Great Artist

Chapter 911: special invitation

[Volume 1 is like a summer flower] 911 special invitation


911 Special Invitation

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Evan Bell was really angry this time. He originally wanted to teach the "News of the World" a lesson, but he didn't expect Eden Hudson to move much faster than him. Sean Hall is like a leech that can't be shaken off. But as long as Evan Bell is still popular, the media will have to deal with it. Even if Eleven Studio made the media disgraced this time and made Sean Hall shriveled for a while, they would still meet in the future.

It seems that after the previous defamation incident, Eleven Studio has refused any contact from the "News of the World", but Sean Hall still has a way to get information about Evan Bell, and there is still a way to dig out the explosion. point. Evan Bell is not Rupert Murdoch, there is no way to shut up the News of the World.

There is always a balance between media and artists. A few months ago, the media was reporting on Evan Bell's scandal again, and they were not optimistic about "Brokeback Mountain", and they also watched Evan Bell and Jerry Bruckheimer "fight"; now it's the media's turn to fight I swallowed my broken teeth into my stomach, thinking calmly for a while.

But fortunately, Evan Bell is just a frayed skin in his mouth and a little bit of inflammation, nothing major. On the contrary, "eating the microphone" has also become the latest popular word on the Internet, implying that the disaster comes from the mouth, don't talk nonsense, even Evan Bell himself joked about this sentence.

After Evan Bell returned to New York, his mood was not greatly affected. Instead, because he vented at the airport, the stagnation in his heart eased a lot.

Eleven Princes Street has only two people, Evan Bell and Eden Hudson. Teddy Bell is still in Dubai. The Dubai Municipality's actions are indeed very fast. The groundbreaking ceremony has ended last week. Teddy - Bell participated in the ceremony as a representative, and there is still some finishing work. Teddy Bell has no way to leave for the time being. Catherine Bell and James Frank were in Paris, and before they knew it, it was the season of Paris Fashion Week. After the Paris Fashion Week, everyone will come back, because the flagship store of the "Eleven" brand is about to officially open. . From the opening of the first branch to the flagship store program, the "Eleventh" brand took less than eight months, which can definitely be said to be a remarkable achievement.

Evan Bell also only rested for one night, and came back to work the next day. The work this time is a bit special. The special point is that Evan Bell's studio has made history!

"Fashion (gue as the world's oldest fashion magazine, since its inception in 1892, has a history of more than 100 years. The cover of the magazine has been replaced by countless generations of models. However, for a hundred years, the "fashion" magazine has a characteristic. Because it is a fashion magazine, the models who can be on the cover of the magazine are generally models. Many loyal magazine fans are very disgusted with celebrities being on the cover, because compared to models, celebrities rely more on external aura than "pure" fashion.

Of course, as the combination of artists and fashion became more and more obvious, in the 1980s, stars began to appear on the cover of "Fashion" one after another. However, this magazine still has its own dignity. It is absolutely impossible for a first-line star to be on the cover of the magazine. This has become an honor and comes from the highest affirmation of stars in the fashion industry. Even so, there are only a handful of stars who can be on the cover of "Fashion", and these stars have one characteristic: the gender is all women. In other words, so far, no man has been on the cover of a "fashion" magazine.

In fact, under the "Fashion" banner, there are also two volumes, "Teen.gue" and "Men's Fashion".

"Teen Fashion" is also the main brand for women. For teenagers, stars have more appeal. Many female artists first appear on the cover of "Teen Fashion", and then become "fashionable" after reaching certain qualifications. cover character. This is two levels of treatment. The cover of "Fashion" is still the highest honor, but the cover of "Fashion for Teenagers" lacks this meaning.

In terms of "Men's Fashion", although the cover is still dominated by female artists, since the 1970s, more than 20 male artists have appeared on the cover of "Men's Fashion". Such a sparse number also shows that even in the subordinate magazine "Men's Fashion", it is not easy for a male artist to become a cover character, let alone in a "Vogue" magazine.

Never use male artists as the cover, which is also one of the insistence of "fashion", and also shows from the side that there is no close relationship between men and fashion. It is rare to use male models on the cover of "Fashion". More often, male and female models appear together. There are absolutely only a handful of journals in which male models appear alone.

And this time, Evan Bell is about to make history. He will become the first male artist in the history of "Fashion" to appear on the cover. The November 2004 issue is about to break, and Evan Bell will leave his name and presence as a label in Vogue's history.

Anna Wintour, the editor of the American edition of "Vogue", made this decision after a year of consideration. Since Evan Bell relied on "Pirates of the Caribbean" to rise strongly last year, in fact, Anna Wintour has I have considered this issue, not only because of Evan Bell's super popularity, but also because Evan Bell does have extraordinary influence in fashion. But it was just a sign at the time.

Afterwards, after the rise of the "Eleven" brand in Paris Fashion Week, the first branch of "Eleven" entered the Saks Fifth Avenue boutique department store, and the fashion frenzy set off by Evan Bell on the Oscar red carpet, all of these marked that, The emerging fashion with Evan Bell as the symbol and the "Eleven" brand as the medium is on the rise.

Now, men's fashion, which has been undervalued, has also quickly become the focus. Not to mention, the Paris Fashion Week is being held, and the fashion conference of the "November" brand, which was founded less than a year ago, has become a lot of attention. Focus. Before the "Eleven" brand's catwalk began, countless buyers and fashion people have cast their attention, and everyone is curious. Catherine Bell brought the stunning first season and the excellent second season. After that, what kind of design will the third season bring, and what kind of menswear trend will it lead. Not only fashion lovers, but fashion professionals - including menswear designers of major brands, are following Katherine Bell's every move. This kind of appeal is enough to describe it as a "phenomenon".

It is foreseeable that the design of the third season of the "Eleven" brand will inevitably become the focus of discussion after the Paris Fashion Week ends: as to whether the feedback is good or bad, we will wait and see.

Of course, the frenzy that Evan Bell has set off throughout the summer cannot be ignored. Although the "Mechanical Enemy" is not as strong as last year's "Pirates of the Caribbean", the combination of movies and music has made Evan Bell's momentum reach a level Brand new highs.

In this case, Anna Wintour considered it again and again, and finally decided the invitation to make history. This is a gamble for "fashion". Will loyal fans of the magazine buy it? Will it arouse everyone's resentment? Moreover, with the first male artist on the cover, this sets a precedent, how should the future development be adjusted? This is all unknown to Anna Wintour.

Explorers need courage and courage. Anna Wintour may be a business-oriented editor, but "fashion" is indeed prospering under her leadership. Now the American version of "fashion" has far surpassed the French version. Leaving behind the Italian edition, anyone who mentions "fashion" now refers directly to the American edition of the magazine. Such is the success of Anna Wintour. Therefore, Anna Wintour, a strong woman, made a strong decision and issued an invitation to Evan Bell.

Evan Bell has no reason to refuse. Paris Fashion Week "October" is about to take the stage, and the "October" flagship store is about to open, and Evan Bell's intentions for the "October" brand - to be precise, support for Catherine Bell, everyone is one Clearly. Anna Wintour chose to issue an invitation at this time, which means that Evan Bell will not refuse. Otherwise, at another time, Anna Wintour struggled for a long time to make a decision, but Evan Bell refused after saying "no shot", which would be bleak. This also shows Anna Wintour's good Evan Bell automatically sat up like a zombie early in the morning, and now for filming, he has long developed the ability to lie down at any time Under the habit of falling asleep at any time, what is even more powerful is that the body can remember the time by itself and wake up at the exact time. This skill cannot be acquired in one or two days. Evan Bell has filmed so many plays before and after, and lost more than ten pounds because of the two works he directed. .

Eden Hudson got up more than half an hour earlier than Evan Bell, and his usual routine is much more regular. In the morning, he still has the leisure to fry an egg, bake two slices of toast, and drink a cup of coffee. , The days are absolutely petty. Eden Hudson has also run several trips as Evan Bell's assistant before and after, and he knows that once Evan Bell starts working, it is almost a whole day. So he got up to prepare breakfast for Evan Bell, so that the person with a mild stomach problem would not feel uncomfortable on the set again.

"Evan!" Eden Hudson yelled into the room. Then I saw Evan Bell closed his eyes and walked out gropingly. It is estimated that he would not open his eyes until he finished washing up. This is called grasping every minute and every second and continuing to enjoy the happiness brought by sleep.

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