Great Artist

Chapter 908: eat the microphone

908 eats the microphone

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"Brokeback Mountain" took a total of two months to shoot: if the two weeks that Evan Bell went to Venice was deducted from the middle, it was actually a little more than a month and a half, and it was finally announced that the filming was officially completed.

After Evan Bell came back from Venice, he went through three weeks of high-intensity filming. The nerves of the whole person were very tense. The role of Ennis still had a great impact on Evan Bell, although he broke through the bottleneck. , There is no problem in performance, but the depression of the character itself has caused Evan Bell to suffer. After finishing the development, Evan Bell was a little bit slow. Not only was his speech vague, with a strong cowboy accent, but his overall mood was not very good.

Fortunately, there is no other work on hand for the time being. The only "Little Beauty in the Sun", Evan Bell is not going to star, so there is enough time for Evan Bell to adjust it.

Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway left Wyoming and returned to New York, while the rest of the crew, led by Ang Lee, headed to Los Angeles, where Ang Lee will complete post-production on the film.

When Evan Bell arrived at JFK, he was surrounded by reporters, and neither he nor Anne Hathaway had expected such a situation. Looking back at the past two months, "Brokeback Mountain" has been neglected and almost no one paid attention to it; even if Evan Bell had a good harvest in Venice, it was because he made a trip to Dubai in the middle, and then went to San Francisco first, The reporter did not understand his itinerary, and there were no overly exaggerated scenes. It seems that the hustle and bustle of July has been away from Evan Bell for a while, and is now swarming again at an unexpected time.

"When did the completion of 'Brokeback Mountain' get so many people's attention?" Evan Bell whispered to Anne Hathaway next to him.

Evan Bell thought about his recent activities, the promotion period for "Old Love Is Dead ( has passed, and the Venice Silver Lion Awards have passed the limelight, but "Crash" is actually released , but where can it match the power of "Shark Tale". Therefore, Evan Bell took it for granted that the media was cheering for the completion of "Brokeback Mountain".

Anne Hathaway also shook her head suspiciously. During the entire filming of "Brokeback Mountain", the crew was quiet like a paradise, with no media attention and no fans watching, which also allowed the crew to devote themselves to the filming of the movie wholeheartedly. . The current situation is too unusual.

There were about 30 more reporters in front of them, but looking back, there were not many fans and fans who came to pick up the plane. This shows what? It shows that no one paid attention to the completion of "Brokeback Mountain", and the media did not report it at all, otherwise fans and fans would definitely come to pick up Evan Bell when he came back to New York today. In this situation, only reporters have no fans, which means that there should be another news event. The reporters are faster than the fans and come to the airport to grab the news first.

Evan Bell just glanced at it slightly and made a judgment, and he and Anne Hathaway walked side by side. Anne Hathaway is also a "five and three rough" male mother-in-law, not as weak as ordinary girls. Even without Evan Bell's escort, her ability to break through the barriers alone should not be underestimated. So, Evan Bell was in front, Anne Hathaway was less than half a step behind, and the two walked forward with big strides.

The nearly 30 reporters rushed over like a bear seeing honey, and the cylindrical microphones were the first to raise them. At this time, it was as if it was a competition to see who had the longer arm and who would have the upper hand. The microphones scrambled to appear around Evan Bell's cheek: It seems that the news is about Evan Bell, Anne Hathaway Innocent was involved.

Evan Bell has no plans to be interviewed. Even if these reporters want to interview him, they can find a chance tomorrow. So he raised his hand and blocked the arms in front of him to his left-because the right side was Anne Hathaway's face, and if he swept away, the little girl would suffer. Along with his actions, Evan Bell turned slightly to the right, and then walked straight forward. Although there were some microphones on the right side, Evan Bell squeezed a way out of the dense arms and could pass.

This ability has been acquired in countless experiences of being surrounded by reporters. Looking at Evan Bell's skilled movements, he is obviously a veteran.

However, Evan Bell underestimated the enthusiasm of the reporters today. His ears were full of noise, and he could only hear some words in and out, meaningless and unable to piece together the whole picture. Evan Bell tried to move forward, but after the microphone was dialed, it gathered again in front of his cheeks - to be precise, attacking his mouth.

Because of the hustle and bustle, these reporters tried to aim the microphone at Evan Bell. Naturally, they did not have an accurate head. From time to time, a microphone would get out of control and smashed towards Evan Bell's head. Evan Bell can only cover left and right in embarrassment. However, this situation was not uncommon before. Every time everyone used the microphone in their hand as ice cream and kept stuffing it into Evan Bell's mouth, this experience was not a wonderful memory.

At this moment, a microphone on the left went out of control and rushed towards Evan Bell's eyes. Evan Bell lowered his head slightly and pushed it with his head. However, at the same time, another microphone came up directly from the lower right side and stabbed directly at Evan Bell's mouth. Evan Bell couldn't dodge in time, and was pushed to his upper lip by the microphone. This is a microphone, not ice cream. The hard metal mesh slammed into the soft lip flesh, and then collided with the teeth inside. Not to mention the lips squeezed in the middle, even the teeth could feel the violent impact.

Evan Bell's brows reflexively gathered in the middle, but before he could react, a group of microphones swarmed in after he paused, and they all attacked his mouth. Among these, experienced reporters are naturally more accurate in their strength and distance, but more reporters have forgotten about strength in this chaos, and just keep pushing forward. So, with a jerk, Evan Bell felt one after another being hit by the microphone on his lips.

This kind of feeling is like being punched a lot by someone in an instant - no, it is indeed being punched, and it is still armed, but these weapons are just microphones.

The lips are originally a relatively delicate part, and the lining of the mouth is also relatively weak. It is constantly colliding with the teeth, and it is normal to rub the skin and bleed. Evan Bell was hit several times in succession, and a burst of blood was rolling in his mouth, and Evan Bell burst into anger. Originally, because of the filming of "Brokeback Mountain", the whole person was in a low pressure. Now these reporters have no sense. They are like 40-year-old virgins. .

"Grass! Stop me!" Evan Bell's shocking roar suddenly made everyone dumbfounded.

Originally, everyone was waiting for Evan Bell's response, and naturally paid great attention to Evan Bell's movements; in addition, those who hit Evan Bell with the microphone felt that the microphone hit an object and made a sound. The muffled sound made the hands and minds pause to see what happened. Therefore, Evan Bell's roar was very effective, and immediately stopped everyone around him.

The scene was centered on Evan Bell, as if snow and ice were coming, the noise began to disappear from the inside out, and finally the whole group became silent. In fact, it's not that there is no sound at all, the voices of the surrounding passengers still exist, and Evan Bell's series of foul language can't be clearer. In comparison, those noisy reporters all seem to be mute.

Evan Bell has entered his fifth year since his debut. Although he has a flamboyant personality, he never uses brute force to deal with reporters, and he doesn't swear too much. Now, Evan Bell actually started swearing so indifferently, everyone was stunned, and then joy began to emerge in their hearts: This is a shocking point, Evan Bell and reporters are facing each other! But the joy of the reporters hadn't had time to take shape, and was instantly extinguished by a bucket of cold water, because they all noticed the blood on the corner of Evan Bell's mouth.

The reporters didn't care whether it was blood from internal injuries, or blood from the lining of the oral cavity, but seeing the blood on the corner of Evan Bell's mouth was undoubtedly shocking enough.

Anne Hathaway was originally walking beside Evan Bell, but she could notice that Evan Bell stopped, she thought it was blocked in front of her, looked up at the situation in front, and then she saw countless The scene where the microphones were slammed into Evan Bell's face almost made Anne Hathaway's heart fly Anne Hathaway squeezed forward and looked carefully Looking at Evan Bell's face, that emotion called distress appeared in her heart for the first time. She subconsciously held Evan Bell's face and asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

Evan Bell just finished cursing, panting heavily, frowning and shaking his head, "It's okay." But this mouth, the blood stains in his mouth broke into Anne Hathaway's line of sight.

Anne Hathaway's brows involuntarily knit together, and the reporters who were still pushing forward suddenly became extremely annoying. She turned her head sharply, and swept her viciously around. The fierce eyes suddenly made the surrounding reporters quiet down, and their hearts shuddered. Then the reporter heard Anne Hathaway's crisp voice say coldly, "You better pray that Evan is okay, or you will wait and see."

Compared with Evan Bell's scolding just now, Anne Hathaway's words were undoubtedly a blow to the head. Only then did the reporters realize what trouble they had gotten into.

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