Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 525 Disguise is also troublesome

I am the person you are looking for! Lin Su said: I have dragon energy in me because I refined Long Wuhui's inner elixir!

The elder of the dragon clan was shaken all over, and his body inexplicably grew in size. Although he did not activate all his cultivation, he was already at the critical point.

Lin Su said calmly: You forgot to ask me why you didn't leave and came to the West Sea for a stroll instead.

If I asked you, what would you say? The dragon clan elder's voice was as deep as water, and he had blocked all directions in an instant.

Because I still need some dragon inner elixirs, and you are the next one!


A great battle unfolded under the moonlit night, and the calm West Sea became turbulent again...

After half an hour, Lin Su slashed down with his sword. The elder fell on his back in the waves, and his inner elixir fell into Lin Su's hands.

When he first entered the West Sea, this elder Lin Su couldn't beat him at all, but now, he can beat him, because his Qiukong already has two Dragon Pills at the bottom, and his cultivation has tripled.

The dragon pill was quickly refined, and Lin Su disappeared into the vast blue waves of the West Sea.

The next day, another elder found him, and he eventually turned into a floating corpse in the West Sea.

On the third day, two elders discovered him almost at the same time, and finally, two floating corpses.

A roar came from the West Sea Dragon Palace!

The entire Dragon Palace trembled at the roar.

Although Long Jun was in seclusion, a series of bad news finally shocked him. Long Jun was startled, and the West Sea was turned upside down. Three top elders and twenty top elders took action!

The entire West Sea suddenly fell into a kind of dead silence.

Lin Su has been swimming around the West Sea in the past few days, killing a lot of elders. At the same time, his brain has never been idle. He also comprehended the secret technique Qiankun Breaking Formation Diagram obtained from Yaochi.

Qiankun Breaking Formation Diagram is a formation secret book. Yaochi lists it as the secret technique of the Golden Palace, and it is open to the top geniuses of Yaochi Association for their choice.

There are two fundamental reasons for this. First, the level of this secret book is high enough - it is not high enough and it is not qualified to be a reward for the top talents of the Yaochi Club. Secondly, this secret book is incomplete. If it wasn't damaged, Yaochi wouldn't be willing to take it out.

Most people would not choose such a residual technique because it is useless.

But Lin Su took it.

And the super cheating machine in his brain didn't let him down. In a few months, he had completed the Qiankun Breaking Formation Diagram.

The complete Qian Kun Breaking Formation Diagram includes the world's formations. He uses King Wen's Heavenly Book as the theoretical framework and the Qian Kun Breaking Formation Diagram as a practical test. With the integration of the two, his formation path has made rapid progress.

Lin Su forgot about time and the West Sea, and unknowingly came to the edge of the West Sea.

He suddenly stopped and stared at the sky, his expression changing slightly.

He saw with his own eyes that several seabirds in the sky disintegrated silently, and the sea under his feet suddenly changed its appearance.

Water, not water, sky not sky, an extremely terrifying energy locked on the sea area of ​​​​thousand miles where he was. He had broken through to the early stage of sky-peeping, and seemed to be frozen instantly.

Although there was the sea in front of him and the empty sky above his head, he still had a feeling that as long as he soared into the sky or walked close to the water, he would immediately face disaster.

This is the suppression of a realm. The person coming must be at a high level like Heaven, Fa and Earth, and he cannot compete with him at this moment. If his literary skills can be applied, he may be able to fight, but his literary skills are beyond the dividing line of the sea of ​​​​people. , completely lost.

The human sea dividing line, the dividing line between the human race and the sea race, the higher sea race is not allowed to cross the line, and those who cross the line will be killed by the holy way. Correspondingly, people in Wen Dao are not allowed to cross the line. Those who cross the line will lose their Wen Dao power.

This is the law of reciprocity.

Perhaps the human race still has a slight advantage, because the human race crosses the line and does not directly kill them, but only clears their cultural power. However, once the civil power is cleared, it is no different from dying.

In front of him was the dividing line between the East China Sea and the West China Sea. Theoretically, as long as he entered the East China Sea, people from the West Sea could not cross the boundary and kill people. However, this very close step became extremely difficult at this moment.

He regretted a little, maybe he was a little too promiscuous...

When you harvest seven Dragon Pills, you should withdraw...

However, now that things have happened, who can be blamed for his own death?

Lin Su's figure suddenly changed, turning into a giant two feet tall. There were seven purple scales on his chest, and dragon energy was steaming from his body.

He became Dragon Wentian of the East China Sea.

The appearance is exactly the same, and the dragon aura on his body is almost the same. This is the advantage of disguising Long Wentian, because the dragon aura on his body cannot be hidden at all.

A person appeared behind him silently.

Lin Su slowly turned around and looked at him quietly.

Donghai Long Wentian?

Exactly! Lin Su's voice became exactly the same as Long Wentian's.

You have crossed the line! the elder said coldly.

Lin Su turned around and looked at the delivery line between the two seas within his sight. He was slightly startled and then clasped his fists: I'm sorry, elder, I was thinking about something. I didn't pay attention for a moment, and I did cross the line. Let's go back now!

Stride towards the East China Sea.

The elder stared at his back, thoughtfully, Donghai Long Wentian, a generation of genius of the East China Dragon Clan, Xihai Long Wuhui, a generation of genius of the West Sea Dragon Clan, the East China Sea and the West Sea have always been at odds, is it possible for Long Wentian to fight with the leader Lingyun? Conspiring to kill Xihai Tianjiao?

However, he is a high-level elder and a man of rules. He must not start a dispute with the East China Sea Dragon Palace without any evidence.

Seeing that Long Wentian was about to cross the center line...

The elder suddenly spoke: Long Wentian, I want to ask you something.

Lin Su slowly turned around: What's the matter?

Do you know Su Lin, the first master of Lingyun this year?

This junior was invited to participate in the Yao Chi Grand Meeting, so naturally he knows the leader of Lingyun.

Have you ever seen Lord Lingyun during your travels to the West Sea?

Elder, this junior has only crossed the boundary of a hundred feet, how can he be named as 'traveling to the Western Sea'? Lin Su said: Since coming down to Yaotai, this junior has never seen the leader of Lingyun!

He turned around.

The elder's figure flashed and disappeared, seemingly breaking into the sky. However, Lin Su knew clearly that he was actually hiding under the water.

This old man is very precise.

Suddenly, a person came from the East China Sea. Lin Su's eyes fell. It was a little girl, only ten years old at most. Oh, no, her breasts were a little abnormally bulging. Her face was clearly that of a girl. More importantly, , he sensed a pure dragon energy in this woman.

what happened?

Dragons are generally very tall, so how could they be so small?

It doesn't matter that she's not an adult, but the key point is that judging from her breasts, even if she's not really an adult, it's still close to...

Brother, you're back... Xiao Longnu jumped up and ran into Lin Su's arms.

In an instant, Lin Su was faced with a choice, should he avoid it? Or catch this ball that looks like a ball...

Take it, otherwise, this ball will really fly to the West Sea. If the old man is angered, it will be a new twist.

Lin Su stretched out his hands to catch her, and Xiao Longnu directly hooked her arms around his neck: Brother, it'll be nice if you come back. I'm going out for something, can you go with me? Holding Lin Su's neck It kept shaking. To be honest, the strength of this coquettishness was really amazing. If Lin Su was a normal human being, his neck would probably be broken by such a shake.

Lin Su said directly: Okay!

Xiao Longnu chuckled: Brother, you didn't even ask me where I was going...

It's the end of the world, girl, just avoid that old man behind you!

Of course, this was just Lin Su's inner thought, and he said: Where my sister wants to go, that's where I want to go.

Brother, you are so kind. Let's go to the night beach.


Let's go then! Xiao Longnu put her head in his arms, so happy.

Come down.

Brother, carry me away. Xiao Longnu said to him.

Lin Su is so miserable. Although you, the little one, feel comfortable in my arms, I don’t know where Ye Island is. What if the direction is wrong and the old man at the bottom of the sea becomes suspicious?

I can only do work with her: Sister, you are getting older, this is not good, be good, come down...

He picked her up like a koala and threw her into the sea in front of her.

Xiao Longnu chuckled and walked along the midline between the East China Sea and the West Sea.

The middle position?

Lin Su regretted not rejecting her. If he had galloped directly into the East China Sea, the old man would have thrown her away. In this way, it would not be considered a real throw away.

Thousands of miles along the way, Lin Su's senses were always lingering behind him. The old man seemed to have disappeared. However, Lin Su still did not dare to take it lightly. After all, if a master of his level wanted to follow him, he might not be able to find it. .

The sea surface in front suddenly changed. The sea water changed from dark blue to black. It seemed that the sunlight could not blend in. The sun was shining brightly above, but it was as dark as ink below. It was extremely weird and terrifying. The sea breeze seemed to be blowing with a strong murderous intention.

The little dragon girl in front stopped and slowly turned back. In the darkness, her eyes shone slightly...

Is Xihailong Wuhui right?

Lin Su's whole body was shocked and he smiled: Sister, what did you say?

Haha, don't call me sister, call me the Great Witch of the East China Sea! Xiao Longnu showed her snow-white teeth and said with a cracked smile: Long Wuhui, you entered my East China Sea in the past and stole the Sea Spirit Pearl. Half of the East China Sea is restless, have you ever thought that you would die at the hands of the Great Witch of the East China Sea?

Sister, I don't understand what you're saying. Honey... there seems to be an island ahead. Let's go to the island. The cold wind blew in Lin Su's heart, the war drums beat, and he felt the aura of the old man behind him again. It was fatal!

Giggle, the little witch giggled: Long Wuhui, although your mirage is amazing, you still can't hide it from me. I have known for a long time that you are not my brother, but Xihai Long Wuhui, but I just pretended not to know, Do you know why I brought you here?

This time it’s completely out of the question!

Lin Su's eyes slowly closed and he moaned feebly: Why?

Because this place is a forbidden area for dragons. Any dragon who comes here will lose half of their cultivation, and I am an exception! The little witch slowly raised a big knife in her hand, with a proud smile on her face: How is it? Am I right? Particularly demonic? Just demonic, I am the Great Witch of the East China Sea!

Dragon Clan’s forbidden land?

Ordinary dragon clan, their cultivation base is reduced by half?

Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened wide, and she felt like she had survived a desperate situation...

On the black sea behind him, a voice suddenly came: Reveal your true face!

Lin Su's disguise seemed to turn into a puff of smoke, disappearing without a trace in an instant, and his true body appeared in the sunlight.

Su Lin! It's you indeed! Black lines flowed across the elder's face, and every word was full of endless resentment!

The little witch's originally smug expression suddenly disappeared: Aren't you Long Wugui? What the hell is Su Lin? And... Hey, old man, where did you come from? Get out of the way first and give him a good trial. …”

Lin Su took a deep breath: Little witch, it's time for you to run!

With a swish sound, the long sword was unsheathed.

Want to run? Neither of you two can run away today! The elder stretched out his hand suddenly, the world began to spin, and the entire seawater suddenly rose, turning into a big knife in his hand...

The little witch was immediately enraged: How outrageous, do you know who my aunt is? The Great Witch of the East China Sea...

The big knife in her hand suddenly moved, and she slashed down with anger. The next moment, with a scream, she flew away...

The little witch became angry and yelled loudly from afar: I've been your ancestor for eight generations...

A sword flashed, like lightning across the sky in the darkness.

Lin Su's move was directly to add the heart of the sword, add the strongest sword intention, and strike out with the Heavenly Sword style.

The power of this blow was three times that of the first elder he killed that day.

It's his strongest attack.

The elder smiled coldly: Death!

A stream of water changed in a thousand ways, blocking Lin Su's sword. As soon as Lin Su's long sword came into contact, with a bang, he fell back thousands of feet...

The old man did not move. The water in front of him changed and turned into a dragon's claw. Accompanied by a desolate dragon roar, the claw covered all the sea areas where Lin Su was.

Lin Su's hair flew high, and the sea under his feet was suppressed by the dragon's claws and stopped ripples.

The little witch flew from a distance with a big sword in her hand, carrying the domineering spirit of the eighth generation of C's ancestor. However, everything was not enough to reverse the gap in cultivation. With this blow, Lin Su would die.

The blow is about to fall...

A spatial crack appeared in front of Lin Su...

The laws of space are applied for the first time!

The space crack was completed, and the elder's dragon claw passed through it. The elder suddenly screamed in pain, and his indestructible dragon claw was drawn into the space crack and torn into nothingness.

What technique? The elder's right arm has completely disappeared.

Lin Su raised his hand, and another crack appeared in front of the elder, and the turbulent flow of space brought with it the energy to destroy everything.

The elder was shocked and backed away suddenly...

As he retreated, a crack in the void opened behind him. The elder screamed, and his whole body entered the crack in space. With a chirp, the crack closed, and half a foot fell from the sky...

Lin Su's heart was pounding wildly.

The law of space was applied for the first time, and its power completely exceeded his imagination.

No matter what kind of cultivation level, no matter what kind of sharp weapon, once you enter the space crack, you will die. This mysterious crack seems to be the most terrifying crusher in the world. It completely ignores the level of cultivation level. As long as you crash into it, you will be a die.

Although his spatial cracks are essentially dead and can only be carved into the void and cannot move during battle, there are three cracks, one blocking the opponent's attack, one in front of the elder forcing him to retreat, and one behind him waiting for the elder to hit him upwards.

Three moves in a row, easily killing a dragon elder whose cultivation had reached the high level of Xiangtianfadi. did you kill him? A voice came from below.

As soon as Lin Su lowered his head, the little witch who was only three feet long looked up at him, a little surprised and a little curious.

Lin Su's gaze extended from her body, and he was suddenly shocked: What is it?

Behind the little witch, in the endless darkness, a layer of strange things suddenly appeared, like worms and octopuses, covering the entire sea surface in a moment.

The little witch turned around and jumped eight feet high: C! Night-dire eight-legged snake! My aunt definitely doesn't want to mess with this thing, I'm leaving...

Eight-legged Night Dire Snake, what is it?

Oh my God, you bastard, have you figured out the situation? Are you still studying this thing? Let me tell you, this thing is a unique species in the Yehai Sea. It cannot be killed at all. Once it surrounds you, the gods will be done with it. I The most important reason not to mess with them is that they are too disgusting...

With a cry, the little witch of the East China Sea, who was fearless of neither heaven nor earth, fled.

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