Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 707: Looking for someone to take the place of death in a life-or-death situation

Shopkeepers in ordinary restaurants feel this particularly deeply. Business is getting better and better, and expenses are getting smaller. Why? Water is free!

Almost everyone in Nanshan City is eager to meet the legendary prefect Lin Su, but they have little chance because Lin Su spends very little time in Nanshan, and even in Nanshan, he does not travel at all.

To be precise, in everyone's minds, there were only two travel experiences. One was when he took the team to Prince Lu Yang's Mansion, and the second was when he took the team to Dongting Lake.

For the first time, he forcefully seized the Yanghu Waterway from King Lu Yang, completely changing King Lu Yang's control over Nanshan Mansion.

The second time, ten large ships came from Haining via Dongting Lake, bringing livelihood to the five million people in Nanshan and completely changing the poverty and backwardness of Nanshan Prefecture.

Two trips, two legends.

Today is the third time that everyone has seen it!

He came to Nanshan Inn!

As soon as the students heard that the person coming was Magistrate Lin, they all stood up and bowed at the same time.

This bow may not be made by the prefect, but by the master of literature and art.

Some people also stood up in the rooms separated by veils at the back. They were the top names in the local brothel, and their presence was indispensable when the bosses were present and the literati gathered.

They also met the person they most dreamed of.

The originator of brothel poetry: Grandmaster Lin! ——Although they couldn't possibly know that Lin Su created the lyrics, most of the lyrics they sang belonged to someone Lin, and the divine song Butterfly that Lin Su sang by Huo himself had become an integral part of the entire music industry. Da Cang, the repertoire of countless brothels.

Therefore, Lin Su has long been the god in the eyes of the top brothel!

Lin Su faced all kinds of people, faced with all kinds of heads kneeling, bowing, and bowing. He waved his hands gently: Everyone, please sit still. I am here today just to pay a visit to the literary master of Bailu Academy. Xian! Elder Li, Elder Du, can you meet me?

The next sentence, go straight to the second floor.

A reply came quickly from the second floor: The prefect is here in person, how lucky are you two? Please come quickly!

The crowd parted with a swish, and Lin Su led Zhou Mei onto the second floor.

The people below were very excited.

The most excited person was the shopkeeper of Nanshan Inn.

From today on, Nanshan Inn has officially become the iconic restaurant of Nanshan City, because two literary sages from the capital stayed here, and Magistrate Lin Su came in person.

This is the most high-end club in the capital. Nanshan Inn is about to become famous all over the world!

Lin Su stepped onto the second floor. At the door of a huge guest room in front, two elders came out to greet him.

He had actually met these two people.

It was the two literary circles who wiped out the Wujianmen stronghold in Sifang Mountain that day. Their external label was not the literary world, but just the literary world. But of course Lin Su knew that they were the literary world, and they were very lethal literary experts.

Li Qinghan is in his forties or fifties, and his three long beards look like a scholar's elegance.

Du Yuanfeng is in his thirties and looks quite elegant and Zhou Zheng.

Such people should be representatives of gentle people wherever they are placed, but Lin Su has seen their tyranny with his own eyes...

Li Qinghan held an ancient scroll in his hand that night, and the yellow words flew out and turned into a murderous weapon. He killed hundreds of people, almost all of whom were above Daoguo.

Du Yuanfeng wrote Lin Su's handed down masterpiece Man Jiang Hong. Objectively speaking, the moon formed is similar to the lethality used by Lin Su himself.

Facing these two people, Lin Su bowed deeply: I spent some time in various counties, and I didn't even know that the two elders were coming. I only came to visit you today. It's really disrespectful! Forgive me!

Li Qinghan said: The prefect is too modest. The two of them left the capital this time just because of the invitation of Nanshan University. They did not dare to alarm the local officials. Prefect Lin was busy outside and did not know at all. It is definitely not disrespectful... Lord Prefect, please come in! Please!”

Lin Su followed them in.

The tea table in the room has been set up, and a student has poured the fragrant tea and is standing there.

Du Yuanfeng said: This student is Duan Yunkai, a student from Nanshan Academy. I think he is a talented person and accept him as a disciple. Yun Kai will serve tea to the prefect!

Yes! The disciple held up the teacup with both hands and handed it to Lin Su respectfully: Prefect, please have some tea!

Lin Su took his tea and smiled slightly: Elder Du is really discerning. This disciple is extraordinary at first sight.

Duan Yunkai bowed again: Thank you for the compliment, sir!

The atmosphere is extremely harmonious and the situation is extremely normal, but after all, there is still some disconnect, which can be seen just from the names.

The two elders called them Lin Su and only the magistrate.

When the two elders called themselves, they addressed themselves as themselves.

What does it mean?

This shows that they do not regard Lin Su as a fellow-minded person.

For a true literary and Taoist friendship, if you want to close the distance, one of the most convenient ways is to call Lin Su. If they call Lin Su Grandmaster Lin, or Brother Lin, the distance will be shortened.

For example, that's what Chen Geng did that day. He didn't hold an official position against Lin Su. He called Lin Su Grandmaster Lin.

For example, several literati Lin Su met on the road all called him Brother Lin.

In fact, Du Yuanfeng can also call Lin Su Brother Lin. He is in his thirties and is barely a contemporary of Lin Su...

but none!

In the eyes of outsiders, this may be the last bit of dignity that the elder of White Deer Academy retains in front of Lin Su.

However, in Zhou Mei's view, this is actually a promotion of position.

What does it mean to give up an opportunity to be nice and promote your position?

Zhou Mei had to admit that she didn't seem to have a mind like his, and it was impossible to detect deeper things based on superficial things.

But she knew clearly that Lin Su and the two elders had no intention of discussing anything substantial.

Their conversations were very formal.

It is nothing more than a high degree of affirmation for the lectures given by the two elders Nanshan.

I am very pleased that the two elders entered Nanshan.

The two elders also spoke highly of Lin Su's management of Nanshan.

But, it's all formal.

Lin Su did not detect what aspect they were teaching.

They also failed to decipher the true core of Nanshan’s transformation.

I just want to say that the river embankment outside Nanshan is very beautiful, the environment is very good, the health condition is very good, and the food in the restaurant is also very good...

Okay, this is the official form...

After drinking a few cups of tea and talking about a lot of useless things, Lin Su stood up and left...

The matter is over here.

Because he came today, the reason he put on the table was very formal - as the head of a house, he wanted to express his condolences to the great literary and moral sages who entered the house, nothing more.

Lin Su went down to the restaurant, walked out of the restaurant, and walked through the alley. No one was around...

Zhou Mei finally asked: Is it done?

You didn't notice? Lin Su smiled.

Zhou Mei thought for a moment and shook her head seriously.

Lin Su smiled: You didn't even notice it, then Li Qinghan couldn't notice it even more!

Taking advantage of the meeting, it was naturally not difficult to put a piece of light cat hair on Li Qinghan's head. However, he had to consider that Li Qinghan was in the literary world, and when he met with Lin Su, he seemed to be smiling. , but in fact it is defensive.

In this case, it is not easy to put even a hair on his head.

But Lin Su's space laws changed everything.

In a flash of thought, without raising his hand or moving his eyelids, the magic lure silently landed on Li Qinghan's head.

Moreover, Lin Su also discovered that this magic lure was really magical. As soon as it came close to Li Qinghan's head, his hair would automatically turn into gray hair.

Even if Li Qinghan knew that he had made a fuss about his head, he probably wouldn't be able to find this magic hair!

Unless Yaogu is willing to comb his hair with a comb.

Zhou Mei relaxed completely: What should we do now?

There is a restaurant over there. You go and get a room, and I will sneak in secretly... Lin Su gave her instructions.

Zhou Mei went to open the room. She knew why she opened the room. This room was separated from the Nanshan Inn by a wall. If it was on the third floor, she could clearly see the second floor of the Nanshan Inn.

However, she still felt a little awkward. Why do I mean I open a room and you sneak in secretly?

You make me sound like a man-stealer...

The room was opened, and she chose the third floor of the restaurant.

Just as the door was closed, a figure appeared out of thin air. Lin Su had already changed his clothes and returned to the most charming literati clothes.

Don't worry about it during the day. Let's just keep vigil at night! Lin Su picked up the teapot and poured a cup for herself and Zhou Mei.

This tea was brought by the maid who brought Zhou Mei in. Nanshan is a small place. After all, not every place has a fire magic stone automatic heating system.

Then we can analyze it during the day. Zhou Mei took his tea.

You start...

Zhou Mei said: It is now basically confirmed that Lei Ruoxian has an affair with the demons. If there is really an affair, the name is probably a fake name and the origin is probably also fake.


Zhou Mei said: But that's not necessarily the case! Because in his mind, you must be a dead person. There is no need for him to hide it in front of a dead person.

Lin Su paused when the tea cup reached her mouth: Your analysis is completely opposite to what you said at the beginning. Should I agree or disagree?

Zhou Mei smiled softly: You just give your judgment and that's it. Who makes you care about my judgment?

Lin Sudao: Theoretically, he must give a false name and a false origin, because he has an affair with the demon clan and the matter is too sensitive. He dare not expose even the slightest bit, even if I am a dead person in his dictionary, and you !”

Zhou Mei nodded...

Indeed it is!

Even if he is in the Demon Clan's dictionary... I don't know what the dictionary is, but he always says this, so you might as well quote it. Even if he is a dead person in the Demon Clan's dictionary, doesn't he still have himself? Isn't Lei Ruoxian worried about making the trip on the boat public? To expose the fact that he had an affair with the demons?

Therefore, his origin and name must be false.

Lin Sudao: But there is one thing he can't fake.

Literary background?

Yes! Hua Dao is just a side sect. Not many people choose it, and there are even fewer people who can reach his level. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can definitely find it out.

How to check? Zhou Mei was excited. Investigating people, cases and information was her specialty.

Lin Su shook his head: You can't check it! Maybe I can!


Because the best place to check his information is the temple! He has already broken through the painted path. Everyone who has broken through the painted path has records. What kind of painted path he broke through and when he broke through are all accurate. Record.


Forget it!

I don’t know where the temple is…

Zhou Mei gave up her idea and hesitated for a while: Will the temple help you investigate?

You asked me a question again that I don't know...

Yes, although he was already a regular member of the temple, he still knew nothing about the temple.

In his life...oh, no, he met several people from the temple during his journey. Some of them had similar ideas, but most of them had different opinions. Elder Sanwu of the Nongsheng Holy Family clearly told him that you are in There are enemies in the temple. Among the seventeen palaces in the temple, at least the Palace of Poetry and the Palace of Painting are explicitly hostile to you.

If it is finally found out that this so-called Lei Ruoxian is from the Temple Painting Palace, it will really be a big deal.

This idea came suddenly, and Lin Su herself was frightened...

It's one thing whether the temple is friends or enemies with him, but it's another thing if he has an affair with the demons...

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