Great Artist

Chapter 910: disgraced

910 Disgraced

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If the same thing happens in a big company and the media sees the news of the "News of the World", the gossip tabloids start to spread wildly, while the regular media will make preparations. The first reaction is bound to be to call the agent, Ask the company for confirmation, listen to the company's explanation, and prepare to forward the matter. After reposting, it is divided into two kinds of reactions. If the parties do not explain, then the media will start to speculate on the truth of the matter, and then go to contain the parties to seek evidence; if the parties have explanations, then the media will investigate the truth and see what is going on.

The reason why the slander incident became more and more serious at the beginning was that the evidence was developing against Evan Bell. The voice of Eleven Studio was too weak, and the fans were unwilling to believe Evan Bell, instead. Also follow the fall. The reason why the incident this time has reached this point is actually very simple. Everyone wants to see negative news, especially when the negative news is put on a popular figure like Evan Bell, it becomes more and more explosive.

When the media went to the airport to contain them, they must have sent people to investigate the truth. The sooner the truth is discovered, the greater the news value. Of course, in the same way, the bigger the fuss about this matter, the higher the truth value will be. Therefore, the media are not slow to investigate the truth, but they will never show mercy.

To use a common example, it is a scandal. If the media say that both parties have cohabited or are even planning to get married, this is bound to be bomb news. When the popularity of the scandal reaches a certain level, the truth of the scandal will also be revealed. The wider the attention, the higher its value. In order to maximize the value of news, the media conduct their internal operations at the same time, but the time and method of news release are very particular.

After the "News of the World" releases the news, you can see the words used by the major media when reprinting the news. Everyone uses vague words such as "rumor", "guessing" and "supposedly" to make the news more and more strong. Maybe when Evan Bell appeared at JFK Airport in New York, the truth of the matter had been investigated, but the media were not in a hurry to release the truth. They wanted to see Evan Bell's reaction to the incident. Otherwise, once the media announces that "the source of the 'News of the World' is fake", then the news will lose its meaning.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that the airport incident deviates from the track of development, directly causing Evan Bell to be accidentally injured, and the direction of this incident is immediately confusing.

Eden Hudson reacted to the incident as soon as he returned to 10 Princes Street. Eden Hudson published an open letter on Eleven Blog. On the one hand, it strongly condemned the reckless behavior of reporters at the airport, which led to the injury of Evan Bell. In the open letter, Eden Hudson described this behavior as "shameless, unprofessional, and uncompromising for the sake of news. On the other hand, a lawyer's letter was sent to the "News of the World", to sue them for fabricating facts that did not exist, claiming a dollar, and making a public apology, and reiterated, 11 All the staff and all works of the studio refuse to accept any form of contact from the "News of the World".

Everyone knows that Studio Eleven is not really going to go to court with the "News of the World". After all, it is almost impossible for public figures to sue the media for defamation and frame-up. This open letter is more to express a position, the position of resolutely not condoning rape.

Subsequently, as expected by those involved in the incident at the airport, the fans on the Internet implemented a continuous system for the news media, and without finding the culprit, they launched a strong resistance to all the media involved in the airport. According to statistics, the sales of newspapers and magazines in October and November generally declined, creating a new low in 2004, with a loss of more than 100,000 US dollars. This has not yet calculated the long-term impact in the future. If fans launch a campaign of refusing to read these newspapers and magazines, it will definitely be a serious blow to the media, not to mention whether sales will really drop, the most direct thing is that it will affect the trust of advertisers in them. After all, no advertiser would like to see his ad appear in a magazine that has been raved about by fans.

And not only fans, many artists have come forward to express their solidarity with Evan Bell, such as Sean Penn, Johnny Depp, Ben Affleck, Natalie Portman, mainly because of the peculiar nature of this event. Not because of the "News of the World"'s questioning of Evan Bell, but because of the uncompromising means of reporters when covering news, which indeed endangered the personal safety of the artist, which caused widespread dissatisfaction among the artist.

The conflict between the artist and the reporter is definitely not one or two times. Sometimes the artist is wrong and takes the initiative to beat the paparazzi. When this kind of thing breaks out, the reporters will always hold together and denounce the artist; the current situation It was the reporter who was wrong and caused the "blood disaster" in order to grab the news, so the artists naturally united together to support Evan Bell for their rights and interests.

For a time, the news media all died down. Although it is not a street rat, their life is indeed not very easy. After all, there is a relationship of checks and balances between the media and the artists. Either party is too out of line and needs to be restrained. Now the remarks criticized by the artists can be seen everywhere, and the pressure on the media is also great, so they all restrained a lot.

Under the leadership of Evan Bell, Studio Eleven is more cunning, casual, and sexual most of the time. Although there are many tough moments, it is not as tough as this time. Therefore, after the release of Eden Hudson's fiercely worded open letter, the media announced the truth of the investigation one after another. It seems that they want to use this method to show goodwill to Eleven Studio and express their concern for Evan Bell's injury. apology.

In fact, the news of the "News of the World" is not tenable at all, it is completely fabricated by Sean Hall to attract attention. It's not the first time he's done this kind of thing. For example, a group of people went to dinner, specifically to find out the separate photos of the two protagonists, and then said that it was a private date, and it was a scandal. Taking pictures and telling stories out of context, not only Sean Hall, but all the media should do.

Anyone willing to verify Evan Bell's work, there will be many people at Harvard who are willing to stand up and clarify the matter. But the media is just for the point, not willing to announce the truth for the first time.

Professors Richard Wendy and Muller Lance, and Evan Bell's classmates who took the same course at school, including several trainees whom Richard Wendy took to Dubai last time, all stood there. Came out to clarify the matter. Prove that Evan Bell's work really relies on his own ability. In fact, before Evan Bell sang himself on Oprah's talk show, he was well-known in school majors. These things can be verified.

When the truth of the matter was announced, no audience originally believed the "News of the World" remarks, and it was more that the media was lively there, and now everyone scoffed at the "News of the World". However, the "News of the World" was originally a gossip tabloid, and reputation was nothing to them, so Sean Hall was not sad at all.

Originally, Sean Hall also planned to buy several Harvard students and let them stand up and say that they were actually Evan Bell's gunmen, helping Evan Bell create design drawings and papers behind the scenes. But he quickly dismissed this idea, because once this matter is not easy to handle, it is easy to reveal his fault under the current situation; secondly, the media are now in internal strife, accusing the "News of the World" media. There are many more.

Now Eleven Studio is not a soft persimmon that is rubbed at random. Eden Hudson and Sean Mayer have found a lot of good media, relying on the contacts accumulated by Eleven Studio over the years. A campaign to purge criticism was launched within the media.

Under the guidance of Eleven Studios, these media took the position of artists and criticized the "News of the World" and other media that pursued gossip. They believe that although entertainment news still focuses on entertainment, it is now not just a matter of "entertainment", but more often to attract the public's attention. purpose of attracting attention. This is completely insulting the word "news". Think about it, when nine out of ten entertainment news items are fake, then it is no longer news but just gossip. Does the news still have any meaning?

For a time, the crusade against the "News of the World" in the media circle was endless, and those media who were cursed by fans also vented their anger on the "News of the World" One after another came out and strongly condemned them. The more serious the loss, the more exaggerated the scolding, as if it would be difficult to understand the pain in their hearts if they tore Sean Hall.

The "News of the World" has provoked a hornet's nest this time. Sean Hall knows that if he wants to stay in this industry, offending his peers is not a problem, but offending more than half of his peers will be very tricky. Sean Hall was also disgraced by Eden Hudson's hand and had to shut his mouth.

As the focal point of the event, the News of the World disappeared completely, and since then has not mentioned anything about Evan Bell's designs and papers being ghostwritten, as if it had never happened at all. . Someone went to check, and even this news posted by Sean Hall before was deleted from the website.

The thorough dive of the "News of the World" also declared that the news was non-existent, and their embarrassment made the newspaper's sales experience a huge trough, with sales of less than 1.5 million for three consecutive weeks. This is the real sadness.

"Sean Hall, ate the microphone in your hand!" This news replaced the previous revelations and became the latest front page headline.

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