Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 139 One person has one issue to himself

Two-quarters of an hour later, a golden goose flew back. It was Lin Su's reply. When he opened the golden paper, a word on it showed a silver light!

Lin Su only changed seven words in the entire poem!

Seven words, a silver song.

Qu Zhe was excited, looked to the southwest, and bowed deeply: Brother-in-law, I really can't wait to meet our legendary brother, the Master of Seven Characters!

Qu Wendong got this silver poem, and his eyes were filled with brilliance. Is this move right or wrong? No matter what, so far, every step of the way!

However, Baoshan had been traveling around the capital these days, visiting old friends, but he had gained a lot of anger.

Old friends in the past either stayed away from each other or talked to each other. His clever plan of using Lin Su as bait to attract allies to join did not succeed. Not only did it not succeed, but it caused a lot of trouble.

On the fourth day of his arrival in the capital, a piece of news spread throughout the capital, saying that Mr. Baoshan traveled thousands of miles to Beijing to propose marriage to Haining and Lin Su. Refused.

Everyone who heard it laughed. What kind of celebrity? What literary genius? He is nothing more than a follower of the crowd!

Regarding Lin Su's literary talent, there is a rumor that Lin Su's past poems were not written by him, but came from the 72nd Master of the Hou Mansion, and whoever the poems in among them came from all had names. These masters are really loyal to the Dingnan Hou Mansion. In order to benefit the descendants of the Lin family, they are willing to be unknown heroes all their lives, but the Hou Mansion is not authentic. What do you think Lin Dingnan did? After obtaining the fruits of these people's labor, he killed all seventy-two masters to achieve his purpose of destroying the corpses and eliminating traces.

Everyone who listened was shocked, is this really true?

The rumormonger said, taste it for yourself. The poems written by Lin Su are different from each other and have different styles. How can they be written by a young man under twenty?

Everyone took a closer look, and it was really like this!

As a result, word spread throughout the capital that Lin Su was a literary thief...

The call to disqualify Lin Su from the palace examination gradually became the mainstream in the capital.

In the western suburbs of the capital, Green Willow Villa, at this time of year, the catkins are getting lighter. Zhang Haoran quietly listened to the news from the girl next to him, frowning...

He waved his hand and the girl left. The figure in front of her was like a flower, and a woman more beautiful than the flower appeared, it was Zhang Yiyu.

Do you believe these rumors? Zhang Yiyu asked.

Zhang Haoran pondered for a long time: His poems are sometimes high-pitched and heroic, sometimes lingering, sometimes ethereal in artistic conception, and sometimes iron-blooded. They are not like the handwriting of one person, but... the way of poetry was only new after the ruins of the Hou Mansion. Even if he really has seventy-two masters, which master can leave him a handed-down poem The Sapphire Case before the art of Ci has even been created?

Yes, according to rumors, those seventy-two masters were killed before Ci Dao was founded. Who has the ability to write the Qingyu Case of Ci Ci?

As long as the Sapphire Case was written by him, then all doubts will no longer exist. It is not surprising that a person who can write down the poems handed down from generation to generation can write many colorful poems.

And... novels! Zhang Yiyu said: He created a new chapter in literature with a novel The Legend of White Snake. How can this kind of ability be achieved by a master? If there really is such a legendary master, that master would have already been famous. How can it be unknown in the world?

Novel...what exactly is it?

There is news from Haining that this is an extremely beautiful and touching story! Maybe I should go to Haining and see The Legend of White Snake with my own eyes...

Seeing the light in his sister's eyes, Zhang Haoran was slightly startled...

In the study, two old men sat face to face. They were Qu Wendong, the head of the Qu family, and Zhang Juzheng, the mysterious owner of Green Willow Villa.

Zhang Juzheng, a bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion, has a transcendent status.

Qu Wendong put down the teacup: Mr. Ju Zheng, Miss Yiyu of the Yi family is already nineteen this year, right?

It's Double Ten after the New Year. What do you mean, sir? Zhang Juzheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Don't you think that...your Miss Yiyu is a little different from the third son of Haining?

Zhang Juzheng smiled: I understand what you mean, sir. You want to mention the matter that Mr. Baoshan mentioned to Lu Tiancong and Duan Shangao these days.

Qu Wendong did not deny it: What do you think, sir?

Zhang Juzheng said: Third Young Master Lin has an astonishing poetic talent and majestic strategies. He has won two yuan in a row and is famous all over the world. So why don't Lu Tiancong and Duan Shangao allow it?

Qu Wendong pointed to the sky: Under the imperial power, who dares to go against heaven?

He made it clear, and Zhang Juzheng naturally understood even more.

Everyone thought that Lin Su had only offended the Zhang family, the Qin family, and the Zhao family, including Baoshan, but Zhang Juzheng and Qu Wendong saw it more clearly. They knew that this was just a superficial appearance. , what Lin Su really offended was: the emperor!

He wrote a poem that day called A Sword of Frost Chills Forty Continents. Zhang Xiu said that his poem was an anti-poetry. Objectively speaking, this poem is really an anti-poetry, with dissatisfaction evident between the lines. Just like Zhang Xiu said at the time: You said that your old man is the Golden Tianzhu of the southeast, then who is His Majesty the Emperor? Did he personally order the execution of Jin Tianzhu?

Although Lin Su borrowed the power of a saint and killed Zhang Xiu on the spot who had accused the poem of being anti-poetry, so that no one in the world dared to mention the anti-poem thing again, this colorful poem spreads all over the world, but every day It is hurting the prestige of the imperial power.

Later, he wrote a strategy paper titled On the Four Kingdoms, in which the widely circulated statement all the princes in the city are showing off and wagging their tails in Luo City made the emperor even more controversial. Everyone is not stupid. Although the Treaty of Luo City was signed by Zhang Wenyuan, Secretary of the Ministry of War, without the emperor's order, would he dare to sign it? If you call Zhang Wenyuan a dog wagging its tail, what's the difference between calling the emperor a dog?

How can the majestic power be so slandered?

Therefore, the emperor would never have a good impression of the Lin family.

Zhang Juzheng's eyes flashed: Since Brother Wendong has seen this, why do you want to go against heaven?

At this time, marrying the Lin family would mean going against the Zhang family, the Qin family, the Zhao family, and even the imperial power, which was extremely dangerous.

Qu Wendong let out a long sigh: It's not that I have to defy heaven, but that heaven wants to destroy me! I'm eighty years old, and it's not a pity to die. However, there are more than 300 people in the Qu family, so there must be a way out!

Zhang Juzheng frowned: Has the matter reached this level? Didn't His Majesty personally promise that the old case of 'Jiangdong' will never be mentioned again?

The case can be sealed, but how can I seal the scars on my heart? Qu Wendong said: I believe in His Majesty's promise. As long as I am alive, he will not kill the Qu family. However, how many years can I live? ? Once I am gone, who will keep the Qu family alive?

Zhang Juzheng's eyes flashed: Have you really identified this person? Can you protect your Qu family?

It's not that I saw it correctly, but... Taoist Tianji saw it correctly!

Zhang Juzheng was holding up the tea cup, which was spinning gently in his palm: There are many Tianji Taoists in the world. How do you determine that the Tianji Taoist you meet is the real Tianji Taoist?

Can't tell! But I have to bet, because apart from him, I can't see any hope!

Zhang Juzheng stood up slowly and bowed deeply: Thank you, Brother Wendong, for being honest, but... But Green Willow Villa dare not follow you on this road. You have more than 300 close relatives, and so do I! Our two families The situation is not the same.”

Of course it's different! You are a big tree with deep roots. No one can touch you. There is no need for you to take risks. Qu Wendong also stood up: But, Brother Ju Zheng, we must remember the holy way and keep good thoughts. If you can't march forward bravely, you can at least do it and not be the accomplice of the tiger.

I respect Brother Qu's teachings! Green Willow Villa will never act as an aid to a tiger!

The two old men bowed at the same time.

Qu Wendong slowly straightened up his waist, turned around slowly, walked out of Green Willow Villa, and walked away.

By the lake, Zhang Yiyu looked at Qu Wendong who was flying away in the distance: Old man Qu Ge came to meet grandpa, do you know what happened?

Zhang Haoran smiled: The Qu family is the in-laws of the Lin family. The head of the family is personally involved. This matter is very important. Perhaps he was also entrusted by the Lin family to come to propose marriage.

Zhang Yiyu was suddenly startled: What are you talking nonsense about?

Nonsense? You might as well ask grandpa yourself...

You... Zhang Yiyu raised his hand and wanted to hit someone, but in the end he couldn't stop the wave of thoughts in his heart...

Will he really come to Green Willow Villa to propose marriage? If so, did grandpa agree?

This is a major event related to her life...

Even if she is usually calm and relaxed, this matter is still beyond the scope of being calm and relaxed...

Unlike other girls, she didn't beat around the bush, but appeared directly in her grandfather's study, where he was still sitting there looking at the sky in trance.

Grandpa... how are you doing recently? Do you want me to go back to the sect and get you some loosening powder... Zhang Yiyu gave grandpa a blood-activating massage.

After her deliberate efforts to please him, she finally understood what Mr. Qu Ge meant by coming here, and it really meant that.

Zhang Yiyu immediately became excited: Grandpa, don't promise your grandson away casually. Your grandson is a cultivator...

Don't worry! Zhang Juzheng gently patted the back of his granddaughter's hand: Grandpa has clearly rejected him!


Zhang Yiyu didn't know why, but suddenly felt at a loss.

If grandpa agreed to the Lin family's marriage proposal, she would be very angry.

But her grandfather clearly refused, but she was not happy, but felt extremely confused...

With this confusion, she returned to her lakeside cabin, staring blankly at the lake and then at the sky. That bastard asked for marriage all over the capital. Will anyone really agree? If she really agreed, he would be someone else's husband, and she would have no reason to see him. The ridiculous incident in Haining would become waves in the lake and disappear in those seven days and six nights...

Is this the result she wants?

She doesn't think so!

But what can she do? Grandpa has clearly refused...

There was a gentle knock on the door, and her brother Zhang Haoran appeared at the door: Sister, the Legend of White Snake!


Zhang Haoran has a book open in his hand, which is Holy Dao Literature...

Novel has opened up a new literary world. No one in the world knows what a novel is. Therefore, the Temple published the full text of The Legend of White Snake and spread it to the world. I just read the beginning. It's really... hard to describe. I bought two copies. ,this is for you!

Holy Doctrine is a publication published by the temple itself.

Ordinary publications are either released monthly, quarterly or annually, but the temple’s publications are not limited to a limited time and are published irregularly. Sometimes they are published several times a year, and sometimes they are not published for several years. , it all depends on your heart.

Last year, not a single issue of Shengdao Literature was published. This year, on the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, one issue was published, and there was only one person’s name and only one work in the entire article. This is unprecedented among Shengdao Literature. This is the first time in the history of distribution! You need to know that Shengdao Literature is the highest-level publication. Everyone wants their works to appear in this publication. Therefore, every time it is published, there is competition from all sides. When countries summarize their achievements, they often also The number of articles published by The Holy Way was used as a cultural indicator to promote it.

Who can enjoy the eternal beauty of one person and one publication?

Got it today!

Lin Su, the pioneer of novel literature, had exclusive access to Holy Dao Wenjian on the thirteenth day of the first lunar month of the New Year.

The publication of Shengdao Wenjian was like a huge stone hitting the capital.

As soon as Zhang Yiyu got The Legend of White Snake, his eyes lit up as soon as he saw the strange poem Linjiang Xian at the beginning, and then he fell into this magical story...

Zhang Haoran just smiled at first. Soon, his smile disappeared. After reading only one chapter, he forgot the time. After reading three chapters, he slowly raised his head and let out a long breath: I thought I was already interested in him. I paid enough attention to him, but I didn’t expect that I still despised him! Such a wonderful style of writing should be the third peak after poetry!

In Lingyun Pavilion, the Lingyun Poetry Meeting was in progress. The students' eloquent talks were suddenly interrupted by the Holy Dao Literature Journal. When they saw the preface of the poem, everyone jumped: One person can only have one issue of Holy Dao? This How virtuous and capable is this boy?”

But when I opened it, several students suddenly fell silent. If they didn't say anything else, just the opening word was superior to the best words they had just met in the Ci Conference. I don't know how much more...

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, a copy of Holy Dao Literature was held in the hands of the fifth lady Lu Youwei on the bed. Her face was flushed, and her sick look was gone.

Zhang Mansion, Zhang Wenyuan was holding the Holy Dao Literature in his hand, but his expression was quite ugly.

Others read the article itself, but he saw more.

The imperial examination is about to begin, and all the senior officials in the capital are almost monolithic. No one wants to associate with the Lin family. Lin Su's literary name has been smeared, and the whole city is in darkness.

However, something unexpected happened today. Shengdao Wenjian made Lin Su famous all over the world by giving one issue to one person only, giving him an unprecedented honor!

The secular officialdom, represented by the imperial power, suppressed him so obviously, but the temple made him famous all over the world.

This is very interesting.

Lin Jialiang often heard other people's slanders about his third brother these days, and most of them came from Qu Jin's mouth, which made him so angry that he couldn't vent his anger. Today, a volume of Shengdao Wenjian came out. When Lin Jialiang came out, all the previous grievances were gone, Lin Jialiang raised his hand directly, and a piece of gold paper turned into a wild goose and shot toward the southwest...

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