Great Artist

Chapter 909: Kill 1 piece

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Think about it, what kind of effect will be caused by the leak of the photo of Evan Bell with blood on the corner of his mouth? Fans across the U.S. and around the world will definitely riot.

Knowing that Evan Bell was actually injured by a reporter when he grabbed the news, fans don't care whether it was an accident or not. It is estimated that those culprits will not be able to meet the fate of being overwhelmed by fans' criticism. If it is not possible to find out who "hit" Evan Bell, the fans must be disregarding the implementation of the joint-seat system. This will hit the sales of the media present or another matter. The important thing is that the days of being criticized by fans are really difficult.

Think back in August, when Jerry Bruckheimer, a Hollywood producer tycoon, and Disney's iron-fisted boss Michael Inas, had the idea of ​​changing the protagonist of "Pirates of the Caribbean", It was immediately submerged in the saliva of fans.

In fact, this is not the point, because for the media, although it is negative attention, it is attention after all, and it is still lucky in misfortune. The point is, look at who the man in front of you is, Evan Bell! If he offends Evan Bell, he will definitely block him. Even if the media join forces to block him, as long as there are fans who are willing to support him, as long as the works of Eleven Studio and the distribution company are willing to accept, then the media is doomed. The one who suffers. What's more, the media is not monolithic. Today, nearly 30 media have angered Evan Bell, not to mention the ban. It is estimated that other media have long been gloating and waiting to see the appearance of these media present. So, this is the worst case.

Being scolded by Evan Bell is nothing. If the media wants to, they can create some news to discredit Evan Bell! However, Anne Hathaway's words brought all reporters back to reality, and the current situation is not too favorable for reporters.

Anne Hathaway looked at Evan Bell beside her. In fact, he was not in serious trouble, and his frowning brows were more irritable. The blood stains on the corners of the mouth are just a scary visual effect. Probably not too serious. After all, these are journalists, not boxers. But Anne Hathaway just couldn't deal with the media in front of her calmly, watching them go to great lengths to grab news. This is just too annoying.

Anne Hathaway turned her head to look at the reporters around, "What are you still watching? Back off! Back off collectively!" Anne Hathaway was originally a loud voice. You can tell when you see her laughing. At this time, under the emotions of anger, anger, and distress, the whole person puts down his face even more. The voice was hard and cold. This image is far from the image of Princess Mia in "The Princess Diaries". Coupled with the complicated situation just now, the reporters were immediately stunned. "Back off!"

Under Anne Hathaway's last order, all the reporters, like well-disciplined soldiers, took a step back in an instant and gave way in a uniform way. Anne Hathaway's powerful aura swept through the entire airport in an instant, killing all reporters in seconds. Let everyone back away obediently like puppets.

Anne Hathaway glanced at Evan Bell, but saw the angry and funny look in Evan Bell's eyes. indeed. The situation in front of him is really a bit funny. Watching the reporter was frightened by Anne Hathaway and then acted obediently, Evan Bell held back his laughter very hard, but his mouth was still aching, and there was nothing he could do. He grinned directly, and the smell of blood in his mouth also made him feel very uncomfortable. This is really a bit embarrassing.

Evan Bell and Anne Hathaway exchanged glances, and the two walked forward. It wasn't until the two of them walked out four or five steps that the reporter reacted: Why did they listen to Anne Hathaway? Even if Evan Bell is injured, it's fine for them to keep their distance, and looking at Evan Bell's appearance, there is no plan to pursue it, then they take a stupid step back, what is going on.

So, another reporter was about to move, but they didn't dare to surround them, not because they were afraid of Anne Hathaway, but because they were worried that Evan Bell, who was not really angry, would turn his face, it would be bad. "Evan, the 'News of the World' said that your architectural design and psychology papers were ghostwritten. What is your response to this?" The reporter can only summarize things in the most concise words, and then ask for Answer.

When Evan Bell heard this question, the first reaction in his brain was "Are you a **** idiot?" He also cursed this sentence for granted. Architectural design and psychology are his majors, and they are also his He has been working hard in the field of further education, but now someone insults his professionalism, which is absolutely unbearable.

Evan Bell stopped and looked back at the source of the voice of the question just now. The reporters were all petrified in an instant, and were pinned in place by Evan Bell's fierce eyes. Evan Bell frowned again, "Can you repeat what you just said?"

This sentence was almost squeezed out of Evan Bell's teeth. There were nearly 30 reporters at the scene, but no one dared to speak. They were really aggrieved today. First they injured Evan Bell, and then they were completely suppressed by Anne Hathaway and Evan Bell successively, and they lost the face of the reporter. But Evan Bell in front of him, his anger has almost changed shape, as if his whole person is on fire. This kind of appearance has never been seen again except for the slander incident at the beginning.

"Evidence! Please show evidence when you speak! I can show all the materials of my design process to the organizer, I can also show everyone the writing process of the paper, and even show my intellectual property certificate to the media. My professors, my classmates, and my family can all testify for me that my work is definitely from my own hands, there is no ghostwriting, any possibility of plagiarism!" Evan Bell is completely out of anger, he Originally, I didn't want to pay attention to these media. Originally, this kind of thing is to be clear, and it is really unnecessary to entangle with the media. But today is not the time, and definitely shouldn't be today.

The low pressure of "Brokeback Mountain" was still circling over his head, and then he was injured by the microphone, and now he was insulted by his own reputation, and Evan Bell broke out completely.

"This news was said by the 'News of the World'? It is well known that the world's most unreliable, **** and nasty third-rate media, do you believe it? You are all stupid! Evidence, let the 'World News' show the evidence Talk again." This is the first time Evan Bell has directly insulted the "News of the World" in front of the media, because Evan Bell has always known that the "News of the World" is a clown, if you care about him, he will He will get more and more excited, and I wish you could scold him a few more times, and he could fight back in the newspaper. Therefore, Evan Bell has never been ignored, but today, he can't bear it anymore.

"Please go to verify and then conduct interviews. Don't look at the explosive point and come to interview in groups." Evan Bell cracked and scolded a lot, which made these reporters feel ashamed. For reporters with thick walls, it's not an easy task. "If the 'News of the World' can find solid evidence, I will eat your microphones. If not, please shut your microphones. Stupid mouth! Put away the dirty microphones in your hands, and don't force me to let you eat them!"

After speaking, Evan Bell turned and left angrily. Anne Hathaway glanced at Evan Bell's profile, but was relieved. She knew things would get better when Evan Bell vented his anger. But looking at the stunned reporters behind, Anne Hathaway felt that there was no need to entangle with these people, so she turned around to keep up with Evan Bell and sat on Eden Harder who came to pick up the plane. Son's car.

The reporters who came to JFK airport today collectively died twice, first by Anne Hathaway and then by Evan Bell. It was a shame.

After Evan Bell got into the car, Eden Hudson tilted his head and glanced at his friend. The blood stains on the corners of his mouth had been wiped off, but his bright red lips were still a bit dazzling. Although he didn't hear the sound of what happened at the airport just now, he still guessed it. To be honest, although Evan Bell has always been rude to the media, and his attitude has always been indifferent, but Evan Bell has maintained a certain balance with the media, and the media will not deliberately provoke Evan Bell, Evan Bell also let them create explosions for sales. The only exception is defamation incidents.

Today Evan Bell and the media actually clashed head-on again, which is really rare, and Evan Bell was injured. Eden Hudson's iceberg face couldn't help but put it down.

For Eden Hudson, he doesn't have many friends, and he can count them all with just one right hand, so he always cherishes those who can be his friends. When Melancholy fell out with Evan Bell, he was always on Evan Bell's side, even though he said sarcastic words next to him. Eden Hudson's philosophy is, don't talk to me, and my friends, and he supports his friends unconditionally.

So, Eden Hudson has decided to teach the media a lesson whether or not the media hurt Evan Bell by accident. These media always see that Studio Eleven is small in scale, and its connections are not solid enough. They don't even have a formal propaganda department or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The media thinks that Studio Eleven is easy to bully. The smear campaign has long since been forgotten, and Eden Hudson felt the need to teach the media a lesson.

Eden Hudson didn't say anything, but the hand holding the steering wheel could already see the blue veins under the skin swell a little bit.

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