Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 701 An unusual encounter on the boat

The first painting unfolds, showing a vast desert. Above the desert, the solitary smoke and setting sun appear desolate and heroic. The appeal of the painting instantly transports the ship into the desolate space between heaven and earth.

Lei Ruoxian gently touched the painting in front of him with his fingers and said: This painting was painted in the east of Chi Country. When I arrived, it was cloudy. In order to see the legendary desert sunset with my own eyes, I was on this desert. Stayed for a whole half month.”

Heroic! An open-minded painting, Brother Lei's half-month wait was worth it! Lin Su praised.

There is still a blank space at the top of this painting. If Brother Lin were asked to write two lines of poetry, how would he write it?

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Mei's heart moved slightly...

Let him compose a poem?

Will he write something amazing?

Lin Su didn't even think about it, and just chanted two sentences: The lonely smoke is straight in the desert, and the sun is setting in the long river!

Zhou Mei chewed on these two lines of poetry, her eyes bright as stars.

What a poem, so wonderful. If the painting is eight points, the poem is at least nine points. When the two are combined, the painting will come alive...

The meeting between two literary geniuses started with sparks flying, no, stars dazzling...

Lei Ruoxian praised: Brother Lin just uttered two lines of poetry, and he has already imagined it to the fullest. I admire him! I am so lucky to have received Brother Lin's poem for this painting. I am so lucky for three lives! ... Where is this one?

He stretched out his hand, and another painting appeared in front of Lin Su...

In an iron-blooded pass, also under the desolate and bloody setting sun, a lonely figure came step by step. This person's face was blurry, but his resolute expression appeared clearly on the page...

The road to Xiongguan is really like iron, but now we are crossing it from the beginning! Lin Su said two more sentences.

Wonderful! Excellent! Lei Ruoxian raised his hand and raised the wine glass in his hand: Brother Lin, I must offer you three glasses of wine today!

After drinking three cups in a row, Lei Ruoxian took out the third painting: I passed through the desert of Chidong, passed through the Xiongguan of Yubei, but also arrived at the south of the Yangtze River. This picture of Jiangnan Tea Garden, please see Brother Lin. Take a look!

The third picture unfolds, completely different from the previous two.

This picture shows a tea garden, with elegant tea ridges and lush green tea forests. The spring breeze blows and butterflies fly. Behind the tea garden, several tea ladies moved at the same time. This movement immediately created endless movement...

The tea girl is picking tea, the dew is dripping, the sun is moving, the wind is blowing...

I don’t know if the scent of tea comes from the painting or from their desk...

I don’t know whether the few wisps of light sound came from inside the painting or from the maid next door...

Lin Su sighed: The first picture of the desert outside the Great Wall is just a painting, the second picture of Xiongguan Road has already been moved, and the third picture of Spring Tea has returned to reality. If these three pictures are the two pictures of Brother Lei, I have to congratulate Brother Lei for this year’s harvest, which has made such a rapid progress!”

This is just for laymen to see the excitement, but for experts to see the secrets.

When Zhou Mei looks at paintings, she only looks at the paintings themselves.

When Lin Su looked at paintings, he saw the improvement of his painting skills.

As he said, the first picture is just a painting.

Although the second picture is still a painting, the will of the person in the picture has been expressed.

The third painting is no longer a painting in the conventional sense. It is a cultural treasure, a great Confucian cultural treasure. The Spring Tea Garden is completely in motion.

If Lei Ruoxian has reached this point in just two years, then he is a true literary genius.

Lei Ruoxian smiled: Walking around the world, it's hard to find a close friend. Today in Da Cang, I can actually meet a literary close friend. It's like drinking mellow wine...

Suddenly, a kitten in the painting jumped out and landed on Lin Su's lap, looking at Lin Su with its two round eyes...

Several village girls in the painting also straightened up, as if they had gained some common ground with the outside world at this moment...

Lin Su's heart moved. This painting skill is actually much higher than that of Qiushui screen painting...

At least the fish in the autumn water paintings are definitely not as agile as this cat, and they look like living creatures.

Zhou Mei's eyes widened and she reached out to touch the kitten. The kitten shrank and hugged Lin Su's arm.

Everyone was dumbfounded...

Lei Ruoxian smiled and said: This naughty little thing! Go back!

As soon as the voice fell, the kitten returned to the painting with a swish, and hid under the tea tree. Only its cute little head was exposed. It once again became the cat in the painting.

Brother Lei's painting skills are really amazing! Lin Su praised: Especially this cat, it actually looks like it has returned to life.

What is the image of rebirth?

It’s a level higher than turning the void back into reality!

When it returns to reality, it can only be touched, just like the real thing, but the image of rebirth has an independent life.

This is the real power of creation in painting.

Lei Ruoxian said: This cat is an unexpected acquisition for me. When I was painting the tea garden that day, I was fascinated by the village girl's singing. For a moment, my mind wandered to the sky. At this time, the cat in the tea garden also appeared. Fascinated by this painting, I ran into the painting to catch the butterfly. I don’t know how it stayed in the painting. Therefore, this cat is a painting but not a painting, a cat and not a cat, somewhere between the painting and the real thing. So Brother Lin You can say that this is the creation of my painting skills, or you can say that it is the creation of this cat himself.

After a long speech, Zhou Mei blinked her eyes to show that she didn't understand...

Lin Su naturally understood: Did Zhuang Sheng dream of butterflies?

Lei Ruoxian laughed loudly: Brother Lin Huida, that's right!

Zhuang Sheng dreamed of butterflies. There are also rumors of this holy way in this world. Zhuang Sheng dreamed that he became a butterfly. He didn't know whether he had turned into a butterfly or the butterfly had turned into Zhuang Sheng.

This cat is probably the same. It doesn't know whether it has slipped into the painting, or whether the world in the painting is originally its world.

This is a strange encounter on the road of painting.

This is also a spectacle that is difficult to replicate.

The two exchanged words and everyone was excited.

The wine has been drunk and the jar is full.

Lei Ruoxian didn't seem to drink too much. After drinking the jar of wine, his face was full of alcohol, and he stood up unsteadily: Brother Lin, I have had enough wine and food today, and the night is getting late. I don't dare to disturb the Xian couple. Little brother... take leave!

Lin Su and Zhou Mei looked at each other...

Full of wine and food?

I just drank a jar of wine, where is the food?

There is nothing wrong with the night getting darker, and the sun is indeed setting now, but what is a good couple? Lin Su agrees, but Zhou Mei doesn't agree either...

Lei Ruoxian carried his painting out of the door and walked forward without seeming to remember where his room was. He crossed the deck and fell headlong into the Yangtze River...

Just when everyone on the deck was exclaiming, Lei Ruoxian seemed to have sobered up. He stretched out his hand and a painting appeared at his feet. This was a picture of ascending to the sky. He followed this picture and rose step by step. Although Every step he took was staggering, like a drunkard, but he still disappeared...

Everyone on the deck was talking a lot, guessing which painter this was.

I also lamented the great Confucian's drunken immortal demeanor.

In Lin Su's room, the defective Night Pearl was taken out and illuminated the dark room. There was a strange expression on Zhou Mei's face: Do you always meet some strange people every time you take a boat with you? The next time it was Luo Wuxin, the last time it was Su Rong, this time it was Lei Ruoxian...

It seems to be true! There was a strange light in Lin Su's eyes.

As soon as this ray of light appeared, Zhou Mei immediately became alert: What? Is there really something wrong with him?

Lin Su slowly shook his head...

No problem? But I think your expression clearly tells me that there is something wrong with him. Before Zhou Mei could say this, Lin Su spoke: I don't see the real mystery.

Zhou Mei is very sensitive: What you mean is...he still has problems.


What's the problem? Zhou Mei had to admit that she didn't see anything. It was true that Lei Ruoxian was a literary genius, and it couldn't be false. His painting skills were displayed in front of them with his own hands. Such falsehoods couldn't be true. The corresponding literary foundation cannot be created at all.

His words, his past, and the places he walked were all consistent. She searched repeatedly, but still couldn't find any doubts...

There is only one doubt! Lin Su said: He has never explored my origins from beginning to end!

This is true!

Zhou Mei thought about it again, it was indeed true!

Lei Ruoxian asked him his name, and Lin Su told him directly that his name was Lin Su.

Then, nothing more happened!

Lei Ruoxian didn't ask him if he was the first grandmaster of Qinglian!

Lei Ruoxian talked more about his own affairs, and acted extremely indifferent to the name Lin Su whose Da Cang Wen Dao was resounding throughout the world.

Maybe... maybe he didn't expect that you would be Qinglian's first grandmaster. After all, there are too many people with the same name. Zhou Mei pondered.

Maybe! Lin Su replied with two words.

Zhou Mei slowly raised her eyes: I'm not a literary person. I'm not very familiar with it. If you two geniuses meet by chance, if one of them tells the details of his origin, the other must tell his story equally. What’s the origin? Is it in line with etiquette?”

Of course not! Literary people regard 'meeting by chance and feeling like old friends at first sight' as the friendship between gentlemen, and they will not get to the bottom of it unless there is a special occasion.

Isn't that no problem? Zhou Mei scratched her head.

There was no problem at first, but then I borrowed his painting and recited four lines of poetry, and he didn't even follow my origins. It was abnormal...

Zhou Mei is not a literary person, so she couldn't figure out the logical relationship for a while, but as soon as Lin Su explained it, she understood...

These two lines of Lin Su's poems are not ordinary poems.

The solitary smoke in the desert is straight, the sun is setting in the long river, The great pass is like iron, and now I cross it from the beginning, these are all poems that are bound to be brilliant as long as they are born, even if they are not complete poems, even if there are only these two sentences, if they are written in gold Written on paper, at least it will have a golden light, and maybe it will win the lottery.

Such poems correspond to his paintings by Lei Ruoxian.

Lei Ruoxian should regard it as a treasure.

The most correct thing to do is to take the painting, hand the pen to Lin Su's hand, and ask him to inscribe the painting with his own hand.

If you feel that this is a bit abrupt, you can take a step back and do the next best thing. Ask Lin Su clearly about his official position and title, and have him inscribe the painting in person and indicate that this poem was written by a certain master or a certain master. Made on such-and-such day, in such-and-such place. Add a few kind words to show respect - just knowing a name is not enough, it is rude to not have a title.

However, Lei Ruoxian did not do this!

Although he highly praised these lines of poems, he mostly brushed them off!

What does this mean?

This shows that his friendship with Lin Su was not a normal literary discussion!

If it’s not a normal literary discussion, what is it?

There is only one explanation: He knew Lin Su's details, pretended not to know, and met Lin Su by chance. They met like old friends at first sight and formed a literary friendship without identity endorsement or impurity! Why is it necessary to forge such a literary friendship? Of course there is an ulterior motive!

After listening to Lin Su's explanation, Zhou Mei was completely convinced and let out a long sigh: No wonder people say that you intellectuals have carved hearts. From a simple meeting, you deciphered such a lot of information. Even your seemingly generous recital of poetry has an ulterior motive.

I also want to think about everything and stretch my feet to look at the stars. However, there are a lot of people who want my head. How can I be so bold? Lin Su sighed deeply: Even if I don't think about myself, I still can't If you don’t think about your wife, if I die, there will be a lot of widows... how difficult it is!

If it were just the first half of the sentence, Zhou Mei might have interpreted it as a sad message, and she might have been hot-headed and empathized with him.

But when the second half of the sentence was added, Zhou Mei's first reaction was: Can I hit him with a cup?

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