makes Jake Gyllenhaal as a man feel happy.

Of course, if Jake Gyllenhaal knew that Anne Hathaway's eyes had become Evan Bell at this time, it is estimated that his smiling face would droop into a mourning expression.

Anne Hathaway was pulled back by Jake Gyllenhaal's voice, and her eyes drifted away involuntarily, "I'm fine, I'm fine." Anne Hathaway found that if she thought of Eileen in her mind With the appearance of Wen Bell, her input effect is absolutely excellent, because she can really burst out the thoughts hidden in her heart. The so-called empathy effect cannot be underestimated.

Now, Anne Hathaway is not at all worried about putting on a bed scene in front of Evan Bell, and she has to reveal it. She is only worried that because she cares too much about Evan Bell next to her, the scene will be impossible. put in. However, Anne Hathaway seems to have found a brilliant solution.

Anne Hathaway looked up and glanced at Evan Bell. At this moment, Evan Bell happened to look over and gave her a big smile. Anne Hathaway's heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat. Anne-Hathaway couldn't help but take a deep breath, closed her eyes to calm herself down, and stopped her thoughts from wandering, she had to devote herself to the scene in front of her.

Soon, Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal were ready, Ang Lee shouted "start", and the two kissed, passionately, hotly, intensely.

Anne Hathaway was very involved, because Evan Bell's breath, expression, and taste in her mind couldn't be clearer. She only felt that her whole person was about to melt. The image in Anne Hathaway's mind kept (). She had never been so sure that she liked Evan Bell, because not only did she want to be by Evan Bell's side, she also longed for Evan Bell, just like any normal relationship between men and women, longing for each other.

Anne Hathaway pushed Jake Gyllenhaal on the seat and pressed it on. In this "relationship", Anne Hathaway completely took the initiative, her unrestrained and her Enthusiasm, her boldness, and her urgency are vividly displayed.

Evan Bell sat in front of the monitor, stunned watching the filming of the scene.

In fact, it is also a very delicate matter for Evan Bell. For him, Anne Hathaway was a sister at first, then a friend, and now there are some inexplicable ambiguous things. With Anne Hathaway making out with another man, it's really weird. Evan Bell can only convince himself that this is a movie shooting, Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal are actors, they are just shooting according to the script. The script... Evan Bell found out at this time that he was the screenwriter, and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice in his heart.

On the monitor screen, Anne Hathaway ripped her shirt apart abruptly, exposing the snow-white skin in sight, and Evan Bell couldn't help swallowing. Anne Hathaway's figure is not exquisite, because she still has a little baby fat at this time, mainly because the filming before "Princess Diaries 2" did not make Anne Hathaway realize that she should start sculpting figure. In fact, Anne Hathaway's foundation is very good. As long as you pay a little attention, you will have a nosebleed good figure. Anne Hathaway played the cat in "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight Rises" released in 2012. Female, let people see her curves.

However, when Evan Bell saw Anne Hathaway's figure, the strong visual impact still came head-on. Although he had known for a long time that Anne Hathaway had grown up to be a woman, and had excellent attractiveness, any feeling was not as direct as the picture in front of him. After all, people are visual animals, because of the impact of vision, adrenaline and hormones burst together, the temptation to quickly dry the mouth is too direct.

Suddenly, Anne Hathaway ripped off her underwear again, and the pair of little white rabbits were immediately full of sight. Jake - Gyllenhaal's hand covered it, the kind of direct and vivid **** rushes in (). Evan Bell swallowed again, but his dry throat did not get any relief, as if it was on fire, and any water stains would only emit a puff of smoke.

In a trance, Evan Bell only felt that it would be nice if he was lying on that seat by himself. If he was lying there and looking up, what kind of beautiful picture would it be?

"Ka!" Ang Lee's voice interrupted the filming, and also planned the fantasy in the heads of Anne Hathaway and Evan Bell. Evan Bell was okay, picked up the water glass next to him in a little panic, and poured water down his throat; while Anne Hathaway was quite embarrassed, she hurriedly covered her chest, and then shrank into the driver's seat behind, and anxiously rummaging through his underwear.

During the filming of "The Princess Diaries", the Anne-Hathaway kiss scene was filmed many But this is her first bed scene, and the first time it was so fast and direct Two. O'clock. Full. Lu, which made Anne Hathaway feel very embarrassed. But thinking about it carefully, I didn't really feel much when I was shooting just now, because all she had in her mind was Evan Bell's figure, and she didn't feel the existence of the camera at all. Now that filming is over, the belated shyness quickly overwhelms Anne Hathaway.

Fortunately, this is the set, Ang Lee is still filming, and there is no time for Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway to be alone, but this gives them time to buffer, otherwise, let them sit together directly. I know how embarrassing it would be. Ang Lee started to explain with a loudspeaker, and gave some pointers to the scene just now. Then, without giving Anne Hathaway more time to adjust, the second shooting began.

In this regard, Anne Hathaway can only convince herself that with the first time, the second time is much smoother, isn't it? What's more, Evan Bell will be filming the bed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, not with Jake Gyllenhaal this time, but with Michelle Williams, the Ennis in "Brokeback Mountain". Emma and his wife, their **** scenes are also very direct. Although the scale is not large, the impact of the picture is not weak at all.

Thinking of this, Anne Hathaway suddenly felt a lot more balanced, and she could watch Evan Bell roll on the bed tomorrow, although the person rolling with him was not herself.

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