Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 490 Yunxi Old Man

When they arrived at the tavern in front, Jun Tianxia deliberately teased Yan Jiuding, but Yan Jiuding couldn't bear it and scolded him: You fart!

As soon as these words came out, Jun Tianxia's special ability as a fat man was revealed: a loud fart blew into the wind and smelled ten miles away. People in the restaurant all held their noses and ran away. The restaurant owner looked livid and asked them to compensate. After a lot of trouble, the three of them escaped. , ran to the mountain pass in front, laughing so hard.

Not to mention, after doing this, the sense of isolation between the three of them disappeared and they became more familiar with each other.

The titles of Brother Jun, Brother Yan, Brother Su, and Brother Lin are all gone, replaced by nicknames...

Yan Jiuding is directly the crow's mouth.

Jun Tianxia is directly the underground king.

Where is Lin Su?

Jun Tianxia insisted on calling him a prostitute, but Lin Su firmly opposed it. I fucked your sister! Don't even think about getting wine from me if you call him that again. For the sake of wine, Jun Tianxia can only call him Su Lin.

Lin Su and Jun Tianxia planned to attend the Yaochi Meeting.

Yan Jiuding did not have the Yaochi Token, and was theoretically not qualified to participate in the meeting. However, Jun Tianxia's chest was so beat that his flesh trembled, and he put his hand on Yan Jiuding's shoulder to assure him: Don't worry, isn't it just a Yaochi Token? I don’t believe that I can’t find anyone who is participating in the Yaochi Club when I go all this way. Let’s knock that person down and take away his order. Don’t you have the order?

Yan Jiuding's eyes were filled with green flowers and he was full of confidence in his future.

Lin Su shook his head: Forget it, you guys, don't go too far. It's really pointless to beat yourself up to get a qualification to participate in the conference... I won't join you.

Huh? Are you scared? Jun Tianxia squinted at him.

Do you think I'm a timid person? Lin Su said, To be honest, I want to go to Yunxi Sect.

What are you doing? Have you really become a prostitute? Yunxi Sect's beauties are famous for their beauty, and they are also known for being prostitutes. Even the sect leader is not upright... After Jun Tianxia said this, he quickly stopped and looked around. One look.

Lin Su pointed his finger directly at Jun Tianxia and clicked on two points, as if he wanted to express some emotion, but in the end he didn't say it and flew up...

It was only a hundred miles away from here to the Yunxi Sect, and Lin Su could only take one step. After turning around three times, he arrived at the gate of the Yunxi Sect.

The familiar clear water of the river.

The familiar Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Familiar Yunxi attire.

The only thing he wasn't familiar with was the way the gatekeeper disciple looked at him.

This is a vigilant look, this is a strange look, this is a look ready to get to the bottom of things...

Lin Su was a little worried that telling the twists and turns of the journey would shock the children, so he moved his feet, and Zhou Tian Jiubu Envoy came out. In the blink of an eye of a few disciples, he had already entered the mountain gate, and those disciples had no idea Not aware of anything.

Behind the sect, Daodao Pavilion still stands tall.

After Daodao Pavilion, the small courtyard was still quiet in the shadow of Daodao Pavilion.

The third elder sat cross-legged in the small courtyard.

He hasn't left this courtyard for a long time.

In fact, he went to Tao Pavilion a lot less often.

It's not that he doesn't want to go, he still sticks to his sect duties. However, there are far fewer people coming to ask, what can he do? It all stems from what happened two years ago.

A registered disciple who didn’t even have Taoist roots pretended to be him and answered the disciple’s practice questions in Daodao Pavilion. No matter how many disciples he deceived at the time, he could not conceal the nature of the problem. Lin Su made a mistake. As a master, he There are also mistakes.

The sect leader was generous and did not hold him accountable. He even took the initiative to comfort him. This matter was not your fault. You went to Wutan with me at that time and were not in the sect. It was still wrong to go out for the sect. What? You can still feel at ease and assume the position of Pavilion Master, just pretend that this never happened.

He was also moved by a disciple who was deceived. He was his direct disciple Hong Risheng. He stood up to rectify Lin Su's name, saying that his identity was just wrong at the time, and what he discussed was absolutely correct. He said about The discussion in The Art of Broken Sword is exquisite. Based on this conclusion, Hong Risheng really understood the meaning of the sword! Can this be faked? On the path of spiritual practice, those who have mastered it come first. Even if the person who talks about the Tao at that time is just an old man chopping firewood at the foot of the mountain, as long as he gives him real guidance once, he is still his teacher!

Look, Yunxi Sect has a good atmosphere from top to bottom.

It is precisely because of this that the third elder can stay in the sect.

However, during the days and nights when more than 700 peaks were kept clear, watching the white clouds flying over the mountain streams, watching the shadow of the sun moving from the west courtyard wall to the east courtyard wall, watching the butterflies flying, and watching the heavy snow falling, the third elder occasionally I will think of him, Xiaoyao, and the very short special time in his long journey of cultivation.

During those few months, this small monastery looked more like a farmyard than a monastery, with the smell of food, the laughter of children, and the dancing of chickens and dogs that seemed very far away...

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth at some point.

The courtyard door knocked softly...

The third elder slowly turned back...

Suddenly, his eyes widened...

Master! A young man dressed in the attire of a cultivator walked in from the courtyard door, looked at him, smiled, and called out affectionately.

You...why are you here? The third elder suddenly jumped up.

It's been two years since we've been apart, master, don't you miss me? Lin Su felt aggrieved: I still miss you every day, and I traveled thousands of miles to bring you wine.

The third elder raised his hand and slapped Lin Su on the forehead: You stinky boy, you caused a big disaster and ran away by yourself. Master can only think about it behind closed doors for you. I want to beat you when I think of you. Are you sure? Do you really want me to miss you?”

Don't come here. I've figured it out a long time ago. The master didn't close the door and didn't think about anything. The sect leader said you didn't think about it at all. What did you think about? I'm afraid it was the food I cooked for you?

Haha... The third elder, Gao Gao, said with a raised beard, You said this yourself. Come on, hurry up and make some side dishes for the master, and let's have a drink...

His voice stopped suddenly, and he stared at Lin Su as if he was seeing a big-headed ghost.

Master, what's wrong with you?

Have you entered the martial arts? Are you already in the state of spying on others? The third elder's cultivation level is already at a high level in Daoguo, and he accurately judged Lin Su's cultivation level.

So, a master is still a master! Lin Su said with a smile: I couldn't pick Dao roots that day, so I had to vent my anger on Wu roots. By chance, I embarked on the road of martial arts...

He raised his hand, and a flying knife flew out and shot towards the hillside. In a flash, Lin Su had a hare in his hand.

The third elder smiled: Although he is skilled in flying knives, he is following the path of sword cultivation, which is not bad!

You don't have any game in the yard. This rabbit is the Chinese food I prepared for you.

The kitchen in the small courtyard started to smoke again, and the fragrance wafted away again. For the first time, the third elder took matters into his own hands and picked some vegetables from the small vegetable garden in the courtyard. This vegetable garden was created by Lin Su and Xiao Yao at that time. After they left, the three elders The elders have never cared about it. The vegetables inside grow and rot on their own, and the rapeseeds grow on their own. At present, it is almost the same as the barren slopes outside, but as long as you are willing to look for it, you can still find some vegetables.

Soon, a plate of roasted hare, a plate of green vegetables were placed on the table, and two wine glasses were also placed on the table.

The third elder walked into the inner room and quickly took out a wine jar: This is the demon clan's fierce fire wine. I have been collecting it for more than four years and was reluctant to drink it. When you left, I wanted to take it to see you off, but I forgot about it for a while, so I just made up for it today.”

In fact, it was not that he had forgotten, but it was the time of separation, and the third elder was in a low mood and had no interest in drinking.

I can still drink the farewell wine today. I have to drink this wine.

Pour the fire wine into two wine glasses, touch them lightly, and drink them all in one gulp.

How about that girl? The third elder licked the wine on his lips and finally mentioned Xiaoyao.

She... Lin Su's eyes were full of smiles: She has eaten all over the city of Haining. No, in fact, there are not many things she has not eaten in the whole country. If you see her now, you might still I really can’t recognize her, let me tell you, this girl has put on a lot of weight, but she has been losing weight recently, and she promised me that she will lose less than 100 pounds this time when she returns home.

The third elder smiled: In troubled times, she can still gain a lot of weight. It seems that she can follow you down the mountain... Is there anything abnormal about her?

Although the words were said in an understatement, and even the smile on the third elder's face did not diminish, Lin Su's heart moved slightly: Master, what could be wrong with her...what could be wrong with her?

It's good if there are no abnormalities. It's best if there are no abnormalities... The third elder said: Let's not mention her. Let's talk about you. You are following the path of swordsmanship, right?


Where's your sword?

Lin Su scratched his head: Something happened on the road and it broke.

You! The third elder shook his head gently: A sword cultivator, your sword is broken, what kind of world are you in? Follow me!

On the east side of the courtyard is the practice room of the third elder. It is closed on all sides and has a long row of swords hanging on the wall.

This sword was made by Ou Chilian, a master swordsmith on the side of the East China Sea a hundred years ago. It's called 'Wind Sound'. It has ninety-nine and eighty-one wind inscriptions on it. Infused with true energy, the sword is as if it is floating in the wind. If you practice fast swords, this sword will The sword can accelerate by 10%...

This sword is made of Nanhuo fine iron. Although it has not been cast by a master swordsmith, it does not have a complete inscription on it. However, the biggest advantage of this sword is that it has half a fire inscription formed by the way of heaven. Even though Only half of it is still powerful. If you use a heavy sword, this sword can increase your power by 30%...

This sword is extremely sharp...

That sword has silver light on it. Once it dances, it will dazzle the eyes...

Although this sword is a broken sword, it is not trivial, because this sword comes from the ancient battlefield...

This sword, the sword of the king, has the aura of king and domineering...

There are twenty-seven swords hidden in the room, and each one has its origin. They are all kinds of swords collected by the three elders after traveling around the world for nearly a hundred years. Behind each sword there is one or countless thrilling stories.

Have you taken a fancy to any sword? the third elder asked.

This means that Lin Su can take away any one he likes.

Lin Su's eyes flashed: Master, you introduced twenty-six of the twenty-seven famous swords, but you did not introduce this sword. Why?

He took off a sword from the wall.

The sword was silvery white in color and was of high quality. The scabbard was also extremely delicate. Lin Su felt that it looked very much like a scholar's sword.

His first thought was, could this sword really be a scholar's sword? The typical silver-like wax gun head is of no use, so the master has no desire to introduce it, but his intuition tells him that it is contrary to common sense. Since the third elder has included it in the ranks of famous swords, it must have its special features.

The third elder said: This sword is difficult to comment on. If you say it is useless, it is extremely useless. If you say it is strong, it is extremely strong. I don't think it will be of much help to you.

Lin Su's interest suddenly rose...

Nothing can break this sword, or even bend it. It looks so light that it can be blown away by a gust of wind, but in fact it is incredibly hard.

But precisely because of this characteristic, it is also a useless sword.

Because a cultivator's sword must be engraved with inscriptions and move the great avenues of heaven and earth to be of the highest quality. This sword cannot be engraved with inscriptions. Without the inscriptions, the weapon loses room for advancement.

Lin Su's eyes lit up: That's it!

Are you sure it's the one you want? The third elder said, It can't communicate with the great road between heaven and earth.

After all, the great road of heaven and earth is also an external force. What I want is actually very simple, that is, to be able to give full play to my power. At least this sword will not break!

The Avenue of Heaven and Earth is also an external force!

Just seven words, the third elder's heart was pounding!

Is this the detachment of Taoism?

If so, it would be shocking!

However, he preferred to believe that this was just the mentality of the young man in front of him.

Young people only believe in their own strength and have not been beaten by the world...

The two of them returned to the small table, and Lin Su put aside the third elder's demon fire wine: Master, what we drank just now was the farewell wine of the day, and it was your wine. Now we drink it to reunite after a long separation. You should drink my wine!

He raised his hand and a jar of white clouds appeared on the table.

Baiyunbian? What you brought is actually Baiyunbian? The third elder was excited.

Baiyunbian has long been the standard for the status of a spiritual master. When a real top master goes out, using Baiyunbian to entertain him is to give him face. This has gradually become a consensus in the spiritual world.

However, Baiyunbian is not in Dachuan Kingdom, but in Dacang Kingdom.

Da Cang Kingdom and Dachuan Kingdom seem to be only separated by Yandang Mountain, but the more advanced the practitioners are, the more they know that this mountain is really close to the horizon. This mountain is too mysterious and abnormal. If practitioners enter, they will encounter greater dangers. , the higher the cultivation level, the higher the risk, so there is a saying that if ordinary people cross the wild goose, half of them will succeed, and if a cultivator crosses the wild goose, half of the ten will die.

Therefore, if the people of Dachuan Kingdom want to obtain Baiyunbian, they must conquer many countries, which is ten times more difficult than other countries.

The third elder is the top elder of Yunxi. He also went to Farewell Pavilion a year ago and was lucky enough to taste Baiyunbian once. As soon as he tasted it, he was deeply attracted by the unique taste.

It's a pity that he can only drink it once.

Now, the cheap disciple from Da Cang, who has conquered many countries, actually brought him a altar of Baiyunbian! It never occurred to him that Lin Su actually did not overwhelm many countries, but just climbed over Yandang Mountain.

This excitement, this pride, this touch instantly made the old man's heart heat up.

When Lin Su mentioned that the wine jar was emptying, the old man had another detail that impressed Lin Su deeply. The old man actually wiped the cup he had just drank from. He was worried that the remnants of the demon clan's fiery wine would dilute the white clouds. The taste.

Holy shit!

After pouring two glasses of wine, it was as clear as a sweet spring. Just by looking at the appearance, it was infinitely stronger than the Fiery Wine.

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