Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 702: Goodbye Spring in Nanshan Again

After all, Zhou Mei is not an ordinary person. Killers are more calm. She frowned: Is he a hidden dragon?

Lin Su didn't answer, lying on his back and looking at the sky...

Zhou Mei added: If it is a hidden dragon, it can perfectly explain all the abnormalities today...

How to explain it perfectly?

She said a lot...

Lei Ruoxian revealed a lot of information, but upon careful interpretation, most of this information was for Lin Su's favor...

For example, he and Lin Su were in the same scientific examination class. Since they were in the same scientific examination class, they naturally had a relationship called the same year! The relationship of the same year is similar to that of classmates, which is the best thing among literati.

Lei Ruoxian was from the Hanlin Academy of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom. He didn't like those things in the court, and he was intoxicated with landscapes. Wouldn't this trait be exactly what Lin liked? Lin himself is an official rebel, and rebellion often has something in common with rebellion.

Lei Ruoxian's painting skills are profound and his progress is rapid. His genius is very obvious, and he has something in common with Lin.

The most important thing is that he also has a special liking for the Lin family's wine...

Putting all these elements together, how bad could Lin Su's impression of him be?

Once the two got to know each other deeply, he broke through Lin Su's protection and entered Lin Su's circle of friends. Everyone knew that the most terrifying killer was never the killer in the dark night, but a stab in the back from an acquaintance. Therefore, Zhou Mei's judgment came out, this person is most likely Yin Long! Its purpose is to infiltrate you and stab you in the back at the critical moment!

She analyzed a lot, and Lin Su nodded in approval!

After receiving the praise, Zhou Mei was enlightened: Maybe it's from another place!


Painting the Saint and the Holy Family! Zhou Mei said: After all, his painting skills are there, and ordinary people will not have such profound painting skills. Painting the Saint and the Holy Family is the most likely, and I also know that they His Majesty’s hatred for you definitely does not belong to you!”

With her knowledge, she can probably only analyze it up to this point.

Lin Su admitted that her analysis was correct.

However, he also knows that things in the world are very complicated, and most of what you see with the naked eye is not the true face of things.

The hidden dragon must have murderous intentions towards him.

I can also paint the Holy Family.

But wouldn’t anyone else?

Like the temple!

Was the destiny of the temple really blocked by Luo Wuxin? I'm afraid not necessarily!

He was unwilling to analyze the destiny of the temple with her because of two points. First, he himself was completely confused. Sitting on a boat and trying to figure out the destiny was even more unreliable than looking at the moon in the water. Secondly, the temple was too scary, and he didn't want to put too much pressure on the people around him. To kidnap someone, you have to give people hope. If Little Witch Zhou was frightened and ran away with a slap on her butt, how could he get along with Zhou Zhang? How else could he abduct her and become... the master of Suzaku Hall in Anxiang?

Three days on the boat, we passed Quzhou and entered Zhongzhou.

The weather is fine. In this late spring season, as soon as the weather is fine, the temperature rises straight up.

When they boarded the ship, most of the people were wearing clothes, but when they arrived at Zhongzhou, the deck was covered with light clothes.

Zhou Mei has already exposed her small arms. She seems to like showing off her small arms. Speaking of which, her small arms are really attractive. Her collarbone and her small arms are integrated into each other, reflecting the deep ravine below. .

Lin Su would occasionally turn his eyes to this place, but he would always get a blank look from Zhou Mei.

But if he doesn't look away for a long time, she will wander around in front of him, occasionally stretching or something. Anyway, Lin Su doesn't look at it, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't look at it...

During these three days, no accidents occurred.

Everything is like the spring breeze blowing across the river in spring. You may be able to remember the moment of the spring breeze passing by, but you can't decipher the deep meaning.

More than two months after leaving Nanshan Mansion, Lin Su once again set foot on the territory of Nanshan Mansion.

Looking at the dawning sun, he asked a question: What day is it today?

April 13th! Why do you ask this?

I probably come to Nanshan once less. I will write down the exact date of each visit to Nanshan so that I can write my memoirs in the future.

There was no movement nearby...

Lin Su's eyes moved over and met Zhou Mei's blank eyes: Have you forgotten that you are the prefect of Nanshan? When a prefect comes to his own place, he still remembers the time when he came. What's even weirder is, You can only remember three dates, don’t you think you are an unprecedented prefect?”

Lin Su smiled.

It's true if you think about it.

When serving in other prefectures, it is enough to remember the time when you received the appointment letter and the time when you left office. You should be in the prefecture almost all the time in between. For example, the prefect Yang Wenze of Haining left Haining during the entire tenure. Time is limited, and when I occasionally go back to my hometown, it is usually with a clear goal and to do it quickly.

How does it look like him? Visiting his prefecture is like visiting relatives. So far, I have only been to Nanshan three times.

But he also had an explanation, and his explanation was very fancy...

I am different from other prefects!

When those prefects are old, they regard being an official as their only pleasure. As for me, I am still young, and my family is ten times more fun than the prefects.

As soon as these ridiculing words came out, Zhou Mei almost bit her lips: Nothing wrong! You have ten wives in Haining. For you, being a wife is obviously more fun than being a prefect... huh? No, if I If there is nothing wrong with arithmetic, you should have a wife in Nanshan, otherwise, it will not be ten times better!

Lin Su was stunned: Playing arithmetic?

If you are doing arithmetic, there is nothing wrong with this algorithm. If he does not have a wife in Nanshan, this ratio will not hold true...

Well, I've found something to do. The first thing I do when I arrive in Nanshan is to dig out your outer room for you! Zhou Mei became interested and prepared to go invisible.

Lin Su grabbed the semi-invisible little witch Zhou with a backhand, and glared at her: Stop those unreasonable things. Your mission is very clear, that is...

Once the task is arranged, it is very orthodox.

Little Witch Zhou nodded lightly: Well, this is also a task. I will complete this task first, and then go all over Nanshan to find beautiful women. I found them one by one and interrogated them to see if the prefect had harmed them. This is called official business, and the lace couple That’s right, let’s leave…”

Her hand suddenly twisted, and she escaped from Lin Su's palm like a boneless snake. The next moment, she turned into air and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Su straightened his clothes, stepped down the mountain in one step, stretched out his hand, and held a folding fan in his hand, landing on the river embankment like a prostitute.

The river embankment is Lin Su's major political achievement visible to the naked eye when he came to Nanshan.

Although he has only been to Nanshan three times.

Although he only stayed in Nanshan for less than a month.

However, his political achievements are still visible to all.

The biggest and most conspicuous political achievement is this river embankment.

In the past, there was a river outside Nanshan Mansion, but what was this river? It was caused by the overflow of Fang Yang Lake. When it overflowed and how much it overflowed all depended on King Lu Yang's mood.

With little water, no one taking care of it, and all kinds of garbage littered, this waterway is naturally out of sight. Every summer, mosquitoes and flies breed, and the stench rises. Residents in the city have to close their windows facing this side, otherwise , you can’t even eat, and it’s hard to breathe.

But now, Lin Su has seized the Yanghu waterway and connected it from top to bottom. There is no Yanghu, only Yangjiang. The river washes away, filling the ugly riverbed with a river of spring water for the first time.

Immediately afterwards, there was the Yangjiang Renovation Project, which was famous in Zhongzhou.

All kinds of weeds and trees were cleared away, garbage was dug in special pits and buried, and the river embankment was built with white cement and stretched for hundreds of miles.

On the river embankment, various types of trees are preserved, and some red pavilions are even built.

After doing this, the people of Nanshan Mansion have their horizons widened.

The road surface is clean and tidy, the riverside is clean and tidy, the air is fresh, green grass and red flowers, weeping willows, the two sides of the long river in the past are all the most beautiful scenery in the world.

The favorite thing for scholars in Nanshan Mansion has changed from meeting guests in restaurants to outings on the riverbank.

The ladies of Nanshan Prefecture also like to ride in a small sedan and take a few or five followers to the river embankment for an outing.

Not to mention the people at home, even the celebrities from Zhongzhou would not want to leave as long as they set foot on this river embankment. It is said that several celebrities have lived here for a long time.

What's more, along this Xinyang River, Jinguang Poetry has been born, a poem specifically written for Xinyang River...

Look at the moonlit sky in the Dongting at night, and watch Liu Fei in Yangjiang River in the morning...

There is no need to elaborate on the scenery of Xiling. Once you enter Yangjiang, there will be no spring...

Yangjiang has become one of the two most famous poets' destinations alongside Dongting Lake.

Lin Su walked on the embankment, and the breeze blew up, but the pride in his heart still floated a little bit...

I am really a capable minister and official. This Nanshan that pigs don’t eat and dogs don’t chew, I just created such a beautiful scene in the world. The most important thing is that I have only been here for less than half a year, and the total time I have spent on real work has been added up. Less than a month!

After listening to a bunch of compliments from passers-by, and feeling a little swollen in his heart, Lin Su was in a very good mood. He shook his folding fan, walked like a prostitute, and stepped through the city gate into Nanshan City.

He didn't notice that behind an old willow tree on the side of Yangjiang River, a beautiful woman had a strange color on her face.

She is Su Rong!

It has been half a month since Su Rong entered Nanshan. This bastard is the prefect of Nanshan, but he has not been seen for a whole half month.

Today finally arrived.

In the past half month, Su Rong walked boredly through the streets and alleys of Nanshan, and crossed the Baili Long Causeway of Yangjiang. She heard the people talking about it, and for the first time, she felt a little confused...

She was a little unable to accept that this officialdom bastard who had already made a final decision, this bullshit prefect who occupied the throne of the prefect but did not fulfill his duties, how come there was a completely different conclusion among the people?

Almost all the people think highly of him.

Almost everyone said that he was the best and best prefect in the world.

Su Rong really wanted to talk to these ignorant passers-by and ask them if they had any misunderstandings about good and bad...

However, after going around too much, she felt a little unsteady in her heart...

She is not Lang Touqing who has never been out of the mountains. She has not been walking in the rivers and lakes for a day or two. The officials at all levels she has dealt with have all reached the level of prince. The prefectures she has visited cover the entire country...

She has never seen any prefect make such a big move, transforming a prefecture so thoroughly in less than half a year.

Although she firmly believed that Lin Su deserved to die.

But she couldn't avoid one point. The river embankment renovated by Lin Su was very beautiful.

Although she does not agree with the ridiculous perception of the common people.

But she also couldn't deny that the people under Lin Su's rule had indeed lived a better life. In the past, people could be seen everywhere freezing or starving to death every winter, but last winter, only a handful of people froze to death and starved to death in the entire Nanshan Prefecture. And they are all those who have not been linked to the Lin family. As long as they are linked to the Lin family, as long as they become the Lin family's flower growers, they will reach the sky in one step and start a new life path for them. It is very far away for them to freeze to death and starve to death. concept……

Su Rong walked step by step, wandering among the mountains and rivers of Nanshan, sometimes confused, sometimes determined, about practice, about Taoism, about officialdom, about human nature...

However, the moment she saw Lin Su, the waves in her heart suddenly calmed down, and she was replaced by only one thought: kill him!

I am a cultivator, and my heart as a cultivator is as strong as iron! Worldly affairs have nothing to do with me in the first place, and the thought of me worrying about those muddy legs is simply ridiculous.

This is the answer Su Rong gave herself!

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