Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 703 It’s certain: Cao Fang belongs to the Third Prince’s faction

Lin Su arrived in front of his yamen, and the folding fan slowly moved away, exposing his face to the sun. The yamen servant in the door suddenly opened his eyes, and almost at the same time, he knelt down and said, Your Majesty!

The words Master Fu Zun came from the door, and soon turned into a torrent. He Xingong's hand trembled, and a cup of tea almost poured on the face of Cao Li opposite...

Soon, all the chief officials from the four divisions and eight offices gathered at the same time. They all came to the door of the government office and bowed deeply at the same time: See you, Mr. Fu Zun!

Lin Su touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed: I'm just returning to the office as usual in Renzhong. If you do this, wouldn't it make people laugh if word spread about it? If someone with good intentions uses this to make trouble, those who don't know the inside story will still I thought I, the prefect, would only come here a few times...

Everyone looked at each other, Sir, are you really embarrassed to do this? Just tell me, how many times have you come here in a year?

Of course, in officialdom, you cannot say this...

He Xingong smoothed things over: Everyone, please leave. Master Cao and I need to report something to the Lord of the Palace...

Everyone then bowed and returned to their respective duties.

Lin Su took the official steps and stepped into the main hall.

He Xingong and Cao Li entered side by side. The yamen servants presented three cups of fragrant tea and retreated to the door...

My lord, you have worked hard all the way, please have some tea! He Xingong and Cao Li raised their glasses at the same time.

Lin Su held up the tea cup and smiled slightly: Before entering the Yamen, I have already walked around outside. You have done a good job during this time, very good!

This walk has taught me a lot.


This circle can be big or small, and the time can be long or short.

He walked around the river embankment outside for ten minutes and was called a complete circle. He visited seven counties privately incognito and walked around seven counties for three months, which was called a complete circle.

He Xingong and Cao Li nodded at the same time: Since Lord Fu took office, he has attached great importance to people's livelihood and people's sentiments. He has been incognito and inspected the sentiments of the people in seven counties, and slept in the open air. How can the officials and others not live in the government office and fulfill their duties with all their heart? Fortunately, now Everything is fine in Nanshan Mansion...

It only took three adults two words to settle the issue of Lin Su's long-term failure to perform his duties.

He values ​​people's livelihood and people's sentiments. He goes out for private visits incognito. He eats and sleeps in the open. He works harder than anyone else and is more pragmatic than anyone else. Damn...

Lin Su was very satisfied: Tell me about the basic situation during this period...

Palace Master He Xin, please report the surrounding situation first...

The situation on the outside could not be better...

The river embankment was completed at the end of last year. At that time, it was just based on your great trust, and no one thought much about it. Now that it is completed, everyone knows how foresight you are...

Once the river embankment was changed, the entire Nanshan Mountain suddenly became a paradise. Countless literati and scholars rushed there, and the reputation of Nanshan Mansion has spread beyond Zhongzhou...

This is just the reputation, but the second thing is that the rainy season is coming this year. Without this river embankment, who would dare to stay in the government office at all levels? They all went to various rivers, worrying about the upcoming rainy season. The adults were prepared for the rainy season, and they had already thought of this step. The completion of the river bank has put a key lock on the survival of the people...

In addition to the river embankment, what is more important is the livelihood of the people. Last winter, the total number of people who froze to death and starved to death in the whole province was less than a hundred. You need to know that in the past, the number of people who froze to death and starved to death was tens of thousands every year. Everyone has benefited from this. The flower deposit paid in advance by the Lin family...

The biggest surprise unfolded ten days ago. It was still the Lin family who came to Nanshan Mansion to collect flowers. Every flower farmer who planted one acre of flower land had a harvest of three taels of silver. The largest flower farmer planted more than ten acres and harvested more than thirty taels of silver. The entire Nanshan Mansion is boiling. If you go down to the counties at this moment, you may actually see many people's homes enshrining your immortality tablets...

Lin Su was dumbfounded, it was an immortal tablet again?

I refused on the Haining River Beach side, but stood up on the Haining River Beach side. What does this mean? Do I look like a Bodhisattva?

The more He Xingong talked, the more excited he became...

The most difficult thing for every government to do is collect taxes!

But Nanshan Mansion... Oh, Mr. Cao is responsible for this. Mr. Cao, please tell me...

The matter of tax collection is indeed an internal matter, and Cao Li is responsible for it...

Cao Li stroked his beard and started speaking...

The old man has also served as a county magistrate for more than ten years, and has also served as a magistrate. Naturally, he knows that the most difficult thing for an official is to collect taxes. The common people are so poor that they have no roof and no land, but how can the imperial grain and national taxes be exempted? pay? Every time a tax is collected, to be honest, it is extremely painful for the old man.

I can't bear it, but I can't help it.

Under the rule of Lord Fu Zun, the old man saw the wonders of officialdom...

Those flower farmers competed to pay the tax. They sold flowers first and then went to the county government to line up to pay the tax. Although the standard set by the adults was 10% of the tax, this 10% of the tax was paid in just ten days. , which has already exceeded the tax amount issued by the state government to Nanshan.

Having said this, Comrade Lao Cao smiled: Master Fu, on that day you exempted the people who built the river from the tax, and set a 10% tax standard for other people. Lao Cao and Master He were quite worried. Worried This year's tax and fee task gap is too large, and now it seems that you are wise and have already calculated it.

This is actually the level of vision.

In the eyes of people of this era, whether taxes can be collected depends on the level of the tax rate.

If 30% is not enough, increase it to 50%. If 50% is not enough, increase it to 60%. You will always make a fuss about the tax rate.

But Lin Su is not like this.

The tax rate under his rule is insanely low, only 10%!

Moreover, with a wave of his hand, those who participated in the construction of river embankments would be exempted from taxes and fees for the whole year!

With such a decision, no matter how hot-headed the officials present were at the time, a cold wind blew in their hearts, and everyone had a dilemma lingering in their minds... The adults have done their best to treat the people with kindness, but taxes and fees are a hard target from above. What to do if it doesn’t work?

Now the answer is out, taxes and fees have been completed, and it has been overfulfilled, half a year ahead of schedule.


Because Lin Su has enlarged his tax base!

In the past, when ordinary people dug food in the fields, their families could not earn more than three taels of silver a year, and they had to pay high land rents. At a 20% discount, you could get more than one tael at most, and your 50% tax was only half a tael.

What now? The common people can harvest ten taels of silver in a flower season, and even if the tax is only 10%, they still have one tael of silver.

It seems that the tax rate has been greatly reduced, but in fact the tax collected has doubled!

This is the advantage of enlarging the base, and it is a win-win situation for both the people and the government.

This move truly convinced Cao Li and He Xingong.

The people in the officialdom who were waiting to see Lin Su's joke were all dumbfounded.

Okay, I've got the official business in general, let's talk about other things... Lin Su held up the tea cup: Our Lord Zhizhou, and the prince next door, are there any changes?

As soon as these words came out, the two adults looked at each other...

King Lu Yang looks normal here, how can he be normal? Extremely restrained!

Before the Lord came to Nanshan, several of the princes of King Lu Yang basically used Nanshan City as their back garden. They came here to hang out when they had something to do, snatched a few civilian girls, teased a few young girls, beat a few people, and killed a few people every year. So, but after your Excellency came, especially after you showed your majesty in Luyang Palace, these phenomena disappeared. People from Luyang Palace almost never entered Nanshan. Even if they came, it was only for their housekeepers to purchase some supplies, and nothing happened. Don't cause trouble. It seems that the adults are really afraid of him.

However, there are signs that King Lu Yang is still recruiting people from the world. Recently, standing at the top of Nanshan City, you can occasionally see practitioners coming and going above King Lu Yang's palace.

As for Zhizhou...

Cao Zhizhou has never been to Nanshan Mansion, but he is extremely concerned about one thing...

What's the matter? Lin Su narrowed his eyes.

He Xingong's eyes were also quite complex, and he whispered: Sifang Mountain on Dongting Lake!

How to pay attention to the law?

He Xingong said: Your Excellency, you may not know, but there is a Zen temple on Sifang Mountain. A few days ago... to be precise, on the day after your Excellency entered the government office after the year, a tragedy occurred, and hundreds of monks in the Sifang Temple were killed. , was killed inexplicably, and the Sifang Zen Temple became an empty temple. Lord Zhizhou paid special attention to this matter, and went to Sifang Mountain in person. Later, he also found several masters in literature and spiritual practice to track down the murderer behind the scenes. .”

Lin Su acted as if he knew nothing about the matter and nodded: Under the rule of Zhongzhou, hundreds of people died at one time. Although they were monks, it was still a major case. It was considered legitimate for him as a Zhizhou to personally attend the scene, but I didn't know that Lord Zhizhou was On what day did you arrive at the scene?”

He Xingong said: I am ashamed to say this. Our Nanshan Mansion is separated from Sifang Mountain by a river, and it is the closest mansion to Sifang Mountain. However, we knew nothing about the murder. Instead, Lord Zhizhou discovered it first. He arrived in person the next day. Afterwards, the investigation was conducted for three days. The agents from Nanshan Prefecture and Jeju Prefecture were not allowed to participate, and all the agents from the state government took over. This seemed to be a dissatisfaction with Nanshan Prefecture and Jeju Prefecture...

Arrived in time!

The Zhizhou Prefecture’s own people will investigate!

After three consecutive days of checking, there was no more checking!

Lin Su completely understood the combination of three key pieces of information...

Cao Fang, the governor of the state, belongs to the third prince!

He knows very well about the Wujianmen stronghold in Sifang Mountain!

He is related to Wujianmen!

Therefore, he was able to know the occurrence of this tragedy at the first time, and he refused the involvement of the police officers below.

Why only check for three days?

Because three days later, the detailed video of the Sifang Mountain Massacre was delivered to the third prince (sent by Zhou Mei)!

He knew the whole situation, so there was no need to investigate.

Very good, he has already touched Cao Fang's bottom line!

Lin Su looked at the sky, it was just noon...

Two adults, although I have returned to the house, you should just pretend that I have not returned. The big and small things in the house are still the same as before. How should you deal with them? If you don't decide on foreign affairs, ask He Xingong. If you don't decide on internal affairs, ask Cao Li. , let’s all go!”

Lin Su patted his thigh and stood up.

He Xingong and Old Man Cao quickly stood up: Since you are back...

My ass is pointed and I can't sit in the office. Stop bothering me with shit about me! Lin Su interrupted them and went out.

The two looked at each other and sighed at the same time...

This sigh contains an element of helplessness, but it also contains an element of joy...

Although it is indeed very hard for them, serving as an official under Lin Su is not particularly difficult, because he has already solved the most difficult things.

More importantly, the status of the two of them is what all the masters and chief ministers in the world dream of. The prefect does not care at all, and they have the final say on all matters big and small in the same house.

They are not prefects, they are better than prefects.

At this point in life, what more can I ask for?

Lin Su left the magistrate's house and was greeted by someone outside.

Who is this?

She is dressed luxuriously and her face is rosy...

The man stepped forward and said, Sir, you are back!

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