Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 138 Chaos in the Capital

Qu Xiu was truly shocked.

What she knew about the Lin family was that Lin Jialiang passed the 9th national examination, his brother was from Huiyuan, his family was from the Hou Mansion, and he had just launched an industry called Baiyunbian...

During this period of time, she thought about a lot of things. She would marry into the Lin family soon. Naturally, she should use her shopping skills to make Baiyunbian of her husband's family bigger and stronger. Let everyone see that Qu Xiu is definitely not a vase, but She didn't expect that the Lin family would be such a giant.

In Zhilan Pavilion, the coal stove that had just been delivered has been installed. Once the coal was burned, the temperature came up. The conversation was very pleasant. Another character from the Qu family also appeared. He was Qu Xiu’s brother named Qu Zhe. The student who is about to take part in this palace examination failed the palace examination three years ago and failed to make the list. He can only try again this time. After chatting with Lin Jialiang for a few words, he suddenly became very interested in Lin Jialiang. The two of them Exited from Zhilan Pavilion and entered Qu Zhe's study for academic exchanges.

Qu Wendong expressed his wishes to Qu Jiajie, and Qu Jiajie also resigned, leaving only two people in charge in Zhilan Pavilion.

Qu Wendong held up his wine glass: Mr. Baoshan, the Qu and Lin families are already married. What do you think of the future situation?

Overcoming many difficulties and dangers, you will see the blue sky after passing through many obstacles!

Exactly! Qu Wendong said: The palace examination is the last hurdle for the two young masters of the Lin family, my Jin'er, Wu'er, and Zhe'er. This hurdle is not so easy to pass. They will definitely surround and kill them, and they will definitely make them miserable. Regardless of the dirty tricks, you and I should do our best to clear these obstacles for them.

There are three people in your family participating in the imperial examination?

Yes! These three people will be the hope of the future of the Qu family! To be honest with Mr. Baoshan, I tried my best to promote the marriage between the two families, not only to follow the old covenant, but also to consider the future of the three descendants.

Mr. Baoshan smiled: My lord, you have made the right move. The two young masters of the Lin family are not in the pool. The third young master Lin's poetic talent and ci skills are astonishing for a while. You will definitely gain something from communicating with him. As for the second young master Lin who was unknown at the time, I can also give you a reassurance. His interpretation of the holy words is definitely a genius of the generation! If your young master communicates more with him, the effect will be so great that it will shock you!

Qu Wendong was surprised and happy: You think so highly of my uncle?

To be honest, sir, although your uncle and I are called masters and disciples, we are literary friends of each other in the field of exegesis of sacred words. His exegesis is extremely amazing, no less than that of the third young master in poetry. His attainments are not inferior to those of the top scholars.

Qu Wendong's joy was no small matter: Well, you and I will split up and visit the big shots and courtiers. Even if we can't resolve all the crises, we still have to get more help. And these students are here at this time. Let’s communicate more at home!”

Hugging the mountain is also just what I want.

Coming to the Qu family to welcome the bride was of course important, but more importantly, he wanted to work with the Qu family to clear the way for the Lin family brothers.

The rise of the Lin family depends on this last hurdle. Once they break into Jinshi and obtain Wenxin, they will break out of the big network of scientific examinations and will never be replicated in the future. How could the Zhang family, Qin family, and Zhao family see this? This situation? They will definitely mobilize all their connections and use all their power to block them from being Jinshi.

To break the situation, the two young masters of the Lin family cannot do it. Only old people like them can stand up.

Baoshan was not familiar with the capital and court affairs, but Qu Wendong was an experienced person. After taking stock, he clearly sorted out the various forces and gave Baoshan a clear road map.

Baoshan was straightened out and activated, and he began to select targets to attack in a targeted manner.

He had two targets, one was the prime minister Lu Tiancong, and the other was the imperial censor Duan Shangao.

Prime Minister Lu Tiancong was the head of the hundred officials, and his status meant that he could not take sides. Therefore, he was not from the same group as Zhang, Qin, and Zhao.

Duan Shangao, the imperial censor, was arrogant and well-known for not following the crowd. He would spit on all the courtiers with his iron mouth. Senior officials including Zhao, Qin, Zhang and others were often criticized by him. People are suitable for winning over.

How to pull it?

When Mr. Baoshan arrived at Lu Tiancong's house, a smile appeared on his lips, Mistress, if you don't recognize me as your master, don't blame me for digging a hole for you...

Knock on the door.

The gatekeeper of the Prime Minister's Mansion accepted his invitation and entered the inner room. Lu Tiancong was slightly shocked: Baoshan? Why did he come to visit suddenly?

I haven't said my intention, do you want to see me? the steward bowed.

Baoshan is a famous person in the world. If a famous person wants to see you, how can you close the door and refuse to accept him? Please!

Baoshan and Lu Tiancong sat across from each other and suggested: Haining Linsu, a double master of poetry and poetry, has now passed the provincial examination and the general examination in one, and has a bright future. I heard that the fifth lady of your house is dignified and knowledgeable, and as beautiful as a fairy. So I invite you to come here and hope to have a good relationship.

Lu Tian's heart skipped a beat, he's asking for a hand in marriage!

A girl outside was also shaken violently, and the tea in the cup in her hand overflowed...

After serving the tea, the girl quietly exited, ran quickly to the backyard, rushed into a house, panting: Miss, Miss... The Lin family has come to propose marriage!

Which Lin family? The young lady was also shocked.

Haining! Third Young Master Lin Lin Su! I sent someone here specially to propose marriage to you, Miss!

The young lady's face suddenly turned red, and she couldn't believe it at all: Is he really... the third young master who wrote 'I don't have the wings of a colorful phoenix, but I have a clear mind'?

Yes! He is still the same person who wrote, 'Looking for him a thousand times in the crowd'!

The fifth lady was shocked all over: Grandpa... Grandpa, did you agree?

I think so! How can such a genius and such a famous person in the world refuse to propose marriage? Congratulations, Miss, you are finally going to get what you want...

Go and continue to inquire, go! The young lady took a deep breath and said, I have good news. I will marry you in the future, and you will also come with me to have a marriage relationship...

The girl's face turned red too, she was extremely happy.

The intercourse girl is not an ordinary girl, she is a girl who can take the place of the young mistress and have sex with her uncle.

Having sex with such a top celebrity is the highest honor in the girl world...

The girl went happily.

The young lady was waiting in the room, circling in circles.

Grandpa, you must agree!

Thousands and thousands!

In the living room, Lu Tian talked about it with Baoshan from side to side. For a long time, he didn't face the topic directly, which made Baoshan a little disappointed.

In the end, Lu Tian never went around and still gave an answer: Thank you to the Lin family for caring about me, but... Wu'er has been promised to someone else. A gentleman is true to his words and must not break the promise. I hope that you will apologize to the Lin family on my behalf.

Baoshan put down his tea cup and stood up: Fu proposed marriage rashly without understanding it clearly. Meng Lang is here, Prime Minister, please forgive me! Farewell!

Good go!

Mr. Baoshan left the house and passed by a girl. The girl's face was as pale as paper and she was shivering in the cold wind.

Finally, she slowly walked back to the backyard. As soon as the door opened, the young lady's excited face slowly changed, and she grabbed the girl's shoulder: Why don't you speak? You speak...

The Prime Minister... The Prime Minister... said that the young lady has been married to someone else and refused the Lin family's marriage.

The young lady was shaken suddenly and slowly collapsed...

Baoshan walked out of the prime minister's house, took a deep breath, and came to another gate. This was the residence of Duan Shangao, the imperial censor. He greeted Duan Shangao and got to the point. Duan Shangao and Lu Tiancong had the same reaction. Thank you Mr. Baoshan, thank you Lin family for taking care of you, but what a coincidence, my lady has already married someone else and cannot marry the Lin family. What a pity...

The mischievous attitude that Baoshan had at the beginning had long since disappeared, replaced by something as heavy as a mountain.

The two seemingly neutral senior officials, the Prime Minister and the Censor, have actually taken sides. Even if they do not explicitly side with Zhang Wenyuan, at least they will not stand against Zhang Wenyuan.

Celebrities in the world are sought after by the world, but it does not apply to Lin Su. The love of high-ranking officials is the love of talents, but it is by no means blind love of talents. They know better how to weigh and put themselves in an unfavorable officialdom for a talented man like him. Dilemma, they don’t take it!

In the Qu Mansion, Lin Jialiang and Qu Zhe were communicating. The communication was smooth and comforting. The two seemed to have met each other like old friends, but the communication with the other two third-generation descendants was not smooth.

Qu Wu still showed some kindness and did not come over on the pretext that he was studying hard and it was not convenient to meet him.

But Qu Jin showed no mercy at all. He came over in a swaggering manner, gave Lin Jialiang an indifferent look, and said, What's the point of communicating with a poor man? I'm going to attend the Lingyun Poetry Festival.

In front of Lin Jialiang, he wrote the word Sheng and walked away.

And it was quite impolite to pass through the roof of Qu Zhe's study.

Qu Zhe dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, so he could only apologize to Lin Jialiang.

Because he and Qu Xiu were not direct descendants, but concubines.

Qu Jin and Qu Wu were both direct descendants.

A legitimate child is a child born to the wife of the principal wife, and a concubine is born to a concubine. Although there is no difference in terms of paternal lineage, the mother's status is not correct, and their positions in the house are very different.

What's the difference? One thing can be used to make it clear: fighting for family property and titles are only benefits that can only be obtained by direct descendants. Children born from concubines are not even qualified.

Qu Jin is the first person in the three generations of the Qu family. His father is also the eldest son of Qu Jiacheng. His literary talent is also the best among the three. He ranked second in the provincial examination and tenth in the general examination. , known as the hope of this generation of qujia, Qu Jin is a proud man, and his friends are all the princes, princes and grandsons of the capital. The Lingyun Poetry Society he mentioned is the highest-level poetry society in the capital. All those who are qualified to participate are They are heroes in the capital, not only of noble birth, but also people who have participated in the Phoenix Banquet.

Qu Zhe lost face in front of his brother-in-law, and there was no way to get it back except to apologize.

Fortunately, Lin Jialiang has a peaceful nature. The setbacks he encountered when his family fell into decline were hundreds and thousands of times greater than this, which made him see through some things. He didn't care at all and continued to communicate...

It was unusual to exchange poems, and neither of their poems was particularly outstanding.

But when it came to the exchange of words, Qu Zhe had a feeling of surprise. This is the first time in history that Ci has appeared in the scientific examination. Examination candidates all over the world are unfamiliar with Ci. Therefore, there has been a craze for Ci in Beijing recently. Poetry gatherings will basically turn into Ci gatherings in the end. Anyone who has a little knowledge of Ci Those who study poetry will become the favorites of Ci poetry gatherings and must be invited to every gathering. The great scholars from the Gongyuan Academy in the capital also devote themselves to studying Ci poetry. Each of them mentors a large number of students. The disciples of various high-ranking officials who are taking the exam are also here. Asking for advice from all directions, naturally including the three sons of the Qu family.

Among the three sons of the Qu family, Qu Jin has the most opportunities because he has a wide network of friends and has participated in many lyric gatherings.

Qu Wu also had some opportunities, because he was married to the daughter of the Minister of War, and the Minister of War hired a great scholar to teach him every three days.

Qu Zhe doesn't have these opportunities.

After all, he is a concubine. In this era where family background is important, even if the head of the Qu family comes forward and invites a great Confucian to teach, the great Confucian would not be willing to teach a concubine.

Therefore, for the upcoming palace examination, the most troublesome thing for Qu Zhe is Ci.

But after communicating with his brother-in-law, Qu Zhe suddenly discovered that the lyrics that troubled him on weekdays gradually became clearer...

Brother-in-law, you must stay at home longer and teach me well...

Brother! Lin Jialiang said: I also know little about Ci, but my third brother is... extraordinary in this way. We communicated together, but when we gained something, I immediately summoned my third brother and asked him to revise it.

A poem handed down from generation to generation by the Third Young Master has already established his position in the art of poetry. It is a blessing to have his guidance for ten generations...

While exchanging words, Qu Zhe also exchanged holy words with his brother-in-law. This was the key point that his father made clear to him, because Mr. Baoshan once said that Lin Jialiang’s strongest thing is the holy words. Qu Zhe was stunned by this exchange. This was just Just strong? This is the level of a master, so Qu Zhe got up early to write lyrics as if he had heard of the Great Dao. After finishing the lyrics, he handed them to his brother-in-law to read and passed them to Lin Su. Lin Su revised them and then sent them back. In the afternoon, he discussed the holy words until the sunset. Down……

What was supposed to be a noisy Spring Festival was suddenly reduced to three points and one line by these two study madmen.

Seven days later, Lin Su's words came back with a white light!

This flash of white light made Qu Zhe almost go crazy with joy. He picked up the white light poem and rushed into his grandfather's study.

Qu Wendong looked carefully at the white light words written by his grandson, and opened his mouth with joy. The words turned into white light and he had already entered the room! Who would have thought? How can the most mysterious and magical Ci Dao be cracked in this way?

Can the other two grandsons learn from it?

But he pondered for a moment and rejected it himself. These two grandsons also have their own ways of improving Ci. One is a great scholar who specializes in Ci and has classes every three days. The other has contact with the top students in the capital and discusses all day long. The lyrics, after all, are not as good as Master Lin’s remote editing of lyrics, right? Moreover, these two grandsons are both arrogant and have a bad relationship with Lin Jialiang. Third Young Master Lin really has no reason to help Tiexin.

After all, relatives must act like relatives and be greedy, which may be counterproductive.

Three days later, when Qu Zhe's lyrics were written on gold paper and sent to Lin Su, they glowed with white light. What does this mean? This means that Qu Zhe's lyrics have reached the level of Baiguang Ci before modification.

After this poem spread, Qu Zhe, Lin Jialiang, Qu Wendong, and Qu Jiajie all paid close attention to it. No, there was also one person who also paid close attention to it, and that was Qu Xiu—Qu Zhe’s half-brother. younger sister.

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