Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 524 Mirage inner elixir, the art of thousand changes

Lin Su turned around with a broken sword, carrying the huge waves, and stabbed the center of the dragon's claw with his sword...

There was a loud earthquake, and Lin Su flew away. A giant dragon broke out of the water, as tall as a giant island. The dragon's eyes stared at Lin Su like a small ant.

What a great master of Lingyun, he has made a breakthrough again!

Can't you think of it? There is something even more unexpected that you can't imagine... Lin Su stood proudly in the sky, stretched out his hand, and pointed his long sword diagonally at the sky...


The heart of the sword circulated for thousands of times, and a layer of gold appeared on Lin Su's long sword.

The power of the secret realm!

The true energy in his whole body was gathered on the long sword at the same time, and the long sword was as heavy as a stone at the moment!!

A sword comes, covering a hundred miles in radius, and the wind and rain cannot be overcome.

The dragon clan elder’s eyes widened: “Impossible…”


The head of the giant dragon as big as a small island turned into blood mist, and the dragon turned into a headless old man's corpse, slamming into the waves...

Long Wuhui's whole body tightened suddenly. Oh my god, the elder of the dragon clan who had reached the realm of Xiangtianfa was just a sword under his hand?

He directly transformed into an illusory dragon, plunged into the seabed, and escaped as fast as he could.

When the Dragon Clan enters the water, who in the world can catch up?

Descendants of mirage dragons, escape is even more special, and no one else can see it!

However, after running only a hundred miles away, there was a sound of swords behind me...


Long Wuhui split into two halves, and a vaguely strange inner elixir turned into a fish swimming in the water and penetrated into the deepest part of the sea.

This is his inner elixir.

He is a descendant of the Mirage Dragon, and his inner elixir has its own mystery. Even if his physical body dies, his inner elixir will remain immortal.

Today's plan failed.

The cultivation level of Lord Lingyun far exceeded their expectations. Even the elders of the dragon clan whose cultivation level reached the level of Heaven and Earth were killed by him with one sword. His life became full of suspense in a moment. He had to return to the Dragon Palace quickly. Rebuilding the body, competing with others, and being proud of being a genius are nothing compared to life.

But just when he thought this terrible nightmare was over, he suddenly felt that the sea water around him stopped flowing, and he seemed to be stuck in the mud...

If Long Wuhui had any hairs, they would have exploded because he knew what kind of technique this was. It was one of the Dugu Nine Swords of the Sword Sect, called the Micro Sword Style! Mirage Dragon's inner elixir is ever-changing, but it still cannot escape his lock.

Sure enough, he saw a sword and slashed at it at a speed that didn't seem particularly fast. Even though the speed wasn't particularly fast, he couldn't avoid it at all.

Long Wuhui's soul was exasperated: If you dare to hurt my inner alchemy, my father... the entire West Sea will fight to the death with you...


With one slash of the sword, Long Wuhui's soul was destroyed. Lin Su raised the tip of his sword, and the inner elixir fell into his hand along the tip of his sword.

He already has three inner elixirs in his hand.

The two dragon elixirs belong to Long Wuhui and the dragon clan elder just now. There is also a very special inner elixir. This inner elixir belongs to Elder Chun.

Elder Chun had already died at the hands of Long Wuhui, so Lin Sucai had to kill him.

Even if the entire Xihai is against him, he will kill them first.

At this moment, Lin Su suddenly felt an extremely terrifying aura. No, at least seven or eight terrifying auras came...

The sea water seemed to have turned into glue, and the invisible pressure almost crushed his whole body to pieces.

No, a master is coming, and his level is far above that of the Dragon Clan elder just now!

Although he had eliminated the elder just now with just one move, only he knew that this move was a desperate move and that his real target was Long Wuhui.

He was worried that something would happen and Long Wuhui could escape, so he activated the sword heart, extracted the power of the secret realm, and used the strongest heavenly sword style to kill the elder. As long as anyone came who could surpass the elder's cultivation level, he would not be able to defeat him at all.

But now, at least eight people with cultivation levels far above that elder have arrived.

His disaster has come.

He has a way, that is to throw away the dragon pills of Long Wuhui and the elder. As long as he runs away quickly while throwing them out, there may be a chance of survival, because the masters target people based on their Qi. In the vast West Sea, The two Dragon Pills in his hand were the most obvious road signs. As long as he had the Dragon Pills in his hands, he would never be able to escape the master's tracking.

However, after such a loss, maybe the Dragon Clan has a magic way to save Long Wuhui.

Just like Tianling Sect rescued Ji Wen.

Hold! If you kill Elder Chun, will I give you a chance to survive?

I will destroy you on the spot!

With a movement of his fingertips, the law of space was about to be activated. However, at the moment of activation, Lin Su changed his mind...

His space law did not act on the outside world to form a crack in the sky, but on himself, forming a unique space in the secret realm within his body.

Silently, the three inner elixirs entered the secret realm within the body.

No one could have imagined this move, and even if they had thought of it, it would have been impossible to do it.

People who peer into the sky say it is empty, but this empty space cannot hold real objects, it can only hold true essence, a magic weapon connected to one's own essence.

However, Lin Su changed this inherent law. He turned his secret realm into a space that can hold physical objects. This has nothing to do with peeking into the sky. This is the magical effect of the law of space.

Three Dragon Pills entered the secret realm.

The qi machine disappeared without a trace in an instant.

An elder on the sea frowned suddenly: The Qi machine suddenly disappeared, why?

With a stroke of his hand, the water in the area where Lin Su was was rolled and divided, and with a finger of the void, the boundless sea was divided. How could this magical power be imagined by ordinary people who are familiar with the heavens and the earth? …

Lin Su was in a state of shock when he suddenly saw a huge sea monster on the left, opening its mouth and rushing towards him.

Lin Su moved his feet and got into the sea monster's mouth. The sea monster swallowed it in one gulp. The next moment, the sea monster was lifted up by the huge waves and hit the sea heavily.

Where Lin Su was just now, the sea water was completely emptied, revealing a vast void below. There was nothing in the void.

Search the entire Western Sea and don't miss even an inch!

The elders gave the order, and the eight elders transformed into giant dragons, and the entire West Sea was filled with huge waves...

The Eight Elders patrolled the West Sea, searching for Qi Longzi's Qi. However, Qi Longzi had no Qi. They searched for abnormal human beings, but they also found nothing. No one paid attention to the deep sea, and a dying sea monster was found in the sea. Ups and downs, because there are too many of these dying sea monsters.

Inside the body of the sea monster, Lin Su sat with his eyes closed. His soul reached the inner space and he focused on checking Elder Chun. He made a surprising discovery. Elder Chun's soul had not completely dissipated. There was a pool of water in his inner elixir. , there is a trace of residual soul in the water.

Lin Su tried to wake him up, but failed several times.

His target turned to Long Wuhui's inner elixir.

He took the risk to keep this inner elixir because he was reluctant to destroy it.

The mirage dragon clan is very special, and its way of change is extraordinary. In ancient times, it played a role in disturbing the world. Therefore, all clans hated it with itch. Over time, this dragon clan gradually died out. In the future generations, very few There is this magical bloodline of dragon awakening.

But Long Wugui woke up.

Once such inner elixir is turned into his own use, will it bring him some kind of unexpected surprise?

Just do it!

He used the secret method of space to firmly seal the Dantian, and activated Xiao Zhoutian's Creation Technique to refine the inner elixir!

This practice really produced a surprise.

The inner elixir broke open, and a scream came from it. It was a ray of remnant soul hidden by Long Wuhui. Fortunately, he did not throw the inner elixir out, otherwise, Long Wuhui could really come back to life...

Su Lin, if you dare to practice my inner elixir, you will bear the mark of the Dragon Clan from now on. You will never escape the pursuit of the West Sea Dragon Palace for the rest of your life. You...

What do you mean... I have to destroy your entire Xihai Dragon Palace to achieve peace? There is a word in later generations called cheating. You are the typical one called cheating! Pfft!

The last word Puff represents Long Wuhui's true death.

His Dragon Pill turned into pure energy, nourishing millions of little mouths all over Lin Su's body.

What does it mean?

When he opened his peeping realm, he felt unusually empty, and every cell in his body was hungry. Long Wuhui, the amazing and talented Seven Dragons from the Dragon Palace of the West Sea, just became a big meal for him.

Then, the dragon pill from the dragon clan elder also turned into a feast...

After such refining, the dragon energy in Lin Su's body was obviously strengthened, but it also completely eliminated the unique energy of Qi Longzi and the elder. Even if the eight elders above mobilized their whole body cultivation and used various magic weapons to detect, They have also lost the goal they are looking for.

As the sun sets, the sea finally becomes calm.

A broken turtle boat near the center line swayed gently in the moonlight, peaceful and gentle.

Silently, a man stepped on the moon, arrived on the turtle ship, and opened a room, then two rooms. Finally, in the bottom room, Lin Su found the body of Elder Chun, which was completely stiff.

With Lin Su's hands, Elder Chun's inner elixir entered this broken body, and the rejuvenating power of the rejuvenating seedlings was poured into it.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

At dawn, Elder Chun slowly opened his eyes and stared at Lin Su as if he had seen a ghost...

Elder, you went to the gate of hell once, but the King of Hell told you that you still had a few jars of white clouds left to drink, so he beat you back!

Lin Su told him with a smile...

Elder Chun closed his eyes for a long time before opening them: Master Su, follow me back to the Mermaid Holy Land, and never cross the center line of the West Sea from now on.

No! Lin Su got out of the turtle ship. can't...

The Dragon Palace of the West Sea massacred hundreds of millions of people back then, and their sins were heinous! Now they are still lingering around, stirring up troubles. Since they are so unwilling to be alone, I will play with them... As soon as the voice fell, Lin Su walked on the waves and came out. to the center line.

When he stepped out of the center line, it was Lin Su.

After three steps, he suddenly changed and turned into Ji Wen. This change was unbelievable. Not only did his face change, but his clothes also changed. No, in fact, this was not a real change. This was the inner elixir of the mirage. His unique power can deceive anyone's eyes, even Lin Su's own eyes. When he saw his own reflection on the mirror-flat sea, it was clearly Ji Wen.

After taking three more steps, he changed again and became a monk.

Lin Su touched his head. It was strange. The hair was clearly still there and could be touched, but the image of Xumizi touching his bald head was reflected in the water. You can tell me whether it is strange or not.

Then came the Crazy Knife.

For more than a hundred miles, Lin Su played all the familiar men.

This skill is really amazing.

Just when he was happily testing out his new skills, he suddenly stopped. An ordinary face appeared in the reflection on the sea. He was either an acquaintance of his, just a passerby.

On the sea in front, a person appeared.

Dragon clan elder.

The elder said slowly: Raise your head!

Lin Su slowly raised his head and looked at him quietly.

Who are you? Why do you have the energy of a dragon in your body?

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