Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 706 Yueying has been missing for thousands of years

There is no peerless beauty, but there is a literary genius and a peerless painting! Lin Su said: I see the problem with this person, but I really don't see that the cat in the painting will be like this. Variety.

Magic leads, changing in all directions, entering the painting as spirit, entering the world as reality, it's normal if you can't see it... Yao Gu's voice stopped suddenly.

Lin Su followed her gaze and smiled slightly: Don't worry, we are one of our own!

For Ji Sheng in the past, how could the queen beside him not be one of his own? Yaogu said lightly.

I understand what you mean! Lin Su said: Thanks for reminding me, but I am not Ji Sheng after all! I'm leaving...

He stood up from his recumbent state.

Yao Gu also stood up: Have you thought about it? It will be a full moon night soon!

Yes, today is April 13th! Lin Su said: Don't worry, since you have helped me find the magic guide, now let's see how I can compete with them!

Yaogu said: I know that your game skills are unparalleled in the world, and your precision is impeccable, but I still have to remind you not to trust women too much, especially beautiful women... because I know that with your ability, Maybe only beautiful women are your most fatal crisis!

Understood! I'll try to find someone who's not so pretty in the future... and let's go!

Lin Su shook her folding fan and walked out of the small garden. Yaogu stood there in a daze...

Did you listen to what I said?

My original intention was that you should be less romantic in the future. What did you interpret it to be? Find something less beautiful!

You've done enough harm to all the beautiful women in the world, and now you don't even let the unbeautiful ones go? Why am I talking so much? This is a sin...

Also, what do you mean when you say you are looking for a beautiful woman?


Do the sins I have committed should be committed on myself first?

When Lin Su stepped into the garden, he looked like a prostitute. When he left the garden, he also looked like a prostitute. Moreover, he was a prostitute who had slept in and combed his hair...

Zhou Mei even bit her lip, but she still forced herself to show calmness, and a voice came into his ears: Prefect Lin, you are really promising. In addition to working hard, you are dedicated to serving the Nanshan elders. With the purpose of wholeheartedly appeasing, Hui Ze village girl is truly a role model in officialdom!

Huize village girl!

Holy shit!

Lin Su sighed: I found that your mind is starting to get fancy. How come you can interpret this kind of lace in such a normal relationship?

How dare you, how dare you, it's not lace, it's in the garden, it's in broad daylight, what's the point of combing your hair? You didn't drag her into that small hut, and I didn't hear the bed board squeaking, which is a big improvement for you. That’s why I said you’ve made a difference…”

Zhou Mei crossed her arms and her true body appeared.


Lin Su coughed first, then changed the topic: How is the investigation going?

If you know how to do things, I will naturally do things too. Although the things I do are not as comfortable as yours, my sense of accomplishment seems to be a little stronger than yours. After all, dealing with a village girl is not a big deal. I found two documents The exact foothold of entering Nanshan is much more difficult...

Zhou Mei said something strangely, and then gave some exciting news.

Two of the three target persons, Li Qinghan and Du Yuanfeng, two elders of the Zhizhi Hall of White Deer Academy, have arrived in Nanshan and have been here for half a month, which exactly coincides with the time they left Beijing.

When these two people came to Nanshan, they actually did not hide their whereabouts.

Very high profile!

They came to Nanshan University to give lectures, and they actually gave lectures. The students at Nanshan University went crazy during this period.

The two elders are currently staying at Nanshan Inn.

Outside the inn, there were students surrounding them all the time. Poems and articles were sent in one after another. Unfortunately, the elders inside didn't even look at them. Every time they were sent in, they directly ordered them to take them. Go to the firewood room to make a fire. Therefore, the use of firewood in Nanshan Inn has plummeted during this period. You can boil a few pots of water by relying on the students' poems and articles...

Lin Su smiled: I thought you really worked hard. It took you a long time to get information that everyone knows.

No matter how useless this information is, how can it compare to you? Zhou Mei was dissatisfied.

After all, I am doing business, what about you?

Flirting with the village girl!

And you haven’t gotten it right yet!

See if you have any future!

Of course, she only thought about this in her mind, but didn't dare to say it out loud. If she did, in order to prove that he was very capable, he would get things done with the village girl on the spot. Wouldn't it... wouldn't he hurt others?

There was a mysterious smile in Lin Su's eyes: Do you really think I didn't gain anything today?

Huh? This is not the look in the eyes of the village girl who succeeded in flirting with her... What did you gain? Zhou Mei became interested.

First harvest! Lin Su said: I finally know the details of the man we met on the boat, named Lei Ruoxian!

Zhou Mei’s eyes brightened...

It has something to do with the demons!

Demon clan? Zhou Mei was shocked.

The second harvest! Lin Su said: I know what his method is, it is this...

Lin Su took out a hair...

Comprehensive explanation...

Zhou Mei completely lost her temper...

She is not stupid!

She even thought that she was one of the smartest people on the spiritual path!

However, even if she exhausted her imagination, she could not have imagined that it would end like this!

She knows Moon Shadow!

She knows about magic!

Because for thousands of years, although there are only a dozen or so human sages and heroes who have died under the shadow of the moon, each one of them leads a generation!

One by one, the heroes of the human race who led a generation died on a full moon night, leaving behind countless emotions, boundless mysteries, and endless mysteries.

She never thought that one day, she would be associated with such a legendary killing method.

Because this method is really too high-end!

It can only appear on the top human race!

There is even a legend that when Yueying kills people, he will only kill people on the Demon Clan’s Death List!

What is the Demon Clan’s Death List?

As defined by the demons themselves, only top figures from the human race who can change the situation between humans and demons will be listed on the fatal list!

Looking at contemporary times, who deserves it?

Now she knows, Lin Su!

Lin Su must be on the fatal list!

Otherwise, the legendary death of Yueying would not be possible on his head...

Suddenly, the little witch Zhou, who had seen so much and could not change her color despite the collapse of a mountain, her mind went blank...

He is going to die!

This man who always teased her and made her hate her so much was going to die!

Zhou Mei lost her mind...

She didn't know how to face such an ending...

What should I do? The three words, accompanied by her trembling voice, were also accompanied by the thoughts in her heart that turned over and over again in an instant...

Lin Su smiled, and his smile was undoubtedly a ray of sunshine in a desperate situation...

Zhou Mei's heartbeat quickened: Do you have any countermeasures?

Whenever there is danger in the world, there is opportunity! Lin Su said, I told you this a long time ago.

Where is the opportunity in this matter?

The machine is based on the news you just heard! Lin Su's voice came into Zhou Mei's ears, and Zhou Mei's whole body was shaken...

Put this devil on someone in the literary world and let this literary master die on his behalf!

He happened to be nearby to take a closer look at how Yueying killed someone!

This is how he deals with Moon Shadow's murder!

The killing method that made all the heroes of the human race fearful, in his case, turned out to be the tool he used!

Two literary masters came to Nanshan with a high profile. Originally, he had no good means to kill them, but now, the demon killing method suddenly appeared, and it turned out to be a knife in his hand!

His chess game, his thinking, his strategy, his calmness...

Is that human being?

This is a complete monster!

No matter how terrifying the force is, no matter how terrifying the person is, he can take advantage of it!

No matter how dangerous the situation is, you can still see the opportunity in it!

As they walked along, Zhou Mei slowly calmed down and said after taking a long breath: According to what you said, Yueying killed people on a full moon night, and there are still two days left!

Yes! But we can't bet that Yueying's murder will happen on the fifteenth day. The moon on the fourteenth day is actually quite round. Lin Su said.

Zhou Mei shuddered: So we have to take action now.

Exactly, now I will go meet these two elders of White Deer Academy as the prefect!

When the dean of White Deer Academy reaches a certain place, he has a proper status as a big shot, whether he is a local magistrate or a magistrate, there is nothing wrong with receiving him.

Lin Su entered the city and entered the alley. When he came out, he was already wearing the official uniform of the prefect. Zhou Mei, although there was no agreement in advance, had a tacit understanding. She changed her clothes and changed into the clothes of a book girl. , it is normal practice for the prefect to take his yamen with him when he goes out. Considering this world, the prefect is a high-level scholar with amazing combat power, so it is also normal to take a scholar without a yamen.

There are still a bunch of students outside Nanshan Inn.

Some are reciting poems.

Some are reciting.

Some are drinking.

Some are drinking tea.

Although it is something that everyone has done when the client delivers poems to the boss, most of them are private. In public, they prefer to show off their literary skills and recite poems and lyrics during the banquet. Their proud articles are the best display. They don't know whether the program they carefully prepared has left an impression on the big boss, but what if?

If a certain poem or passage happens to hit the hearts of two big guys, as long as they win the favor of these big guys, their life paths will be different from now on.

They chatted casually, keeping their eyes on the corridor on the second floor, listening to the goings on above.

There was no movement in front of me, but there was a commotion at the door...

When the students turned around, they were all shocked...

A young official strode over. The official uniform, which did not enhance his appearance, turned out to be eye-catching even when he was wearing it.

What’s even more frightening is that this person’s official uniform is clearly of the fourth rank!

With a bang, the waiter at the front desk suddenly knelt down and said, Welcome to you, Your Majesty the Prefect!

The shopkeeper behind him almost knocked over the counter in front of him, rushed out, and knelt down: Welcome to you, Your Majesty the Prefect! Your Majesty the Prefect is here to welcome you, the shop... the shop is full of glory!

Too excited to speak incoherently.

The waiter was very excited because the prefect was the largest official in Nanshan.

Also because the prefect is the most unique official.

He is the first grandmaster of Qinglian!

He is the number one scholar in the world!

He is also the legendary prefect who crushed King Lu Yang until he had no temper at all!

Under his rule, Nanshan has become unlike Nanshan.

It can be said that no one in the seven counties of Nanshan and Nanshan City dare to ignore this prefect. No matter what profession you are engaged in or what status you are, you can find something shocking in Lin Su.

Scholars cannot ignore Qinglian’s first master.

Politicians cannot ignore his turbulent official achievements in Nanshan.

Business people cannot ignore the Lin family's products.

People who travel around the world cannot ignore his swordsmanship.

Even brothel girls can't get around his lyrics and songs every day.

Even ordinary people felt deeply the huge difference in life in Nanshan after he came to Nanshan.

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