Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 491 A pair of wonderful eyes 500 years ago

The third elder tasted it carefully and was extremely intoxicated: Su'er, your drink beside the white clouds seems to be better than what I drank the same day as my teacher.

That's natural! Lin Su said: The three hundred jars of wine I brought to the master are all top-grade. This top-grade wine is rarely spread to the outside world. What the master drank must be Grade B or Grade C.

The third elder suddenly raised his head and looked at the three storage bags in front of him in surprise.

The storage bag was opened, and it was full of white clouds. He hadn't noticed yet that there was a circle on the wine jars, and one word was clearly written on the circle: A!

A-level Baiyunbian, give away three hundred altars!

The well-informed third elder was so shocked that he was speechless!

Is this the spirit of the Hou Mansion?

He was just thinking about whether he should just drink one glass of such a good wine and share the rest with the sect master and a few old friends who he could talk to. No need to drink it now!

Drinking Baiyunbian and eating fragrant rabbit meat, the joy in my heart is endless.

Lin Su asked a question: Master, let me ask you about someone.


He Ming. Who is He Ming? The intelligence system comes from Anxiang. After he collected Anxiang that day, six people from Yaowangshan went to Beijing. Lin Su asked Anxiang to provoke a conflict between Wujianmen and Yaowangshan. Finally, Wujianmen sent the mysterious killer Liu Jun to kill Yaowang with a willow leaf. The six masters of Wangshan. This Liu Jun had taken action twice before, one of which was against He Ming, the top elder of Yunxi Sect.

He Ming died on the Qingfeng Mountain of Da Cang Kingdom, and the people of Yunxi Sect did not take revenge.

This puzzled Lin Su. He wanted to know who Mr. Liu was in the Yunxi Sect's dictionary.

This person is currently serving the Wujian Sect, and he will be his enemy sooner or later in the future. Lin Su is also deeply wary of an absolute king in the assassination world who is mysterious and unpredictable, has a level of cultivation that is as high as heaven and earth, and does not follow the rules at all. He hopes Find out Liu Jun's roots as soon as possible and control the situation as soon as possible.

He Ming... He Ming is the top elder of our sect. His cultivation level has reached half the level of Xiangtian Law and Earth. He went to the vast sky to perform a special mission, and finally died tragically on Qingfeng. Do you know something? The third elder stared at Lin Su.

I only know that he died at the hands of Mr. Liu!

We also know! However, the forces behind Mr. Liu are very mysterious. Don't worry about this matter. Even if you have great power in the Dingnan Marquis Mansion, you will never be able to offend the forces behind him.

The Infernal Gate?

The Wujian Sect is by no means that simple. This sect is similar to the Yanyu Tower in the past. Its influence has penetrated into the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States. No one knows where their headquarters is. They only know that their methods are all-purpose. Jianghu sects and secular imperial power are all involved...

Wujianmen, the same as Yanyu Tower?

Lin Su's heart towards Wujianmen instantly rose to a new level. He knew Yanyulou's methods. Another of his cheap masters: Li Yunhe (if he was a master after passing on a set of skills), it was Yanyulou who killed him.

As a first-class country, Nanyang Ancient Kingdom was manipulated by Yanyulou and changed its emperor. You need to know that the emperor was not a simple character.

He had underestimated Wu Jianmen before!

Lin Su's brain was spinning: That day Heming went to Da Cang Country to perform a special mission. What was his mission? Can you tell me?

If it were in the past, this matter would never be mentioned, but today it is different...

That day He Ming went to the vast sky in search of something.

What is this thing?

No one would believe it, it was a pair of eyes!

Whose eyes?

The eyes of Wei Lingzhu, the fifth generation leader of the Yunxi Sect!

Wei Lingzhu is gifted with a pair of Wonderful Eyes of Ten Thousand Methods. This pupil is one of the nine great pupil skills in the world. It is so powerful that it is unimaginable and can dismantle all methods!

what for? If you use any move in front of her, she will be able to see the flaw in it at a glance.

She could dismantle any secret book of cultivation at a glance.

Therefore, it never took more than three days for her to learn any kind of move. She understood the secrets of the world extremely quickly.

Eight hundred years ago, when she was twenty years old, she participated in the Yao Chi Grand Meeting and became the number one master of the young generation of human beings. She had a vague attitude of breaking through the world of mortals and reaching the source of heaven with the Tao.

If the Yunxi Sect had a glorious moment when its skills surpassed the world, it was undoubtedly that moment...

When the third elder was telling these stories, he looked up at the sky and looked very excited...

Lin Su also seemed to see such a figure of unparalleled splendor. In twenty years of cultivation, he had cultivated to the extreme of Heaven and Earth, one step away from the mysterious Source Heaven Realm.

This kind of cultivation, this kind of understanding, even he is far behind.

The third elder's eyes drooped: It's a pity that her 'Wonderful Eyes' can see all things clearly, but they can't see people's hearts clearly. She was attracted by a literary genius from Da Cang Kingdom and fell deeply in love with him. She would rather She abandoned her position as head of the sect and wanted to fly away with that person. By leaving, she stepped into a trap carefully designed by others...

That literary genius was someone else's pawn.

She is the real target of others.

What he wanted was her eyes.

By the Qianlu Lake in Da Cang Kingdom, she was ambushed in a trap, and the true identity of the man she loved was exposed. The enemy's insidious plan tore her heart into pieces in an instant, and Wei Lingzhu exploded.

She killed three thousand people, she tore her former sweetheart to pieces with her own hands, and she also took off her own pupils. That wild laughter still echoes in the deepest part of Qianlu Lake...

Afterwards, everyone in the world was looking for these magical eyes.

Five hundred years have passed and no one has found it.

He Ming also searched for twenty years, and finally he found these wonderful eyes hidden in Qingfeng.

He went to Qingfeng, but he failed to bring back these wonderful eyes and was killed by Liu Jun.

Liu Jun obtained the wonderful pupil not for himself. The wonderful pupil fell into the hands of a person and was fused. Another peerless genius with the all-powerful magical pupil was born, and now it has been made public.


Ji Wen, the second prince of Da Cang Kingdom!

At the same time, he is also the holy son of the Tianling Sect, the top sect in the Xitian Immortal Kingdom!

This is the story behind the seven-character message Liu Jun Qingfeng kills Heming.

Lin Su stayed for a long time, not knowing what to say...

First of all, he expressed...speechless about the glorious tradition of Yunxi Sect! Not only is the current sect master being harmed again and again by literary geniuses, but the history of being harmed by literary geniuses can be pushed back at least five hundred years! How much do you love literature and art? Why do you always have such a short memory?

Secondly, he vaguely captured the real key point, Wujianmen, and the royal family's conspiracy may be deeper than imagined.

They bet on the third prince, and they also bet on the second prince. In other words, the third prince and the second prince are in the same group. These wonderful eyes are the investment that the third prince invested in the second prince. He hopes to use the power of the cultivation sect to Prepare for yourself to seize the throne.

If this move is really played like this, the third prince can be regarded as a talented person.

However, he is also playing with fire.

Do you think Wujianmen is so easy to manipulate?

If you borrow its power, how can you know that you are not seeking the skin of a tiger? Once the Wujianmen layout is successful, even if you really become the emperor, you will only be a pawn in their hands.

The entire sky will become their entertainment ground.

On that day, Magistrate Yang lamented: What happened to Quzhou? How do you come up with so much stuff?

Lin Su also had to sigh today, why is it that there are so many royal children?

Suddenly, a silver boat came from the horizon...

Lin Su raised his eyes and was shocked...

Holy shit! The little saint is here!

When he stepped into Yunxi Sect, he did not enter the mountain gate in a serious manner and chose to sneak in quietly. The most important reason was that he did not want to meet this little saint...

Now, he was drinking with the third elder, and someone came to his door. What could he do?

The third elder smiled slightly: The saint has asked many questions about practice these days. Do you want to meet her?

It turns out that she just came to ask questions, not for him. That's great. Lin Su changed his eyes and said, Disciple only came to see the master today. There is no need to see her. Master, please go and do your work. Disciple will say goodbye. I will come tomorrow. Then bring wine to the master...

Turning around, he reached the back of the yard. Zhou Tian took nine steps and went straight down the valley...

In the blink of an eye, Lin Su left Yunxi Sect. Suddenly, a girl's voice came from behind: Don't run!

My God, you are so awesome. I couldn’t get rid of you even after nine steps all day long?

Lin Su could only turn around, his hair covering half of his face: Su Lin, I'm from Jianmen. I've seen this girl. I wonder what her sect is?

The little saint smiled and said: Not to mention, you dressed up like a Jianghu person today, but when you opened your mouth, you showed your flaws. Is it difficult to just fabricate a sect? You just said Jianmen, Jianmen is not a sect. If it is destroyed, how can there be any sword sect? Do you think I am a young lady who never leaves home?

Well, you look so nice, why don't you look like you're looking for trouble?

But after playing games in the court for a long time and dealing with those who were duplicitous, Lin Su also felt that appearances were absolutely not enough to explain the problem...

I have recognized you, and you are still pretending! the little saint said: Actually, I have been trying to find you for the past two years...

ah? Do you really want to find it?

Although the lie was a bit unreasonable, it has been two years and I haven't really lied to you. Do you want to be so revengeful? Lin Su planned to use his sharp tongue and a bottle of perfume to get her.

But what the little saint said next surprised him...

You helped me much more than I originally imagined. In the past two years, although I have suffered from serious illnesses every month, I followed your instructions and examined myself, and then I realized that I was always paranoid after all. I can break through the Tao Fruit. My mother said that I should have a peaceful state of mind. If I keep this state of mind, one day I will be able to break the laws of the earth and the sky...

Lin Su's mouth was half-opened, completely unaware of what was happening...

She was not looking for trouble with him. She still didn't understand women's menstruation even to this day. She followed his instructions and every time she had her menstruation, she would review herself and let go of the problems that could be seen everywhere in her life and could never be completely The so-called obsession has been cleared away, and the state of mind has become clear, and the Tao Fruit has been broken...

Oh my god, is this how this script works?

The little saint said: My mother said that being kind to others and expecting more in return is just a common thing, but those who are kind to others without expecting anything in return are sages! I have seen it today. You have been so kind to me, and I have no intention of doing so. When he saw me, he immediately ran away from me. Mr. Lin is a truly wise man! My little sister admires him so much!

Bow deeply.

Lin Su looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. Who am I? where am I? I have probably found the word virtuous that I have never been able to associate with in my entire life, but did I get it in this foreign country?

And it was coming from someone who I wondered was going to get me into trouble.

Little Saint, please don't be like this. I'm really unworthy. I'm a very treacherous person. I'm a well-known troublemaker in the world. If you don't understand the situation, don't make random comments. It's easy for me to drift away...


Lin Su touched his chin and said: The sage said that those who give kindness should be indifferent, and those who receive kindness can be relieved... As a student... well, as a contemporary young person, I still have this understanding.

If he had a beard at the moment, he should be holding the tip of the beard, showing the normal state of a great scholar.

The saint nodded: Well, the benefactor is calm and the beneficiary is relieved. This is so good. If I go back and tell my mother, she will definitely record this in her holy words. Young Master, you Where are we going?

Where to go? Anyway, the further away the better, I don’t care.

Just make sure your mother can't find her.

Lin Sudao: I'm going back, goodbye saint!

Zhou Tian took nine steps and left quickly.

The little saint probably stared at his back for a while, and then returned to Yunxi Sect. Well, she successfully passed the disaster...

But he never thought that although the little saint did not follow him, there was a ray of mist in the mountains that was quite interesting to him...

He once stayed in the Yunxi Sect, but he had no Dao roots and had no contact with the Yunxi Sect's techniques. Why is the Yunxi Sect? Where there are clouds and streams, that is their sect.

In the stream, the little saint was swimming down the stream, with a bit of surprise in her eyes.

In just two years, he actually entered martial arts and had already reached the realm of peeping into people. How did he do it?

She herself is a genius in cultivation. She went from Dao Flower to Dao Fruit in less than two years, which is a legend in the sect. But the person in front of her is even more terrifying. Although the realm of spying is one level lower than hers, you need to know that he started from scratch. In other words, he broke through five realms in two years!

This kind of abnormal practice would be impossible for others, but for him, the little saint thought it was normal. Why? Because of his doctrine!

Hong Risheng received his advice and realized the meaning of the sword from the Broken Sword Technique.

Under his guidance, my Tao realm was greatly opened.

What about himself? What kind of miracle would it be if we could step into the door of spiritual practice? This is the question that the little saint has thought about most in the past two years.

Now that I have seen it, he has really created a miracle in his practice. Even though it is a martial arts that is a level lower than that of cultivating immortals, he has also created a miracle. From being white to spying on people, it only takes two years.

She wanted to know more.

So, the stream became a boat and the clouds became eyes, accompanying him for a journey. In addition to research, she also had another thought. Although this man was a spiritual genius, his simplicity was a bit too honest. She was a little worried about walking alone in the world, but she helped to look after him so that he would not suffer other people's losses. Fooled by others.

If someone in Da Cang Country said that Lin Su was a real person and were afraid that he would suffer from others, they would probably choke on the water in the deepest part of their throats.

Are you sure you're talking about the shit stirrer? Are you sure he is honest? He cheated people to death without compensating for their lives, killed people without compensating for money, and how many people scolded him for being such a rotten ass. If he was honest, there would be no dishonest people in the world!

Lin Su didn't know that the little saint was following him.

He didn't even know that the little saint followed him for such a strange reason.

He is practicing the Nine Steps of Zhoutian.

He had learned the Nine Steps of Zhoutian not long ago, and he became very comfortable in using them. It was originally quite suitable for traveling long distances as a cultivator. He also planned to use this step to walk through the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in Dachuan Kingdom, but today he used it When he came out, he was extremely surprised.

Because he suddenly discovered a big secret that he had not discovered before.

Once this secret is revealed, all practitioners in the world will jump eight feet high...

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