Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 526 The Great Witch of the East China Sea

Lin Su glanced at the black waves that were about to encircle him, and sighed: It's indeed a bit disgusting!

With a chirping sound, it slipped through the gap.

As soon as he passed through, the eight-legged night dire snakes surrounded them and turned at the same time, turning into a layer of raging waves and rolling towards the two of them, at an extremely fast speed.

Wow, I'm still chasing you! The little witch turned into a ball and rolled rapidly on the sea.

Lin Su's feet moved nine steps up and down the sky, riding on the waves like flying.

In the end, the two of them were faster.

After running thousands of miles away, the black wave finally stopped. Lin Su stopped and looked at it. Above the East China Sea, there was a spectacle...

With that black line as the boundary, the sea water inside the boundary is as dark as night, and the sea water outside the boundary is blue, with clear lines.

The ball of the little witch rolled in front of Lin Su, slowly stretched it out, and stared at Lin Su with her big eyes: Should we make peace?

Tell me something first, and we'll make peace.

you say!

How did you find out that I'm not Long Wentian?

When he pretended to be Long Wentian, he used the Mirage Dragon Technique, which is so magical. Long Wuhui pretended to be Elder Chun, and even his Thousand Degree Eyes couldn't tell the difference. But when he pretended to be Long Wentian, no matter it was His appearance and aura were both perfect, but he couldn't hide it from the little witch in front of him. He wanted to know what the problem was.

The little witch narrowed her eyes and smiled happily: Because when I just came out of the clan, my brother was drinking under the Dragon Gate Pass.

Depend on! Lin Su's eyes widened: So, you already knew I was fake when you threw yourself into my arms?

I'm just a demon, not stupid! the little witch said with disdain.

Your devilish nature is reflected in the fact that you don't ask any questions and just get into the arms of a strange man?

I gave you the illusion of being intimate and friendly first, and then suddenly turned against you and killed you. Don't you think this is very magical?

Okay, okay, little witch, we have made peace. Take me to see your brother. You won't believe it. Your brother and I are friends. Lin Su patted her forehead to show reconciliation.

The little witch immediately turned against her: Small, small, smaller than your grandma. What I hate most is that my family calls me a big witch because I am too young!

Lin Su didn't argue with her: Okay, big witch, big witch! Although I really don't see how big you are, but I won't mess with you, can I call you big witch?

The little witch was reluctant: Didn't you see? Do you have angry eyes? Didn't you see the two babies hanging here by my aunt? She held up her chest and added with infinite contempt: Do you see? This is a symbol of bigness. For my size, I am already surprisingly big. My sister’s baby is not much bigger than me, weighing three pounds at most!”

Lin Su was stunned. Is your size based on your breasts?

You two sisters have bigger breasts and smaller breasts, and you still weigh yourself?

The boldness of your dragon clan is a bit hard for me to bear... Forget it, I'll be honest, I'm not really disgusted...

Lin Su took a close look at her breasts and nodded in approval of her size.

The little witch was very happy and took Lin Su back to the Dragon Palace.

Although the man in front of her said that he and his brother were friends, she didn't believe it at all, but so what? Are you afraid that he has some evil intentions? She took him to the Dragon Palace and thought of a way to get out the technique he just used. She didn't understand this technique. For techniques she didn't understand, the devilish little... Oh, no, the big witch is used to it. His style is to trick him out.

The autumn breeze brings coolness, and the same wind spreads thousands of miles away.

As the sun sets, we ride on the waves.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of miles away, a huge island seemed to be floating in the waves.

This island is half into the sea and half into the sky.

what for? The lower part of the island is completely in the water, but it is not like ordinary islands. The lower part is purely a base. The lower part of the island is also a paradise. Countless people swim on the bottom of the sea, do things on the bottom of the sea, and even sleep, eat, and eat on the bottom of the sea. Meditate and practice.

To the Dragon Clan, sea water is as ordinary as air.

Under the sea water, as deep as ten thousand feet deep, is the activity space of the dragon clan.

But the dragons don't just live in the water. They are a unique species that is half water and half air. Above, there is also the Dragon Palace, and it is even more exciting.

The giant island is tens of thousands of feet high, reaching up to the sky. The top is completely invisible. Pavilions and pavilions can be seen everywhere on the island, and it is as lively and prosperous as a metropolis in another world.

What flew through the air were giant birds, and what walked on the ground were giant beasts.

There are eighty or ninety small islands nearby, and there are also huge turtle shells dotted here and there. The little witch pointed at them and said that these turtle shells were the territory of the elders and elites of the clan. My sister had one, and she originally had one. There were some, too. She killed all the giant turtles, gnawed all the meat, and brought back the shells. But the queen mother was very excessive and had double standards. She allowed her sister to build it but refused to let her build it. The queen mother used the turtle shell as a hut. …

why? Is it because you are still young? Lin Su asked her while looking at her chest.

The little witch explodes again, and you run wildly on the road to death. This big witch looks good on you. You must understand the situation. You are now a small fish caught in the fishing net. My aunt wants you to go to the mountain of knives. You have to Up, if I want you to get off the frying pan, you have to get off...

The gnashing of teeth was accompanied by her little white teeth, and also accompanied by her rolling and climbing. In front of it was a tall platform, and the little witch soared into the sky and went straight to the high platform.

Brother, I brought you someone who is looking for death. Let me tell you first. This bastard pretended to be your name and held down a female sea pig there. Hahahaha. If you don't kill him, the female sea pig will be killed in the future. The pig's child will go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to find you as a cheap biological father...

The people on the high platform exploded at the same time...

Strong Shanghai pig? Taking the name of the Dragon Clan? What bastard goes so far?

Lin Su almost shook his head. He had stepped onto the high platform with his toes. He couldn't make up his mind to refute for a while. He might as well hide in the sea for a while...

A person standing on the window sill looking at the mountains in front suddenly turned around...

He is none other than Long Wentian.

Long Wentian glanced at the people on the high platform, and his eyes suddenly brightened...

With a roar, like a Category 9 typhoon, Long Wen fell from the sky and grabbed Lin Su's shoulders: Brother Su, why is it you?

Everyone was shocked. They had rarely seen Saint Son Long Wentian be so enthusiastic. He actually called this human race a brother? Does he deserve this title?

Brothers, this is the hero of the human race, Sword Sect Sulin, my brother!

Long Wentian made an introduction to everyone.

Everyone looked at each other.

Lin Su bowed slightly: Human Su Lin, I have met all the dragon heroes!

At this time, everyone bowed and responded one after another, but the response was not enthusiastic.

It’s not that the Dragon Clan is not hospitable, the Dragon Clan is the most generous race, but there is a prerequisite for the Dragon Clan’s hospitality, that is, it is worth it.

What does it mean to be worthy?

Genius, genius, innate power, extraordinary talent...

In the territory of the Dragon Clan, there is no hypocrisy of hello, me, hello, everyone. Only strength and talent can earn true respect.

Come on, brother, let's go drink! Long Wentian pulled Lin Su and brought him into his turtle shell.

This turtle shell was surprisingly large, covering over a thousand square meters. From a distance, it looked like a turtle shell. Once inside, I realized it was his large villa, and the villa was divided into several floors.

There are even people who serve specially, a group of clams. The clams open their double shells, revealing their beautiful figures wearing clothes. They have high chest and slender waist, just like ordinary humans. The pair of shells are like their cloaks.

In a moment, a table made of unknown bones was filled with all kinds of seafood...

On the high platform outside, several dragon clan disciples looked at each other...

When the human race comes, the Holy Son is so enthusiastic. Is he really a rare hero? one person asked.

How can there be any true heroes in the human race?

I heard that the most famous young hero in the human race is a monk, but he has hair, and he doesn't abide by the damn rules and regulations. He messes around with sow sea pigs. He doesn't look like a Xumizi.

In the Sea View Villa, a table full of seafood has been served.

Long Wentian flipped through and took out a red wine jar: Brother Su, this is the Dragon Clan's Red Heart Brewing. Although it is not as strong as the Human Clan's Baiyunbian I just drank, it is still quite strong. Come on, you and I can drink a jar.

The red wine was poured into a pure white jade bowl. It was like blood. Lin Su took a sip. It was indeed very strong, even stronger than the Demon Clan's Fire Wine. Unfortunately, this wine had the same problem as the Fire Wine. Without the aroma of wine, it is strong and strong.

But his sincere name made him unable to give up.

Drink three bowls together.


Long Wentian first expressed his emotion. The biggest gain from going to Yaochi this time is meeting you, my brother!

The brother's sincerity that day made me deeply moved.

I have given the bead you gave me to my father. When he saw it, my father was shocked. There is ancient energy in this bead, and it is in the same line as my dragon clan.

If nothing else, it is closely related to the ancient Dragon Palace. Its value to the Dragon Clan is so great that you can’t even imagine it, brother.

Father said, I have to hand over your brother!

So today you and I make friends, and I also make friends according to the order, haha...

Laughing loudly.

Lin Su also smiled: Brother Long, this bead belongs to the dragon clan. Even if I keep it, it will be of no use. I just return it to you, don't take it to heart.

I don't take it to heart anymore. My brothers help each other and talk about favors. By the way, you are going to sea this time, but something happened? No matter what it is, just tell me!

I didn't plan to go to sea originally. This time I went to sea purely passively...

Lin Su told the story about Long Wuhui in the West Sea, and Long Wentian jumped up. He is a West Sea Dragon Palace. It seems that he really doesn’t want to hang out anymore. Damn it, I will go out to the East China Sea tomorrow to hunt down the bandits in the West Sea for you, my brother. This tone.

Lin Su quickly held him back. Brother Long has good intentions. Don't let a war between the two seas happen because of me. By the way, they pointed the finger at me, but they didn't get any glory. I have already killed Long Wugui. In addition, they also killed He killed eight of his elders, they are the ones who should be furious, not you...

Long Wentian stayed for a long time, and then he slapped his head. Brother, you have subverted it again. In Brother Wei's opinion, it is a wonder that you can kill Long Wuhui. You actually killed a bunch of elders. The leader of Lingyun is indeed extraordinary. …

When the passion between the two was flying, there was a sudden noise outside.

Climb the ladder to heaven!

Climb the ladder to heaven!

There was infinite passion in the roar.

The two disciples jumped up at the same time and arrived in front of a peak, with thousands of people watching behind them.

What is the ladder to heaven? Lin Su also stared outside.

Long Wentian smiled and said: The Dragon Clan Heavenly Ladder is also a testing ground for the Dragon Clan's geniuses. This Heavenly Ladder is quite different from the Yaochi Heavenly Ladder.

What kind of difference?

Yaochi Ladder has different counterattacks for different people. If you are in the Peeping Realm, its initial counterattack strength is the Peeping Realm. If you are in the Peeping Sky Realm, its starting counterattack strength is the Peeping Sky Realm. Its main purpose It is a test of the ability to go retrograde and advance upward. The same is true for the ladder of the mermaid tribe.

The Dragon Clan is different. The strength of the Dragon Clan's ladder's counterattack does not vary from person to person. No matter who comes, the counterattack strength is the same. However, it has an upper limit. Those who have reached the realm of Heaven and Earth are not allowed to climb. Otherwise, they will be possessed by the dragon's energy. kill.

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